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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 31 毫秒
Book reviewed in this article:
G rey of F allodon . By G. M. T revelyan O.M.
W orld T rade and its F uture . By S ir A rthur S alter .
H istory of P arliament : B ioraphies of the M embers of the C ommons H ouse , 1439–1509. By C lonnel the R ight H onourable J osiah C. W edgwood , D.S.O., M.P.
P ublic E nterprise : D evelopments in S ocial O wnership and C ontrol in G reat B rintain . Edited for the New Fabian Research Bureau by W illiam A. R obson .
P roperty and I mproperty . By J. A. H obson .
T he M agic of M onarchy . By K ingsley M artin .
S oviet D emocracy . By P at S loan .
T he E nd of S cialism in R ussia . By M ax E astman .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
T he C onstitution of the I rish F ree S tate . By L eo K ohn .
R ecent S ocial T rends in the U nited S tates . R eport of the P resident's R esearch C ommittee on S ocial T rends .
T he B loody T raffic . By A. F enner B rockway .
A ir P ower and W ar R ights . By J. M. S paight . Second Edition.
W ar , S adism and P acifism . By E dward G lover .
M oscow D ialogues . By J ulius F. H ecker , P.hD.
T owards the U nderstanding of K arl M arx . By S idney H ook .
T he . T ruth and E rror of C ommunism . By H. G. W ood , M.A.
C ommunism and the A lternative . By A rthur J. P enty .
T he G reat O ffensive . By M aurice H indus .
R ed V irtue . By E lla W inter .
W recking A ctivities at P ower S tations in the S oviet U nion : V erbatim R eport of the M oscow T rial .
H istory of G ermany . P eople and S tate through a thousand years . By H ermann P innow . Trans. M abel B railsford .
G ermany U nder the T reaty . By W. H. D awson .
T he C risis of G erman D emocracy . By D r . J. H. K raus . Edited by W illiam S tarr M yers .
U nemployment in G ermany since the W ar . By K enneth I ngram W iggs , Ph.D. Introduction by H enry C lay .
H itler . By E mil L engyel . Revised and Enlarged Edition 1933.
T he G erman R evolution . I ts M eaning and M enace . By J oseph K ing . Preface by V iscount S nowden .
T he A merican P olitical S ystem . By D. W. B rogan , with a foreword by H. J. L aski .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1959,30(4):411-431
Book reviewed in this article:
L aw and O pinion in E ngland in the T wentieth C entury , being the text of seventeen lectures delivered at the London School of Economics, 1957–58. Editor: M orris G insberg .
T he A ge of I mprovement . By A sa B riggs .
Y our S econdary M odern S chools . By J. V incent C hapman .
T he P ress in A uthoritarian C ountries .
T he S oviet U nion and the M iddle E ast . By W alter L aqueur .
N igeria : B ackground to N ationalism . By J ames S. C oleman .
N ew F abian C olonial E ssays . Edited by A rthur C reech J ones .
B ritish P olicy in C hanging A frica . By S ir A ndrew C ohen .
W hat A re the P roblems of P arliamentary G overnment in W est A frica ?
E veryman's A frica . By J ohn H atch .
A S urvey of N orth W est A frica (T he M aghrib ). Edited by N evill B arbour .
S yria and L ebanon under F rench M andate . By S. H. L ongrigg .
S yria : A S hort H istory . By P hilip K. H itti .
T he A fro -A sian S tates and T heir P roblems . By K. M. P anikkar .
S ocialism in S outhern A sia . By S aul R ose .
T he D ictionary of N ational B iography , 1941–1950. Edited by L. G. W ickham -L egg and E. T. W illiams .
P rimitive R ebels . By E. J. H obsbawm .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
C abinet G overnment W. I vor J ennings .
T he R atepayer's M oney . By A rthur C ollins .
T he F ar E astern C risis ; R ecollections and O bservations . By H enry L. S timson .
S pain in R evolt . By H arry G annes T heodore R epard .
T he K ing and the I mperial C rown . By A. B erriedale K eith .
U nder the A xe of F ascism .By G aetano S alvemini .
C hanging M an : T he S oviet E ducation S ystem . By B eatrice K ing .
T he C ambridge H istory of the B ritish E mpire . V olume VIII: S outh A frica Edited By A. P. N ewton and E. A. B enians .
E ncyclopedie F rancaise : Issued under the general direction of L ucien F ebvre . Vol. X: L'E tat M oderne . Edited by A. D e M onzie .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1961,32(2):193-207
Book reviewed in this article:
T he C onstitutional S tructure of the C ommonwealth . By K. C. W heare .
T he I ntellectual O rigins of E gyptian N ationalism By J amal M ohammed ahmed .
C orruption in W ashington . By B lair B olles .
T he R ising A merican E mpire . By R. W. V an A lstyne .
L ugard : T he Y ears of A uthority , 1898–1945. By M argery P erham .
T he C ity . By M ax W eber . Translated and edited by D on M artindale and G ertrud N euwirth .
M ax W eber , A n I ntellectual P ortrait . By R einhard B endix .
T he F rench R adical P arty : F rom H erriot to M endegs -F rance . By F rancis D e T arr .
C ommand D ecisions : Office of the Chief of Military History, United States Department of the Army.
M odern B ritain , 1885–1955. By H enry P elling .
T he Two N ations . A spects of the D evelopment of R ace R elations in the R hodesias and N yasaland . By R ichard G ray .
A M anual of I nternational L aw . By G eorg S chwarzenberger . Two vols. Fourth Edition.
M ust L abour L ose ? By M ark A brams and R ichard R ose , with a Commentary by R ita H inden . Penguin Special.
T he O verseas S tudent I n B ritain . By A. S. L ivingstone .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article.
P arliamentary R eform , 1933–1960: A S urvey of S uggested R eforms .
O rganised G roups in B ritish N ational P olitics . By A llen M. P otter .
P arliamentary S ocialism : A S tudy in the P olitics Of L abour . By R alph M iliband .
K ey P roblems of S ociological T heory . By J ohn R ex .
M emoires of a P ublic S ervant . By L ord S alter .
H anged by the N eck . By A rthur K oestler and C. H. R olph .
H anged in E rror . By L eslie H ale , m . p .
T he C old W ar and its O rigins , 1917–1960. By D. F. F leming .
H istory of the S econd W orld W ar : T he S trotegic A ir O ffensive A gainst G ermany , 1939–1945. By S ir C harles W ebster and N oble F rankland .
F rom the D readnought to S capa F low . V olume I: T he R oad to W ar , 1904–1914. By P rofesser A rthur J. M arder .
T he K enyatta E lection : K enya 1960-61. By G eorge B ennett and C arl R osberg .
S outh A frica in M y T ime . By G. H eaton N ocholls .
A frica and the V ictorians . By R onald R obinson and J ohn G allagher with A lice D enny .
T he Y oshida M emoires : T he S tory of J apan in C risis . By S chigeru Y oshida . Translated by K enichi Y oshida .
A dvertisements for M yself . By N orman M aller .
C harles B ooth , S ocial S cientist . By T. S. S imey and M. B. S imey .
H istory of the S econd W orld W ar : T he W ar at S ea . Volume III, Part II. By C aptain S. W. R oskill .
C ouncil of E urope . S tatistical D ata , 1960.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1956,27(1):101-121
Books reviewed in this article.
T he A frican A wakening . By B asil D avidson .
B lack M oses , the S tory of M arcus G arvey .
E lections and E lectors . By J. F. S. R oss .
L e R egime P olitique B ritannique . By A ndre M athiot .
M oslems on the M arch . By F. W. F ernau .
B ritish P ost -W ar M igration . By J ulius I saac .
P eopling the B ritish C ommonwealth . By G. F. M c C leary .
C ulture and H uman F ertility . By F rank L orimer , with special contributions by Meyer Fortes, K. A. Busia, Audrey I. Richards, Priscilla Reining and Giorgio Mortara.
A merican C onstitutional L aw . By B ernard S chwartz .
T he "H igher L aw " B ackground of A merican C onstitutional L aw . By E dward S. C orwin .
I ndia : N ew P attern . By L ady H artog .
I ndia at a G lance . Edited by G. D. B inani and T. V. R ama R ao .
T he T heory of E conomic G rowth . By W. A rthur L ewis .
S oviet E ncounter . By R ear -A dmiral P eltier .
T rade U nions and T he L aw . By H oratio V ester and A nthony H. G ardner .
T he U nknown P rime M inister : T he L ife and T imes of A ndrew B onar law , 1858–1923. By R obert B lake .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Political quarterly》1970,41(2):224-247
Book reviewed in this article:
T he C oming W ar B etween R ussia and C hina . By H arrison E. S alisbury .
T he S ecurity of C hina: C hinese A pproaches to the P roblems of W ar and S trategy . By A rthur H uck .
D ecision in G overnment . By J eremy B ray .
B aldwin . By K eith M iddlemas and J ohn B arnes .
T he S election of P arliamentary C andidates . By M ichael R ush .
B etrayal F rom W ithin : J oseph A venol , S ecretary -G eneral of the L eague of N ations , 1933–1940. By J ames B arros .
A merican P ower and the N ew M andarins . By N oam C homsky .
I deology in A merica . By E verett C arll L add .
T he F oreign P olicies of the P owers . Edited by F.S. N orthedge .
R egional P olicy in B ritain . By G avin M c C rons .
T he M inistry of H ousing and Lo cal G overnment . By E velyn S harp .
S cience and G overnment .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1964,35(4):469-498
Book reviewed in this article:
B eginning A gain : A n A utobiography of the Y ears 1911 to 1918. By L eonard W oolf .
P aths of A merican T hought . Edited by A rthur M. S chlesinger , J r . and M orton W hite .
T he R ise of S ocial D emocracy in R ussia . By J. L. H. K eep .
T he S oviet F amily . By D. and V. M ace .
T he N ew C ommonwealth and I ts C onstitutions . By S. A. de S mith .
B ureaucracy and P olitical D evelopment . Edited by J oseph la P alombara .
T he C ivic C ulture , P olitical A ttitudes and D emocracy in F ive N ations . By G. A. A lmond and S. V erba .
S tate and N ation . By B enjamin A kzin .
E volution or C haos : D ynamics of L atin A merican G overnment and P olitics . By K. M. S chmitt and D. D. B urks .
T he N ew S tates of A sia . By M ichael B recher .
T he M anagement of the B ritish E conomy 1945–60. By J. C. R. D ow .
T he R eform of P arliament . By B ernard C rick .
C abinet R eform in B ritain , 1914–63. By H ans D aalder .
B ritish P olitics in the S uez C risis . By L eon D. E pstein .
S outh A frica's R ule of V iolence . By P atrick D uncan .
T he N ew T owns —T he A nswer to M egalopolis . By S ir F rederick O sborn and A rnold W hittick .
K orea : T he L imited W ar . By D avid R ees .  相似文献   

R ecovery By S ir A rthur S alter , K.C.B.
T he T heory and P ractice of M odern G overnment By H erman F iner , D.Sc.
T he S ocial and E conomic A spects of the D rink P roblem (Gollancz. 5s.)
S tudies in L aw and P olitics By H arold J. L aski
A L ast C hance in K enya By N orman L eys
S ocial P olitics and M odern D emocracies By C harles W. P ipkin
S pecial R eport from the S elect C ommittee on P rocedure on P ublic B usiness
T he S ocial A spects of R ationalisation I nternational L abour O ffice , G eneva  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1940,11(4):411-412
Books reviewed in this article:
P opulation P olicies and M ovements in E urope . By D . V. G lass .
F ederation and W orld O rder . By D uncan and E lizabeth W ilson .
F ederal U nion . A Symposium. Edited by M. C hanning -P earce . Jonathan Cape .
A federation for western E urope . By W. ivor J ennings .
Fedration and World Order, by Duncan and Elizabeth Wilson.
T he H istory of L ocal G overnment in M anchester . By A rthur R edford , assisted by I na S tafford R ussell .
R ecent R evelations of E uropean D iplomacy . By G. P. G ooch .
T he W ar C risis in B erlin , J uly -A ugust , 1914. By S ir H orace R umbold .
L ife and L etters of the R t . H on . S ir A usten C hamberlain , K.G., P.C., M.P. Vol.II. By S ir C harles P etrie , Bart.
G ustav Stresemann; H is D iaries , L etters , and P apers . Vol. III. Edited and translated by E ric S utton .
T he C auses of the W ar . By A. B erriedale K eith .
M odern T urkey . J ohn P arker , M.P., and C harles S mith .
T urkey at the S traits . J ames T. S hotweix and F rancis D ék .
E vacuation S urvey . By R ichard P adley and M argaret C ole .
F ood P roduction in W estern E urope . P. L amartine Y ates . With a Foreword by Sir William Beveridge.
B ritain's F ood S upplies in P eace and W ar . C harles S mith .
T he J ewish W ar front . By V ladimir J abotinsky .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1948,19(2):171-200
Book reviewed in this article:
T he C ivil S erviceinthe C hanging S tate . By H. R. G. GREAVES.
T he R eform of T he H igher C ivil S ervice . A R eport BY A S pecial C ommittee for the F abian S ociety .
O rganisation and M ethods and its E ffect on the S taffing of G overnment D epartments . F ifth R eport from the S elect C ommittee on E stimates .
T he S teep P laces . By S ir N orman A ngell .
T he ';S truggle for T he W orld . By J ames B urnham .
F oreign P olicy the L abour P arty ' s D ilemma . By L eonard W oolf .
D esign for E urope .
E gypt . an E conomic and S ocial A nalysis . By C harles I ssawi .
T he A wakening of M odern E gypt . By M. R ifaat B ey .
V oting P rocedures in I nternational P olitical O rganizations . By W ellington K oo , jr .
F ederalism and R egionalism in G ermany the D ivision of P russia . By A rnold B recht .
T he H istory of the T imes . T he T wentieth C entury .
L ocal and R egional G overnment . By G. D. H. C ole .
T he F oreign P olicy of S oviet R ussia , 1929–1941. Volume I, 1929.1936. By M ax B eloff .
I ndia C alled T hem . By L ord B everidge .
R ussian Z one . By G ordon S chaffer .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
B eyond the W elfare S tate . By G unnar M yrdal .
S ocial M obility in I ndustrial S ociety . By S. M. L ipset and R. B endix .
N ationalised I ndustries and P ublic O wnership . By W illiam A. R obson .
A H istory of the N ursing P rofession . By B. A bel -S mith .
P ioneers in C riminology . Ed; H ermann M annheim .
R estitution to V ictims of C rime . By S tephen S chafer .
S owing . By L eonard W oolf .
I mperialism and S ocial R eform : E nglish S ocial -I mperial T hought 1895–1914. By B ernard S emmel .
N igerian P erspectives . By T homas H odgkin .
S ir G eorge G oldie and the M aking of N igeria . By J ohn E. F lint .
Awo: T he A utobiography of C hief O bafemi A wolowo .
C onstitutional D evelopments N igeria . By K alu E zera .
N igeria : T he P olitical and E conomic B ackground .
D eterrent or D efence . By B. H. L iddell H art .
T he D esert G enerals . By C orrelli B arnett .
A merican F oreign P olicy . By Louis J. H alle .
A N ew H istory of the U nited S tates . By W illiam M iller .
S enator J oe M c C arthy . By R ichard R overe .
T he C oming of the N ew D eal . By A rthur M. S chlesinger J r .
T he S oviet S ystem of G overnment . By J ohn N. H azard .
B ritain and A rgentina in the N ineteenth C entury . By H. S. F erns .
I ndependent I raq , a S tudy in I raqi P olitics F rom 1932 to 1958. By M ajid K hadduri .
S tranger W ithin . By S ir F rancis O ppenheimer .
T he C ommunist I nternational 1919–1943. D ocuments . Vol. II: 1923–1928. Selected and edited by J ane D egras .
S urvey of I nternational A ffairs , 1955–56. By G eoffrey B arraclough and R achel F. W all .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1967,38(3):315-331
Book reviewed in this article:
T he A utobiography of B ertrand R ussell , 1872–1914.
T he M irror . A P olitical H istory . By M aurice E delman .
A ustralian P olicies and A ttitudes T owards C hina . By H enry S. A lbinski .
A ustralian N ational G overnment . By L. F. C risp .
A ustralian D emocrat . By B ruce M ansfield .
D ilemmas D own U nder . By A. J ames R ose .
T owards a P ax A fricana . By A li A. M azrui .
P arliament and A dministration : T he E stimates C ommittee 1945–1965. By N evil J ohnson .
M odern I nternational N egotiation . By A rthur L all .
D ivision and C ohesion in D emocracy —A S tudy in N orway . By H arry E ckstein .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1957,28(2):188-204
Book reviewed in this article.
D evelopment for F ree A sia . By M aurice Z inkin .
O ut of the G un . By D enis W arner .
T he N ew D imensions of P eace . By C hester B owles .
E ssays in S ociology and S ocial P hilosophy . Vol. I O n the D iversity of M orals ; Vol. II R eason and U nreason in S ociety . By M orris G insberg .
G erman S ociology . By R aymond A ron .
A C entury of F amily L aw : 1857–1957. Editors R. H. G raveson and F. R. C rane .
S t . A ntony's P apers . Number One. S oviet A ffairs .
A tomic W eapons and E ast -W est R elations . By P. M. S. B lackett .
A tomic Q uest . By A rthur H. C ompton .
R ocket . By A ir C hief M arshal S ir P hilip J oubert de la F erteg .
F abian I nternational E ssays . Edited by T. E. M. McK itterrick and K enneth Y ounger .
T he B ritish C ommonwealth . By F rank H. Underhill .
L aw and O rders . By S ir C arleton K emp A llen .
T he S uez C anal.
T he S chool T eachers. By A. T ropp.
E uropean R efugees: 1939–1952. A S tudy in F orced P opulation M ovement. By M alcolm J. P roudfoot.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1966,37(3):333-353
Book reviewed in this article:
M unicipal E ntertainment and the A rts in G reater L ondon . By S. K. R uck .
R uin and R esurgence 1939–1965. By R. C. M owat .
B ritish P olitics 1918–64. By L. J. M acfarlane .
S ince 1945: A spects of W orld H istory . Edited by J. L. H enderson .
P olitics in W est A frica . By W. A rthur L ewis .
H alifax : T he L ife of L ord H alifax . By T he E arl of B irkenhead .
T he B ritish C ommunist P arty . I ts O rigins and D evelopment U ntil 1929. By L. J. M acfarlane .
P ower and the S oviet é lite —"T he L etter of an O ld B olshevik " and other essays. By Boris Nicolaevsky. U npersoned : T he F all of N ikita S. K hrushchev . By Martin Page and David Burg.
M arxism in the M odern world . Edited by milorad M. drachovitch.
T he P olitics of B ureaucracy . By G ordon T ullock .
T hailand and the S truggle for S outheast A sia . By D onald E. N euchterlein .
S outh E ast A sia in T urmoil . By B rian C rozier .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1965,36(1):105-106
Book reviewed in this article:
T he L aw O fficers of the C rown . By J. L l . J. E dwards .
T he E ichamann T rial . By P eter P apadatos .
E conomic P lanning : T he F rench E xperience . By P ierre B auchet .
P olitical M odernization in J apan and T urkey . Edited by R obert E. W ard and D ankwart A. R ustow .
B ritain and I ndia : R equiem for E mpire . By M aurice and T aya Z inkin .
A N ation in M aking . By S ir S urendranath B anerjea .
I ndian N ationalism and H indu S ocial R eform . By C harles H. H eimsath .
G overnment in R ural I ndia . By D avid P otter . [ G. Bell & Sons, Ltd.
B ritain and the E uropean C ommunity , 1955–1963. By M iriam C amps .
B eavrbrook : A S tudy of M ax the U nknown . By P eter H oward
T heory and P ractice in A merican P olitics . Edited by W illiam H. N elson .
T he T wo -P arty S ystem in the U nited S tates . Third Editon. By W illiam G oodman .
T he A merican L egislative P rocess . By W illiam J. K eefe and M orris S. O gul .
B ritish G uiana : P roblems of C ohesion in an I mmigrant S ociety . By P eter N ewman .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1995,66(2):248-264
Book reviewed in this article:
T rue B lues : T he P olitics of C onservative P arty M embership . By P aul W hiteley , P atrick S eyd and J eremy R ichardson .
T he P roblem of P ornography : R egulation and the R ight to F ree S peech . By S usan M. E aston .
F ailure in B ritish G overnment : T he P olitics of the P oll T ax . By D avid B utler , A ndrew A donis and T ony T ravers .
I nheritance in P ublic P olicy : C hange W ithout C hoice in B ritain . By R ichard R ose and P hilip L. D avies .
C oming B ack B rockens : A Y ear in a M ining V illage . By M ark H udson .
T he D eath of P olitics : F rance U nder M itterrand . By J ohn L augh -L and .
R ethinking M iddle E ast P olitics : S tate F ormation and D evelopment . By S imon B romley .
T he S earch for J ustice . an A natomy of the L aw . By J oshua R ozenberg .
C ivil L iberties and H uman R ights in E ngland and W ales . By D avid F eldman .
R ights of C itizenship . Edited by R obert B lackburn .  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
R econstruction . By H arold M acmillan , M.P.
P lan or N o P lan . By B arbara W ootton .
C apitalism , C ommunism and the T ransition . By E mile B urns .
A P hilosophic A pproach to C ommunism . By T heodore B. B rameld
R eligion and C ommunism . By J ulius F. H ecker
C hristianity and the C risis . By the A rchbishops of C anterbury and Y ork and others .
T he L aw and the C onstitution . By W. I vor J ennings .
T he S tatute of W estminster . By K. C. W heare .
T he R oyal E mpire S ociety . By A valine F olsom .
A ustralia as P roducer and T rader , 1920-32. By N ancy W indett .
T he A ustralian E conomy . By C oplandand W eller .
S tudies in the A ustralian C onstitution . Edited by G. V. P ortus .
C onstitutional I ssues in C anada , 1900-1951. Edited by R. M acgregor D awson .
C anadian P apers . Published by the C anadian I nstitute of I nternational affairs .
L andmarks in I ndian C onstitutional and N ational D evelopment .
B ritish P ublic U tilities and N ational D evelopment . By M arshall E. D imock .
G overnment in T ransition . By L ord E ustace P ercy .
E nglish L ocal G overnment . By H erman F iner , D.Sc.
A merican C ounty G overnment . By A rthur W. B romage .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1991,62(1):125-146
Book reviews in this article:
T he W orld T rading S ystem . L aw and P olicy of I nternational E conomic R elations . By J ohn H. J ackson .
R estructuring the G att S ystem . By J ohn H. J ackson .
I nternational C ompetition in S ervices . A C onstitutional F ramework . By J ohn H. J ackson .
L iberalizing S ervice T rade . S trategies for S uccess . By P hedon N icolaides .
T he C ompetitive A dvantage of N ations . By M ichael E. P orter .
C apitalism . By A rthur S eldon .
C orporatism and A ccountability : O rganized I nterests in B ritish P ublic L ife . Edited by C olin C rouch and R onald D ore .
U prooting P overty T he S outh A frican C hallenge . By F rancis W ilson and M amphela R amphele .
P ower and P rejudice : W omen and P olitics . By A nna C oote and P olly P attullo .
A verting the A pocalypse : S ocial M ovements in I ndia . By A rthur B onner .
A P rice T oo H igh . By P eter R awlinson .  相似文献   

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