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This article is about intimacy training in two forensic psychiatric hospitals. This training is an experiment in which patients are trained in skills relating to intimacy and sexuality through real physical contact with a therapist. It is a way of treatment in those cases in which other, usually verbal methods, have failed to accomplish (sexual) behaviour change, and it can feed or revitalise verbal therapy. The purpose of the training is (a) to make the patient aware of the feelings intimate contact with a woman provokes and (b) to increase the patient's social and sociosexual skills so that he learns how to handle his intimate and sexual wishes, needs, and limits, and those of his partner. The training aims at diminishing the risk of new offences. The experiment is intended to provide answers to questions about the effectiveness of this kind of training in relationship to this aim.  相似文献   

In the current study, we tested the utility of applying the Verifiability Approach (VA) within an international airport setting. The VA works on the notion that truth tellers provide more verifiable details than liars and has shown to be successful within other empirical deception detection scenarios. Three hundred and ninety-nine airside participants (those originating from Europe, Asia and African) were asked questions regarding their travel plans. We asked participants to either lie (n?=?195) or tell the truth (n?=?204) about their planned activities. The critical question required participants to provide information that would convince the investigator that they were telling the truth. We then transcribed and coded their responses for verifiable details; that is, details that could potentially be checked by an investigator. Overall, truth tellers provided significantly more verifiable details than liars. Furthermore, when taking their geographical origin into account, there was no interaction effect between veracity and region. Additionally, truth tellers provided a higher verifiable/total detail ratio than liars, which again showed no interaction effect between veracity and region. These findings support the suitability of the VA as a cross-cultural veracity tool and implications for its use as an additional security aid are discussed.  相似文献   

Journal of Experimental Criminology - Invasive security practices create resentment, especially when targeting minority groups. Many studies of homeland security as well as of general policing...  相似文献   

This article considers the way in which the Federal Court of Australia has adapted to the native title jurisdiction. Here we see how common law approaches to law and procedure challenge, and are challenged by, the culture of indigenous peoples and customary law. It conveys the risk of cultural violence in a balancing of legal and cultural norms and shows how access to justice debates reach beyond debates about funding and advice into more fundamental issues about legal process and the nature of substantive law. The Court's approach to facilitating access to justice goes deeper than essential procedural changes. Its approach suggests a cultural change within the Court.  相似文献   

张爱民 《行政与法》2009,(12):25-28
在我国,随着住房制度改革实践的不断深入,国家已逐渐认识到住房保障是一项急待解决的重大民生工程,并且已初步建立了住房保障制度。但是,由于缺少法律制度的规范,该制度在运行中出现了种种困惑,影响了住房保障制度的有效落实。本文认为,应尽快制订《住房保障法》,加快配套制度的建设。同时,应结合各地的具体情况,加强地方立法,以使住房保障在法律的护航下得到很好落实。  相似文献   

Despite the significance of interest representation to theories of law and politics, the social organization of interest representation has not received systematic empirical analysis. Based on interviews with 776 individuals engaged in the representation of private interests concerning national policies on agriculture, energy, health, and labor, this article reports some findings concerning the social and political characteristics of representatives, the nature of their work and their relationships with client organizations. Three models of the social organization of interest representation are developed and examined: a model based on substantive expertise, an institutional targets model, and a client-based model. The findings indicate that representation is predominately organized around client interests Although lawyers constitute a significant and distinctive group among representatives, they are neither as numerous nor as active in policy making as is commonly assumed. The analysis suggests that representatives are not likely to exercise influence in the policy-making process that is autonomous from client organizations.  相似文献   

This case study documents the nearly complete consumption of adult human remains by two domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) inside a residence. While scavenging behavior has been observed for coyotes, wolves, hyenas and other canines in natural outdoor environments, little information is available concerning canine scavenging of human remains in an indoor setting. In this case, the dogs were confined with the body inside a residence for approximately 1 month. The impact of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on canine scavenging behavior and the postmortem interval are examined, such as clothing on the body, perimortem trauma, drug ingestion and the availability of alternative food sources. While cases of canine scavenging of their owners are scant in the literature, this phenomenon is probably not uncommon, particularly among the elderly and indigent who live alone with pets and are socially isolated.  相似文献   

Eleven hundred forty-four (1144) homicides occurring in Alabama, U.S.A. during a 2-year period are presented and analyzed according to the demographic parameters of the victims, location in urban, suburban, or rural community, type of homicide based on a medical examiner's classification, presence of drugs, weapon employed and other factors. Urban dwellers, Blacks and males are found to be at high risk. Alcohol is much more prevalent than other drugs in homicide victims. Although the handgun is the weapon most commonly used throughout the state, in the rural regions the longgun is used almost as often. The difficulty of making valid comparisons with other homicide studies is discussed and the establishment of a uniform classification of homicides urged.  相似文献   

The development of commercial trade on the Internet has generateda demand for commitment services not met by publicly providedlaw. In this environment, privately provided means of deliveringlegality to support trade have emerged, supplying "trust" and"assurance" services through digital certificates and digitalseal programs. I survey these developments and from them generatea set of principles to guide economic analysis of privatelyprovided commercial law.  相似文献   

Profound changes are being made in the way police organize and collaborate. Many of these changes are due to economic times, as well as changes that occurred after September 11th. Small- and medium-size agencies are finding new and innovative ways to mobilize for critical events and large-scale operations. The mechanisms for collaboration vary and few studies have examined the effectiveness of these different types of interagency cooperative ventures. The Metropolitan Law Enforcement Council is a non-profit organization and pools resources from 43 law enforcement agencies. This study found the approach to be successful in accomplishing its primary mission of providing needed services to the member agencies. Lastly, this type of collaborative approach is changing the landscape of policing through the use of multijurisdictional special operational units available to respond to a host of situations from public and private requests.  相似文献   

The affective and cognitive responses of managers who survive layoffs are explored. Evidence from two field studies suggests that managers who perceive that their organization was procedurally unfair exhibited greater anxiety than their nonmanagerial counterparts. Also, managers who perceived that the organization was unfair were more likely to withdraw from the organization, as measured by reduced organizational identification. Evidence that managers’ degree of identification with their managerial role moderated this relationship provides evidence of the psychological process driving these reactions to unfairness. Implications for the research and practice of organizational change are offered.  相似文献   


An increasingly globalised world brings with it unprecedented complexities in international intelligence sharing. The continual integration of international markets and services, amid the ongoing disruption of digital technologies, is driving the need for greater collaboration and cooperation between countries. The flows of people, goods, ideas and information are increasing each year in tandem with the global reach of terrorism. Global reliance on the internet for commerce and communication also exposes countries and organizations to cyber-attack. Significant increases in borderless crime, the rising incidence of global political fragility, and shifts in multi-jurisdictional crime all compel law enforcement, intelligence and security agencies to continually re-evaluate existing approaches and policies. The ability of police to attack transnational organized crime at its source, or at a transit point that offers opportunities for effective disruption, is now more important than ever. This essay describes a study conducted by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute that identified a number of crucial issues with Australia’s criminal intelligence efforts offshore. It explains why it is important to foster a culture of offshore criminal intelligence, looks at challenges associated with the current system, and suggests ways to overcome those challenges. The research confirms that Australia’s efforts to collect and disseminate criminal intelligence, as distinct from routine international liaison, is ripe for improvement.  相似文献   

Hiring, training and supervising treatment staff who work closely with forensic patients at all levels of security requires careful planning. In particular, staff must identify and share feelings like fear and anger that are always generated when patients threaten or attack staff. Approaches to dealing with staff countertransference to patients are suggested in this article, and aids to breaking the aggression cycle are discussed. Relationship security is a working through of dynamics that are always in operation where there are keepers and kept.  相似文献   

The article describes a study of the perceptions of three groups--patients, orthopaedic surgeons and the surgeons' practice managers--concerning three types of legal risk associated with the duty of care: failure to follow up, failure to warn and failure to diagnose. The study found there is cause for concern about doctors' follow-up and documentation of patient care. Doctors may be unaware of the Australian courts' propensity to emphasise practitioner responsibility rather than patient autonomy. A further important result is the considerable disparity between the surgeons' views and the views of their practice managers about the duty of care. The article draws out implications for improved risk awareness and suggests further research.  相似文献   

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