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1999年"犯人以钱抵刑"被曝光在广西河池地区的罗城监狱,犯人交3000元可以减刑一年,交4000元即可"保外就医",交1万元就能获假释。200多名服刑犯人被违法办理了减刑、假释、保外就医,涉及犯罪金额达200多万元。1997年至1999年6月底,全国检察机关发现并提出书面纠正意见的违法减刑、假释、保外就医的案件就有3200多起。  相似文献   

北京人牛玉强被判定为保外就医逾期未归,刑期被顺延12年,要到2020年2月21日出狱。27年前被判死缓的他,是中国最后一个以“流氓罪”在监狱服刑的犯人。而早在1997年7月1日,修订后的刑法实施。流氓罪被删除  相似文献   

目前有关看守所收押罪犯保外就医医学鉴定的法律规定尚不够规范,看守所收押罪犯保外就医的医学鉴定存在很多问题。要规范看守所收押罪犯保外就医的医学鉴定,就应加快刑罚执行方面的立法完善,规范保外就医等执法行为;建立统一的保外就医鉴定机构准入制度,改变当前鉴定机构的乱、杂局面;针对保外就医出现的新情况,建议尽快构建《看守所收押罪犯保外就医执行办法》及其实施细则和标准.  相似文献   

2001年2月,新疆维吾尔自治区司法厅接到群众举报,反映新疆第四监狱有一个被判有期徒刑15年的犯人,在服刑期间采用贿赂管教干部等非法手段获得保外就医,其中涉及监狱领导和干警数人。对此,自治区司法厅领导高度重视,厅党委书记张兆祥批示:从举报材料上看,问题不小,由纪委书记牵头,认真调查。2001年4月,在自治区纪委的指导协调下,由自治区司法厅纪委、监察室与自治区人民检察院组成联合调查组对此案展开了调查。最终查明,那个“保外就医”的罪犯名叫俞海明,在从上海转入新疆第四监狱9个月后就被保外就医,先后把5名监狱领导和干警拉下水,上演了…  相似文献   

杨清林 《检察风云》2003,(23):30-33
2003年11月3日,一度横行大连的黑社会头子邹显卫(外号“虎豹”)终于被执行了死刑。枪声过后,人民无不拍手称快。不过,人民在称赞正义的枪声之时,也开始议论起曾关押邹显卫的大连监狱来。没有大连监狱的腐败庇护行为,邹显卫不可能在服刑期间还敢横行无忌,也不可能在被判死缓之后保外就医时再度杀人并逍遥法外。这个腐败案子是怎么揭露的?一个关押犯人的监狱怎么会成为死刑犯的保护伞呢?匿名举报信惊动中央1999年初,中共中央一些部门先后收到匿名举报信,举报信中揭发大连监狱罪犯邹显卫服刑期间,买通多名监狱领导,将死缓改为有期徒刑17年;在大…  相似文献   

精神病人违法犯罪及监狱收押管理精神病犯工作问题多,管理难度大,安全隐患突出,监狱及管教警察面临更大的责任和风险,建议立法,取消精神病犯的保外就医,建立精神病犯监狱(监区),实行强制医疗制度、政府监护管理制度、医疗救助制度、生活保障制度等。  相似文献   

在保外就医服刑期间又犯新罪,服刑期满后才发现,是否适用数罪并罚?编辑同志:我院受理被告人张富祥盗窃一案。张富祥1991年5月因犯强奸罪被判处有期徒刑7年,投入劳改后,于1992年9月16日保外就医。1998年1月21日刑满,监狱发给了释放证明书。19...  相似文献   

68罪犯保外就医的条件是什么问:罪犯保外就医不仅关系罪犯的切身利益,社会上对此也相当关注。请问,罪犯保外就医的条件是什么,有哪些具体规定?(内蒙古乌日娜)答:罪犯保外就医工作是监狱的一项重要执法活动,也是对罪犯实行革命人道主义的一项重要政策。因此,我国监狱对罪犯保外就医工作历来十分重视,并努力实现这项工作的法制化、规范化。根据刑事诉讼法、监狱法及其它相关规定,对于被判处有期徒刑的罪犯,在监狱服刑期间有下列情形之一的,可以准予保外就医:(一)身患严重疾病,短期内有死亡危险的。(二)原判有期徒刑的罪犯,执行原判刑期(已减刑…  相似文献   

英国、西班牙监狱的最新发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
英国、西班牙监狱突出开放式服刑的刑罚指导思想;对监狱、犯人及其工作人员科学、合理的分类;监狱设计、建设规范、统一;独具特色的监狱生产管理体制和规范的监狱经费保障体制,对我国监狱管理、监狱建设等具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

去年上半年,河南省监狱系统接受了省委政法委组织的刑罚执行专项检查,重点检查1997年元月1日至1998年12月31日收押、减刑、假释及保外就医的执行情况。从检查情况看,绝大多数监狱在刑罚执行中能够依法办事,做到有法必依、执法必严。突出表现在:各监狱能够严格执行《监狱法》和有关规定收押和拒收罪犯;能够按照《刑法》、《刑事诉讼法》及有关法律规定办理减刑假释呈报工作,能够认真执行“三公开一推荐”制度,即公开考核结果、公开减刑指标、公开办理程序、让罪犯推荐减刑入选;保外就医工作既能够体现人道主义政策又能…  相似文献   

假释本质研究——兼论假释权的性质及归属   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
柳忠卫 《中国法学》2004,(5):112-119
假释是一项历史悠久的刑罚执行制度,但刑法理论对假释的本质至今尚未形成统一的认识。在当代,假释已从一种国家对个别罪犯的恩惠演变成罪犯普遍享有的一种权利,是罪犯在自由刑执行过程中保持良善行为的结果。因而,在关于假释本质的各种学说中,假释权利说是合理的。假释权利说是以现代刑法思想为指导的对假释本质的全新的诠释,是国家对罪犯刑罚观念和关系的嬗变在假释本质理论上的具体反映。由假释的本质所决定,假释权应是一种行政权而非司法权,假释权应由行政性质的狱政部门或专门的假释委员会行使。  相似文献   

This paper tests whether factors referring to socio-economic aspects, family heritage, social interaction, habits and customs explain differences among violent and non-violent prisoners. Some of the results of the probit estimation show that economic issues are the main factors that stimulate the practice of non-violent crime. On the other hand, violent crimes results suggest that factors related to family heritage reduce this kind of crime. In relation to variables of social interaction, prisoners who were brought up in a good neighborhood have a lower probability of committing violent crimes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to determine demographical characteristics leading to crime recidivism and define anger levels and anger expression manners for those who re-commit crime. METHOD: All the literate inmates in Izmit Closed Penitentiary were included in this cross-sectional study. The prisoners were asked to respond to State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory. Their socio-demographic data were collected and a questionnaire was given to them to determine their state of imprisonment, sentence, nature of the crime in which they were involved, their criminal history, their relationship with inmates and prison staff and substance and alcohol use. RESULTS: Of the 438 prisoners, 302 (68.9%) responded to the questionnaires. Crime recidivism among the study cohort was observed to be 37.4%. Mean trait anger, anger out and anger in scores were significantly higher in prisoners with criminal recidivism in comparison with those who did not have prior criminal records. However, mean anger control scores for prisoners with or without criminal recidivism were similar. Unemployment, education level completed at secondary school or below, having committed a crime under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, having been involved in prison fights, having resisted police officers, caused damage in their vicinity when angry and violent crimes were all found to be possible causes of criminal recidivism. Educational level completed at secondary school or below, getting into fights with other prisoners, unemployment and resisting police officers were determined to be the strongest indicators to predict criminal recidivism when all variables were considered according to a logistic regression model. CONCLUSION: It can be proposed that those who have problems with officials or hostile towards others constitute a risk group for criminal recidivism. If prisoners with criminal recidivism can be helped to identify and control their anger, their risk of committing a new crime can be minimised.  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine demographical characteristics leading to crime recidivism and define anger levels and anger expression manners for those who re-commit crime.Method: All the literate inmates in zmit Closed Penitentiary were included in this cross-sectional study. The prisoners were asked to respond to State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory. Their socio-demographic data were collected and a questionnaire was given to them to determine their state of imprisonment, sentence, nature of the crime in which they were involved, their criminal history, their relationship with inmates and prison staff and substance and alcohol use.Results: Of the 438 prisoners, 302 (68.9%) responded to the questionnaires. Crime recidivism among the study cohort was observed to be 37.4%.Mean trait anger, anger out and anger in scores were significantly higher in prisoners with criminal recidivism in comparison with those who did not have prior criminal records. However, mean anger control scores for prisoners with or without criminal recidivism were similar. Unemployment, education level completed at secondary school or below, having committed a crime under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, having been involved in prison fights, having resisted police officers, caused damage in their vicinity when angry and violent crimes were all found to be possible causes of criminal recidivism. Educational level completed at secondary school or below, getting into fights with other prisoners, unemployment and resisting police officers were determined to be the strongest indicators to predict criminal recidivism when all variables were considered according to a logistic regression model.Conclusion: It can be proposed that those who have problems with officials or hostile towards others constitute a risk group for criminal recidivism. If prisoners with criminal recidivism can be helped to identify and control their anger, their risk of committing a new crime can be minimised.  相似文献   

目的为探索当前我国保外就医的特点,揭示保外就医中存在的问题,为制定有关政策法规提供参考依据,同时探讨保外就医的审查过程中法医学鉴定的必要性。方法两名研究人员从1992—1997年6年期间的司法鉴定资料中筛选出与保外就医有关的法医学鉴定案例,三名研究人员根据既定条件确定研究对象,并进行统计学分析。结果符合条件者共54例,主要年龄范围为20—50岁,罪名分类发现经济性犯罪明显多于非经济性犯罪,前者51例(94.4%),后者3例(5.55%)。提出保外就医申请的理由以单纯病名和主要症状者居多,少有提出辅助症状者,法医学鉴定表明检查结果与申请理由一致者为14例(25.92%),不一致者为40例(74.04%);进一步鉴定揭示患有疾病确需保外就医者仅为3例(5.55%),而无需保外就医者高达51例(94.4%),其中无病者32例(59.25%),夸大病情者19例(35.18%)。结论本研究提示当前保外就医中犯罪装病、夸大病情等现象明显严重,这与保外就医所经历的中间环节缺乏有效的监督体制有关。因此,单纯以医疗系统进行保外就医鉴定是难以保证法律的公正执行。  相似文献   

The authors consider topical problems pertaining to the performance of forensic medical expertise of the subjects suspected or accused of committing a crime and remaining in custody. The discussion is focused on the organization of expertise and medical examination of such persons with the participation of personnel representing different clinical disciplines. The special emphasis is laid on the absence in the normative-legal basis of the well-specified criteria for the severity of disease, the degree of vital activity limitation, and duration of the treatment in specialized hospitals. The lack of such criteria hampers not only medical certification of the subjects suspected or accused of committing a crime and remaining in custody but also objective forensic medical estimation of their health status. Recommendations for addressing this problem and its resolution are proposed.  相似文献   

曾亚杰 《时代法学》2008,6(2):68-74
无期徒刑因不需要剥夺犯罪人生命即可永久剥夺其犯罪能力的特点而比死刑有着公认的优势。但在实际执行中。由于减刑、假释标准宽泛而使判处无期徒刑的犯罪人实施终身监禁的可能性几乎不存在,大大削弱了刑罚的严肃性及权威性,并使人们对无期徒刑丧失了应有的信赖感与认同感。对此,我们可以根据犯罪人案件性质、犯罪后果、判决确定之日的年龄、有无劳动能力、悔改表现等因素来分别适用不同的减刑、假释标准;提高被判处死刑缓期执行犯罪分子减为无期徒刑的条件;增加有期徒刑中数罪并罚的最高刑期,限制无期徒刑的适用。  相似文献   

A detailed content analysis of tape-recordings of 100 randomly selected California parole hearings revealed that these hearings take the form of short, unstructured diagnostic interviews in which the hearing officers ask questions of the prisoners who respond in a very minimal way. Different patterns of questioning and prisoner response occurred for hearings where the eventual decision was to grant parole as opposed to deny parole, and this decision outcome could be predicted with a high degree of accuracy by discriminant function analyses. In general, the hearing officers made their own psychological assessments of the prisoners, even though they lacked knowledge and training in this diagnostic skill. According to the results of this study, the parole decision-making process appears to be a reliable one, but nevertheless its validity is questionable.  相似文献   

Research on correlates of intervention programmes that reduce expected reconviction rates (‘what works’ literature, Risk–Need–Responsivity model) has been highly influential in criminal justice systems throughout much of the western world. But while this psychological research has been acquiring widespread recognition, a deeper understanding of how programmes work and of mechanisms for desistance more generally, has still to develop. This research reports results of a quasi-experimental recidivism outcome study for a series of prison units that provide intensive psychological treatment to high-risk, persistently violent prisoners. Four outcomes were examined over the first 12 months following release on parole: parole violations, new convictions, new convictions for violence, and imprisonment sentences resulting from new convictions. Alongside these results, we conducted preliminary analyses of two potential pre-release mechanisms for surviving the first 12 months on parole without reconviction: lower dynamic risk for violence, and greater release readiness. We found that dynamic violence risk fully accounted for differences between treatment completers and comparison prisoners in proportions reconvicted for violence. However, in all other cases, the proposed mechanisms did not significantly explain treatment-related differences. We close by considering possible explanations for these unexpected results, and reiterating the importance to our field of more sophisticated treatment outcome research.  相似文献   

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