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The research was conducted on the 160 intact extracted human teeth with one and two roots of the known age and sex. The teeth were disinfected, dried and X-rayed. After that the section of the longitudinal cut through the teeth was performed in order to facilitate monitoring of all tissues and morphological characteristics of the teeth. The age was determined in three ways: Method 1 [G.Bang, E. Ramm, Determination of age in humans from root dentin transparency, Acta Odontol. Scand. 28 (1970) 3-35]--analysis of the translucency of the root dentine, Method 2 [S. Kvaal, T. Solheim, A non-destructive dental method for age estimation, J. Forensic Odonto-stomatol. 12 (1994) 6-11]--analysis of the root and the root canal from the X-ray, Method 3 [G. Johanson, Age determination from human teeth, Odontol. Revy. 22 (1971) 1-126]--analysis of six parameters on each teeth. All data were subject to the correlation and regression analysis which showed the following: all of the three applied methods were in the significant correlation with the real age, and the best of them proved to be Method 3 where the coefficient of correlation was 0.85, p<0.001. The teeth of the maxilla are more convenient for the age determination than the teeth of mandible. They are in the significant strong correlation with the known real age, and in Method 3, the coefficient of correlation is 0.78, p<0.001. Age determination of the teeth with two roots is in significant correlation with the known real age p<0.001 in relation to the determined age on the teeth with one root. The results show that sex too, is in significant correlation with the real age, p<0.001. In practice, the methods used and the results achieved in this research have been enabling the dental age estimation of human remains from mass graves after the 1991 war in Croatia.  相似文献   

The ivory industry is the single most serious threat to global elephant populations. A highly sensitive, species-specific real-time PCR assay has been developed to detect and quantify African elephant (Loxodonta africana), Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) and Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) mitochondrial DNA from highly processed samples involved in the international ivory trade. This assay is especially useful for highly processed samples where there are no distinguishing morphological features to identify the species of origin. Using species-specific Taqman(?) probes targeting a region of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, we developed an assay that can be used to positively identify samples containing elephant or Woolly mammoth DNA faster and more cost-effectively than traditional sequencing methods. Furthermore, this assay provides a diagnostic result based on probe hybridization that eliminates ambiguities associated with traditional DNA sequence protocols involving low template DNA. The real-time method is highly sensitive, producing accurate and reproducible results in samples with as few as 100 copies of template DNA. This protocol can be applied to the enforcement of the Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES), when positive identification of species from illegally traded products is required by conservation officers in wildlife forensic cases.  相似文献   

Dismembered/severed human remains are frequently found in cases of mass disasters and criminal mutilation. Sex estimation from foot dimensions, therefore, has a vital role in establishing personal identity. There is a paucity of literature on this issue from various Indian populations. The "Rajbanshi" is one such indigenous population located in the state of West Bengal, India. The present study attempts to estimate sex from foot length, foot breadth, and foot index among 350 living adult Rajbanshi (175 men and 175 women) individuals (age range: 18-50 years). The study concludes that foot dimensions show significant sex differences. Both sectioning point and regression analyses can be used to estimate sex from foot dimensions. However, multiple regression models appear to have the maximum accuracy in sex differentiation. Although statistically significant sex differences are evident for foot index, its practical utility appears to be limited because of considerable overlap.  相似文献   

The accuracy of age estimation using three quantitative methods of developing permanent teeth was investigated. These were M?rnstad et al. [Scand. J. Dent. Res. 102 (1994) 137], Liversidge and Molleson [J. For. Sci. 44 (1999) 917] and Carels et al. [J. Biol. Bucc. 19 (1991) 297]. The sample consisted of 145 white Caucasian children (75 girls, 70 boys) aged between 8 and 13 years. Tooth length and apex width of mandibular canine, premolars and first and second molars were measured from orthopantomographs using a digitiser. These data were substituted into equations from the three methods and estimated age was calculated and compared to chronological age. Age was under-estimated in boys and girls using all the three methods; the mean difference between chronological and estimated ages for method I was -0.83 (standard deviation +/-0.96) years for boys and -0.67 (+/-0.76) years for girls; method II -0.79 (+/-0.93) and -0.63 (+/-0.92); method III -1.03 (+/-1.48) and -1.35 (+/-1.11) for boys and girls, respectively. Further analysis of age cohorts, found the most accurate method to be method I for the age group 8.00-8.99 years where age could be predicted to 0.14+/-0.44 years (boys) and 0.10+/-0.32 years (girls). Accuracy was greater for younger children compared to older children and this decreased with age.  相似文献   

目的 运用Cameriere法和Willems法推断中国北方5~14岁人群牙龄,并比较两种方法牙龄推断的准确性.方法 收集西安交通大学口腔医院年龄在5~14岁的中国北方未成年人群拍摄的全口曲面断层片2000例,其中男性1000例,女性1000例.分别采用Cameriere法和Willems法进行牙龄推断,利用SPSS ...  相似文献   

The laryngeal cartilages undergo age changes, including mineralization and ossification. Keen and Wainwright defined, in male and female subjects, recognizable stages of radiopacity of the thyroid, cricoid, and arytenoid cartilages. The present study analyzed quantitatively the degree of laryngeal radiopacity to determine whether radiography of the larynx can be used routinely in forensic pathology to estimate age at death. In each of 82 subjects, the larynx was removed during forensic autopsy and subjected to radiography in an anteroposterior orientation. Each radiograph was independently scored by two observers. For each case, the degree of laryngeal radiopacity was evaluated according to the classification of Keen and Wainwright. There was a positive correlation between the total score of laryngeal radiopacity and age (correlation coefficient = 0.74). It was concluded that this method is simple, fast, and nondestructive and has a good reproducibility between observers. Because there was a wide interindividual variability in the same age class, this method must be associated with more accurate methods.  相似文献   

Recently, in the field of forensic medicine the number of unidentified cadavers has increased due to mass disasters and international terrorism. In addition to the conventional anthropological methods, a simple and precise method to estimate the age of these unidentified cadavers to assist in the personal identification is necessary. On the other hand, many researchers have reported that mitochondrial respiratory activity decreases with aging because of the production of reactive oxidative species in the process of ATP generation. Therefore, it may be possible for us to estimate human age by analyzing mitochondrial activity. In this report we attempted to analyze cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) activity, and the amount of protein and mRNA expression in various aged rats. The age of human subjects was estimated through the analysis of human CCO activity from 28 actual forensic cases. The CCO activity, the amount of protein and the mRNA expression increased in the 3rd week and decreased afterwards in rats. Furthermore, human CCO activity was decreased gradually with aging. Therefore, CCO activity analysis may be useful for age estimation in forensic cases.  相似文献   

Carpals are often used as age indicators. In a recent study, Cameriere et al. studied the use of the ratio between the total area of carpal bones and epiphyses of the ulna and radius (Bo) and carpals (Ca) as age indicators. The present study, of a sample of 158 Slovenian children and adolescents aged between 6 and 16 years, focused on analysing the best regression for age estimation. The regression model yielded the following equation: age=-3.411+0.942 g+20.927(Bo/Ca), and explained 91.6% of total variance (R(2)=0.916). The median of the absolute values of residuals (observed age minus predicted age) was 0.09 years, with a quartile deviation of 0.786 years, and a standard error of estimate of 0.658 years. Comparisons between the previous equation referring to Slovenian children and the equivalent linear equation proposed by Cameriere et al. did not reveal any significant differences between the intercepts and slopes of the two linear models. These results suggested a common regression model for both Italian and Slovenian samples. The common regression model, describing age as a linear function of gender and Bo/Ca ratio, yielded the following linear regression formula: age=-2.907+0.408 g+20.757(Bo/Ca). This model explained 86% of total variance (R(2)=0.86). The median of the absolute values of residuals (observed age minus predicted age) was 0.02 years, with a quartile deviation of 1.02 years and a standard error of estimate of 0.96 years.  相似文献   

Age estimation of an individual whether living or dead is an intimidating task in forensic investigations. Since teeth are more resistant to most peri- and post-mortem changes, they are frequently used for identification and age estimation when skeletal remains are in poor condition. However, most methods are destructive and warrant extraction of teeth which is not feasible in living individuals. Cameriere's et al. put forth a radiographic method of age estimation by pulp to tooth area ratio (AR) in canines and revealed a linear regression between age and the AR. In the present study, we estimated the AR in 456 canines (upper, lower and both) in an Indian sample (114 males and 114 females) using radiovisiography technique. Linear regression equations were derived for upper canine, lower canine and both using the AR to estimate chronological age. Additionally, the efficacy of these equations was also evaluated in younger age group (<45 years). The formulas derived, i.e., age = 96.795 ? 513.561x1 (Eq. (1)) for upper canine, age = 88.308 ? 458.137x2 (Eq. (2)) for lower canine and age = 99.190 ? 283.537x1 ? 306.902x2 + 400.873x1x2 (Eq. (3)) for both the canines were applied to predict the chronological age. The mean value of residuals using these regression equations ranged from 4.28 to 6.39 years with upper canine equation generally giving a precise result. When these equations were applied for younger ages (<45 years), the regression equation derived from both canines gave a better result (mean residual 2.70 years). Overall these equations were better able to predict the age in younger ages, i.e., up to 45 years.  相似文献   

The third molar tooth is one of the few anatomical sites available for age estimation of unknown age individuals in the late adolescent years. Computed tomography (CT) images were assessed in an Australian population aged from 15 to 25 years for development trends, particularly concerning age estimation at the child/adult transition point of 18 years. The CT images were also compared to conventional radiographs to assess the developmental scoring agreement between the two and it was found that agreement of Demirjian scores between the two imaging modalities was excellent. The relatively wide age ranges (mean ± 2SD) indicate that the third molar is not a precise tool for age estimation (age ranges of 3-8 years) but is, however, a useful tool for discriminating the adult/child transition age of 18 years. In the current study 100% of females and 96% of males with completed roots were over 18 years of age.  相似文献   

Allele distributions for 13 short tandem repeat (STR) loci D3S1358, vWA, FGA, D8S1179, D21S11, D18S51, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820, TH01, TPOX, CSF1PO and D16S539 were determined for three Native Alaskan population groups-Athabaskans, Inupiats, and Yupiks. Although genetic diversity is lower in the Native Alaskan populations compared with Caucasians and Africans, almost all loci are highly polymorphic in all three Native Alaskan groups. There was little evidence for departures from Hardy-Weinberg expectations (HWE) in any of the populations. Only two examples of detectable departures from HWE out of 39 locus-population tests performed were observed based on the exact test (Yupik, D8S1179, P=0.030; Yupik, D5S818, P=0.016). The F(ST) estimate overall 13 STR loci is 0.0309 for the Native Alaskan populations. Based on a genetic distance measure, Athabaskans are more closely related to Apaches and Navajos (all of the same linguistic group) than the other Native Alaskan groups. The F(ST) estimate for Athabaskans, Apaches and Navajos is 0.0180 and for Inupiats and Yupiks is 0.0167. The allele frequency data can be used for estimating DNA profile frequencies for Native Americans residing in Alaska.  相似文献   

Jia Y  Zhang L  Wu MY 《法医学杂志》2004,20(1):21-22
目的建立一种同步检测Y-STR基因座的方法。方法采用复合扩增的方法同时对三个基因座(DYS390、DYS391及DYS393)进行扩增。结果成功地对这三个Y-STR基因座进行了同步扩增,并用其对中国成都汉族群体进行群体遗传学研究。结论三个Y-STR基因座在中国成都汉族群体个人识别几率为0.8965±0.0081,证明这个体系可用于个人识别和群体遗传学研究。  相似文献   

Age estimation using the racemization of amino acid in human dentin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study was made to improve the validity of age estimation from teeth using amino acid racemization. The correlation between actual age and the D/L ratio of aspartic acid was investigated by analyzing not only the total amino acid but also its fractionated substances, insoluble collagen and soluble peptide. The coefficient values of correlation between the D/L ratio and actual age in adult lower central incisors were 0.996 (sigma = +/- 1.0 year) for the total amino acid, 0.988 (sigma = +/- 1.8 years) for insoluble collagen, and 0.997 (sigma = +/- 0.9 years) for soluble peptide. The corresponding figures in adult first premolars were 0.991 (sigma = +/- 1.6 years), 0.988 (sigma = +/- 1.9 years), and 0.994 (sigma = +/- 1.4 years), respectively. The reactive velocity of aspartic acid racemization was highest for soluble peptide in both the lower central incisors and first premolars and approximately three times as rapid as that for total amino acid. As a result, age estimated from the analysis of soluble peptide was most accurate. The velocity for insoluble collagen was slightly lower than that for total amino acid. Age estimation was attempted from the teeth of an unknown body. These results suggest that the analyses, not only of total amino acid in dentin but also of its fractionated and extracted substances, can lead to higher reliability in age estimation. Soluble peptide, in particular, has been found to be most effective.  相似文献   

曹志华 《中国法医学杂志》2012,27(6):438-441,530
目的 对常用骨龄评定方法进行比较分析,以评价其在判定骨龄精确度、实用性等方面的差别,为法医办案提供参考.方法 选取河南省某县145名女性青少年作为研究对象,拍摄全身左侧六大关节X线片870张.分别采用百分计数法、CHN法、六大关节法、图谱法、叶氏评分法评定145名个体骨龄.采用SPSS ver.11.5软件包进行统计、分析.结果 CHN法、六大关节法、图谱法评定的骨龄与时间年龄无显著性差异(P>0.05);百分计数法和叶氏评分法评定的骨龄与时间年龄有显著性差异(P<0.05).CHN法、六大关节法、图谱法评定的骨龄之间无显著性差异(P>0.05),百分计数法、叶氏评分法评定的骨龄相互之间及与其他方法之间存在显著性差异(P<0.05).结论 六大关节法评定女性青少年的骨龄精确度最高,CHN法和图谱法评定我国女性青少年骨龄较实用.  相似文献   

In recent years many countries have experienced a sharp increase in the demand for forensic age estimates of unaccompanied minors. In many countries the age thresholds of relevance to criminal prosecution lie between 16 and 22 years. In line with recommendations issued by the Study Group on Forensic Age Diagnostics, for determining the age of live subjects a forensic age estimate should combine the results of a physical examination, an X-ray of the hand and a dental examination which records dentition status and evaluates an orthopantomogram. To assess the age of persons who are assumed to be at least 18 years old, an additional radiographic or CT examination of the collar bones is recommended. Forensic age estimates should take account of the ethnic origin and socio-economic status of the person under examination.  相似文献   

Recent years have brought a worldwide increase in cross-border migration due to a globalized economy and ongoing belligerent conflicts. As a result, the percentage of foreigners among the general population has steadily increased not only in Germany, but also in other countries. This trend has triggered a growing demand for forensic medicine to assess the age of adolescents and young adults. The individuals examined here are unaccompanied minors without valid identification documents who do not know their age or else are suspected of not giving their correct age. The mineralization of third molars is the main criterion for dental age estimation of living subjects in the relevant age group. To date insufficient knowledge has been obtained about how ethnic origin can influence tooth mineralization. This, however, constitutes a restraint on the reliability of age estimates and hence on the forensic value of information essential to legal security. A comparative study was conducted to present comparative data on third molar mineralization in a Caucasoid, Mongoloid and African sample. In conclusion, forensic age estimates of living subjects would be more powerful tools if population-specific standards were applied to evaluations of wisdom tooth mineralization. Since the mineralization of third molars is usually completed by the age of 19 or 20 years, this feature cannot be used to ascertain whether a person has attained the forensically relevant age of 21 years. The question was whether determination based on an orthopantomogram of a combination of features relevant to dental age estimation of adults supplies forensically useful information for ascertaining whether a person has attained 21 years of age. The features considered include the DMFT index of all permanent teeth, the DMFT index of all permanent teeth excluding third molars and the DFT index of third molars projecting beyond the occlusal plane. It can be concluded that an evaluation of the variations of the DMFT index does not by itself yield sufficient data to determine with the accuracy required in criminal proceedings whether a person has attained 21 years of age. An additional X-ray examination of the medial clavicular epiphyseal cartilage is, therefore, strongly recommended when assessing whether a person is over 21.  相似文献   

Developing teeth are used to assess maturity and estimate age in a number of disciplines, however the accuracy of different methods has not been systematically investigated. The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy of several methods. Tooth formation was assessed from radiographs of healthy children attending a dental teaching hospital. The sample was 946 children (491 boys, 455 girls, aged 3-16.99 years) with similar number of children from Bangladeshi and British Caucasian ethnic origin. Panoramic radiographs were examined and seven mandibular teeth staged according to Demirjian's dental maturity scale [A. Demirjian, Dental development, CD-ROM, Silver Platter Education, University of Montreal, Montreal, 1993-1994; A. Demirjian, H. Goldstein, J.M. Tanner, A new system of dental age assessment, Hum. Biol. 45 (1973) 211-227; A. Demirjian, H. Goldstein, New systems for dental maturity based on seven and four teeth, Ann. Hum. Biol. 3 (1976) 411-421], Nolla [C.M. Nolla, The development of the permanent teeth, J. Dent. Child. 27 (1960) 254-266] and Haavikko [K. Haavikko, The formation and the alveolar and clinical eruption of the permanent teeth. An orthopantomographic study. Proc. Finn. Dent. Soc. 66 (1970) 103-170]. Dental age was calculated for each method, including an adaptation of Demirjian's method with updated scoring [G. Willems, A. Van Olmen, B. Spiessens, C. Carels, Dental age estimation in Belgian children: Demirjian's technique revisited, J. Forensic Sci. 46 (2001) 893-895]. The mean difference (+/-S.D. in years) between dental and real age was calculated for each method and in the case of Haavikko, each tooth type; and tested using t-test. Mean difference was also calculated for the age group 3-13.99 years for Haavikko (mean and individual teeth). Results show that the most accurate method was by Willems [G. Willems, A. Van Olmen, B. Spiessens, C. Carels, Dental age estimation in Belgian children: Demirjian's technique revisited, J. Forensic Sci. 46 (2001) 893-895] (boys -0.05+/-0.81, girls -0.20+/-0.89, both -0.12 y+/-0.85), Demirjian [A. Demirjian, Dental development, CD-ROM, Silver Platter Education, University of Montreal, Montreal, 1993-1994] overestimated age (boys 0.25+/-0.84, girls 0.23+/-0.84, both 0.24 y+/-0.86), while Nolla [C.M. Nolla, The development of the permanent teeth, J. Dent. Child. 27 (1960) 254-266] and Haavikko's [K. Haavikko, The formation and the alveolar and clinical eruption of the permanent teeth. An orthopantomographic study, Proc. Finn. Dent. Soc. 66 (1970) 103-170] methods under-estimated age (boys -0.87+/-0.87, girls -1.18+/-0.96, both -1.02 y+/-0.93; boys -0.56+/-0.91, girls -0.79+/-1.11, both -0.67 y+/-1.01, respectively). For individual teeth using Haavikko's method, first premolar and second molar were most accurate; and more accurate than the mean value of all developing teeth. The 95% confidence interval of the mean was least for mean of all developing teeth using Haavikko (age 3-13.99 years), followed by identical values for Demirjian and Willems (sexes combined).  相似文献   

Dental development can be used to estimate age for forensic purposes. However, most of the currently available methods are less reliable for the Indonesian population due to population variability. This study presents a new method and evaluates other methods that utilize dental development to estimate the age of Indonesian people. Panoramic radiographs of 304 young Indonesian people aged 5–23 years old were analysed for deciduous tooth root resorption, permanent tooth calcification, and eruption. The extent of tooth root resorption was determined based on AlQahtani’s modified Moorrees et al. method. Tooth calcification was classified based on a modified Demirjian et al. method. Tooth eruption was evaluated based on AlQahtani’s modified Bengston system. The sequence of tooth root resorption, and permanent tooth calcification and eruption were grouped into 19 age categories (from 5–23 years old) in an atlas. The differences between males and females, between maxillary and mandibular teeth, and between right and left teeth were also analysed. There were minimal significant differences of tooth development between males and females, and between the right and left teeth (P > 0.05), while the maxillary and mandibular dental development was significantly different (P < 0.05). The newly developed atlas showed the development of the right side of maxillary and mandibular tooth of combined sex of Indonesian population. Another 34 panoramic radiographs of known-age and sex individuals from Indonesia were assessed using the newly developed Atlas of Dental Development in the Indonesian Population, Ubelaker’s Dental Development Chart, The London Atlas of Human Tooth Development and Eruption by AlQahtani, and the Age Estimation Guide-Modern Australia population by Blenkin-Taylor. Accuracy was assessed by comparing estimated age to actual chronological age using the Bland-Altmand test. Results show that the smallest range of error was found in the Atlas of Dental Development in the Indonesian Population (−0.969 to 1.210 years), followed by The London Atlas of Human Tooth Development and Eruption by AlQahtani (−2.013 to 1.990 years), the Age Estimation Guide-Modern Australia population by Blenkin-Taylor (−2.495 to 2.598 years), and the Dental Development Chart by Ubelaker (−2.960 to 3.289 years). These findings show that the Atlas of Dental Development constructed in this study performs better than the other three methods and presents greater accuracy of age estimation in the Indonesian population.

Key points

  • Dental development such as deciduous tooth root resorption, permanent tooth calcification, and tooth eruption can be used to estimate age for forensic purposes.
  • The development of the teeth are influenced by genetic, ethnicity, and sex, therefore an age estimation method must be constructed based on the same population.
  • There were minimal significant differences in tooth development between male and female, and between right and left teeth, but there was significant difference between maxillary and mandibular teeth.
  • The Atlas of Dental Development in the Indonesian Population constructed in this study allowed more accurate age estimation of the Indonesian sample than the other methods tested.
Supplemental data for this article are available online at https://doi.org/10.1080/20961790.2021.1886648.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between age and dental maturity and to establish the standard database of dental maturity based on the Demirjian's stages, which can be used for the age estimation of Korean children. For this purpose, dental maturity was measured by the Demirjian's stages on a randomly selected sample of panoramic radiographs taken from 2706 patients between 1 and 20 years of age and analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis based on the method of least squares. The results showed that, except for the third molars, the development of permanent teeth in Korean children was more advanced in females. The Demirjian's stage G of the second molar appeared last in both male and female subjects by age 18, showing 95th percentile at age in the male and female subjects between 16.7-17.4 years and 17.1-17.3 years, respectively. Coefficients of determination (r(2)) of the Demirjian's stages relative to age in regression analysis were 0.9721 in male and 0.9740 in female subjects. The standard error was 0.63 years in male and 0.62 years in female subjects. The estimated age according to regression analysis was within +/-1.0 year of the actual age in 92.0% of male and 92.5% of female subjects. Collectively, the data of the present study can be used as a reference for dental maturity and a standard for age estimation of Korean children.  相似文献   

目的采用CT扫描动态观察新西兰白兔死亡后脑组织变化,建立利用CT值、脑组织/颅腔面积比,推断死亡时间(PM I)的研究方法。方法通过耳缘静脉注射空气,建立新西兰白兔死亡模型;于死亡后0~120h,运用CT进行头颅平描;选取颅顶面层测定脑组织CT值、脑组织/颅腔面积比。结果死亡后兔脑组织CT值呈双峰样上升、脑组织/颅腔面积比呈不断下降趋势;建立与死亡时间的回归方程:CT值=47.4780-0.1768T+0.0049T2(T/h,CT值/HU)、面积比=99.7368+0.3098T-0.0118T2/100(T/h)。结论CT扫描检查可准确显示兔脑的死后变化;脑组织消失之前,综合运用CT检查指标可用于准确推断死亡时间。  相似文献   

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