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我国民间组织的发展经历了四个阶段,首先是由政府主导自上而下的强制性制度变迁,其相关制度安排承认了民间组织存在的合法性;随着我国社会主义民主政治的不断发展,经济体制改革的不断深化,民间组织的发展与壮大则是其自下而上的诱致性制度变迁.现阶段民间组织的存在和发展已经成为构建和谐社会、完善社会管理体制的一个重要组成部分.对我国民间组织制度变迁过程进行理论探讨的目的,是寻求政府行政管理与基层群众自治良性互动的有效途径.  相似文献   

随着中国加入WTO后 ,中国将朝经济市场化和全球化方向上走得更远。本文分析了在制度不均衡情况下中国的诱致性制度变迁和强制性制度变迁 ,指出了我们目前的制度选择。  相似文献   

强制性制度变迁中中央与地方关系的博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制度的形成是一个博弈的过程,是包括制度的设计者、执行者在内的博弈均衡。在强制性制度变迁中,制度的设计者是中央,执行者是地方政府。由于中央与地方是独立的经济利益主体,双方利益和偏好不一致,就会导致中央提出的政策与地方实际执行的政策不一致,出现“上有政策,下有对策”现象。因此,中央政府在制定政策制度时,应充分考虑地方政府的反应,与地方政府重复博弈,诱使地方选择有利于中央政府的行为方式,只有这样中央政府主导的强制性制度变迁才能顺利、彻底地实施。  相似文献   

用历史制度主义的分析范式,检视中国行政审批制度的结构与历史变迁,是解读该项制度变迁全貌的一个新的视角.国家宏大制度背景决定行政审批制度的选择,国家制度背景的变迁也导致行政审批制度的不断变更与革新;各种相关政治变量,包括经济水平、利益关系以及意识形态等因素与行政审批制度之间存在一种序列结构,行政审批制度与其它政府政策或制度之间也存在类似的序列结构,这种政治变量序列结构使行政审批制度处于一个制度矩阵当中,影响并制约着行政审批制度的安排;制度与制度制定及执行者之行为的互动模式则推动行政审批制度的变迁.行政审批制度变迁具有路径依赖性,也存在"历史否决点",而制度激励和制度创新是打破"历史否决点",提升制度绩效的必要手段.为此,行政审批制度的进一步变迁需要重塑政府理念,打造治理型政府,并转变政府职能,推进行政体制改革.而且,行政审批制度的进一步变迁必须契合社会主义市场经济体制的客观需要,适应加入WTO新形势的迫切要求.  相似文献   

地方政府职能转变的困局:一个强制性制度变迁的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府职能转变合约的实施缺乏第三方承担,在第二方承担也缺乏力度的情况下,这个合约的实施主要依靠第一方--政府承担.转变政府职能实际上是中央政府主导的强制性制度变迁,制度接受者和制度决定者之间存在不同的效用函数,所以政府职能新制度无法通过行为自律在地方政府中得到充分实施;同时,中央政府作为第一方内部另一个主体,对地方政府职能转变的监管力度不够.这样,地方政府职能难以转变成为必然.  相似文献   

生产力决定生产关系,经济基础决定上层建筑这一马克思关于制度变迁的理论范式,无疑是正确的、科学的,但在当代也遇到了巨大挑战.如仅按经典作家已有的论述很难对当代的某些重大问题,以及西方某些新制度经济学家对马克思的责难给予有力的回答.本文运用进化博弈论的方法,提出生产力决定生产关系的介质结构、上层建筑域与经济关系域的嵌入关系等,对马克思理论范式作了微观诠释的尝试,从而可以对上面提到的问题给予马克思主义的、唯物史观的说明.  相似文献   

历史制度主义将宏观的外部环境和微观的政治行为连接起来,是观察城市基层社会管理体制变迁的重要中观视角。推动我国城市基层社会管理体制从"单位制"向"社区制"变迁的主要变量是:外部环境——城市化与人口流动;新观念——社区复兴与新公共服务;行动者——基层呼吁与政府创新;关键节点——两办转发民政部《意见》。两办转发民政部的《意见》直接为城市基层治理创新提供合法性来源,使其放开手脚,大胆探索和创新,但在我国城市基层社会管理体制变迁过程中也出现一些因需求增长和行政下沉带来的公共服务供给碎片化的意外后果。  相似文献   

跟进式制度变迁是介于供给主导性制度变迁和需求主导性制度变迁之间的一种变迁方式。本对跟进式制度变迁的概念、性质、运行规律和跟进制度的本地化等问题,进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

制度演化的均衡结果与博弈的纳什均衡有着对应的关系。如果博弈有多重均衡(多个解),并且结果又具有不确定性,那么制度安排则会具有多样性,而在多个制度安排中,“传统知识”决定着人们对特定制度的选择。  相似文献   

改革的思想源泉体现为严格平行的两条路径:自发秩序原则与强制变迁原则。两条路径为什么分别被不同的国家所采用,内部的制度规范有什么差异,会对改革发展造成什么影响?我们对现有的改革模式进行对比分析,认为能充分激励各方参与人改革热情的方式应当是诱致性制度变迁。  相似文献   

我国行政审批制度改革的难点是制度供给相对过剩状态下的制度供求非均衡;行政审批制度改革的目标是制度供 求均衡,实现这一目标的途径是公共部门既以改革者的身份推进制度改革,又以被改革者的身份接受制度改革。  相似文献   

Alberta M. Sbragia 《管理》2002,15(3):393-412
Debates about institution–building within the European Union focus on how national power and transnational representation and accountability should be organized institutionally within the context of regionalism. An "institutional balance" allows the EU to benefit from administrative capacity and the representation of both national executives and national electorates while not being transformed into either a transnational political system or a traditional federation. The Treaty of Nice laid the groundwork for enlargement by re–examining issues of representation that had previously been accepted as givens. In so doing, the member states made clear that the evolution of the EU was going to be subject to uncertainty and institutional fluidity.  相似文献   

影响农业转移人口市民化意愿因素既有政府层面顶层设计的有形之手,又有市场层面的无形之手,也有农业转移人口自我心理潜移默化的自选择、自跨越.依据农业转移人口市民化意愿需求及制度供给层面政府对农业转移人口市民化的政策支持力度,将农业转移人口市民化进程划分为四个阶段:虚化阶段、弱化阶段、强化阶段、深化阶段.相对应地,提出农业转移人口市民化意愿需求与制度供给存在着匹配错位、匹配归位、匹配合位、匹配到位的层进演化机理,最终以实现农业转移人口市民化意愿需求与供给侧改革相得益彰的同步推进.  相似文献   

The Limits of Design: Explaining Institutional Origins and Change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Paul Pierson 《管理》2000,13(4):475-499
Political scientists have paid much more attention to the effects of institutions than to issues of institutional origins and change. One result has been a marked tendency to fall back on implicit or explicit functional accounts, in which the effects of institutions explain the presence of those institutions. Institutional effects may indeed provide part of such an explanation. Yet the plausibility of functional accounts depends upon either a set of favorable conditions at the design stage or the presence of environments conducive to learning or competition. Exploring variability in the relevant social contexts makes it possible to both establish the restricted range of functional accounts and specify some promising lines of inquiry into the subject of institutional origins and change.  相似文献   

This paper provides a norms-based account of institutional change. It compares two cases of attempted change, one successful and one unsuccessful. The argument advanced is that norm-based change occurs when the norms are congruent with the perceived interests of the actors who have the power to take on the decision. Norms affect the process of institutional change not only by providing legitimacy to some forms of political action, but also by shaping the actors' perception of their interests as well their strategies. It is argued that norms, in that sense, help political actors combine Max Weber's zweckrational (goal-orientated) and wertrational (value-orientated) categories of behaviour. Empirical evidence drawn from the context of the evolving European Union supports this argument.  相似文献   

乡村法治建设的路径依赖与范式转换   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在某种意义上,中国法治化首先是中国乡村的法治化,然而,近年来乡村法治建设并不尽如人意。对乡村地方性知识的文化偏见,对法律制度的简单移植,以及缺乏文化传统、价值理念的支撑,构成了当代中国乡村法治建设特有的路径依赖问题,直接影响了乡村法治建设进程。因此,当代中国乡村法治构建必须进行范式转换,走一条社会演进与政府推动相结合的道路。  相似文献   

Against the backdrop of decades of public sector reforms in Europe, this essay aims to make sense of the processes through which institutions, democratic government included, achieve and lose autonomy or primacy and why it is difficult to find a state of equilibrium between democratic government and institutional autonomy. The analytical value of ‘autonomy’ as detachment-from-politics and the apolitical dynamics of change assumed by NPM reformers are challenged. In contrast, the interplay between democratic government and institutional autonomy is interpreted as an artefact of partly de-coupled inter-institutional processes involving struggle for power and status among interdependent and co-evolving institutions that are carriers of competing yet legitimate values, interests and behavioural logics. The problem of finding a stable equilibrium between democratic government, autonomous agencies and non-majoritarian institutions is illustrated by the cases of public administration and the public university.  相似文献   

Globalisation is often thought to threaten the autonomy of national policymaking and generous welfare policies. This article examines two decades of policy change in Sweden, often viewed as a prime example of a fully fledged welfare state. The analysis is focused on reforms within the welfare sector, which is compared with three other important areas – credit markets, the labour market, and infrastructure policy. These areas can all be seen as crucial aspects of the Swedish social democratic model.  The findings can be summarised in three parts. First, seeing the credit–market deregulation as the first phase of the internationalisation of capital in Sweden lends some support to the idea of globalisation as the result of political decisions rather than a structural change caused by technical change. Second, during the last two decades, there have been signs of marketisation of the Swedish public sector. However, this analysis does not give support to the simple hypothesis of globalisation. There are quite large variations both between and within policy areas, variations that are not easily related to international integration. Third, marketisation involves a shift in political power. An overall effect is that the government has lost some of its former direct influence. However, behind the façade of the invisible market we find the same actors as before influencing policy. Globalisation can have tremendous effects on power. Whether or not this will be the case is first and foremost the result of political decisions and individual desires.  相似文献   

This article uses historical institutionalist theory to assess the impact of the Anglo-Irish Agreement of 1985 – often seen as the first step towards gradualist change in the role of the state in Northern Ireland. It uses new data to show how the elites who initiated the process conceived of it and to identify the mechanisms producing change. The study shows that the mechanisms of institutional change identified in comparative studies of industrial policy and welfare state development are also to be found in processes of intergovernmental ethnic conflict regulation. In turn, it highlights a mechanism of institutional change – ‘wedging’ – not discussed in the literature.  相似文献   

Embodying a revolution in French constitutional law. in principle, the Constitutional Council initially seemed destined for a marginal role. However, a 1971 decision constitutionalizing the Preamble to the constitution and the 1974 revision extending access to 60 parliamentarians transformed its prospects. Initially devised to keep Parliament in its place, it is now a force to be reckoned with at every stage in the policy process but its constraints are felt mainly by the executive. Its jurisprudence displays a blend of audacity and prudence. combining ambitious developments in respect of human rights and national independence with cautious awareness of its vulnerability as a recent creation arbitrating controversial issues within a system traditionally antipathetic to 'government by the judges'.  相似文献   

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