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Ninety-seven people died from a fire that occurred in the Dupont Plaza Hotel in Puerto Rico on 31 Dec. 1986. All, except four who died later in the hospital, were found dead at the scene. All of the fatalities at the hotel (except for eight) were burned beyond recognition. Blood from seventy-eight of the victims was screened for carboxyhemoglobin at the Institute for Forensic Sciences in Puerto Rico and was then sent to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, for analysis of carboxyhemoglobin and cyanide concentrations. The blood data indicated that carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide, singly or combined, were probably not responsible for the majority of the deaths that occurred in the badly burned victims. On the other hand, the significantly higher carboxyhemoglobin in the nonburned victims indicated that carbon monoxide alone or combined with hydrogen cyanide probably played a major role in the cause of their deaths.  相似文献   

The consequences of violence against woman are myriad, ranging from extreme psychological trauma to severe physical injury and even death. Utilizing the National Crime Victimization Survey, this paper explored the extent to which victim resistance, either physical or verbal/passive, during an assault differentially produced injury between intimate and stranger perpetrated assaults. It was found that female victims of assaults perpetrated by intimates were nearly twice as likely to sustain injury if they used either physical or verbal self-protective behavior. The only significant predictor of injury sustained by female victims of stranger perpetrated assaults, however, was presence of a weapon.  相似文献   

Objectives. Few studies have examined the judgements made towards adolescent rape victims, and none have investigated attributions towards gay male or lesbian adolescents. The current study examined the effects victim gender, victim sexual orientation, victim response, and respondent gender, on attributions of blame in the depicted rape of a 15‐year old adolescent. Methods. A total of 164 respondents read details of this assault before completing 15 attribution judgments. Results. Respondents were expected to attribute more blame to a victim who was male, gay, and who failed to resist the perpetrator. Male respondents were also expected to be more blaming of the victim than females. Overall these hypotheses were supported. Conclusion. Results are discussed in relation to the role gender stereotypes and homophobia play within attributions blame in sexual assault cases. Specifically, it seems male adolescent rape victims are subjected to the same negative stereotypes as male adult victims. Implications and ideas for future research are considered.  相似文献   

Removal of duct tape or similar adhesive products from a homicide victim may be facilitated by rapidly chilling the tape surface with liquid nitrogen. Physical separation of tape layers can be performed using the same technique. Cyanoacrylate glue (i.e., "super-glue") may be used to preserve fingerprints on the outer surface of the tape for recovery, or other techniques may be used to recover fingerprints from the outer surface prior to tape removal.  相似文献   

Toxicological evaluation of postmortem urine collected from a 41-year-old deceased white male detected anhydroecgonine ethyl ester (ethylecgonidine, AEEE), a transesterification product of smoked cocaine co-abused with ethanol. A solid phase extraction (SPE) method was used to extract cocaine, AEEE, and related metabolites from urine. SPE on a 1 mL urine sample from the decedent followed by GC-MS detected AEEE. Other metabolites identified by GC-MS included cocaine, cocaethylene, and anhydroecgonine methyl ester (AEME). To determine whether some or all of the AEEE was artifactually produced in the heated GC injector port, an alternative LC-MS method was developed. LC/MS following SPE found at least 50 ng/mL of AEEE in the extract. The mass fragmentation (MS/MS and MS3) of AEEE detected in the urine was compared to spectra of authentic, synthesized compound. AEEE is a potential additional forensic marker for the co-abuse of smoked cocaine and ethanol.  相似文献   

A two-decade review of female suicide victims in Cuyahoga County, Ohio was performed. There has been an increasing incidence in the number of adolescent and senior citizen suicides over the 20-year period. The number of single and married victims were proportional to their respective population frequencies; while the frequency of widowed victims was greater and the frequency of divorced victims was less than expected. Women in blue collar skilled jobs showed an increasing frequency in the late 1970s. The most frequently used methods are poisoning, firearms, and carbon monoxide inhalation. Poisoning deaths have decreased in frequency and firearm deaths have increased in frequency.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of carbon monoxide and cyanide serve as evidence of intravital burning in fire victims. Hydrogen cyanide is released by combustion of nitrogen-containing organic material such as plastics and wool. We present a case of a man who died of haemopneumothorax caused by a stab wound. According to several eye witnesses the body was wrapped in a plastic sheet and burned 2 days after death with the aid of gasoline. No coal pigment was observed in the mucosa of the upper airways at autopsy. The blood sample taken from the pulmonary vessels 6 days after death disclosed a level of blood carboxyhaemoglobin of 4% and of blood cyanide of 10 mg/l. The low carboxy-haemoglobin level was consistent with the smoking habits of the victim. The thoracic cavity had been opened by burning of the intercostal soft tissue. This allowed hydrogen cyanide gas to enter the thoracic cavity and diffuse into the blood probably causing the high blood-cyanide level.  相似文献   

A premature black female infant born at 31 weeks gestation with history of 4 weeks in the newborn intensive care unit was discharged healthy to the care of her mother and was lost to follow-up. At age 4 months the infant was found dead in bed. There was no history of trauma and no external injuries were noted. There was no attempt at resuscitation. Coroner's autopsy showed acute bronchopneumonia, 3 partially healed skull fractures, a chronic subdural hematoma, chronic intracerebral hemorrhage, retinal hemorrhages, multiple healing rib fractures, a fractured fibula, and a partially healed fracture of the distal right radius. The fracture of the right radius showed a medullary abscess of the bone surrounded by scar tissue and containing pus and granulation tissue. We believe this inflicted fracture became secondarily infected by a hematogenous route. The final diagnosis of the cause of death was pneumonia secondary to multiple blunt force trauma, and the manner of death was diagnosed as homicidal. This is believed to be the first reported case of osteomyelitis in a context of child abuse.  相似文献   

The spectrophotometric method for the determination of carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO) in blood reported by Fretwurst and Meinecke was modified so as to give the same values of percentage HbCO (HbCO%) as those determined by the oxygen electrode method. Values of HbCO% of nine practical samples determined by both the oxygen electrode method and the present method were nearly identical regardless of the presence of methemoglobin (Met-Hb) in blood. The present method is suitable for forensic practice.  相似文献   

The aim of forensic biomechanics is the reconstruction of traumatic events based on the pathological findings in the victim's morphology, the accident traces and the car damages. The use of forensic documentation tools (e.g. Streifenlichttopometrie) enables 3-dimensional and proportional accurate documentation of the victim's body, of its injuries and of the car damages with submillimeter precision. The generated topographic image serves as input for a multi-body system model of the victim. It allows further to determine exactly the contact points between car and victim for a computer simulated dynamical reconstruction of the impact situation. In the case of an accident involving a car and a pedestrian the generation and application of computer aided 3-dimensional reconstruction models are shown.  相似文献   

Changes in carboxyhemoglobin concentrations are studied in 18 specimens of cadaveric blood 1-2 h and 3 days after heating to 50, 65, 70, 75, 80, and 90 degrees C for 5, 10, and 20 min. The concentration of carboxyhemoglobin decreased to 15% after heating at 70-75 degrees C for 10 and 20 min. Heating to 80-90 degrees makes the measurements impossible. Five-min heating at 50-65 degrees C did not change the concentration of carboxyhemoglobin in the blood.  相似文献   

Lesions of the brain stem and cerebellum due to nutritional deficiencies are mostly seen in chronic alcohol abuse and more rarely in severe malnutrition. We report the case of a 27-year-old woman, found dead in the family flat. She presented cachexia (167 cm, 25 kg) and multiple hematomas of the limbs. Postmortem examination revealed lesions due to peritonitis. Neuropathological examination showed severe atrophy of the corpus callosum and central neuronal chromatolysis, which are observed in pellagra. Inflammatory colitis or celiac disease was not found. Toxicological analysis was negative, in particular no alcohol absorption. Pellagra, which is due to nicotinamide deficiency, is a disease rarely seen in this country. In this case, nutritional deficiency was the consequence of failure to eat in a context of abuse. The woman was born of an incestuous relationship and presented intellectual retardation due to poor affective relations with her mother.  相似文献   

2001年7月10日6时15分,西铜一级汽车专用公路发生一起特大交通事故,一中巴车乘客柳某 (男,30岁)当场死亡.尸检:尸长167 cm,营养、发育正常,体态中等.头部无外伤,睑结膜有点状出血点,下颌处有3 cm × 2 cm挫裂创,下颌骨骨折,胸部塌陷,多根肋骨多发性骨折,左、右锁骨骨折 ,颈部右侧有14 cm × 8 cm擦伤,左肩部有7 cm × 5 cm擦伤,胸部有6处排列整齐、间隔均匀、大小一样(8 cm × 1 cm)擦挫伤,右上腹有10 cm × 1 cm擦挫伤,右髂前皮肤有1 cm × 4 cm表皮裂伤,骨盆骨折,会阴部有10 cm × 13 cm挫裂创,深达盆腔,有肝脏组织外溢,双大腿明显肿胀,挤压右大腿,从会阴部创口处有肝组织溢出;挤压左大腿,从会阴部创口处有大肠及其系膜溢出,背部大面积剥皮创.因家属原因,未作解剖.  相似文献   

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