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傲慢与权利:法律如何处理人的尊严问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张正印 《河北法学》2012,(1):27-28,29,30,31,32,33
近期通过网络引起社会轰动的诸案件,其关键皆在于尊严冲突。尊严冲突是导致几乎所有纠纷的基本原因。法律处理尊严冲突时存在两个基本标准:普遍的可接受性和双方的可接受性,调解机制在维护双方尊严上有利有弊。法律处理尊严冲突的有效性条件在于存在社会共通价值并在个案中具备灵活性。网络媒体的兴起加剧了处理冲突的难度,也提供了有利的契机。  相似文献   

水人权:人权法上的水权   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
胡德胜 《河北法学》2006,24(5):17-24
离开了水,人类无法生存.因此,水人权是一项基本人权.这已经为国际法充分承认.国家有义务尽可能利用其现有资源实施水人权.尽管水人权属于经济、社会及文化权利的范畴,是国家应当采取措施逐步充分实现的人权,但国家也负有一定的立即履行的义务.然而,在国家层面上,包括我国在内的多数国家存在一个需要解决的共同问题,即缺乏系统、有效的规定和保护.  相似文献   

作为现代民主宪政社会不可或缺的生活形态,法治的意义及其核心价值,不论在具体法律实践或抽象理论阐述上,却依然存在着极大争议。"大法官会议"以人性尊严为本的法治观点,毋宁是一种"自由民主宪政秩序"的法治观点。无论是形式合法性或民主程序的法治要件,均无法在法治的具体实践上,保证执政者或立法者不会借助法治的形式要件,来追求满足其政治野心或个人私欲的不正当目的。法治理想的追求,应当着重法律实质内容的道德论证质量。就人性尊严的内涵来说,德沃金提出的两项人性尊严原则,内在价值原则与个人责任原则,确实是值得我们反思借镜的理论资源;特别是,他对人的内在价值的诠释,亦即人具有由自然与人类共同创造的神圣、不可侵犯的客观价值,适足以填补大法官人性尊严观的论述盲点。  相似文献   

法律的根本目的在于保障人的尊严   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人的尊严表征着人是主体、目的,而非工具、手段,拥有不可侵犯与不可剥夺的尊严,是法律主体概念得以成立的基础。就现代社会而言,法律的根本目的即在于保障人的尊严的实现,人的精神性存在的特质,决定了体面而有尊严的生活为人们的根本追求。在保障人的尊严得以实施的路径上,必须从立法、执法、司法、守法等各个层面,来保障人的尊严得以存立的根基。  相似文献   

人格尊严早已入宪,成为中国宪法上的基本权利,但其对政府行为的规制功能远未显现出来。结合深圳"卖淫女示众事件",基于规范法学的立场,通过阐释我国《宪法》第38条的意旨与内涵——作为基本权利的人格尊严(一般人格权)所具有的规范功能,归纳出宪法上人格权保护体系之逻辑结构,即规定"人格尊严(一般人格权)+某些具体人格权"应成为宪法对人格权进行调整的模式,以期对学界在此问题上存在的一些歧见予以澄清。  相似文献   

谢晖 《法律科学》2008,26(6):25-31
在某些特定的案件中,借助文义解释不一定达到释明法律模糊的目的,此时需要其他解释方法的补充。历史解释是根据特定法律发展的历史脉络,对当下法律的相关内容所做出的说明,使人们自历史的维度获知相关概念、词汇的发展线索。而通过法律移植舶入的法律规范和法律概念的模糊问题,则必须通过横向比较,了解其在国外的原初意义,从而释明由于语言障碍而产生的模糊。目的解释则探究法律自身的目的,需要解释者关注立法者原意、重视法律规定本身、充分发挥自身的主观能动性,以释明当下的法律模糊。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the development of the constitutional value of human dignity under German constitutional law. First, it provides a background to the German constitutional order then it places the constitutional value of dignity within the framework of the constitutional court’s jurisprudence on personality rights. It then progresses to an examination of specific cases that have developed personality rights and the importance of the constitutional court’s interpretation of personality and dignity in the personal and outer spheres within the framework of the German legal order. The article concludes with some observations and comparisons between German and American law in this area.  相似文献   

法与经济学视野中的外部性及其解决方法分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡元聪 《现代法学》2007,29(6):128-135
对于外部性的含义,学者们多从经济学的角度进行界定;而对于外部性的解决方法,学者们又多从制度的角度加以寻求。从法律视角即权利和义务的角度,也可以对外部性进行界定,并由此提出法律解决的方法。在解决外部性方面,经济法机制优于民法和行政法机制,但经济法解决外部性也需要注意一些问题。  相似文献   

沈敏荣  桁林 《法学杂志》2003,24(6):12-14
“人权”已经成为现代国际法的基本概念,对这一问题进行历史的、系统的考察实属必要。人的权利不是单独存在的,它是与物质条件、传统观念、政治传统联系在一起的,同时,个人权利的实现是有层次的,有阶段的。在国际人权问题上,各国的自主发展仍然是主流。  相似文献   

党的十九大报告将"弱有所扶"作为一战略目标,为此需要在法律上落实扶助弱者的制度与措施.法律固然不是抹平强弱的工具,但法律必须担当起扶助弱者的责任.人类"恃强凌弱"的本性、社会良性生存所需的公平正义、权利实现上的"可行能力"不同以及个体难以应对客观存在的风险,都决定了法律面对弱者不能袖手旁观.当然,社会上的弱者并不能简单...  相似文献   

This article starts from a rights-based premise: freedom ofmovement is an established human right recognised in a rangeof international instruments. The right to leave one's own countryis one aspect of this general concern with free movement. Thisarticle addresses the status of this right under internationallaw, a right that is enshrined in several different internationalinstruments and has attracted considerable attention. This articleexplores how the Human Rights Committee, the only United Nationshuman rights treaty body that has examined the right to leavein significant detail, has interpreted this right in light ofstate practice. This article considers whether internationallaw requires, or allows, states to prevent their nationals fromleaving their own states by unauthorized or irregular meansand whether such prevention could be construed as a violationof the right to leave. This article also examines whether statescan legitimately prosecute migrants when they leave their ownstates with documents that they know to be fraudulent. The legitimacyof exit visas and regulations related to holders of state secretsis also explored. Finally, this article presents some thoughtson the continuing significance of the right to leave.  相似文献   

《物权法》不仅是保护人民群众财产权利的民事法律,也是规范行政机关行使公权力的一部重要法律。建设法治政府,提高依法行政水平,必须从保障权利、维护秩序、促进竞争的角度增强物权意识,提高保护物权的能力。《物权法》的实施对政府行政行为产生诸多影响,基于这些影响,本文认为,《物权法》的颁布与施行,既是实现“以人为本”重要思想的需要,也是深入推进依法行政的重要法律依据。  相似文献   

夏元军 《法律科学》2010,28(2):117-124
投保人违反保险合同告知义务时,保险人的合同解除权与撤销权可能发生竞合。对此,有两种解决方案:一为排除说,二为选择说。前者以保险法上解除权排除民法上撤销权,后者允许两种权利并存由保险人选择行使。选择说会导致保险合同关系长期不稳定,置投保人于完全被动而纵容保险人粗放承保,故不足采。从立法目的、构成要件和法律效果上分析,保险法上的解除权可以看作民法的特别规定,排除说较为可采。  相似文献   

Liverpool Law Review - This article aims to assess the suitability of the concept of ‘animal dignity’ as a normative principle for the legal approach towards animals. Through an...  相似文献   

The concept of human dignity is criticized due to its vagueness, but by discussing the most important schools of thought, we can identify a core meaning that is common to most understandings of human dignity: Whether we conceptualize human dignity in terms of autonomy, self‐respect, social acts, or equal status, we always refer to some kind of personal identity. This personal identity consists in those aspects that we consider to be constitutive of our individual personality. Instead of remaining within doctrinal school thought, this core meaning can be taken as a common denominator for human dignity discourse.  相似文献   

In 2006, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees reportedthat an average of 211 million people each year were directlyaffected by the accumulated impact of natural disasters.1 Thisis approximately five times the number of people thought tohave been affected by conflict over the past decade.2 It iscommonly expected that, as a result of climate change, populationgrowth and inappropriate urbanisation, the incidence, severityand impact of natural disasters will continue to rise. And yetwhile the obligations of states in situations of armed conflicthave been extensively debated, the applicability of human rightslaw in the aftermath of natural disaster has not been so widelyexamined by regional or international human rights bodies. Thispaper considers the obligations of governments in the aftermathof natural disasters, with a particular focus on the right tohousing. The applicability of human rights law (and specificallyeconomic, social and cultural rights) in the aftermath of naturaldisaster is considered in a general sense, followed by a discussionof the content of the right to housing, and the obligationsof governments to respect, protect and fulfil this right inthe course of responding to disaster. The question of whetherstates have an obligation to provide restitution, compensationor other form of reparation to those who have lost homes, landand property by reason of natural disaster is also discussed.The paper draws on examples from the Indian Ocean tsunami (2004),the Pakistan earthquake (2005) and the South Asian floods (2007),and identifies specific elements of government obligations thatare of particular importance in ensuring the right to adequatehousing in the aftermath of natural disaster.  相似文献   

白玉廷 《法学论坛》2005,20(4):131-135
在不采德国和我国台湾地区的负担行为和处分行为理论的前提下,解释我国合同法上的无权处分合同,必须注意合同的债权效力与处分效力之区分.合同因行为人无处分权而无效时,仅指不能产生处分效力,合同的债权效力不受影响.合同的债权权力采无果原则.  相似文献   

人肉搜索问题与刑法规制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨曙光 《行政与法》2010,(3):102-105
学界关于隐私权的内涵、隐私的利用以及与其他权利的冲突如何界定并没有完全达成一致,我国对隐私侵权的构成要件也未有实体法的规定。姓名、电话号码等个人信息的本质属性是社会交往中的个体识别标志,而非单纯的个人隐私。人肉搜索可以细分为不同的阶段,前期单纯的搜索他人姓名、电话等个人信息的行为,与其后参与搜索者实施的侮辱行为应区别对待,不能笼统的认为人肉搜索行为是侵犯隐私权的行为。作为一种新兴的信息获取手段,其存在有许多积极的社会意义,不能因噎废食一概加以否定。在民法未对隐私的内涵做出明示的规定,行政法未满足公民应有的知情权之前,不宜运用刑法手段调整人肉搜索问题。  相似文献   

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