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The article argues that nowadays research on friendship has reached a dead end. The only thing everyone in the field agrees on is: “friendship matters”. But how and what for is completely contingent, conceptionally as well as methodically. Alternatively the paper argues that the phenomenon of friendship becomes clearer when looked at under four functional aspects: first as a compensating practice of care for those who can’t trust in family bonds nor in welfare contracts; second as an intermediate social form that lasts longer than membership and partnership alike; third as a mirror of lifelong socialization of the self; and forth as a diffuse resource of organization and association. All aspects concern the enigma of voluntary bonds in a society of individuals.  相似文献   

Berliner Journal für Soziologie -  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Mauro Basaure  Ich bedanke mich an dieser Stelle ausdrücklich bei Luc Boltanski für die viele Zeit und Mühe, die er darauf verwendet hat, mir bei der Erstellung dieses Dokuments zu helfen. Die Entwicklung der Fragen hat sehr von den Diskussionen mit Nora Sieverding profitiert, die auch mit meiner Unterstützung diese Ver?ffentlichung in deutscher Sprache vorbereitet hat. Für ihre sorgf?ltige Lektüre und hilfreichen Kommentare danken wir Gabriele Wagner und Philipp Hessinger.
Mauro BasaureEmail:

Mauro Basaure   geb. 1973. Promotionsstipendiat am Institut für Sozialforschung an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universit?t in Frankfurt a.M., wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Groupede Sociologic Politique et Morale (EHESS/CNRS)in Paris und des Instituto de Investigación Ciencias Sociales der Universidad Diego Portales in Santiago de Chile. Forschungsschwerpunkte: Sozialtheorie, Kritische Theorie, Franz?sischer Pragmatismus. Ausgew?hlte Ver?ffentlichung: (Hrsg., mit J.P. Reemtsma und R. Willig)Erneuerung der Kritik. Axel Honneth im Gespr?ch, 2009.  相似文献   

Michael Schmid’s criticism of Max Weber’s methodology is both the background and touchstone for a rational reconstruction of Webers doctrine of the idealtypes. In my view, idealtypes are non-falsifiable, idealised theoretical models of a non-statement type of view. This recent approach in the philosophy of science distinguishes between theoretical models on the one hand and theoretical hypotheses on the other. I argue that only the application of these models attains the character of hypotheses. In Weber we find a three step conception of explanation, which encompasses social rules and idealtypes on both the micro and the macro level. The ultimate aim of Weber’s sociology is a macro-socially induced formulation of social species (Arten). They allow a categorisation of the social rules, which are explained through types of action and by means of idealtypes on the macro-level, which serve the function of a theoretical unification. For Weber, macrophenomena allow for a species-realistic interpretation. This realism of social species states an ontological order of empirical reality. Objective truth then means the correct registration of the taxonomical order of social reality and the classification of historical phenomena in this taxonomical order. Weber is an ontological individualist, but, contrary to dominant opinion, a methodological holist.  相似文献   

First I present some terminological instruments in order to analyze the flexibility of work and to demonstrate how it can be connected with an encompassing theory of society. In the next two steps I sum up the development of the older debate on working-time flexibilization and how it broadened within the dimensions of work flexibility, namely time, qualification and space. Than I shall offer a systematization of different types of flexibility of work, link it with the concept of flexicurity and add some considerations about chains of flexibilization. The article results in further questions concerning the relationship between improvements of economic efficiency and gains in individual autonomy, as well as concerning consequences of a flexible work society.  相似文献   

To give, to receive and to reciprocate - that’s the basic formula of gift exchange developed and elaborated in the Essay on Gift published in 1925 by Marcel Mauss. The Mouvement Anti-utilitariste dans les Sciences Sociales, shortly M.A.U.S.S., a group initiated by the French sociologist Alain Caillé and the Swiss anthropologist Gérald Berthoud, continues Mauss’s work in a specific way. The object of this group, hardly known in Germany, is to establish a third paradigm, the paradigm of the gift, which is meant to overcome the dualism between methodological individualism and holism. After contextualizing the M.A.U.S.S. group in the field of contemporary French sociology, the article explores the sociological-historical basis of the group, the gift theorem of Mauss. In the following step the article analyzes the theoretical premises of the M.A.U.S.S. group which are thought to substantiate the paradigm of gift. The basic theoretical approach of the group will be introduced and its position in the field of French sociology specified by an analysis of Caillé’s crtitique of Pierre Bourdieu. In the final part, a couple of critical remarks on the M.A.U.S.S.-group’s methodological and sociological impetus are made.  相似文献   

The interdependency of ?production“ and ?reproduction“ has increasingly attracted the attention of the scientific community and the media. Biological and social reproductions are topics of family and gender studies: In family research reproduction is analysed as a basic function of the family; in gender research reproduction is mainly studied as a factor that effects social inequality. While sociological research was for a long-time concentrated on the ?conciliation“ of ?work“ and ?(family) life“, nowadays a change of perspective is necessary: How can employees maintain their psychological and physical strength when the work sphere becomes more and more flexible? How can they safeguard their social relationships? The article connects the categories ?work-strength –life-strength “ as a perspective that considers the structural and contradictory relationship of ?work“ and ?life“. With the concept of ?doing reproduction“, individual efforts are brought in the centre of research. Hereby is shown that the functionality of reproduction as a social sphere is fundamentally based on reproduction as an individual practice.  相似文献   

Berliner Journal für Soziologie - Seit den 1990er Jahren häufen sich in der Industriesoziologie die mit Konzepten wie ?Wissensarbeit“, ?Netzwerkgesellschaft“,...  相似文献   

Dieser Artikel stellt theoretische und methodische Ansätze einer neoklassischen Soziologie vor. Die neoklassische Soziologie versteht sich als eine Habermas’sche Rekonstruktion der von ihren klassischen Theoretikern, hier vor allem Max Weber, konzeptualisierten, grundlegenden Idee der Disziplin. Mit Blick auf die Entwicklungen in Ost- und Mitteleuropa widersprechen wir der dominanten Vorstellung einer einzigen, homogenisierenden Globalisierungslogik. Sowohl in der Geschichte als auch in der Gegenwart lässt sich nämlich eine bemerkenswerte Vielfalt kapitalistischer Formen und Ausprägungen feststellen. Weder soziologische Netzwerktheorien oder Theorien der ?Einbettung“ noch ökonomische Modelle rationalen Handelns vermögen diese Vielfalt angemessen zu erfassen. Der hier vorgestellte neoklassische Ansatz verknüpft empirische, vergleichende Ansätze der Untersuchung des Kapitalismus mit einem ironischen historischen Analyseansatz und ermöglicht so erst eine differenzierte und kritische soziologische Analyse der verschiedenen Formen des Kapitalismus.  相似文献   

In this article, I argue that instead of speculating about voter preference, political actors observe each other in a social role structure in the public sphere. Historically developed social cleavages define the positions in this role structure. The public sphere serves as a stage on which political actors define their roles in relation to each other. I find empirical evidence for this market model by investigating the debate surrounding a reference to God in the European Constitution, a debate that does not fit into the cleavage lines. If the market model for political behavior holds true, political actors won’t be able to articulate positions in the absence of cleavages defining political behavior. In this case, the debate will show symptoms of narrative uncertainty. Consequently political actors will produce narrative chaos and relinquish their role in public communication. As a consequence, they will remain in silence.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Gegensatz zur breiten Rezeption der Analysen Tocquevilles zu Politik, Religion und Recht hat seine Besch?ftigung mit ?konomischen Themen nur wenig Aufmerksamkeit erfahren. Dieser Missstand soll im Folgenden behoben werden. Dargestellt und kritisch betrachtet wird Tocquevilles Wissen über die ?konomie, wobei vor allem untersucht wird, auf welche ?konomischen Ph?nomene er sich konzentrierte und wie er diese analysierte. Im Zentrum der Diskussion stehen dabei seine Werke über die Demokratie in Amerika und Der alte Staat und die Revolution, doch auch einige seiner kleineren Schriften werden berücksichtigt. Tocqueville schrieb vor der Durchsetzung der modernen ?konomie, und es gibt wenig Berührungspunkte zwischen seiner Art der Analyse und beispielsweise jener eines John Stuart Mill oder moderner ?konomen. Andererseits besteht aber, wie hier dargelegt wird, eine deutliche Affinit?t zwischen Tocquevilles Analyse der ?konomie und jener der Wirtschaftssoziologie.
Summary Tocqueville’s views on politics, religion and law have attracted many commentators, as opposed to his views on economic topics. In this article I try to remedy this situation by presenting and discussing what Tocqueville knew about economics and, more importantly, what economic phenomena he focused on and how he analyzed these. Special attention is paid in this respect to Democracy in America and The Old Regime and the French Revolution, but also some of his minor writings are discussed. Tocqueville wrote before the emergence of modern economics and there are few points in common between his type of analysis and that of, say, John Stuart Mill or modern economists. There is, on the other hand, a distinct affinity between Tocqueville’s way of analyzing the economy and that of economic sociology.

Résumé Contrairement à la large audience rencontrée par les analyses de Tocqueville en matière de politique, de religion et de droit, ses réflexions sur l’économie n’ont suscité que de peu d’intérêt. Le présent article se propose de redresser ce tort en présentant et en soumettant les connaissances économiques de Tocqueville à un examen critique. Il s’agit en particulier de déterminer sur quels phénomènes économiques il s’est concentré et comment il les a analysés, en s’appuyant sur ses oeuvres principales, De la démocratie en Amérique et L’Ancien Régime et la Révolution, mais aussi sur quelques autres écrits plus courts. Tocqueville écrivait avant le triomphe de l’économie moderne. Aussi y at- il peu de recoupements entre sa méthode d’analyse et celle, par exemple, d’un John Stuart Mill ou d’économistes modernes. Néanmoins, l’analyse tocquevillienne de l’économie présente, comme le montre l’article, de nettes affinités avec la sociologie de l’économie.

The article scrutinizes the emergence and expansion of EU-related professions and forms of occupation from a field-analytical perspective. Starting from the observation that the EU is not just an influential political actor, but also an expanding area of work, expert involvement and job specialization the paper discusses various forms, dimensions and loci of the ongoing “professionalization” of Europe. It is shown that the expansion of EU-related professional activities is not just a phenomenon of Brussels and the “Eurocracy”, but has expanded into the member states and various areas of occupational activity and expertise. The EU professionalization is conceptualized as a transnational field of specialization and professionalization which produces own principles, forms of knowledge and resources which are used and reproduced by experts and specialists. The field perspective allows identifying common principles, but also the variance and transnational dimension of EU affairs.  相似文献   

This paper develops a sociological perspective on the process of social integration that has been initiated in the course of the evolution of European political institutions. This perspective wants to avoid the pitfalls of normative diagnoses (which complain about what is not there) as well as the pitfalls of national comparisons (which do not see more than national similarities and national differences). A more abstract notion of social integration is presented as providing an analytical framework for understanding and explaining the process of socially integrating a culturally heterogeneous Europe. The key concept is that of a transnational space of communication and its discursive closure (with recourse to Deutsch and Bourdieu). The central theoretical idea is to use communicative density as the criterion of the emergence of a communicative space in which two different types of experience make possible its discursive closure: the experience of being treated fairly by the others inhabiting this space (the cognitive capital of a community) and the construction of a common memory frame resulting from the confrontation of differing national (and subnational) memories in this space (the narrative capital of a community). Thus two mechanisms can be identified which explain discursive closure. This model leaves open whether this will happen, but it offers a strategy for identifying the extent and the causes of such processes without recourse to normatively motivated wishful thinking.  相似文献   

Ernst Cassirers ?Philosophie der symbolischen Formen“ (PSF) dient gegenwärtig in den Institutionentheorien von Gerhard Göhler und Karl-Siegbert Rehberg als Erklärung für die generell konstitutive Bedeutung der symbolischen Dimension von Institutionen. In diesem Beitrag wird überprüft, in welcher Hinsicht und mit welchen Konsequenzen die jeweilige Integration von Cassirers PSF vollzogen wird. Dabei werden drei Thesen entfaltet: (1) Göhlers Integration der Cassirer’schen Kategorien führt zu einer Auflösung der PSF innerhalb dieser Institutionentheorie, während Rehbergs Rückgriff auf Cassirer eine Auflösung seiner Institutionentheorie in der Gesellschaftstheorie bedeutet. (2) Trotz dieses Unterschieds beruhen die Schwierigkeiten beider Ansätze auf demselben Problem: Sie nehmen die PSF immer nur in ihrer Relevanz für die Gegenstände in Anspruch, die sie als Institutionen bezeichnen, aber nicht für den Institutionenbegriff selbst. (3) Abschließend wird noch kurz zur Diskussion gestellt, warum genau dieser Aspekt eine Möglichkeit bietet, Institution selbst als symbolische Form zu begreifen.  相似文献   

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