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新公共管理运动所倡导的"效率至上"理念试图寻求政府绩效管理中的"唯一最佳路径",这在实践中遇到了各种各样的挑战。政府绩效改进不仅要关注组织效率的提升,更重要的是要寻求在不同情境下公共价值的创造和实现,在以公共价值为基础的政府绩效治理理论框架下,政府绩效损失是基于对政府绩效结构的认识,审视绩效生产过程和改进绩效的切入口。政府绩效损失从工具理性和公共价值两个方面提出了不同于传统政府绩效管理分析方法的价值分析路径,从回顾绩效损失的概念及其治理的研究出发,以政府绩效价值链分析的"环节—要素"矩阵为基础,论述了公共价值管理范式下绩效损失测度的理论框架。  相似文献   

包国宪  王学军 《公共管理学报》2012,(2):89-97,126,127
政府绩效管理兴起二十多年来,已由西方国家应对财政和信任危机、提高行政效率的工具拓展为各国政府改革和创新的重要内容,新公共管理的实践价值和理论优势在其中都得到了充分体现。但其理论缺陷和实践中的困惑,特别是在公共价值方面的冲突使学术界的探索从未停止过。本文通过对中国、美国、日本等国的实践案例考察,从制度变迁和公共行政学术史两个层面的质性研究,提出了以公共价值为基础的政府绩效治理理论体系框架。文章首先从"公共性"、"合作生产"和"可持续"三个方面对新公共管理背景下的政府绩效管理进行了反思,认为公共价值对政府绩效合法性具有本质的规定性。其次,初步论证了以公共价值为基础的政府绩效治理的两个基本命题——政府绩效是一种社会建构、产出即绩效;认为只有来源于社会的政府绩效才能获得合法性基础,也只有根植于社会的政府绩效才能产生其可持续提升的需要,这是政府绩效管理的根本动力;而在政府绩效价值建构基础上的科学管理,才能保证政府产出与社会需求的高度一致,充分体现科学管理的价值。再次,从这两个基本命题出发,以价值管理和管理科学理论为基础,构建起了以公共价值为基础的政府绩效治理模型,并对模型中政府绩效的价值建构、组织管理和协同领导系统等主要内容进行了阐述。最后,从模型如何"落地"、政府绩效管理的价值分析和研究拓展等方面提出了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

公共一致性产生于政治经济学科领域,最初作为一种具体层面的决策规则,进而被当成一种令人关注的社会政治现象,直至将其纳入公共管理视野进行考察,无不显示出其理论解释的魅力。公共一致性理论的探讨才刚刚开始。文章发展了一个公共一致性理论,建立了三个理论命题,并用F市推行政府绩效管理的公共政策实践进行观察检验。结果表明,公共一致性可以通过公权力、经常和持久的社会因素而实现。但是,公开的讨论和辩论才是形成公共一致性的良好基础。  相似文献   

公共价值管理:西方公共行政学理论的新发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
20世纪90年代,作为对治理理论的回应,公共价值的概念被人们提出。围绕公共价值的概念,公共价值管理理论逐渐兴起与发展,并拥有独特的理论主张,即多维度的概念阐述和构成要素,通过政治协商网络定义公共价值,通过合作递送网络生产公共价值,通过有效的责任与评估体系实现公共价值。公共价值管理的理论创新在于:重新组合国家治理结构的关系,重新定义政府核心职能和公共管理者的角色与使命,重新统一效率与民主的价值标准,重新发展与变革民主理论。  相似文献   

公共治理视野下我国农村公共文化服务绩效评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村公共文化服务绩效评估有利于形成公共文化的多中心治理机制、提高农民群众对公共文化参与度和满意度,进而提升农村公共文化服务水平。然而目前我国农村公共文化服务绩效评估研究的缺失,在一定程度上导致了我国农村公共文化供求错位,阻碍了农民群众对公共文化的有效参与。  相似文献   

现代公共支出管理需要建立新型的政府.而公共支出绩效管理在本质上的3E目标事实上与目前我国地方政府转型的目标是有内在统一性的逻辑联系的.因此,目前公共支出绩效管理的弊端事实上正在多方向影响甚至阻碍着我国地方政府的顺利转型.我国改善公共支出绩效管理以促进地方政府转型的重点应为:引入“目标导向”的管理理念,完善和创新制度体系,建立科学的公共支出绩效评价体系并以多种方式和多种渠道加强对公共支出绩效的监督工作.  相似文献   

基于公共价值的生态建设政策绩效评价及比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
樊胜岳  陈玉玲  徐均 《公共管理学报》2013,(2):110-116,142,143
自20世纪末以来,我国实行了大规模的生态建设政策,其实施后的绩效评价是值得深入探讨的重要课题。本文从公共价值角度,构建了生态建设过程与生态效果相结合的生态建设政策绩效评价指标体系,并以宁夏盐池县实施的四种生态建设政策为例,采用AHP方法,计算出各个指标因子的权重,测定基于公共价值的退耕还林、天然林保护政策的绩效评价值分别为0.9297和0.8531,实施效果很好;"三北"防护林政策绩效评价值为0.5755,效果一般;草地禁牧政策的绩效评价值为0.3661,实施效果较差。绩效比较是发现不同的生态政策是否存在问题和能否顺利实施的一种较好的方法。它为将生态政策评价纳入政府绩效管理体系提供了一种新尝试。  相似文献   

公共管理背景下的政府绩效评估   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
田萱 《理论导刊》2003,(6):12-13
政府管理的实质是服务与指导。在全球关注公共管理的大背景下,随着市场经济体制的确立与完善,强化政府的服务与指导功能已是中国政治体制改革的基本方向。因此评估政府绩效就成为提高政府效率的一个重要手段。为此,应确立科学、合理的评估标准,加强一系列评估措施,导入市场机制,运用科学的方法,使评估政府绩效成为一项制度化的工作。  相似文献   

关注价值规范是评价政府公共治理效能的必要构成,从公共治理的学科归属和多元共治的社会现实两个维度可以正当地归纳出共生发展、三效合一、以人为本、公平正义、民主有为、竞争合作、妥协协商、主权唯一、幸福自足等评价政府公共治理效能的价值规范。  相似文献   

赵凌云 《行政论坛》2001,5(2):12-13
本文从职能与职权的内在统一性出发,对行政权力五个方面的特殊性质作了深入探讨,分析其特殊性对政府职能转变产生的隐性影响.针对其中的不利方面给出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

Political science research on agenda setting has been focused on how and why political agendas change over time. This article addresses the different but equally important question about how agenda setting actually matters to the policy outputs of national policy making. Do changes in the political agenda foreshadow changes in public policies? And does the effect of changes in the political agenda depend upon the policy preferences expressed by the mass public? Integrating research on policy agendas with well‐established ideas about re‐election‐oriented representation, this article offers a new approach to the study of such agenda effects. Furthermore, it demonstrates the empirical validity of this approach using a Danish dataset of public opinion, public policy and the national political agenda spanning a quarter of a century and covering several different issues.  相似文献   

David Lowery 《管理》1999,12(1):29-55
A neoprogressive research agenda is developed to challenge public choice theory's position as the new orthodoxy in both understanding and guiding policy choices about urban service delivery. Such a challenge requires more than accumulating negative empirical tests. Rather, we must accept the new burden of proof laid on proponents of progressive reform institutions by the theories of nonmarket failure and quasimarkets, ideas that undermined the intellectual pillars supporting progressive reform institutions and can only be challenged by new ideas. Public choice theory itself, broadly considered, is proposed as a valid source of such new ideas. Three research programs, in part already underway, are outlined as essential building blocks in the research agenda, focusing, respectively, on blunting the rough edges of the theory of nonmarket failure, coordinating the empirical critiques of quasimarkets in a new theory of quasimarket failure, and developing the new institutionalism so that it can provide the basis for comparing the production outcomes of alternative urban institutions.  相似文献   

Munger  Michael C. 《Public Choice》2000,103(1-2):1-12

All societies, political or academic, must choose among alternatives; these choices can be good, or bad. The worst choice may be looking for“answers” before there is consensus, or at least a debate, on what the real questions should be. Five “real” questions are offered here, in an integrated research agenda for Public Choice. My premis is that there is a single, fundamental human problem: Construct or preserve institutions that make self-interested individual action not inconsistent with group welfare. All social science research is either a distraction, or a step toward understanding at least one of five questions: (1) What are Preferences? (2) What are feasible Alternatives? (3) How much does the form of Implementation affect the way alternatives are valued? (4) How do alternatives chosen Today affect the Menu of alternatives available in the Future? (5) What is Good? How would we know if some outcomes are better than others?


微博设置大众议程及对公共领域建构的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要立足于新的媒介生态环境,从微博在设置大众之议程方面所表现出的强大影响力这一事实出发,探讨微博对公共领域建构的可能性。由于传统媒体受制于单向传播的局限性,其议程设置功能相对于新媒体在逐渐减弱,而微博在设置大众议程上的功效则日益突出。议程设置作为舆论导向的第一个阶段,最终造就了公众舆论,而公共领域就是独立于政治权利之外的公共交往和公共舆论。所以说,微博所表现出的社会公器职能和权力制衡作用使得其具有重新建构哈贝马斯所言之公共领域的可能性。  相似文献   

Public value theory has become a hot topic in public administration research, but its proponents have long recognised difficulties in empirically testing the theory's central propositions. There has been a lack of clarity about how to measure the extent to which organisations are generating public value, which has rendered researchers unable to quantitatively study the causes, consequences and correlates of public value. The current study systematically reviews the growing literature on public value measurement to identify, evaluate, and synthesise available measures. Through a qualitative synthesis of the themes present in published measures, we identify four key components for measuring public value that appear to be important across a range of policy and national contexts. Our review identifies a promising framework that could be used to structure a comprehensive measure of public value and, in doing so, provides a means to progress theoretical development and testing of the public value approach.  相似文献   

An accumulating body of research suggests that African Americans cast invalid ballots at a higher rate than whites. Our analysis of a unique precinct-level dataset from South Carolina and Louisiana shows that the black-white gap in voided ballots depends crucially on the voting equipment people use. In areas with punch cards or optically scanned ballots, the black-white gap ranged from four to six percentage points. Lever and electronic machines, which prohibit overvoting and make undervoting more transparent and correctible, cut the discrepancy by a factor of ten. Judging from exit polls and opinion surveys, much of the remaining difference could be due to intentional undervoting, which African Americans profess to practice at a slightly higher rate than whites. In any case, the use of appropriate voting technologies can virtually eliminate the black-white disparity in invalid ballots.  相似文献   

Performance management systems have become a key component of contemporary public administration. However, there has been only limited analysis of the social construction of performance by public managers who are subject to them. This article examines the ways in which public managers create, maintain, and disrupt performance management practices. The authors find that managers make external performance assessments perform for themselves by constantly negotiating boundaries in ways that combine bureaucratic and managerial rationales. The authors argue that the ways in which organizational boundaries are constructed are fundamental to understanding the success or failure of performance management systems and the transformation of managerial ways of thinking about performance into a logic of improvement through which contemporary public sector reforms become embedded.  相似文献   

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