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<正>The Palace Museum,located in the Forbidden City in Beijing,marked its 90th anniversary on October 10.Once the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties(1368-1911),it now houses numerous national treasures.The museum is holding a series of ex-  相似文献   

正Cultural links are creating a‘golden era’of Sino-British closeness While Romeo and Juliet were passionately whispering their undying love to each other and readiness to defy parental anger,and even death,the audience was amazed to hear notes from  相似文献   

INSeptember1998Puccini'soperaTurandotwasstagedintheForbiddenCityinBeliing.Morethan3,500peoplecametyomallaroundtheworldtoattendtheextraordinaryevent.TheFlorenceOperaHousecompanyandorchestraperformedthepopularitalianoperaunderthedirectionofworldrenownedChinesefilmdirectorZhangYimouandconductorZubenMehta.PuccinisethistaleofabeautitlilprincessintheForbiddenCity,sostagingittherewasveryspecial.Inthestory,much-solicitedPrincessTurandotannouncesthatshewillmarrythemanwhocansolvethreeriddles,but…  相似文献   

Everyone who passes through Beijing‘s Forbidden City leaves the grounds with two words on their lips: magnificent and awe-inspiring. The seat of imperial power during the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368 - 1911), some twenty-four emperors ruled the nation from within these walls. Now more commonly known as the Palace Museum, the Forbidden City lies at the center of the Chinese capital. Extending 750 meters from east to west and 960 meters from north to south, the 720,000-square-meter city is the largest palatial complex in the world. Guarding the city is a 52-meter-wide, six-meter-deep moat, and a huge wall, which runs three kilometers around the city and stands 10 meters high. Construction lasted 15 years, involving 100,000 artisans and some one million civilians. If the bricks that make up the Forbidden City could speak, they would have many an interesting story to tell. Here are just a few anecdotes.  相似文献   

正BTG-Jianguo will open its i vestar Spring Red Star Jianguo Hotel in Hami City.Covering 35,000 square meters,the hotel consists of a main building and four VIP buildings.The main building has 163 guestrooms and a complete sporting facility.The hotel’s soft opening will take place in August 2014.Located in eastern Xinjiang,Hami City is a gateway to the interior,and also an important city on the ancient Silk Road.It boasts abundant natural  相似文献   

HONGJIANG City is little known in modern times,but historically it was a key port and bus- tling trade center full of riches,spendthrift lifestyles and opium dens.Located in a mountainous zone in the southern province of Hunan,Hong- jiang's role as an important trade hub stretches back to antiquity.More than 3,000 years ago it lay on the trade route between China's interior and the Indian and Arabic Oceans,and the Red and  相似文献   

LIJIANG is a small city on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in southern China with an 800-year history. Word of its ancient language and music, and unique natural scenery has spread over the decades, and Lijiang is now known throughout the world. It was added to UNESCO's World Cultural Heritage List in 1997, and is one of the ten most favored destinations for Chinese tourists.  相似文献   

2004年10月提交全国人大常委会审议的《物权法(草案)》中规定拾金不昧者享有向失主请求适当报酬的权利,由于这一规定触及传统美德,在社会上引起了激烈的讨论。本文从社会学的视角出发,围绕传统与现实两个维度来分析它的合理性。  相似文献   

The famous painting,Along the River During Qingming Festival,impresses visitors at the China Pavilion not iust because of the animated figures in the electronic version of the painting but because it shows a prosperous view of Kaifeng,capital of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127).It also showcases the wisdom of city planning in ancient China.  相似文献   

<正>A newly discovered skull fossil sheds light on early human history China’s ancient skull fossil trove got a new member after a 1-million-year-old skull was unearthed in Hubei Province on December 3, 2022. The newly discovered skull is thought to be the most intact Homo erectus skull of its age found on the Eurasian continent to date.  相似文献   

AT a distance of 280 km from Beijing, Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei Province, is the nearest provincial capital to the seat of the national government. The region around Shijiazhuang has a long history of developed civilization. Archeological discoveries show that human activities had already begun in this area between 6,000 and 7,000 years ago.  相似文献   

THE Minyue Kingdom city is35 kilometers north of theWuyi Mountains in FujianProvince, and has a history ofmore than 2,300 years. Constructedon the summits of a few foothills,the city faces the magnificent WuyiMountains to the west, and hills andmounds to its north and south. Agurgling crystalline stream originating in the Wuyi Mountains flowsfrom the west to the city and thengoes past it from north to south. Itsvast stretches of alluvial plains inthe east and north give this ancientcity a…  相似文献   

TOGETHER with Dalian and 'Chengdu, the city of Nanjing is a major producer of computer software in China.People may wonder what in the world has made Nanjing, a city known for its cultural and historical heritage, a leader in China's software industry. And how did this seem to happen overnight? In spite of its relatively low profile, Nanjing has a few tricks up its sleeve the other cities don't.  相似文献   

魏鸿雁 《前沿》2010,(20):160-162
"隐"是赋、比、兴等之后形成的一种新的诗歌艺术表现方式,是言意之辩在文学理论中的反映。刘勰对其作了准确的解释。其特点是"舍容取心",借辞传意,使语言形成丰富性和多义性的特征。形成"隐"的语言手段是"曲""婉"。"隐"进一步完善了传统诗歌理论,丰富了诗歌的表现能力。  相似文献   

政府、雇主、工人组成三方妥协机制,是市场经济平稳运行必不可少的。随着中国入世日期的到来,与国际惯例接轨,推出中国的雇主组织,建立有中国特色的三方协调机制,越来越摆到了议事日程。一、问题的提出问题之一:在社会和经济活动中,我们经常提到要兼顾国家、企业和职工三者利益。实际情况是:国家利益有法律维护;职工利益不可侵犯,因为社会需要稳定;企业利益呢?企业要纳税、交利、付费,要“拿钱买安定”。那么,谁来为企业讨公道?问题之二:市场经济越发展,企业改革越深入,企业与职工之间的利益矛盾就越多。为协调劳动关系,…  相似文献   

为了贯彻男女平等基本国策,提高全社会对男女平等问题的关注,推进各级政府决策中的性别平等意识主流化,2004年10月27—28日,由湖南省妇女学研究会、湖南省妇女干部教育研究会、湖南省妇女研究中心联合主办的“男女平等基本国策理论研讨会”在湖南长沙召开。来自省内外高等院校、社科院和党校系统的专家学者、党政领导、妇联干部等127名代表,以战略性的思维和求真务实的精神,围绕如何贯彻男女平等基本国策,促进社会协调发展问题,进行了广泛深入地研讨。一、对男女平等基本国策战略思想的认识与会者认为,现阶段我国妇女解放运动是在两个前提条…  相似文献   

DAIXIAN is an ancient town in central Shanxi Province,just a few hours by expressway from Beijing.People have been living here since the New Stone Age in around 7,000 BC.Marking the border between ancient China and the northern lands of nomadic tribes,it was once a place of considerable stra- tegic importance that witnessed many significant battles.In times of peace, it was a prosperous nexus of trade and  相似文献   

正The Forbidden City stands on the shoulders of tech giants to spread its cultural heritage Avideo featuring a Chinese emperor dancing,rapping,taking selfies and texting imperial concubines via instant messaging services We Chat and QQ recently went viral on the mobile platforms.The commotion was a result of a partnership between Chinese Internet giant Tencent and Beijing’s  相似文献   

充满神秘色彩的古夜郎文化,是贵州乃至世界极其珍贵的文化遗产之一.对于夜郎王城的所在地,至今仍然是一个很难破解之谜.理清夜郎王国的本土和势力范围之间的关系,逐渐缩小探索的空间,从贵州安顺的西部一带去寻求,并通过地下发掘的实物加以印证,这是探求夜郎王城的一条有效途径.  相似文献   

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