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Determining the amount of human DNA extracted from a crime scene sample is an important step in DNA profiling. The forensic community relies almost entirely upon a technique (slot blot) to quantitate human DNA that is imprecise, time consuming, and labor intensive. This paper describes the development of a new technique based on PCR amplification of a repetitive Alu sequence. Specific primers were used to amplify a 124-bp fragment of Alu sequence; amplification was detected by SYBR Green I staining in a fluorescent plate reader. To reduce background in the plate reader assay, QSY-7 labeled primers were utilized. The assay was tested on animal DNAs, human blood spots, mock crime samples, and degraded DNA in comparison with the slot blot technique. The QSY Alu assay has a dynamic range of 10 ng to 10 pg, and is sensitive, specific, fast, quantitative, and comparable in cost to the slot blot assay.  相似文献   

Current procedures for human DNA quantitation reach their limit at 150 pg DNA, which is above the limit of the PCR profiling range using Profiler-Plus (Applied Biosystems, CA). This study tested the potential for the use of primate specific Alu sequences in forensic science for the sensitive detection and quantitaion of DNA. A fluorescently labelled primer pair was designed enabling high efficiency amplification of the core Alu sequence within primate DNA. Quantitation was performed by measurement of fluorescence intensity and comparison to a series of standard template DNA amounts via the construction of a standard curve. The new Alu-based quantitation protocol developed has shown its feasibility in more sensitively quantitating (100-2.5 pg) unknown amounts of human DNA for forensic use. The method is compatible with the use and throughput of current forensic procedures.  相似文献   

Forensic DNA quantitation is an important initial step preceding PCR amplification of the STR loci even though information concerning the quality of the DNA is not revealed. A quadruplex real-time PCR (qPCR) assay was developed to quantify four DNA targets: (1) the human RB1 gene in nuclear DNA, (2) the DAZ gene present on the human Y chromosome, (3) the ATPase8 gene present in human mitochondrial DNA and (4) an artificial internal positive control to reveal possible PCR inhibition. Primers labeled with four different fluorophores are used together with a single quencher using the antiprimer quenching-based qPCR method in one reaction, in which the resultant amplicons are less than 127 bp in size. Sensitivity was shown to be less than ten copies for all four targets in the absence of amplification inhibition. The amplification remained sensitive in the presence of an excess of non-human DNA.  相似文献   

Blood Group A and B substances in secretor (Se) and nonsecretor (se) salivas were tested by means of an electronic data processing-hemagglutinin-inhibition test (EDP-HAIT) with immunoglobulin M (IgM) isohemagglutinins. Besides a difference in quantity, the blood group substances in Se saliva showed high binding efficiencies compared with those in se saliva. EDP-HAIT with IgG isohemagglutinins proved no difference in the binding efficiencies of Se and se salivas. The determination of secretor status by EDP-HAIT with IgM isohemagglutinin was accurate because the conclusion was obtained based on two different quantitative results. Secretor status of some salivas in gargled water could be determined by comparing the binding efficiencies.  相似文献   

目的探讨国产磁珠Wawasye试剂盒在法医DNA检案中的应用效果。方法利用475份各类常见生物检材测试其效果,并与M48磁珠试剂盒作比较。结果国产磁珠Wawasye试剂盒与M48磁珠试剂盒在检验各类常见生物检材的结果无显著性差异。结论国产磁珠Wawasye试剂盒适用于公安机关DNA实验室。  相似文献   

The forensic community needs quick, reliable methods to quantitate human DNA in crime scene samples to replace the laborious and imprecise slot blot method. A real-time PCR based method has the possibility of allowing development of a faster and more quantitative assay. Alu sequences are primate-specific and are found in many copies in the human genome, making these sequences an excellent target or marker for human DNA. This paper describes the development of a real-time Alu sequence-based assay using MGB Eclipse primers and probes. The advantages of this assay are simplicity, speed, less hands-on-time and automated quantitation, as well as a large dynamic range (128 ng/microL to 0.5 pg/microL).  相似文献   

STR-based DNA profiling is an exceptionally sensitive analytical technique that is often used to obtain results at the very limits of its sensitivity. The challenge of reliably distinguishing between signal and noise in such situations is one that has been rigorously addressed in numerous other analytical disciplines. However, an inability to determine accurately the height of electropherogram baselines has caused forensic DNA profiling laboratories to utilize alternative approaches. Minimum thresholds established during laboratory validation studies have become the de facto standard for distinguishing between reliable signal and noise/technical artifacts. These minimum peak height thresholds generally fail to consider variability in the sensitivity of instruments, reagents, and the skill of human analysts involved in the DNA profiling process over the course of time. Software (BatchExtract) made publicly available by the National Center for Biotechnology Information now provides an alternative means of establishing limits of detection and quantitation that is more consistent with those used in other analytical disciplines. We have used that software to determine the height of each data collection point for each dye along a control sample's electropherogram trace. These values were then used to determine a limit of detection (the average amount of background noise plus three standard deviations) and a limit of quantitation (the average amount of background noise plus 10 standard deviations) for each control sample. Analyses of the electropherogram data associated with the positive, negative, and reagent blank controls included in 50 different capillary electrophoresis runs validate that this approach could be used to determine run-specific thresholds objectively for use in forensic DNA casework.  相似文献   

A modified alkaline lysis protocol for extracting DNA from forensically relevant specimens is evaluated and compared with the chelex 100 method. For whole blood, bloodstains and sperm stains, both methods yielded comparable results after amplification for a pentameric STR locus (HumCD4). The main advantages of the new method are: only approximately ten minutes and two pipetting steps are necessary and the expenses for the extraction are extremely low as only NaOH, TrisHCl buffer and a single microcentrifuge tube are required. Alkaline lysis also proved to yield DNA suitable for typing longer STRs by using dye-labeled primers and capillary electrophoresis. These advantages should render this protocol especially interesting for high-throughput laboratories in combination with multiplex PCR and fluorescent dye technology, although the storability of the extracts proved to be problematic.  相似文献   

The 4977 bp deletion of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) accumulates in postmitotic tissues with advancing age. The purpose of our study was to detect and quantify these deletion even in blood cells with a high turnover activity. Whole venous blood, isolated human platelets and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were collected from 10 unrelated donors aged 20-71 years and total DNA was extracted. PCR was performed for total and mutated mtDNA using two different primer pairs and two fluorogenic probes labeled with the fluorescent dyes FAM and VIC. Specific PCR products were generated, detected and quantified in a real-time PCR. The amplification products of total and deleted mtDNA could be detected in each sample and did not exhibit any differences in the amount of the deleted mtDNA in whole blood, human platelets or PBMCs. Our data did not show any accumulation of the 4977 bp deletion with increasing age as it was observed for several other tissues.  相似文献   

The Qiagen BioRobot EZ1 is a small, rapid, and reliable automated DNA extraction instrument capable of extracting DNA from up to six samples in as few as 20 min using magnetic bead technology. The San Diego Police Department Crime Laboratory has validated the BioRobot EZ1 for the DNA extraction of evidence and reference samples in forensic casework. The BioRobot EZ1 was evaluated for use on a variety of different evidence sample types including blood, saliva, and semen evidence. The performance of the BioRobot EZ1 with regard to DNA recovery and potential cross-contamination was also assessed. DNA yields obtained with the BioRobot EZ1 were comparable to those from organic extraction. The BioRobot EZ1 was effective at removing PCR inhibitors, which often co-purify with DNA in organic extractions. The incorporation of the BioRobot EZ1 into forensic casework has streamlined the DNA analysis process by reducing the need for labor-intensive phenol-chloroform extractions.  相似文献   

A semi-automated DNA extraction process for casework samples based on the Promega DNA IQ™ system was optimized and validated on TECAN Genesis 150/8 and Freedom EVO robotic liquid handling stations configured with fixed tips and a TECAN TE-Shake™ unit. The use of an orbital shaker during the extraction process promoted efficiency with respect to DNA capture, magnetic bead/DNA complex washes and DNA elution. Validation studies determined the reliability and limitations of this shaker-based process. Reproducibility with regards to DNA yields for the tested robotic workstations proved to be excellent and not significantly different than that offered by the manual phenol/chloroform extraction. DNA extraction of animal:human blood mixtures contaminated with soil demonstrated that a human profile was detectable even in the presence of abundant animal blood. For exhibits containing small amounts of biological material, concordance studies confirmed that DNA yields for this shaker-based extraction process are equivalent or greater to those observed with phenol/chloroform extraction as well as our original validated automated magnetic bead percolation-based extraction process. Our data further supports the increasing use of robotics for the processing of casework samples.  相似文献   

Modern forensic facial reconstruction techniques are based on an understanding of skeletal variation and tissue depths. These techniques rely upon a skilled practitioner interpreting limited data. To (i) increase the amount of data available and (ii) lessen the subjective interpretation, we use medical imaging and statistical techniques. We introduce a software tool, reality enhancement/facial approximation by computational estimation (RE/FACE) for computer-based forensic facial reconstruction. The tool applies innovative computer-based techniques to a database of human head computed tomography (CT) scans in order to derive a statistical approximation of the soft tissue structure of a questioned skull. A core component of this tool is an algorithm for removing the variation in facial structure due to skeletal variation. This method uses models derived from the CT scans and does not require manual measurement or placement of landmarks. It does not require tissue-depth tables, can be tailored to specific racial categories by adding CT scans, and removes much of the subjectivity of manual reconstructions.  相似文献   

A method using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with an acetonitrile, water, and phosphoric acid mobile phase and a bonded cyano-amino-type polar phase column has been developed for the rapid, selective, and accurate quantitation of psilocybin in dry mushroom material. A simple one-step procedure is used for the quantitative extraction of psilocybin in under 60 min. The 267:254 nm absorbance ratio is used as a check on peak purity for the psilocybin response.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper was to examine and compare two different commercially available approaches to the determination of the relative quantities of autosomal and Y chromosomal DNA using real-time PCR. One, Quantifiler® Duo, utilizes a TaqMan® assay with single copy probes for both autosomal human and Y quantification. The other method, Plexor HY® utilizes a primer quenching assay with multi-copy probes for its quantification of autosomal human and Y chromosomal DNA. To test these approaches we have utilized the NIST Human DNA Quantitation Standard Reference Material 2372, a set of three different NIST human DNA quantification standards, to examine the precision, accuracy and sensitivity of the real-time PCR assays. We also examined data from both systems utilizing casework samples. The results show that both systems produced linear estimates for DNA quantity over a broad range of input DNA. However we did observe some apparent copy number effects when comparing the three different NIST standards which we attributed to issues with sequence variations in the different standards. Overall, the single copy approach provided better accuracy while the multi-copy approach produced better sensitivity. Thus the choice of which system to use should depend upon the goals of the user.  相似文献   

目的建立一种自动化提取脱落上皮细胞类生物检材DNA的方法。方法附着于不同载体上的脱落上皮细胞类生物检材共278份,应用Eppendorf epMotion 5075LH工作站结合DNA IQTM系统提取模板DNA,并用Identifiler试剂盒进行STR检验。结果在278份被检的生物检材,其中126份检材获得13个基因座以上的STR分型,不同类型的检材其检出率不相同,最高达73.44%,最低为10.89%。结论脱落上皮细胞类检材应用自动化工作站提取DNA模板可在法医日常检案中广泛应用。  相似文献   

Our laboratory has developed an automated real-time quantitative PCR assay for detecting human DNA. The assay utilizes an in-house, custom-designed TaqMan-MGB sequence-specific probe (CFS-HumRT) and the ABD 7900HT SDS platform. Developmental validation has followed TWGDAM (1) guidelines and demonstrates that the assay is primate specific, is highly sensitive, yields consistent results, and works with human DNA extracted from a variety of body fluid stains. When operating within the dynamic range of the system using high-quality DNA samples. the technique yields similar quantification results to our current QuantiBlot assay with the added benefit of time saving through automation. Furthermore, the QPCR assay identifies how much amplifiable DNA is in a sample and thus has the potential to predict PCR success in downstream applications such as STR analysis.  相似文献   

In order to cope with the demanding workload for DNA profiling of forensic casework samples a concept for a semi-automated processing system was developed at the Landeskriminalamt (Office of Criminal Investigation) Baden-Württemberg, Germany [K. Vollack, et al., Implementation of a semi-automated processing system for DNA profiling of forensic casework samples, this issue]. The applied magnetic bead extraction method is based on ChargeSwitch® Technology (CST) from Invitrogen and was established on a liquid handling workstation Freedom EVO® 150 from Tecan.  相似文献   

A computerized procedure is presented for the profiling and comparison of illicit heroin seizures. The system involves the derivation and gas chromatographic separation of five major constituents followed by a fully automatic data analysis and transfer to a PHP/MySQL database. Comparisons via the square cosine function between a single chromatographic profile and the whole database (several hundred of samples) are performed in a few seconds. Advantages of this profiling method compared to the classical minor constituents one are discussed.  相似文献   

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