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Since the entrenchment of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Canadian courts have been burdened with a disproportionate number of cases concerned with issues arising from the newly introduced legal rights. However, the transition from the Canadian crime-control model to the American-style due-process model is far from complete. The rights of the accused are consistently deemed to be secondary to the aim of reinforcing the legitimacy of the criminal justice system. Canadians' legal rights will in fact remain limited as long as judges continue to decide cases on the basis of harm done to the justice system, rather than individuals and groups. An earlier version of this paper was presented at a joint session of the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association and the Canadian Law and Society Association, Leamed Societies Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario; June 7, 1993. I thank attending colleagues for their useful feedback. I am also grateful for the comments of Piers Beime.  相似文献   

The interaction of medical technology and advancements in human life and biological tissue offers many possibilities and issues, for example the area of assisted conception and the identification and treatment of disease. However, hand-in-hand with these, ethical dilemmas arise. The overarching ethical issue surrounding cryo-preserved embryos is: Should an embryo be accorded the status of 'life' or should it be labeled nothing more than 'property'? This question is the interaction between frozen embryos and divorce, adoption, research and terminal incidents; it is a legal and ethical quagmire that cannot be readily resolved. This issue is of particular moral importance when one contemplates the fact that the scientific definition of life is dealt with on a continuum ranging from the metabolic view to the emergence of self-consciousness. The question must become property versus life or, in essence, sale or destruction of property versus sale or destruction of life. As this paper will show, the underlying attitudes of the progenitors involved in cryogenics can be driven by the darker side of our species; that side being the possible exploitation of those individuals or those capable of becoming individuals for personal and community gain while denying or rationalizing that point of view to society as a whole.  相似文献   

The acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) crisis has raised many clinical and forensic dilemmas for the health-care system. Psychiatrists may encounter particular problems when evaluating and treating human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected patients. The authors present a case of an HIV seropositive, bipolar, intravenous drug abusing patient who participates in unsafe sexual practices to illustrate clinicolegal dilemmas involving dangerousness, involuntary hospitalization, confidentiality, and Tarasoff-like duty.  相似文献   

患者隐私权是应当受到保护的一种人格权利,但在医疗和医学教学活动中侵犯患者隐私权的事件时有发生,以至于患者和医护人员对簿公堂,因此对患者隐私权予以法律保护具有重要意义。在医疗活动和医学教学活动中,如何保护患者隐私权、在法律规定上如何将个人隐私权作为一项独立的人格权加以保护,应进行必要的思考和提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

The paper contains some thoughts on the issue of the legal aspects of Poland's integration into the European Community (EC) against the background of Polish efforts to adapt its legal system to European Community requirements. The discussion is divided into three substantive parts: The first part deals with the issue of various legal traditions constituting the general phenomenon of EC law, with the second part spelling out legal aspects of the process of European integration, and finally the paper will be presented by way of a more concrete discussion — e.g., human rights, criminal law in general, and computer crime specifically.  相似文献   

This paper presents a brief overview of the legal theoretical problems that arise in connection with the societal ambition of protecting vulnerable groups. One of the central difficulties in legislation with proactive and therapeutic ambitions arises from the link between law and philosophy of science, i.e., the relationship between facts and norms. It is shown that Therapeutic Jurisprudence differs in several aspects from Swedish legal scholarship that follows Scandinavian Legal Realism. It is also demonstrated that Therapeutic Jurisprudence has several similarities with the so-called Proactive Approach. This paper suggests that Therapeutic Jurisprudence may serve as a useful legal theoretical perspective in Swedish legal scholarship, especially when studying complex and vague regulations with a future focus. Two examples from Swedish legislation are examined: (a) Laws regulating compulsory care of abused or neglected children, and (b) laws related to the mentally ill. This paper illustrates the complexity in these acts, and poses the question of whether the regulations serve their purpose of providing adequate care for and protection of those in need.  相似文献   

The electronic patient record (EPR) is a major technological development within the healthcare sector. Many hospitals across Europe already use institution-based electronic patient records, which allow not only for electronic exchange of patient data within the hospital, but potentially also for sharing medical data with external healthcare providers, involved in the patient's care, such as general practitioners or pharmacists. In this article, we discuss the attempt made by the Dutch government to introduce a nationwide electronic patient record (n-EPR). Describing and analyzing the new legislation that is currently being developed to establish the infrastructure for the n-EPR and the related legal issues, we conclude that the introduction of a n-EPR give rise to some substantial concerns. These vary from technical and quality issues such as the reliability of patient data and sufficient standardization and interoperability of the systems used, to issues in the field of data security and confidentiality. For a successful introduction of the n-EPR within the healthcare sector, a condicio sine qua non is that the related legislation provides sufficient safeguards and clarity with respect to the responsibilities and liabilities of its main users: the healthcare professionals.  相似文献   

The following study evaluates the complex association between legal involvement and mental illness. It describes a population of consumers of community mental health programs, comparing those with legal involvement to those without legal involvement, on a number of demographic, clinical and social indicators. It is a secondary analysis of data collected in studies making up the Community Mental Health Evaluation Initiative (CMHEI) in the province of Ontario, Canada. Legal involvement was a significant issue among community mental health program consumers; about one in five consumers had at least some contact with the legal system in the preceding nine months. Legally involved consumers were more likely to be in receipt of social assistance and be unstably housed than those legally uninvolved. However, there were no significant differences between legally involved and uninvolved consumers with respect to severity of symptomatology, current medication use or number of hospitalization days in the past 9 months. A predictive model compared the differential impact of clinical and social determinants upon legal involvement. Analyses failed to uncover a significant relationship between severity of psychiatric symptomatology and legal involvement. Significant predictors of legal involvement included gender, race, drug use as well as housing instability, and receipt of social assistance. Legal involvement was attributable to factors other than the severity of mental illness; these results challenge assumptions that the most symptomatically severe consumers are most at risk of legal involvement. Accordingly, the rate of legal involvement in a sample of community mental health program users must be considered in a broad context, with particular emphasis on social disadvantage.  相似文献   

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