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《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):619-650
The use of police in schools has increased dramatically in the past 12 years, largely due to increases in US Department of Justice funding. This study used data from the School Survey on Crime and Safety to assess the extent to which the addition of police in schools is associated with changes in levels of school crime and schools responses to crime. We found that as schools increase their use of police, they record more crimes involving weapon and drugs and report a higher percentage of their non-serious violent crimes to law enforcement. The possibility that placement of police officers in schools increases referrals to law enforcement for crimes of a less serious nature and increases recording of weapon and drug offenses requires that more rigorous research be carried out to assess more carefully the school climate and school safety outcomes related to this popular and costly practice.  相似文献   

关注监狱警察心理健康   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
心理学研究表明,监狱警察仅在任职头3年内耳闻目睹的丑恶面,比普通人一生中见到和感受到的还要多几倍,“高负荷、高强度、高风险”以及个体认知、社会支持和生物免疫三大中介系统的薄弱无力,使监狱警察成为一个最易出现心理问题的群体。一、心理健康问题敲响警钟有关监狱警察心  相似文献   

张兰 《中国司法》2008,(3):29-32
监狱女警是监狱警力资源的一个重要组成部分。根据司法部有关数据统计显示,截止2006年,全国监狱系统有女警7.5万人,占监狱民警队伍总数的26.5%,意味着每四名监狱警察中就有一名女警。女警在监狱管理工作中的作用日益受到关注和认可,特别是随着我国监狱管理科学化、现代化水平的不断提升,除了女子监狱的女警之外,已有一些女警出现在男犯管理教育工作的一线,与男干警共同承担着维护监狱安全稳定、教育改造罪犯的光荣使命。  相似文献   

坚持“首要标准”加强监狱人民警察队伍建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周永康同志指出:“监管场所要把改造人放在第一位,通过创新教育改造方法,强化心理矫治,提高教育质量,真正使他们痛改前非、重新做人;要把刑释解教人员重新违法犯罪作为衡量监管工作的首要标准,确保教育改造工作取得实效”。  相似文献   

近年来,预防和惩治监狱民警腐败问题,不仅在司法行政机关党风廉政建设中摆上重要位置,而且日益引起社会关注。分析监狱民警腐败问题,原因固然很多,我们以为,这中间表现出来的我国传统中的“熟人社会”文化影响不能忽视。在我省近几年发生的监狱民警职务活动中的违法违纪案件中,  相似文献   

骆丹 《中国司法》2008,(2):44-47
在许多人心目中,监狱警察长年累月与形形色色的罪犯打交道,个个都是硬汉。其实,监狱警察也是普通人,只不过职业特殊。情感困扰、人际关系迷茫,监狱警察也会遇到;一般人想象不到的紧张焦虑,监狱警察也要面对。保障监狱警察心理健康,已经成为监狱人民警察队伍建设的一个焦点。关注和维护监狱警察的心理健康,不仅是提高监狱警察心理素质的重要环节,也是推进监狱人民警察队伍建设,促进监狱工作又好又快发展的重大举措。本文拟对有关问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

Asian Journal of Criminology - The spread of COVID-19 put prisons across the globe into an emergency state where extraordinary reactions and measures have been taken. Prison governance and...  相似文献   

The use of law enforcement officers in American schools has rapidly expanded since its inception in the 1950s. This growth can in part be attributed to the Safe Schools Act of 1994, the establishment of the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Office, and tragic events that have occurred in our nation's schools. Law enforcement officers in the school environment traditionally have primary roles of protection and enforcement, although many have ancillary roles of educating and mentoring students. However, the use of police in schools has also been associated with the formalization of student discipline and the criminalization of minor misconduct. Specifically, an increase in the number of officers in schools has mirrored an increase in the number of arrests and citations for relatively minor offenses. We argue that officers' socialization and training create role conflict in that the duty to enforce the law competes with other duties to mentor and nurture students. We present several hypothetical dilemmas and then illustrate how the “right thing to do” is determined by the perceived duties of the school safety officer. We conclude by presenting some modest suggestions on how to address the potential role conflict experienced by law enforcement officers working in schools.  相似文献   

监狱一线工作是监狱工作的基础,基础不牢、地动山摇。监狱一线干警是监狱一线工作的主体。监狱的监管安全、罪犯的改造质量、贯彻“首要标准”等,都与监狱一线干警素质的提高密切相关。在建设学习型监狱人民警察队伍过程中,需要把重点放在监狱一线干警的学习上,建立监狱一线干警学习、考评、激励、保障机制。  相似文献   

当前监狱工作中,“执法难”、“难执法”,是基层民警普遍感到困扰的一个问题。“执法难”是指监狱民警严格公正执法遇到的阻力和难度增加,是执法环境多元化、执法对象复杂化以及执法个体能力发展滞后的一种综合表现。究其原因是多方面的。近年来,随着市场经济的发展和社会治安形势的变化,监狱工作出现了许多新情况、新问题,在监狱押犯构成中,有组织犯罪和带黑社会性质的团伙犯罪、爆炸、杀人、抢劫、绑架等严重暴力犯罪呈明显上升趋势,  相似文献   

监狱干警作为国家机器的重要组成部分,代表国家对罪犯行使刑罚执行权,是一支“着装的、带枪的的执法队伍”,集阶级性、正义性、公正性于一身,从某种程度上讲,也是中国民主与法制形象的一个重要代言人。新形势下,随着依法治国、以德治国方略不断向纵深发展,社会和公民对监狱干警  相似文献   

This paper aims to take a close look at the reality of female crime in Spain. On the one hand, we will focus on describing the current situation of women incarcerated in Spanish prisons, an especially vulnerable group given their peculiarities and needs. Through secondary sources, we describe the situation of discrimination against women in these prisons. On the other hand, the paper establishes whether the current Spanish prison legislation echoes all or some of the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures of Freedom for Women Offenders (Bangkok Rules, 2010). To this end, a detailed analysis of both standards, national and international, is essential. As a general conclusion, although Spain has high standard prison regulations and modern facilities, female prisoners in Spanish prison are subject to discrimination. It is from such a perspective that this article proposes that the necessary changes and appropriate penitentiary policies to meet the specific needs of female prisoners are established.  相似文献   

Formal equality and judicial neutrality can lead to substantive inequality for women and children, with social costs that extend beyond individuals and families and spill over into the larger social settings in which they are located. We consider the uniquely damaging effects of an “equality with a vengeance” (Chesney‐Lind & Pollack 1995) that resulted from “tough on crime” policies and the 1980s federal and state sentencing guidelines that led to the incarceration of more women and mothers. We argue that legal equality norms of the kind embedded in the enforcement of sentencing guidelines can mask and punish differences in gendered role expectations. Paradoxically, although fathers are incarcerated in much greater numbers than are mothers, the effect threshold is lower and the scale of effect on educational outcomes tends to be greater for maternal incarceration. We demonstrate both student‐ and school‐level effects of maternal incarceration: the damaging effects not only affect the children of imprisoned mothers but also spill over to children of nonincarcerated mothers in schools with elevated levels of maternal incarceration. We find a 15 percent reduction in college graduation rates in schools where as few as 10 percent of other students' mothers are incarcerated. The effects for imprisoned fathers are also notable, especially at the school level. Schools with higher father incarceration rates (25 percent) have college graduation rates as much as 50 percent lower than those of other schools. The effects of imprisoned mothers are particularly notable at the student level (i.e., with few children of imprisoned mothers graduating from college), while maternal imprisonment effects are found at both student and school levels across the three measured outcomes. We demonstrate these effects in a large, nationally representative longitudinal study of American children from the 1990s prison generation who were tracked into early adulthood.  相似文献   

张祥  时乃龙  颜凯 《中国司法》2011,(1):98-100
党的十七大以来,司法行政系统反腐倡廉建设始终坚持标本兼治、综合治理、惩防并举、注重预防的战略方针,深入推进惩治和预防腐败体系建设,积极探索预防职务犯罪问题的体制机制制度,加强教育,深化监督,严肃惩治,违法违纪案件呈逐年下降态势,为司法行政事业又好又快发展提供了坚强的纪律保障。  相似文献   

罗大华  行娜娜 《政法学刊》2010,27(5):96-100
政法干警的心理健康对推进依法治国、促进社会主义建设稳步发展有重要的意义。明确政法干警心理健康的标准及心理不健康的类型能提高司法工作效率、保证司法公正、维护社会稳定。长时期过度心理压力的存在会对政法干警的生理、心理、行为产生极大的影响。但是在关注心理压力对人消极影响的同时也要看到其对人的积极作用,政法干警要积极应对压力、增进心理健康。  相似文献   

薛耀文  高翔 《犯罪研究》2012,(3):49-55,62
本文在调查某地级市人民法院近3年内判决的365名公职人员经济犯罪案件和全国已公开报道的35份经济犯罪公职人员的忏悔录的基础上,以“原始刺激”为公职人员犯罪心理过程的研究起点,通过对一般公职人员犯罪心理过程进行剖析,提出了公职人员经济犯罪心理一般演化模式,即从对原始刺激认知引发的“初反应”,经济犯罪动机产生的“伴随反应”,经济犯罪行为产生的“结果反映”,再次实施经济犯罪的“恶性循环反应”。  相似文献   

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