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作为高职思想政治教育的新载体,学生志愿服务为高职思想政治教育工作从认知到行为提供了转化途径,是构成高职院校思想政治教育的重要环节,为促进学生全面发展提供了有力支持。高职学生志愿服务相比于普通本科学生志愿服务更注重学生的社会参与性,高职院校应牢牢抓住这一特点来激发学生志愿服务的思想政治教育功能的发挥,并通过管理科学化、保障机制落实、服务品牌打造、专业化水平提升等途径来增强高职院校思想政治教育工作的实效性。  相似文献   

志愿服务是高校思想政治教育的平台,志愿精神是大学生思想政治教育的内容。大学生正处于主体性发展的关键时期,挖掘并实现志愿服务的主体性思想政治教育功能,促进并引导大学生从志愿精神到服务意识的主体性发展,对于增强思想政治教育活力、丰富思想政治教育内涵具有现实意义。  相似文献   

中国志愿服务组织发展的背景涉及政府服务、管理创新、社会参与、低碳环保等方面,在发展进程中也会遇到各种问题.因此,中国志愿服务组织发展的对策建议包括:第一,完善中国志愿服务发展统筹协调体系;第二,全社会宣传推广志愿精神与志愿文化;第三,积极改革公益类社团登记和管理制度;第四,大力发掘和培育自主型志愿服务组织;第五,培养和造就富有影响力的志愿者领袖;第六,探索政府委托志愿组织购买服务途径;第七,建立志愿组织服务效益评估监督机制;第八,扩大志愿服务组织的国际交流与合作.  相似文献   

青年志愿服务事业的机制建设,有内部机制、外部机制之分。它作用于青年志愿服务事业的全过程, 缺少任何一环机制.或者任何一个环节的机制不完善,势必影响青年志愿服务,势必影响青年志愿服务事业的发 展。  相似文献   

中国的志愿服务最初在社区诞生,以青年志愿者为主体,通过为社区老人、残疾人、困难家庭等特殊服务以及便民利民服务项目,受到广大群众的欢迎。如今,伴随志愿服务从城市到农村的扩展,志愿者从青年群体向多年龄群体的扩展,逐渐形成全社会参与、全民化热潮的志愿服务潮流,成为中国和谐文化的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

英国志愿服务发展及对中国的启示   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
英国是世界上志愿服务最成熟的国家之一,分析英国志愿服务的成功经验,对我国发展青年志愿者行动有着重要的启发意义。  相似文献   

浅论美国志愿服务经验及其借鉴价值   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
志愿服务在美国社会中起着举足轻重的作用,拥有完善的体系和丰富的工作经验,这为目前广东志愿服务事业的发展提供了良好的借鉴。广东在社会转型期对志愿服务有着巨大的需求,志愿服务在建设和谐广东中可以发挥不可替代的功能和作用。从广东志愿服务的发展现状出发,借鉴美国的先进经验,将有助于发展广东志愿服务工作,建设和谐广东。  相似文献   

志愿服务的发展是公民社会发育到一定程度的必然要求,是公众参与社会生活的重要方式之一。志愿精神体现了个人对生命价值、社会、人类和人生观的一种积极态度,现代和谐社会的发展需要志愿服务的发展和志愿精神的确立。要推进志愿服务的持续化发展,必须确保志愿服务发展的规范性、专业化和共赢原则。  相似文献   

中国志愿服务发展的十大趋势分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
依据文献资料和调查数据,预测和分析中国志愿服务发展的十个趋势,包括志愿服务发展社会化、志愿服务团体独立化、志愿服务活动效益化、志愿服务资金多元化、志愿服务项目创新化、志愿服务人员长期化、志愿服务管理层次化、志愿服务交往多样化、志愿服务网络普遍化、志愿服务保障法制化。根据这种趋势,政府机构和社会各界应该提供良好的发展空间,促进志愿服务事业兴旺发达。同时,不断壮大的志愿服务事业对于社会稳定、和谐、发展、进步具有非常重要的支持功能。  相似文献   

使用问卷调查的方式对当前大学生志愿者参与专业化志愿服务和一般性志愿服务的现状,以及专业化志愿服务的供给与需求情况展开调查。调查发现,当前高校大学生志愿者更多地是参加一般性的志愿服务活动,专业化志愿服务出现需求大于供给的情况。在研究中发现,专业化志愿服务对大学生以及志愿服务的发展具有重要作用。高校应当结合自身实际情况,积极开展专业化的志愿服务活动。  相似文献   

Bronwyn Davies, Frogs and Snails and Feminist Tales. Preschool Children and Gender (Allen and Unwin) Sydney, 1989; E. Deidre Pribram (ed.), Female Spectators. Looking at Film and Television (Verso) London/New York, 1988; Derek Longhurst (ed.), Gender, Genre and Narrative Pleasure (Unwin Hyman) London, 1989.  相似文献   

政治参与同政治稳定有着密切的关系,两者是统一的,从根本意义上讲,政治参与的实现可以促进社会政治稳定。政治参与通过公民参与政治生活愿望的满足,政治传导和反馈系统的增强,以及政治监督和政治安全阀门作用的发挥来巩固和促进社会政治稳定。但是,政治参与并非一定能带来政治稳定,两者之间存在着一些变数关系。政治参与的制度化水平,政治参与主体的组织化程度以及政治参与形式的运用都会影响到社会政治稳定。  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted. In the first, developmental information was gathered on young people's efforts to construct and elaborate on an ideal society. The subjects were 54 white middle-class boys, equally divided among 8–, 11–, and 16-year-olds. The interview protocols suggested a typology consisting of (1) a personalistic, nongovernmental construction of society, based on the child's own life space, with a concern for biological needs such as food and shelter; (2) a construction of specific but unrelated governmental institutions; (3) a better-organized conception of how institutions are interrelated; (4) a commitment to abstract principles. In the second investigation, the task and typology were applied to the study of high school left-wing activists and nonactivists –93 in all. The activists were not clearly more committed to abstract principles, although they were entertaining utopian possibilities of a society with few laws. But the surprising finding was the activists' resemblance to the youngest children (type I); they too constructed a personalistic society potentially within their own life space and were concerned with biological life-supportive issues.Study I in this paper — carried out by the second author was part of a doctoral dissertation, Conceptions of the Political Regime in the Years 8 to 16, submitted to the Department of Political Science, the University of Chicago, 1971. Study II was done by the first author. The coding manuals for Study I and Study II are available on request from the authors.Received Ph.D. in Human Development from the University of Chicago and took a clinical internship at the University of Illinois College of Medicine. Main interest is in developmental theory and political attitudes.Received Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Chicago. Main interest is in political theory.  相似文献   

During the years of authoritarian regimes in several countries of Latin America, women's political participation against these governments has had a distinctive political imagination—a female political imagination that uses scarfs, photographs tied to the bodies of the participants, white handkerchiefs and flowers among other symbolic objects. This paper will study the metaphors of female political ideology in two countries of the Southern Cone: Argentina and the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo and in Chile Women for life.  相似文献   

The food and agriculture sector is both a major contributor to climate change and especially vulnerable to its worst impacts. This means that much is at stake in what is a complex set of contested political dynamics as new governance agendas are rolled out. On one hand, there is a strong push for ‘climate-smart agriculture’ (CSA) and related initiatives in the area of marine resources such as the idea of the blue economy, as an attempt to bring a range of viewpoints together to address the interrelationship between these ecological and economic systems. On the other hand, critics see these strategies as promotion of more of the same kinds of policies that created stress in the climate–food system in the first place. To unpack these issues, this special forum brings together a collection of papers that highlight three overlapping themes that lie at the centre of these debates, yet which have not been fully acknowledged by those implementing CSA initiatives: the role of power and interests in shaping governance approaches to climate and food systems; the ways in which existing approaches, primarily those promoting open markets and technology, are reinforced in governance initiatives; and the sidelining of questions of inequality.  相似文献   

The affirmation of radical left political ideology was examined among a total of 159 religious apostates and 272 religious believers who were undergraduates at five Chicago area colleges (study I) and seven western North Carolina colleges (study II). Contrary to current assumptions, apostates were not converts to radical ideology in any significant proportion, although they were clearly more disenchanted with their society and more sharply critical of its basic institutions. Apostates seem to take an ideological stance of critical disengagement rather than substitute conversion. Implications are discussed in the context of Erikson's theory interrelating ideological commitment and identity formation in youth.Study I was part of a doctoral dissertation by the first author at The University of Chicago.Received his B.A. from Stanford University, M.A. from Brandeis University, and Ph.D. from the Committee on Human Development, University of Chicago (1971). Main research interest is in the developmental psychology of religious faith and doubt.Received his B.A. and M.A. from the University of Chicago and his Ph.D. from the Committee on Human Development, University of Chicago. Main research interest is in the psychology of professions.  相似文献   

This article seeks to determine what light the literature on the political economy of agriculture in Southeast Asia can shed on the analysis that underpins the World Bank's 2008 World Development Report, Agriculture for Development. It argues that work on Southeast Asia highlights gaps and problems in the Bank's account relating to the dynamics of boom crops, to the nature of social and political mobilisation around agriculture, and to the conceptualisation of agrarian transition.  相似文献   

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