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On November 6,2004,a Chi-nese and Japanese painting and calligraphy exhibitioncosponsored bythe CPAFFC andthe Association for the Promo-tion of Chinese Culture and Art(APCCA)was held in the Exhi-bition Hall of the Sports Centrein Wuxi,a rich region of fish andrice in southern Jiangsu and fa-mous historical and cultural citythat has nurtured large numbersof great masters of art.With the purpose of furtherstrengthening friendship and ex-changes between the Chineseand Japanese people an…  相似文献   

In commemoration of the 35th anniversary of the normalization of China-Japan diplomatic relations,the Exhibition of Chinese and Japanese Calligraphy,Paintings and Disabled Artists' Works,jointly sponsored by the CPAFFC,the  相似文献   

An exhibition of giant photos for Sino-Japanese friend-ship entitled Sharing Peace washeld in the Museum of the Chi-nese Revolution from August 10to 13. It was jointly sponsoredby the CPAFFC, the ChineseWomen Photographers' Associa-tion (CWPA), the Aichi Japan-China Friendship Association andthe Executive Committee of thePhoto Exhibition 300 of Japan to  相似文献   

TheAncientInhabitantsofXinjiangandTheirOriginSINCECHINAADOPTEDthepolicyofeconomicreformandopeningtotheoutsideworldattheendoft...  相似文献   

Sound of the Dragon-Chinese Cultural Rel- ics and Bell Art Exhibition coordinated by theCPAFFC and jointly sponsored by the Paris Mu-sic City and the Institute of European Bell Artwith the participation of the Beijing Great BellTemple Ancient Bell Museum and the Hubei Pro-vincial Museum was held in the Music City in Paris  相似文献   

The Museum of the War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression located near the Lugou (Marco Polo) Bridge and set up on July 6,1987 is China's only large-sized comprehensive museum for exhibiting the history of the Chinese People's War of  相似文献   

One of mao Zedong’s most widely known and often quoted slogans perfectly encapsulates his philosophy of confrontation: It is a delight to struggle with Heaven and earth. Obviously, people no longer see things in quite that way. In 2007,  相似文献   

In China everyone has his/her own family name or surname. There were 521 family names in China according to a traditional pamphlet entitled 100-Family Names published in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). 462 family names were of one-syllable Chinese square-character, and 59 of them, the two-syllable ones. How to begin with the Chinese family name? It is an interesting try for us to trace back to the origin of our family name for we could review a series of wonderful stories during our 5000-year long  相似文献   

One hot summer day not long ago, in the central courtyard of the Temple of Imperial Ancestors in Beijing, 30 Chinese and foreign calligraphers could be seen working on a 100-meter-long scroll they were preparing lor the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.  相似文献   

The opening of the Exhibition on the History of the CPAFFC in the beautiful compound of the CPAFFC is like one of its evergreen trees,with blossoms and fruits pleasant to the eye and uplifting the hearts.  相似文献   

The region used to be the main base in southern Zhejiang for the production of everyday blue and white porcelain.Today,it retains its ancient style with timehonored residences,kilns,temples and opera stages.  相似文献   

CHINESE President Hu Jin-tao traveled to Japan on May 6 for a five-day visit, the first state visit by a Chinese president to Japan in 10 years, signaling a historic warming of relations between the two countries. During the trip President Hu held discussions with Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, was welcomed by Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko, and also met separately with leaders and representatives of Japan's major political parties.  相似文献   

To commemorate the 60th anniversary of the victory of the world Anti-Fascist War and the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggres- sion, an exhibition of art works by contemporary Chinese and Japanese women artists, jointly spon- sored by the CPAFFC, the China Friendship Foun- dation for Peace and Development, the Japan-China Friendship Centre and the Ju You Association for the Promotion of Japan-China Friendly Exchanges, was held at the Japan-China Friendship Centre in Tokyo fr…  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Council of French Mid-Pyrenees Region and the Institute of the European Bell Art (IEBA), CPAFFC President Chen Haosu led a delegation to visit Toulouse City, capital of  相似文献   

Tokyo in April, spring wasin the air with cherry flowersblossoming everywhere. At theinvitation of the Japan-ChinaCultural Exchange Association(JCCEA), Lin Lin, poet, vicepresident of the China-JapanFriendship Association (CJFA)and honorary president of theChina Institute of Japanese Lit-erature, went to Japan on April8 to receive the Yasushi InoueCultural Exchange Award  相似文献   

On August 15, 1997, Sun Pinghua,an expert in Japanese affairs,witness of China-Japan friendly relations and pioneer of Sino-Japanese people-to-people friendly exchanges,passed away. It was a great loss to the cause of China-Japan friendship.The well-known expert in Japan affairs died after Wang Zhen and Liao Chengzhi, two other great pioneers.Personages of various circles in Japan expressed their deep grief over his death. Representatives of various social  相似文献   

Fidel Castro, the supremeleader of Cuba, is knownto all, but not many peopleknow of Ramon Castro, elderbrother of Fidel, who is our or-dinary but great foreign friend.I got know Ramon in June1988 when the delegation ofthe Chinese People's Associa-tion for Friendship with For-eign Countries (CPAFFC) was  相似文献   

The ancientGreeks wouldhave done well inChina, with Kairos as thegod of time in charge of the natural cycleof events. The vast majority of China'scitizens are still quite close to their ruralorigins and very much in tune with therhythm of the seasons. Their sense oftime, therefore, revolves around goodtimes and bad times, the right time andthe wrong time.  相似文献   

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