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This study assessed adolescent females' self-reported attraction and interest in dating adolescent male bullies and victims of bullying. Thirty-six 9th and 10th grade female adolescents (mean age = 15 years; 69.2% White; 30.8% Non-white) from a city high school in the Mid-Atlantic United States examined three photographs and listened to a verbal account portraying two adolescent males in an episode of physical and verbal bullying. Participants were significantly more likely to be attracted and interested in dating a male victim of bullying than a male bully.  相似文献   


Sexual harassment is widely viewed as a form of bullying, but has received little attention in studies of middle school students. A survey of 109 6th grade students found that 29% of students reported at least one sexual harassment experience in the past 30 days, with 11% reporting harassment once per week or more. Although boys and girls reported similar rates of harassment, there were important gender differences-boys were more likely than girls to try to ignore sexual harassment, but girls were more likely to tell someone about their experience and to tell the perpetrator to stop. There was high concordance between sexual harassment and bullying for both boys and girls. These findings indicate the need to recognize the role of sexual harassment in bullying in middle school.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to add to the emerging knowledge about the role of bystanders in cyberbullying. To differentiate online versus offline bystander behaviors, 292 Australian children (mean age = 15.2; female = 54.4%) reviewed hypothetical scenarios experimentally manipulated by bystander sex, relationship to target and perpetrator, and severity of bullying incident. In both environments, bystander helping behaviors were more likely when the target was a close friend, perceived harm to the target was high, and when bystanders were female. Bystanders also reported being less likely to approach teachers or publicly defend targets in online versus offline environments. This suggests programs designed to encourage positive bystander behaviors online can be similar to face-to-face approaches, but they need to recognize some aspects unique to the online environment.  相似文献   

This study examined the developmental processes linking childhood bullying to criminal offending in adulthood, using data from a 30-year longitudinal study. The linkages between bullying in childhood and three criminal offending outcomes in adulthood were estimated both before and after control for a range of confounding factors. A series of protective factors that potentially mediated these linkages were also examined. The results of the study showed that while the majority of the association between childhood bullying and adult offending could be explained by confounding factors including childhood externalizing behavior, there was evidence for direct linkages from bullying to violent offending and arrest/conviction. There was little evidence to suggest mediation of the associations. The results suggest that bullying prevention requires interventions aimed specifically at bullying behavior.  相似文献   


This paper compared the bully behaviors of 250 9th and l0th grade boys and girls in four schools in Texas and Nebraska. Nearly one-third of girls and one-fifth of boys observed bullying often. The most common kind of bullying for both boys and girls was hurtful teasing and name-calling. Boys bullied using more physical violence, while girls reported less; however, both boys and girls indicated they were threatened with harm more than 26% of the time when bullied.  相似文献   

青少年时期是人生的生理发育、心理发展的关键阶段。选取了福建省福州市中学、技校、少管所、中专等典型样本的青少年(中小学生)为调查对象,采用问卷调查和访谈相结合的研究手段和方法,在深入分析有效问卷及访谈记录基础上,阐述了福州市青少年成长环境中存在的突出问题,剖析了青少年成长中不良环境的存在原因,提出了促进青少年健康成长的对策和建议。  相似文献   

依法用枪、安全用枪、射击技能是警察用枪的三个关键环节,依法用枪和射击技能在警察手枪教学训练中都得到了相应的重视,安全用枪一直困绕着警察用枪的教学训练及在实战中的运用。文章就警察教学训练安全用枪存在的问题、产生原因进行了深入分析,并提出了合理化建议,以提高警察教学训练中的安全性。  相似文献   

A systematic review is presented, based on prospective longitudinal studies, on protective factors that interrupt the continuity from bullying perpetration at school to externalizing problem behaviors later in life; and from bullying victimization to later internalizing problems. Some common factors were established, which seem to interrupt the continuity from school bullying perpetration and victimization to later maladjustment problems. These included having a good performance at school and good social skills, coming from a stable (undisrupted) family, being attached to parents, and having prosocial friends. Findings are consistent with the wider resilience literature on factors that confer emotional and behavioral adjustment to school youth. This is not surprising given the interconnectedness and common pathways between bullying and other risk behaviors. Effective antibullying and other multicomponent programs may successfully interrupt this long-term continuity. Future intervention research should be informed by the resilience literature and incorporate existing findings in future program planning.  相似文献   

Being bullied at school is strongly related to psychological health complaints at the same time point. Studies have also found long-term associations, but few have combined a prospective design with children’s own reports on bullying, and conducted gender-specific analyses. The present study assesses health consequences in young adulthood of self-reported victimization in adolescence using data from Child-LNU in 2000 and the follow-up in 2010 (including 63% of the original sample, n = 813). At ages 10–18 a clear cross-sectional association was found for both girls and boys. Among girls, exposure to bullying also predicted psychological complaints 10 years later, at ages 20–28 (OR = 2.86). This association was not explained by socioeconomic circumstances, neither in adolescence nor in young adulthood. Instead, it can partly be understood as victimization, among adolescent girls, being associated with negative self-image and psychological health as well as with deficits in social resources more generally.  相似文献   

莫小莎  刘深 《桂海论丛》2012,(3):116-120
广西中越国际河流区的水资源开发利用,越来越成为关系到广西边境地区经济社会发展的重要问题,成为关系到中越两国边境和睦与边境和谐的大问题.进行边境地区水资源承载力评估分析,有助于为边境地区水资源的可持续利用、实施水资源安全战略提供参考依据  相似文献   

略论国际意识与高校民族精神的弘扬和培育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
韦鸿鹏 《桂海论丛》2004,20(5):94-96
在全球化的大背景下,提升国际意识是弘扬和培育高校民族精神中的时代要求,强化国际意识是弘扬和培育高校民族精神的重要内涵。因此,高校必须将国际意识的内涵渗透到民族精神的弘扬和培育中去,没有国际意识的民族精神是狭隘的,是没有生命力的;有了国际意识的中华民族的民族精神是开放、充满生机的,也是强大不可战胜的。  相似文献   

Family support, urban stressors, and peer behavior were examined in relation to externalizing symptoms in 605 predominantly low-income urban sixth through eighth grade adolescents. Mother and father support were each associated with lower levels of externalizing symptoms in both males and females. For males, father absence was associated with increased peer externalizing behavior and heightened rates of youth externalizing symptoms. Stress (in the form of major life events, daily hassles, and exposure to violence) and peer externalizing behavior were examined as mediators of the relation between parent support and youth externalizing symptoms. Increased stress exposure mediated the relation between weak mother and father support and youth externalizing symptoms. Additionally, for females, peer externalizing behavior mediated the relation between weak mother support and youth externalizing symptoms.  相似文献   


This study examined the similarities and differences between three distinct Chinese societies (Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China) regarding the contribution of gender and grade level to school violence, the ranking orders of perpetration and victimization behavior, and the correlates of school nonattendance due to violence. A cross-national random sample of 2,582 junior high school students was obtained. The results of Rasch analyzes revealed that verbal violence is most frequent. Male students are most likely to be aggressive and victimized. Grade-level differences in school violence were shown to be weak or insignificant. School nonattendance is generally associated with being kicked, punched, socially excluded, blackmailed, threatened, or sexually kissed without consent. The results were similar across societies. The findings imply that the contextual differences between Chinese societies may not account for different effects of gender and grade level on school violence, behavioral patterns of school violence, and correlates of school nonattendance.  相似文献   

Individuals who aggress against others have been described both as having overall low self-concept and as having high, inflated self-concept. The conceptualization of self-concept as domain specific provides an alternate means to resolving this controversy. In this study, 223 middle school students completed self-report measures assessing self-concept across six domains as well as engagement in peer aggression, including cyber aggression. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that individuals who reported engaging in higher levels of traditional and cyber peer aggression reported significantly lower self-concept in the domains of behavioral adjustment, intellectual and school status, and happiness and satisfaction. Higher levels of traditional and cyber peer aggression were not significantly related to self-concept in the domains of popularity, physical appearance and attributes, and freedom from anxiety. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

《申报》站在台民和中华民族立场上,同情支持台民抗战,其言论着意于倡扬台民的“忠君保台”精神,为台民的自立及成立民主国辩护,声援台民的抗日保台斗争,并塑造、赞扬了刘永福保台护民的英雄形象,提出一些颇有见地的战略战术建议,有力地反驳了《万国公报》等外报对台民抗战的污蔑和指责。特别是《申报》从台民英勇顽强的斗争中,看到了蕴藏在民众中的巨大潜力,预见此乃民族的希望。换约接受后,清廷上层对台湾问题集体失声,《申报》则成为大陆支持台湾抗日的舆论中坚。  相似文献   

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