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I can easily feel the increasing attention the world now pays to China at recent international meetings I have attended. My foreign peers all show an interest in China's blueprint for the comprehensively deepened reforms laid out at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, eager to know what will happen in China and what will it bring to the rest of the world. A question frequently asked is: "How will China influence the world?"  相似文献   

正The core of the message to the outside world lay in President Xi Jinping’s assertion that the international community expects to hear China’s voice and be aware of China’s plans and China will not be absent from the world’s debate.This is not new,of course.For some time now,the world has recognized China as a force to be reckoned with.But in order to understand what the world can expect from China in 2016,it is useful to analyze the carefully considered content of the president’s  相似文献   

正The G20 Summit in Hangzhou will showcase China’s role in a changing world The annual G20 Summit will take place in Hangzhou in the midst of what is now a relatively long-term lackluster performance of the overall global economy.While the G20 garnered widespread praise in containing the 2008 global financial crisis,it now  相似文献   

AN examination of China’s diplomatic strategy and foreign relations calls first of all for afundamental clarification of the country’s situation by answering such questions as, "what kind of country is China now, and what will it be like in the future?" and "what are China’s strengths  相似文献   

正My daughter,who is now studying for her master’s degree at Japan’s Waseda University,always asks me:most people I meet in Japan are quite amiable,and Prime Minister Abe Shinzo is liked by the Japanese people,so why does China accuse Japan of deviating to the right?Shigeru Ishiba,Secretary General of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan,who used to be Japan’s defense minister,also posed a question to me during a China-Japan  相似文献   

<正>What’s next?This is the simple but significant question on the minds of many,from Chinese citizens to global financial institutions and brands,to governments around the world.What’s next for China and what are China’s economic prospects for the future after three years of COVID-19 disruption?  相似文献   

正Innovation-driven growth and structural reform are sure to take the spotlight during this year’s G20 Summit,as well as China’s backing for the world’s major economies to form a consensus and work together to pull the world economy back on track.Foreign Minister Wang Yi made these remarks at a press conference in Beijing on March8 in response to a question on how China will play a leading role while hosting the G20 Summit in Hangzhou on September 4-5.  相似文献   

正Faced with new crises,the G20’s potential impact is assessedWhen China hosts the Group of 20 (G20) Summit in Hangzhou,capital of Zhejiang Province,this coming September,the world will be watching not just the country’s leaders for signs of how its economy is performing,but also what steps the G20 countries are taking to maintain order in an increasingly fraught period of economic and social unrest.  相似文献   

Recently,a Chinese buyer spent an unprecedented US $200,000 on a racing pigeon at an auction in Belgium.Instead of their usual habit of buying high-end consumer goods abroad,China’s rich who account for 10 percent of the national population are joining,and even outdoing,the ranks of the world’s big spenders.However there are still many Chinese struggling along on a moderate or meager income,including migrant workers,laid-off workers,and farmers who have lost their lands to development.Their livelihoods are what the government is turning its full attention to now.  相似文献   

Call for Unity     
‘History is moving forward and the world will not go back to what it was in the past.Every choice and move we make today will shape the world of the future,’Chinese President Xi Jinping said in his special address at the World Economic Forum Virtual Event of the Davos Agenda,held on January 25.  相似文献   

Despite being the second largest economy in the world in terms of GDP, it will probably take another 10 to 15 years before China becomes a true world economic power, experts predict."Soft power," the influence a country’s culture exerts internationally, is closely tied to economic power. Recognizing this reality, the Communist Party of China proposed building China into a cultural power at the Sixth Plenary Session of its 17th  相似文献   

THE start of 2012 is a suitable moment to look at China’s economic prospects for the New Year. The overall outlook is clear-China’s economy will continue to grow strongly,remaining the world’s fastest growing major economy and outperforming Western pessimists’ predictions.  相似文献   

Traffic in China often resembles a real auto race. I used to be convinced that drivers in Moscow were the world’s worst, and later thought the same of New York cab drivers, but I am now convinced that Chinese drivers take the top prize in the competition. In July 2012, I was a participant of the UN Chinese language group traveling across northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province to  相似文献   

Cui Dalin, deputy director general of General Administration of sport in China, confirmed at a recent press conference: "It is estimated that a record 550 to 570 Chinese athletes will compete at the Beijing Olympics." China first fully competed in the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984, when the 15 gold medals it won gave the country a fourth world ranking. Twenty years later at the Athens Olympics, China won 32 gold medals, beating russia and giving it a world second ranking. shooting, diving, ta-ble tennis, badminton, weightlifting, gymnastics and judo are now the Olympic events that the world expects China to win. As regards the questions on everyone's lips -- how many gold medals will China win at the 2008 Beijing Olympics? and will it surpass the 32-medal record it set in Athens? -- Cui Dalin remains low-key. He is candid in his opinion that China lags far behind the u.s., and that there is also a yawning gap between it and russia. There are currently 1,300 Chinese athletes mak-ing intensive preparations for the Olympics.  相似文献   

正Despite some turbulence over the course of the year,China’s economy ended2017 stronger than expected;headline growth was on track to meet targets,f inancial risks were contained,the property market cooled,and key reforms made steady progress.So far,the world’s second largest economy has proven to be a key engine for global growth.The question now is whether China  相似文献   

It seems that China is on a roll. The world’s fourth largest economy now has a high flying stock market. According to Shang Fulin, Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, China’s booming stock market, previously having a poor reputation, should be attributed to the almost concluded split share reform that requires the country’s listed companies to convert their state holdings to tradable shares. Investors are now thrilled at soaring stock indexes.  相似文献   

<正>A new geopolitical vision for China will see more active global engagementAn"inflection point"in mathematics occurs when there is a change of curvature,say from concave to convex,at a particular point on a curve.There is now,at this particular point of time,an inflection point occurring in China’s diplomacy,as the country changes from reactive to pro-active in its  相似文献   

Understanding the concept of mianzi or "face" in China is imperative. It’s the mysterious language used at every social gathering or business meeting. The giving and receiving of face,in short,is what makes China "go round." It’s dangerously easy to  相似文献   

As site of the Central Business District, Xinghai Bay is at the forefront of Dalian’s opening to the outside world.DALIAN is a coastal city on the southern tip of the Liaodong Peninsula in Northeast China. Of the 30 bays of various sizes that are scattered along its 1,906km coastline, Xinghai Bay has the distinction of being at the heart of the city. As site of the Central Business District, Xinghai Bay is at the forefront of Dalian’s opening to the outside world.  相似文献   

正Cross-Straits relations is a critical issue that Taiwan’s new leader needs to be clear on Taiwan’s new leader Tsai Ing-wen took office in Taipei on May 20.Following the change of leadership in Taiwan,the most important question now is whether the ruling Democratic Progressive Party(DPP)will acknowledge the 1992 Consensus and its core implications,because the question involves the political foundation for peaceful development of cross-Straits relations.It also matters for the  相似文献   

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