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《Federal register》1980,45(130):45377-45378
This notice corrects an error made in a Federal Register notice with respect to information regarding requirements for health maintenance organizations (HMO's).  相似文献   

《Federal register》1991,56(49):10515
This notice corrects 42 CFR 434.20, Basic rules, to restore current text which was inadvertently deleted in the final rule, to make a conforming redesignation change, and to correct technical errors.  相似文献   


Roman Statutes. M.H. CRAWFORD (ed.). Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplement 64, 1996. 2 volumes. I: xxviii + 553; II: vii + 322 + 13 half‐tone plates + 14 figures. £90 hb (the set). ISBN 0 900587 69 5.

Greek Law in its Political Setting: Justifications not Justice. L. FOXHALL and A.D.E. LEWIS (eds.). Oxford. 1996. Clarendon Press. £25 hb.

The Early History of the Law of Bills and Notes: A Study of the Origins of Anglo‐American Commercial Law. JAMES STEVEN ROGERS. Cambridge. 1995. University Press. xxv + 267 pp. (inc. Index). £35/$59.95 Hb. ISBN 0 521 44212 5.

The Paths to Privity: The History of Third Party Beneficiary Contracts at English Law. VERNON VALENTINE PALMER. San Francisco. 1994. Austin &; Winfield. 250pp. (inc. Index). £58.50/S64.95 hb/£35.95 pb. ISBN 1 880921 16 2/1 880921 15 4.

Leading Cases in the Common Law. A.W.B. SIMPSON. Oxford. 1995. Clarendon Press. xxi+311pp. (inch Index). £25 hb. ISBN 0 19 825852 6. Oxford. 1996. Clarendon Press. xxi+311pp. (incl. Index). £16 pb. ISBN 0 19 826299 X.

Justice et Institutions Françaises en Belgique (1795–1815). ACTES DU COLLOQUE TENU A L'UNIVERSITÉ DE LILLE II LES 1, 2 ET 3 JUIN 1995. Hellemmes: Espace Juridique, Ester, 1996. 395 pp.(incl. Index). FF 150, ISBN 2 908510 23 5; ISSN 1159–487X.

The Logic of Women on Trial: Case Studies of Popular American Trials. JANICE SCHUETZ. Carbondale and Edwardsville. 1994. Southern Illinois University Press, x + 260pp (incl. Index). No price given. Pb. 0–0893–1926–8  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(194):53862-53863
This document contains a correction to REG-245256-94, which was published in the Federal Register on Tuesday, August 4, 1998 (63 FR 41486), relating to the excise taxes on excess benefit transactions.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(137):38661-38665
This notice describes the final methodology to identify and estimate the number of children with a serious emotional disturbance (SED) within each State. This notice is being published as part of the requirements of Public Law 102-321, the ADAMHA Reorganization Act of 1992.  相似文献   

Journal of Experimental Criminology - We use the temporary closings of subway stations in Philadelphia to examine the effects of public transit on crime in the nearby communities. The Southeastern...  相似文献   

《Federal register》1996,61(171):46384-46385
In the March 27, 1996, issue of the Federal Register, we published, at 61 FR 13430, a final rule with comment period that implements requirements in sections 4204(a) and 4731 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 that concern physician incentive plans. In the preamble of that rule, we set forth dates by which prepaid health plans had to comply with certain of the rule's provisions. This document clarifies and changes some of those deadlines, and provides an opportunity for public comments on them. It does not otherwise change the requirements set forth in the rule. In addition this document corrects the March 27 rule's inadvertent reversal of the nomenclature change made by a previous final rule.  相似文献   

案例资料【案例1】陈!!,女,62岁。因“左膝关节被摩托车撞伤1小时”于2003年7月21日入市某医院门诊求治。门诊专科体检:左膝关节肿痛、压髌( ),浮髌(-),髌骨上方可见2cm×2cm大小伤口,无出血,右小腿压痛( )。首诊医师在观看患部×线片后,便做出了“左膝关节外伤,未见明显骨折”  相似文献   

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