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血管损伤形成假性动脉瘤在临床法医检案中较少见,且其发生与外伤时间不确定,易被忽视,给检案工作带来一些困难。现报告1例左肱动脉假性动脉瘤案例供大家参考。  相似文献   

王某,男,38岁。1995年4月8日下午3时许,因工作矛盾纠纷,被人用自制匕首刺伤臀部,经两次住院并行手术探查,诊断为左股深动脉假性动脉瘤。被告人认为其假性动脉瘤与其伤害行为没有直接因果关系,申请法医学鉴定。病历摘录:1995年4月8日被人用刀捅伤1h。左臀部可见一长约10cm伤口,可见活动性出血,向前探查可绕过骨性结构,延至前方,给予清创缝合。次日病人左股内侧胀,疼痛明显。PE:刀口区无明显肿胀,左腹股沟区、股内侧青紫肿胀。14d后左股内侧皮下隆起,可触及震颤,听诊可闻及血管杂音。经抗炎治疗后…  相似文献   

蒋茂芬  金茂强  韶峰 《中国法医学杂志》2010,25(5):374-374,F0003
假性动脉瘤(pseudoaneurysm,PSA)指动脉管壁撕裂或穿破,血液流出后被动脉邻近组织包裹形成血肿,血肿机化后形成外壁,血肿腔内面为动脉内膜细胞延伸形成的内膜。假性动脉瘤一般由外伤、医源性损伤所致,而先天性动脉瘤破裂较少见,现报道1例。  相似文献   

假性动脉瘤起因于创伤,也叫创伤性动脉瘤。常发生于股动脉、桡动脉和肱动脉,发生于腋动脉的假性动脉瘤较少,现报道1例。1案例某男,14岁,学生。某日在放学路上被同学用小刀刺伤左上胸部,当时流血较多。经医院检查,伤者左上胸外侧部见一1.0cm的裂伤,周围无...  相似文献   

高乃毅 《证据科学》2000,7(4):187-187
外伤致假性动脉瘤在法医学鉴定中比较少见,在人体轻重伤鉴定标准中对外伤致假性动脉瘤也没有明确条款规定,故对损伤程度的评定比较难以掌握。笔者就最近碰到的一起交通事故致胫前动脉假性动脉瘤案例,谈谈个人的观点。 王某,男,35岁。1997年7月2日凌晨3时许,王某驾驶二轮摩车转弯时与对向行驶而来的电屏车相撞致伤,遂被送往当地医院就医。当日门诊病历记载:右小腿上段前侧有一4cm长创口出血,深达骨膜,创口周围组织均挤压、移动,腓肠肌区肿胀明显,X片证实右胫骨上段开放性骨折。后又转上级医院治疗,当日上午9:30在局麻下行右胫骨上段开放性骨折清创缝合术,并行右下肢石膏托外固定,27天后出院,出院诊断为右胫骨上段开放性骨折。伤后1月余,王某发现右小腿肿块而再次就医,门诊诊断为右胫前动脉假性动脉瘤而收住院,并于当日上午行右径前动脉假性动脉瘤切除术,断端结扎,术后伤口愈合好,出院。  相似文献   

外伤致假性动脉瘤在法医学鉴定中比较少见 ,在人体轻重伤鉴定标准中对外伤致假性动脉瘤也没有明确条款规定 ,故对损伤程度的评定比较难以掌握。笔者就最近碰到的一起交通事故致胫前动脉假性动脉瘤案例 ,谈谈个人的观点。王某 ,男 ,35岁。 1 997年 7月 2日凌晨 3时许 ,王某驾驶二轮摩车转弯时与对向行驶而来的电屏车相撞致伤 ,遂被送往当地医院就医。当日门诊病历记载 :右小腿上段前侧有一 4cm长创口出血 ,深达骨膜 ,创口周围组织均挤压、移动 ,腓肠肌区肿胀明显 ,X片证实右胫骨上段开放性骨折。后又转上级医院治疗 ,当日上午 9:30在局麻…  相似文献   

假性动脉瘤在临床上比较常见,但在法医学活体检验鉴定中则较少见,笔者曾遇一例,现报告如下:  相似文献   

外伤性动静脉瘘及假性动脉瘤,临床医学已有不少资料报道,但国内法医学专业杂志鲜于提及,我们在三年多的临床法医学检案过程中仅遇2例,现报告如下,并复习文献资料对有关法医学问题予以探讨.  相似文献   

王岩  张怀东 《法医学杂志》2003,19(2):114-114
外伤性颅内假性动脉瘤在临床上很少见,在法医学活体损伤鉴定中更少见,笔者就实践工作中遇到的两例,报道如下,供同行参考。1 案例  相似文献   

1案例材料例1刘某,男,27岁。被他人用匕首捅伤颈部及后背部。伤后3d入院,体温:36.5℃,心率80次/min,呼吸19次/min,血压18.7/9.3kPa。右颈部皮肤裂伤约3cm,背部皮肤裂伤6处,长在2~4cm之间,在清创缝合术后,颈部伤口疼痛,有波动感,颈部B超提示:右颈总动脉交叉处外伤性动脉瘤;伤后10d行血管造影示:右颈总动脉交叉处巨大动脉瘤(外伤性假性动脉瘤)并行动脉瘤栓塞术,术后10d,康复出院。法医鉴定结论:重伤。例2李某,男,24岁。被他人用菜刀砍伤身体多处,伤后1h入院,查:血压6.5/4.4kPa,心率116次/min。神志欠清,呈休克状态。全身散在皮裂伤,其中左大…  相似文献   

Seat-belt injuries to the neck in a traffic accident or any trauma to the neck in other situations can cause tearing of the inner surface of the carotid arteries and lead to the formation of a fresh thrombus, or can cause partial to complete transection of the carotid arteries.  相似文献   

Most false aneurysms of the heart represent contained ventricular free wall ruptures after myocardial infarction. Post-traumatic aneurysms also may follow penetrating or non-penetrating trauma to the chest. Regardless of the origin of the false aneurysm there is a propensity for aneurysm rupture. We report a patient who developed a false aneurysm of her left ventricle that developed post-motor vehicle accident. Her orthopedic problems were the clinical problems identified and after a hospital admission of 10 days she was discharged home. Four weeks later she died suddenly from anterior left ventricle false aneurysm rupture and tamponaide. Patients with significant chest wall trauma should be assessed for cardiac pathology prior to discharge. Presentation may be delayed and be overshadowed by more evident pathology. Trauma-related aneurysms may cause sudden death, and this may occur some later time after the trauma. Attributing the cause of death to the trauma, which may be remote, is important for the forensic investigator to remember.  相似文献   

A 24-year-old woman committed suicide by amputating her left arm immediately below the shoulder joint with a small kitchen knife. No references to such a suicide were found in an extensive literature search.  相似文献   

《Digital Investigation》2007,4(3-4):138-145
Pidgin, formerly known as Gaim, is a multi-protocol instant messaging (IM) client that supports communication on most of the popular IM networks. Pidgin is chiefly popular under Linux, and is available for Windows, BSD and other UNIX versions. This article presents a number of traces that are left behind after the use of Pidgin on Linux, enabling digital investigators to search for and interpret instant messaging activities, including online conversations and file transfers. Specifically, the contents and structures of user settings, log files, contact files and the swap partition are discussed. In addition looking for such information in active files on a computer, forensic examiners can recover deleted items by searching a hard drive for file signatures and known file structures detailed in this article.  相似文献   

目的介绍羊角锤起钉槽撬压形成擦划痕迹的检验方法。方法痕迹整体分析及特征接合。结果具备同一认定条件。结论通过了解羊角锤的结构特点和功能,综合分析撬压时形成痕迹的作用关系,按照现场环境条件制作样本,可以进行同一认定。  相似文献   

While terrorism has moved into the spotlight of criminological study, including critical criminology, it has yet to be thoroughly explored from a left realist perspective. Left realism addresses four aspects of crime: causes of offending, impact on the victims, and both official and public responses to crime. A left realist approach to terrorism would argue that similar to those who engage in street crimes, many terrorists are socially or economically disenfranchised young men who become involved in terrorism through connections with similarly situated members of the fringe population, and “get tough” policies on terrorism will backfire. Four propositions of left realist theory organized by DeKeseredy and colleagues are presented and addressed through the extant literature, which offers partial support for a left realist explanation of terrorism.  相似文献   

Windows Live Messenger – commonly referred by MSN Messenger – is the most used instant messaging client worldwide, and is mostly used on Microsoft Windows XP.Previous examination into MSN Messenger concludes that few traces reside on the hard disk after MSN usage [Dickson M. An examination into MSN Messenger 7.5 contact identification. Digit Investig 2006;3]. In this article the opposite is concluded based on user settings, contact files and log files. With the use of file signatures and known file structures it is possible to recover useful information when deleted. Programs such as Forensic Box can help to analyse artefacts which are left behind after the use of Windows Live Messenger.  相似文献   

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