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建国初期的司法改革运动是新中国法制建设史上的重大事件。开展此次运动是当时巩固人民政权、实行人民民主专政、维护革命秩序的要求,成绩很大。但是由于对旧法观点包括西方资本主义国家的法律思想未能采取实事求是的态度而予以全盘否定,对新中国后来的法制建设和法学发展产生了不可低估的负面影响。回顾、总结此次运动的经验和教训,正确处理法律的阶级性与普世性、司法与政治、司法官职业化与司法大众化以及司法程序化与司法便民化之间的关系,对于当前进行的司法体制和工作机制改革具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

我国刑事和解制度阙失的根本成因在于对其法理基础的不自信,本质是被害人在刑事诉讼过程中的缺位、边缘化和失语。刑事和解制度的建立和完善是我国刑事司法制度实现由国家主义向民本主义转型的必然要求,是重估和校正传统的刑罚功能判定的必然结论,是凸显刑罚促进社会和谐价值的必然举措。适用于特定刑事案件的刑事和解制度的建构及其运作,应当遵循促进当事人和解、尊重当事人意思自治、坚持司法机关主导的基本原则,并对达成刑事和解协议的加害人实行轻缓化的刑罚处遇。  相似文献   

The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) is responsible for publishing Standard Certificates of Birth and Death for the United States of America. The standard certificates are revised roughly every 10 years. The revision process is designed to ensure that the standard certificates meet, as nearly as possible, the use for which they are intended at all levels: individual, local, state, and federal. The authors report on the most recent revision of the U.S. Standard Certificate of Death, recording the process and the role of the National Association of Medical Examiners in the process. Changes recommended during revision include requesting known aliases of a decedent and rearrangement of the certificate to provide more room for those items requesting dates and for describing how the injury occurred. New items have been added asking for information regarding traffic fatalities, the role of tobacco use in causing death, and whether female decedents were pregnant. Once approved by the Department of Health and Human Services, the new standard certificate will be made available to the states. Each state will have 2 years to adapt the U.S. Standard Certificate of Death to its use and to implement new state death certificates on January 1, 2003.  相似文献   

美国产品责任法归责原则的演进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为侵权责任法重要组成部分的产品责任法,其担当着平衡社会主体之间,尤其是消费者集团与生产者集团之间利益关系的重要角色。美国产品责任法经历了从合同责任到侵权责任,进而由一般侵权责任到特殊侵权责任的发展过程。从历史发展的角度,展现美国商品经济各个时期侵权责任法归责原则的不同表现,分析它们产生的时代背景、理论基础及法律渊源等因素,从而获得了美国产品责任法归责原则纵向发展的概貌、制度特色,从中可以发现对我国产品责任立法的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

行政法法官是美国行政法中颇具特色的制度,上世纪40年代,加州试验将部分行政法法官集中合署办公,由此掀开地方行政法法官集中使用制度的序幕。行政法法官集中使用制度的理论、地方实践、成功经验和推行行政法法官集中使用制度的前景,对行政法法官制度乃至美国行政法的这一新发展更深入地了解,对完善我国有关行政法律制度将会有所借鉴和帮助。  相似文献   

This article describes the process and results of monitoring the programme integrity of FOR . . . A Change, a group programme for offenders, as it was being delivered in three prisons in the United Kingdom. In so doing, it briefly describes the aims, structure, and theoretical orientation of the programme; explains what informed the particular approach to checking for integrity and how it was implemented; outlines the results; and finally, postulates the requisite conditions for the successful maintenance of programme integrity.  相似文献   

《Russian Politics and Law》2013,51(1):103-107
The power of the people determines the character of all the political institutions of Soviet society, the fundamental points of superiority of Soviet government and democracy, and their creative role in guaranteeing economic and social progress and in the building of communism. It is natural that problems pertaining to the power of the people are of particular importance to the Soviet system of government organization and to jurisprudence.  相似文献   

Identification of the cranium of W.A. Mozart   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1801 at the cemetery in Vienna, Austria, the skull of W.A. Mozart was exhumed (La Chronique Médicale, 13 (1906) 423), and now it has been examined for identification. The osteometrical and osteological findings correspond with the available data of W.A. Mozart. Superimposition gives evidence that craniofacial distinctiveness of the cranium is consistent with the portrait. Additional individual particularities caused by the premature synostosis of the metopic suture (PSMS) and a bone lesion are described.  相似文献   

从证据与程序的关系看,证据不仅需要与待证事实有关联,还是一种法律程序产品,是一系列法律行为后产生的某种结果。不同法律程序在程序目的、程序性质、程序保障、程序严格性等方面存在不同,上述差异影响和塑造了不同性质的证据,进而产生了证据衔接的问题。《监察法》构建了一个独立的法律程序,对公职人员职务违法、职务犯罪行为的调查适用《监察法》及相关规定,监察证据与刑事证据也面临着衔接的问题。监察调查程序与刑事侦查程序相比,在规范密度、权力行使、程序保障等方面存在一定差异。在当前的立法框架下,要求监察机关在收集、固定证据时参照刑事诉讼法的相关规定,有助于优化监察调查的程序环境,为监察证据与刑事证据有效衔接提供正当性。  相似文献   

This article presents a critical reevaluation of the thesis—closely associated with H. L. A. Hart, and central to the views of most recent legal philosophers—that the idea of state coercion is not logically essential to the definition of law. The author argues that even laws governing contracts must ultimately be understood as “commands of the sovereign, backed by force.” This follows in part from recognition that the “sovereign,” defined rigorously, at the highest level of abstraction, is that person or entity identified by reference to game theory and the philosophical idea of “convention” as the source of signals with which the subject population has become effectively locked, as a group, into conformity.  相似文献   

美国检察官在司法实践中存在一些起诉不当的做法,危害极大。美国检察官起诉不当行为的出现原因多元化,其中最为突出的因素有三。目前,美国正积极地推动从三个方面入手来遏止检察官的起诉不当行为。我国也存在一些类似的问题,认真地审视美国的问题可以为中国问题的解决提供一些思路。  相似文献   

Motivated by the debate over how to deal with the huge backlog of untested sexual assault kits in the U.S.A., we construct and analyze a mathematical model that predicts the expected number of hits (i.e., a new DNA profile matches a DNA sample in the criminal database) as a function of both the proportion of the backlog that is tested and whether the victim–offender relationship is used to prioritize the kits that are tested. Refining the results in Ref. (Criminol Public Policy, 2016, 15, 555), we use data from Detroit, where government funding was used to process ≈15% of their backlog, to predict that prioritizing stranger kits over nonstranger kits leads to only a small improvement in performance (a 0.034 increase in the normalized area under the curve of the hits vs. proportion of backlog tested curve). Two rough but conservative cost‐benefit analyses—one for testing the entire backlog and a marginal one for testing kits from nonstranger assaults—suggest that testing all sexual assault kits in the backlog is quite cost‐effective: for example, spending ≈$1641 to test a kit averts sexual assaults costing ≈$133,484 on average.  相似文献   

Reports the results of examination of the skeleton of Admiral F. F. Ushakov, carried out in connection with canonization in the Russian Orthodox Church. Heretofore unknown data on the somatic characteristics of F. F. Ushakov and his diseases are presented. Special attention is paid to uneven age involution of the skeleton and the hypoergic aging velocity. A detailed morphological similarity between the skulls of F. F. Ushakov and monk Feodor (Admiral's uncle, I. I. Ushakov) evidenced common features inherited through the masculine line. Modern computer technologies showed that the appearance of F. F. Ushakov, determined by the skull and postcranial skeleton, agree with his appearance on the life-time portrait, in spite of Professor M. M. Gerasimov's opinion (1949). In this connection, the possibility of repeated reconstruction of Admiral Ushakov's appearance is proven.  相似文献   

Expanding the number of U.S. district judgeships is often justifiedas a response to expanding caseloads. Increasing judgeshipsduring unified government, however, allows Congress and thePresident to engage in political (patronage and ideological)control of the federal district courts. This paper examinesempirically the relative importance of caseload pressure andpolitical motives for Congress to expand the number of federaldistrict judgeships. We demonstrate that politics dominatesthe timing of judgeship expansion in the U.S. District Courts.We also show that both politics and caseload affect the actualsize of those timed expansions. In particular, we find thatbefore 1970, Congress seemed to have strong political motivationsfor the size of an expansion. After 1970, Congress became muchmore attentive to caseload considerations.  相似文献   

This article identifies the factors that contribute to the successful implementation of intersectionality in European multilevel legal praxis through the analysis of the case B.S. v. Spain. Combining critical legal analysis of the main judicial documents with qualitative methodology from political science based on in‐depth interviews with key actors involved in the case, we uncover the obstacles and opportunities existing at the national and supra‐national levels for the implementation of intersectionality. We decipher the factors contributing to the exceptional success of this case through the conjoint analysis of macro, meso, and micro levels. Our analysis shows that a combination of the legal provisions, paradigms and structures, the roles of the different actors involved, and the applicant's subjective position made it possible to put intersectionality in practice. This study provides novel empirical evidence that contributes to advancing the theoretical debate about intersectionality implementation in the multilevel European context.  相似文献   

穷尽行政救济原则是美国《联邦行政程序法》的一项重要原则,它与行政行为成熟原则、行政行为完成原则共同构成了美国行政诉讼受案时间的立体化标准。1993年达比诉西斯内罗斯案在穷尽行政救济原则的发展进程中具有重要的变革意义,该案以《联邦行政程序法》第704条后半部分的规定为基础,确立了穷尽行政救济要求的新规则。穷尽行政救济原则的演进过程,本质上是穷尽问题和例外情形两条主线相互交叉、共同发展的过程。坚持穷尽行政救济原则对于有效解决行政争议、保障行政机关的自治权、进而提高司法效率具有积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

论英国的分时度假立法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汪传才 《河北法学》2005,23(7):122-127
英国是欧盟成员国中最早制定分时度假专门立法的国家,欧盟分时度假指令也是在该国的推动下出台的。因此,研究英国分时度假立法,对我国将来的立法应有一定的借鉴价值。从英国分时度假法的立法背景出发,重点介绍了英国立法的内容及其重大修订,并做出相应评述。  相似文献   

笔者认为医疗事故的处理中存在4大关键性问题:范围限定、科学鉴定、赔偿依据、责任承担方式。大量的事实说明,在对医疗事故处理的立法上,不仅在中国,而且在世界上许多发达国也没有合理解决这些。为了更科学的处理医疗事故、协调医患双方的利益,本文对这4个方面进行了分析,比较了中美立法上的异同,指出中美立法中各自存在的优缺点,在一些敏感、难点问题上提出了自己的一些建议,对今后中国医疗事故处理的立法、兼顾医患双方利益、妥善处理民事纠纷做出了有益的探索。  相似文献   

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