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Toxicological findings in all military aircraft fatalities investigated by the Division of Forensic Toxicology at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology from 1986-1990 are presented. Carbon monoxide saturation levels greater than 10% were found in 4% of the 535 cases where appropriate specimens were collected. Positive ethanol findings were more indicative of postmortem formation than antemortem consumption. In only 1 case were abused drugs (cannabinoids in a passenger) detected. Other drugs identified included nicotine, chloroquine and over-the-counter analgesic agents, antihistamines and sympathomimetic drugs.  相似文献   

Among the important determinations that aircraft crash investigators try to make is which occupant of an aircraft was attempting to control the aircraft at the time of the crash. The presence or absence of certain injuries of the extremities is used to help make this determination. These "control surface injuries" reportedly occur when crash forces are applied to a pilot's hands and feet through the aircraft's controls. We sought to clarify the significance of these injuries and the frequency with which their presence indicates that the decedent was the person that might have been trying to control the aircraft, questions that are frequently asked of the examining pathologist. We studied sequential fatalities of airplane and helicopter crashes in which autopsies were performed by the Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner, excluding those that were known to have been incapacitated before the crash and those that were known to have attempted to escape from the aircraft, collecting 100 "qualified" crash decedents. The incidence of control surface injuries was determined for both pilots and passengers. The sensitivity and specificity of control surface injuries were calculated by classifying the decedents into a 4-cell diagnostic matrix. The positive and negative predictive values for control surface injuries were also calculated. Injuries that met the published definitions of control surface injuries had high incidences in passengers, as well as pilots, giving the term control surface injury a diagnostically unacceptable sensitivity and specificity for indicating "a pilot attempting to control an aircraft." We offer caveats and refinements to the definition of these injuries that help to increase the sensitivity and specificity of this term.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty eight cases of shooting fatalities were investigated during an 11-year period. Of these 57% were homicidal shootings with 34% suicidal in nature. Only two suicidal fatalities were female. Analysis of the sites of entrance wounds confirmed the 'sites of election' in suicidal shootings, whilst homicidal wounds showed a much wider distribution. Multiple entrance wounds were seen in 42% of homicidal shootings. Injuries to hands were seen in 7 homicidal fatalities.  相似文献   

The authors report two cases of diving-related water blast with fatal outcome resulting from nearby underwater explosions. Water blast with fatal outcome almost exclusively occurs in wars at sea. Underwater explosions are extremely rare in diving because of the limited exposure. Forensic findings in both cases reported included expected injuries to gas-filled organs such as the middle ear, lungs, and intestine; some rarely described injuries such as rupture of the liver, spleen, and kidneys; and also some lesions that were not found in a search of the literature: rupture of the heart and contusion of the hypophysis. Injuries caused by fatal underwater explosions should be carefully evaluated in forensic medicine to provide data that may support a criminal investigation.  相似文献   

Presented is a case of murder by means of chloroquine, committed on a 36-year-old male. The wife of the deceased had confessed to have secretely administered chloroquine-containing tablets to her husband. She was lawfully sentenced to life-imprisonment. The toxicological findings of this case are compared to the results of two chloroquine suicide cases and discussed in the context of the referring literature. An additional case where chloroquine intoxication was doubtful is introduced because of the unusual circumstances under which it occurred.  相似文献   

A study of accidental non-commercial aircraft fatalities was performed on the case files of the Office of the Medical Examiner of Metropolitan Dade County in Miami, FL, U.S.A., between the years 1977 through 1983. A total of 57 cases were collected and analyzed as to the age of the victim, the race and sex of the victim, the cause of death, the blood alcohol content at autopsy, the drugs detected at autopsy, the type of aircraft, the occupant role, the risk factor responsible for the crash, the time of the fatality, and the nature of usage of the aircraft. Essentially, these 57 cases comprised 1.2% of the non-vehicular accidental fatalities during the period. The age of distribution is relatively evenly distributed from age 16 to 65 years with white males predominating. Multiple injuries were the most common cause of death although conflagration injuries (e.g., smoke inhalation, burns) were frequent. The victims were sober and free of drugs in the majority of cases. Most fatalities occurred in a single engine plane with the victim, the pilot, flying for private reasons in the afternoon or evening hours. The most common identifiable risk factor was human error (e.g., judgement), rather than mechanical or plane failure.  相似文献   

Mental health facilities are occasionally confronted with patients who display destructive or disruptive behaviors requiring physical restraint. Under these circumstances, restraint can be associated with death. This case report describes two fatalities associated with physical restraint applied by staff members at mental health facilities.  相似文献   

In three cases of autopsy (cause of death - intoxication and drowning) we found in the lung intraalveolar und intravasal lymphatic tissue and bone-marrow. The results cannot be explained with violence during lifetime, but in tow cases as an effect of fracture of rips caused by external cardiacmassage, in one case by embalming with injection of conservation fluids.  相似文献   

Intravenous amphetamine poisoning. Report of three cases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The authors review all accidental sharp force injury deaths investigated at the Southwestern Institute of Forensic Sciences from 1990 to 1999. Twenty-two cases of accidental sharp force injury were identified, accounting for 0.29% of all accidental deaths (9,562) during the 10-year study period. Included in this series are 5 incised wounds, 11 stab wounds, 4 chop wounds, and 2 deaths caused by dog attacks. About half of the cases involved some type of motorized machinery. The victims' ages ranged from 2 years to 71 years, with most deaths occurring in older teenagers and younger adults. Male subjects (17) were involved much more frequently than female subjects (5). In 50% of the cases, ethanol or other drug use was a possible underlying contributing factor in the accident. The cases are briefly reviewed, and the importance of detailed investigation in manner-of-death certification is emphasized.  相似文献   

Determination of the manner of death in the case of intra- and perioral firearm wounds can be difficult especially if death scene investigation is unclear and inadequate. In this study, we investigated some characteristics of these firearm wounds which were autopsied in Istanbul. During the 5-year period from 1991 through 1995, there were 15 intra- and perioral firearm fatalities investigated. In all the cases, only one shot was fired into the mouth. They constituted 1% of all the firearm fatalities. The mean age of the victims was 27 years and males constituted 73.3% of the victims. Most of the wounds were caused by handguns. Homicides accounted for 53.3% of these deaths. Three of 15 cases could not be identified as intraoral firearm wounds by general practitioners during the scene investigations.  相似文献   

We report six cases of possible acute cardiovascular death in young adults, where very recent cannabis ingestion was documented by the presence of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in postmortem blood samples. A broad toxicological blood analysis could not reveal other drugs. Similar cases have been reported in the literature, but the toxicological analysis has been absent or limited to urine samples, which represent a much broader time window for cannabis intake. This paper presents six case reports, where cannabis alone was detected in blood. Further, an overview over previously published cases, clinical trials and possible patho-physiological mechanisms are presented.  相似文献   

Analysis of cocaine-positive fatalities   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A review of all autopsy and toxicology reports for persons dying in New York City in an 11-month period found 935 persons dying with cocaine in their bodies. Cocaine-positive fatalities were more likely in the young black and Hispanic and male population. In addition to cocaine and its metabolites, heroin and other opiates were found in 39% of persons and ethanol in 33% and barbiturates and minor tranquilizers in only 2% of the deceased. Cocaine overdose was responsible for 4% of the deaths and overdose with heroin and cocaine for 12% of the deaths. Violence was often the cause of death. Thirty-eight percent died of homicide, seven percent of suicide, and eight percent from accidents. Of particular interest were 6 persons who died of acute cardiac events directly related to cocaine as well as 4 cases of ruptured dissections of the ascending aorta, and 9 cases of cerebral hemorrhage. Autopsy findings for these individuals are described, and possible mechanisms of death are discussed.  相似文献   

Hunting many types of wild game is an avidly pursued outdoor activity that attracts all ages and both genders at various times of the year. Deer hunting is a popular sport in many regions of North America. A variety of weapons are used in the hunting, trapping, and killing of game. As a variety of different modalities are used, myriad types of injuries unique to the type of hunting can occur. Most deer hunting-related fatalities identified at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Kentucky are accidental firearm injuries. Less commonly encountered are fatalities resulting from elevation of the hunter in a tree stand, often associated with poor design or construction of the perch. We present 2 tree stand-related deaths. One victim died of positional asphyxia due to reverse suspension from a hunting tree stand. The second victim died of multiple blunt force injuries sustained in a 20-foot fall from a tree stand. We summarize the features of morbidity and mortality related to deer hunting based on investigations by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.  相似文献   

Cases at study comprise 21 sharp force fatalities (9 suicides – 7 m and 2 f; 8 homicides – 5 m and 3 f; 2 accidental deaths – 1 m and 1 f; 2 uncertain cases – 2 m), examined from 1993 to 2002. Suicide age range was 17–75 years, mean 42.4; in seven cases the age was upper 40. Scene of death was at home in six cases, at open place in two, during hospitalisation in one. Incised wounds were pre-eminent in suicides. Homicides showed multiple stab wounds. The two accidents were caused by “glassing”. Uncertain cases were a small stab wound to the chest and an eviration.  相似文献   

A lateral radiograph of the cervical spine was obtained for 174 of the 207 persons killed in road crashes in Adelaide, South Australia, during the 12-month period of June 1, 1987 to May 31, 1988. Of the total of 57 cases of cervical injury, routine postmortem examination identified 30 cases (52.6%), and the radiographic examinations identified 51 cases (89.5%). In the cases where it was performed, radiography identified 96.2% of injuries. One-half of injuries of level C3 and above were not reported at postmortem examination, compared with 22% of those occurring below this level. This finding correlates with the physical difficulties of examining the upper part of the cervical spine. This study has shown that lateral cervical radiography is a simple and effective method of more accurately identifying significant cervical spinal injuries, thus improving greatly the value of postmortem examinations in determining the patterns and mechanisms of these injuries.  相似文献   

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