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FEWwouldbelievethatanancientvilagecouldstillexistonly90KilometersfromdowntownBeijing,Butstrangelyenough.Chuandixia,aVillagesetdeepinthemountains,looksjustasitdidhundredsofyearsago.InChuandixia,onecanfindagovernmentnoticefromtheQingDynasty(1644-1911)andrevolutionaryslogansofthe1960sonthesamewall.ThesmallvillagehasbecomeashowcaseofChineseruralhistory.LandofCeremonyandProprietyThevillageislocatedonamountain650metersabovesealevel.Its0riginsareslinple-allthevillagershadoncebelongedtotheHancla…  相似文献   

NANLONG is a small village 30 kilometers south of Xingyi City in Guizhou Province, Southwestern China. The 360 ancient banyan trees,  相似文献   

HONGJIANG City is little known in modern times,but historically it was a key port and bus- tling trade center full of riches,spendthrift lifestyles and opium dens.Located in a mountainous zone in the southern province of Hunan,Hong- jiang's role as an important trade hub stretches back to antiquity.More than 3,000 years ago it lay on the trade route between China's interior and the Indian and Arabic Oceans,and the Red and  相似文献   

FOR centuries, Southwest China's Yunnan Province has been known as home of black tea. It was in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) that caravans began to transport bricks of tea from Xi shuangbanna and Simao to India, passing through Yunnan's Dali and Lijiang and Tibet. The route became known as the Ancient Tea-Horse Trail. By the time it had reached India, the tea fermented and turned black. It was then bought by merchants that took it to Europe and other parts of the world.At the southern end of the Chinese  相似文献   

ZHUGE Liang (181-234) was prime minister of the Kingdom of Shu during the Three Kingdoms Peri- od (220-280). His legend- ary prowess as military strategist and thinker are chronicled in the classic Chi- nese novel The Romance of Three King- doms that, in China, is read by young and old alike. During the Ming (1368- 1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties this great statesman's descendants built Zhuge Bagua Village in the mountains of Lanxi, Zhejiang Province, in honor of their revered an…  相似文献   

World heritage sites such as Pingyao are facing the dilemma of how to balance preservation and commercialization Travel southwest from Beijing, and after about 10 hours on the train and coach, you'll arrive at Pingyao, an old town in Shanxi Province. Nine years ago it was designated as a world heritage site. Visitors have since poured into Pingyao, waking up a town that  相似文献   

CHINA'S contemporary art is gaining recognition among international artistic circles, despite having got off to a relatively late start. Until the 1980s, Chinese art students were expected to cultivate traditional painting techniques. It was only towards the end of that decade that Western modern art entered China's art scene and more avant-garde works, such as Political Pop, began to emerge. The performance art fad of the mid 1990 gave way to today's high-tech  相似文献   

UANGXIZHUANGAu-tonomousRegion,locatedatthejunctureofChina'ssoutheasterncoastandthemoun-tainsofthesouthwest,hasbeenhometogenerationsandgenera-tionsofZhuang,Miao,Yao,Dong,Mulao,Hui,Shuiandseveralotherethnicminorities.TheMiao,num-bering425,oOo,liveintheauton-omouscountiesofRongshui,Long-linandSanjiang.IntheearlysummerChinaTOdayvisitedthevillageofGoutan,nest-ledinthemountainsofRongshuiCounty.Wefoundthevillagehalf-wayuponeofaseriesofgreenbamboo-coveredhillsonthebanksoftheBeijiangRiver…  相似文献   

The Yueyang Tower or Watchtower is as famous as the Yellow Crane Tower and the Pavilion of Prince Teng in the southern Yangtze Riverside, China. The three ancient famous buildings are not only brilliant in architecture but also in culture. All the Chinese people are very familiar with the watchtower across the West Gate of Yueyang City, central China's Hunan Province. It was initially built in the Tang Dynasty (618-907), and later repaired or rebuilt by a far-sighted nobleman Teng Zijing in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). The  相似文献   

One of mao Zedong’s most widely known and often quoted slogans perfectly encapsulates his philosophy of confrontation: It is a delight to struggle with Heaven and earth. Obviously, people no longer see things in quite that way. In 2007,  相似文献   

HINA‘S contemporary art is gaining recognition amonginternational artistic circles, despite having got off to a relatively late start. Until the 1980s, Chinese art students were expected to cultivate traditional painting techniques.  相似文献   

DAIXIAN is an ancient town in central Shanxi Province,just a few hours by expressway from Beijing.People have been living here since the New Stone Age in around 7,000 BC.Marking the border between ancient China and the northern lands of nomadic tribes,it was once a place of considerable stra- tegic importance that witnessed many significant battles.In times of peace, it was a prosperous nexus of trade and  相似文献   

A verse that would describe the scenic village of Shenyang, in Dongkeng Town, in the Jingning She Autonomous County, Zhejiang Province, would go like this:"The village is surrounded by green woods, and Blue mountains slant beyond the city wall."After a 40-minute drive southward from Jingning County along the winding provincial road, we arrive at the ink-painting She village of Shenyang. Here a population of 764 people in 216 households live at an altitude of 700 meters in pristine stone houses set among hill, water, pine and bamboo groves.  相似文献   

FIOR hundreds of years the Dong ethnic group has nestled on the Hunan-GuizhouGuangxi borders in southern China. With a population of around 2.9 million, it is a relatively largeminority but has shared territory in these mountainous regions withthe Han, Miao, Zhuang, Yao, Shui and Tujia ethnic groups.  相似文献   

One of mao Zedong’s most widely known and often quoted slogans perfectly encapsulates his philosophy of confrontation: It is a delight to struggle with Heaven and earth. Obviously, people no longer see things in quite that way. In 2007, for the first time in the history of the  相似文献   

冯飞  张凤阳  PAN Yingzhao 《人权》2022,(2):294-306
Dignity and Human Rights are recognized as two principles that coordinate with each other.However,it is an invention of modern people to set dignity as the basis of human rights from a genealogical point of view.In the classical context,dignity was represented as a political value,honoring excellence in public service.As a reward and return for political services,dignity holders were entitled to be recognized by the state and treated with appropriate courtesy and respect.There are two ways to ge...  相似文献   

ANew-StyleVillage──HancunheintheSuburbsofBeijingAh,thecountry.SmokecurlingupfromcountryKitchens.Freshhaysetasideinneatbundles...  相似文献   

Porcelain is one of great inventions of ancient China. It devel oped on the basis of steady improvement in pottery-making techniques which can be traced to the Shang Dynasty (1600 BC-1066BC).  相似文献   

IN January 1975, a new company was born in Italy from a merger of the country's top five commercial vehicle producers: Fiat Veicoli Industriali, OM, Lancia Veicoli Speciali, Unic and Magirus-Deutz.Three decades on, Iveco,the result of that merger, has become a leading European brand in the transportation sector and a household name in China.  相似文献   

HAVING made a detailed study of the development of China's township and village enterprises, an official from the World Bank exclaimed: "The development of China's township and village enterprises has created not only a miracle in the history of employment, but also a miracle in the history of world economic development."  相似文献   

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