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Located in the southeastern coastal area of China.Xiamen is an ideal holiday resort and a paradise for tourists.It boasts breathtaking coastal scenery,a year-round spring-like climate,the opportunity to partake in folk customs native to Fujian and Taiwan,beachfront cuisine,exotic architecture and a healthy ecological environment home to an abundance of flowers and large flocks of egrets.  相似文献   

Wang Yaping became China's first female spacewalker on November 7, when she took part in the Shenzhou-13 mission's first extravehicular activi-ties (EVAs), alongside mission commander Zhai Zhigang. The event was the third extravehicular mission conducted during the construction of the country's space station Tiangong, or Heavenly Palace.The Shenzhou-13 spaceship was launched on October 16, sending three astronauts on a six-month in-orbit mission to construct the space station.  相似文献   

正China walks tall in space with the launch of a second lab,Tiangong-2 When the Chinese looked up at the sky to gaze at the Moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival on September15,they had one more thing to celebrate—the launch of Tiangong-2,literally meaning"heavenly palace"—China’s second space lab.  相似文献   

Heavenly Spa by Westin at The Westin Beijing Financial Street is the first Heavenly Spa in China.Upon entering the dimly-lighted quiet spa,you will immediately be soothed by the mesmerizing fragrance.The spa's ambience is relaxingly refreshing.  相似文献   

正Come and taste the tender meat of the Hairy Crab from October 15 to November 15, either whole or in a quartet of dishes!Live Whole Hairy Crab Male Hairy Crab (RMB 228/crab)Female Hairy Crab (RMB 198/crab)Hairy Crab Dishes Braised bean seeding with crab roe;  相似文献   

如果不再过分专注于太平天国功过是非的争辩,而是转换视角,尤其是重视剖析当时普遍存在的种种社会问题与太平天国兴亡之间紧密的内在关联;同时,深入探讨其腐败问题,当更有助于对历史的认识和反思。  相似文献   

HAVING never worshipped the godhead,China's population is generally regardedas atheist. Religion is not, however, analien concept. People frequently exclaim"Good Heavens!" (tian na) and "GoodLord!" (lao tian ye a). To their mind, tian —Heaven — is perceived on the one hand as thesupreme force that rules the universe, and on the  相似文献   

What is it like to live in a zero-gravity environment? What do astronauts eat and drink? How do they sleep? What do the stars look like in their eyes? Can they see any UFOs? You might have known the answers from different channels, but none of them could have  相似文献   

THE women of Hangzhou have long held the title of comeli-est in all of China. Marco Polo, on a visit to the city during the 13th century, called Hangzhou "the finest and most splendid city in the world," no doubt drawing comparisons with another city on the water, Venice. Capital city  相似文献   

宗族制度和宗族主义在我国历史上拥有深远的影响。对于太平天国运动而言,宗族主义的影响分为两个方面,其正面影响表现为宗族势力的加入,成为拜上帝教实力急剧增长、金田起义得以发动的重要因素;消极影响是太平天国内部宗族矛盾激化,导致领导集团各派宗族势力过早摊牌,从而酿成大规模的血腥残杀,断送了太平天国的前途。宗族斗争的发生率并没有阶级或者阶层差别;权位越高、宗族势力越大,斗争的频率越高,斗争的后果越发严重。斗争手段残酷程度的升级,必然成为利益关系适应新的利益格局的唯一手段。我们当前最需要注意的是,宗族势力在现代社会生活和组织模式中的复活及其消极影响。  相似文献   

何小刚 《前沿》2010,(14):125-127
在中国近代化的历史进程中,中国到底需要什么样的革命和文化思想,要选择一条什么样的道路,首先要解决什么样的问题,这些一直摆在所有先进的中国人面前。太平天国的兴衰只是更加深刻地说明了这些问题的重要性,在近代化无法回避的世界历史环境中,无法解决中国的根本问题的任何形式的运动都是注定要失败的。中国当代历史已经并将继续证明,中国共产党为中国近代化所描绘和实践的道路,是最符合中国国情的,因而是中国社会最好的选择。  相似文献   

《天朝田亩制度》不是什么“伟大的反封建纲领”,而是要将“后来归从”的农民改造成战时打仗、平时“耕田奉上”的奴隶和工具,将农村改造成兵、农、教合一的社会。《资政新篇》是洪氏兄弟为一时需要而产生的奏章,只是作为参阅性文书颁布,而不是什么“政治纲领”,而且后来又被洪秀全自己取消了;它介绍了一些外国事物,并据此作了一些建议,是当时“天京”一个突出的异数,但完全没有实行的可能;在思想史上有进步意义,然而不应以此抹煞比它更早更系统地介绍外国的书籍。  相似文献   

160年前,中国爆发了一场中国历史也是世界历史上规模最大、时间最长、影响最为深远的农民运动。此次农民运动不仅造成清朝政府政治体制结构产生松动,而且对东南沿海社会各个方面产生了深远影响。2011年1月22日,由上海市历史学会太平天国史专业委员会和《探索与争鸣》杂志社联合举办的太平天国与社会问题学术研讨会在解放军南京政治学院上海分院隆重召开。来自复旦大学、华东师范大学、上  相似文献   

In the aftermath of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, the Chinese authorities launched a major public relations campaign to relay positive images of their relief effort and strengthen their political legitimacy. The effect has been a proliferation of symbols and political statements related to the disaster, not only in the official media, but also in cultural products such as movies or mass-media events. The earthquake has become part of the discourse of suffering, struggle, solidarity and ultimately victory. This article examines the ways in which various cultural products present the Sichuan earthquake and asks what meanings national crises have in the Chinese discourse on political legitimacy. The article analyses two cases: Chinese film, here in the form of Feng Xiaogang's blockbuster Aftershock, and performance-based discourses during the Beijing Olympics, the PRC's 60-Year Anniversary and the Shanghai Expo. By conducting a discourse analysis, we show how the earthquake has become part of a recurring discursive formation that is used by state and non-state actors alike to legitimate China's developmental model. Within this discourse, the leadership of the Party, the mastery of free markets and a revamped version of the Confucian idea of benevolent rule are marshaled as the decisive factors for winning any ‘battle’.  相似文献   

由太平天国农民战争带来的内战造成了近代中国巨大的人员和财产损失,这是不争的事实。但当下有些议论因此将太平天国指为罪魁祸首,要求其对内战损失负主要责任,这是笔者不能苟同的。在纪念太平天国运动160周年之际,有必要对太平天国农民战争的性质和内战损失的责任等问题做一简要说明。  相似文献   

基督教文化与中国传统的封建文化格格不久,仅以它那种无论男女老少、长幼等卑都同在一个教堂里顶礼膜拜,加上耶稣受难的裸体十字架,以及圣母玛利亚半担阳的画像,就足以使少见多怪的人们膛目结舌,使封建卫道士掩面痛泣声既然如此,为什么受基督教义影响而创立的拜上帝会,能够被洪秀全、冯云山用来发动和组织农民起义?这是由于洪秀全、冯云山所建立的“拜上帝会”,宗教上虽然渊源于西方,但已经与中国传统文化结合,大大中国化了,从而适应了中国人民特别是下层人民。太平天国怎样将基督教义与中国传统文化相结合,使其中国化的?基督…  相似文献   

太平天国运动是中国近代史上规模最大、时间最长、影响最为深远的一次农民起义。它有严密的组织领导和理论纲领,建立了与清政府对峙的农民政权,从而将历史上的农民起义推向了高峰。较之于中国近代史学科的其他分支而言,太平天国史研究也一度成为史界显学。为纪念太平天国运动失败140周年和促进太平天国史研究,由上海太平天国史专业委员会主办的“太平天国运动历史经验学术研讨会暨《东南民众运动和上海小刀会》首发式”于2004年8月29日在上海社科院召开。上海市30多位专家学者和有关领导参加了会议。他们就太平天国的失败原因、太平天国的经…  相似文献   

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