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Woeste, Victoria Saker. 2012 . Henry Ford's War on Jews and the Legal Battle Against Hate Speech . Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. In this essay, I respond to three readers of my book, Henry Ford's War and the Legal Battle Against Hate Speech, by embracing the opportunity to reconsider the book's theoretical and historiographical frames. I synthesize the contributions that Clyde Spillenger, Carroll Seron, and Aviam Soifer make in their deep readings of the book and respond to their criticisms. I then place the book into a new interpretive frame that is emerging in the field of the “new civil rights history,” as it is now being conceptualized in the work of Risa Goluboff, Kenneth Mack, Tomiko Brown‐Nagin, and others writing on civil rights advocacy in the twentieth‐century United States.  相似文献   

This article proposes a processual theory of the legal profession. In contrast to the structural, interactional, and collective action approaches, this processual theory conceptualizes the legal profession as a social process that changes over space and time. The social process of the legal profession includes four components: (1) diagnostic struggles over professional expertise; (2) boundary work over professional jurisdictions; (3) migration across geographical areas and status hierarchies; and (4) exchange between professions and the state. Building on the processual theory and using China as a primary example, the author proposes a research agenda for studying lawyers and globalization that seeks to shift the focus of research from the legal elite to ordinary law practitioners, from global law firms to local law firms, and from advanced economies to emerging economies.  相似文献   

This article interrogates a number of assumptions underpinning the recent focus on employability and social mobility within legal education and the legal profession – in particular the capacity of legal work experience to support these policy objectives. It draws on research evidence to argue that a narrow focus upon the individual acquisition of skills and attributes fails to capture the fuller complexity of legal employability as a negotiated, situated process. It shows how the structuring properties of the field reduce the capacity of employability initiatives to disrupt the patterns of social and cultural reproduction that frame access to the legal profession. In this context, the potential of curriculum intervention to enhance employability is inhibited by the structural constraints upon the possible selves that law students are able to imagine. It suggests that students’ opportunities are not only shaped by their past, but are also constrained by their possible futures.  相似文献   

法学教育与司法考试的关系,是国家司法资格统一考试制度实施以来,为人们所关注和焦虑的一个重要课题。司法考试作为一种非常典型的法律职业准入控制措施,帮助我们营造了一个共同的语言、解释、价值、经历和身份的共同体,从而也决定性地正面促进了我国的法治建设。但是我们应该认识到司法考试不是万能的,它不能对法律从业者的法律素养作有效的考察和衡量,因此我们必须寻求有效的替代途径,而这正是法学教育,特别是法学院教育本身所具备的。美国法学院模式的成功对于我们构建法学院教育与司法考试的理想关系,提供了非常有意义的启发。  相似文献   

社会抚养费制度作为计划生育政策推行和保障的一项重要措施,其法律性质为何依然争议不断。通过分析近年来有关社会抚养费的司法判决可以发现,实践中仍然有不少行政部门和司法部门将征收社会抚养费作为一种行政处罚对待。从社会抚养费的规范依据和理论基础来看,将社会抚养费当成一种行政处罚均难以成立。社会抚养费应当属于超生对社会所造成负担的一种经济补偿。对社会抚养费征收的对象、标准、程序和对权利限制的制度都有待重新评估。  相似文献   

在中国的法律体系中,对隐私权的保护是相当明确和清晰的.同时,虽然法律对于制作、复制、销售、传播淫秽制品等行为明文禁止,但是对于在家中观看淫秽录像、电影等行为却并未评价.因此,在正式的法律体系中,应当认为观看淫秽制品的行为是合法的;但在非正式的法律中,却受到禁止.这实际上是观看淫秽制品的行为在非正式法律体系中尚未完成除罪化过程的结果.这一制度体系上的混乱为法律官员的选择性执法奠定了基础,从而削弱了法律在形式上的统一性和实践上的可预期性.因此,对于中国的法治建设而言,最重要的仍是确立国家权力需要制约的观念,并在制度上清除那些可能造成混乱的因素.  相似文献   

Taiwan's political democratization has engendered a contradiction in its legal regime: consolidation of rule of law at the macro-institutional level is matched by the persistent marginalization of legal authority in ground-level social practices. This article uses an ethnographic study of neighborhood police to explore certain practical and structural elements involved in maintaining this contradictory sociopolitical order. I examine some of the processes through which state authority is invoked and applied to the policing of public space, focusing on the ideals of legitimacy that animate these processes. The argument of the article is that historical and cultural factors embodied in contemporary Taiwan's "idea of police"—exemplified in the trope of a balance between reason, law, and sentiment—are crucial to understanding how solidification of the rule of law within state institutions is kept within the boundaries of a social sensibility that does not take law as the last word.  相似文献   

社科法学与法教义学的争论由来已久。这是中国法学研究发展到一定阶段的必然产物,体现了中国法学研究的独立性与自觉性。社科法学与法教义学的争论具有多重维度,二者产生分歧的根源在于我国法治发展的阶段性。由于法解释资源的短缺,作为法学基本研究方法的法教义学难以充分发挥作用,由此,社科法学填补了法教义学缺位的真空地带。未来在共享法治基本理念的基础上,社科法学与法教义学将会互融互通,待法解释资源供给进一步充实后,法教义学将会获得更大的理论空间。  相似文献   

王启梁 《法学家》2012,(3):1-17,175
李昌奎案代表了一类"简单的""难办案件",无论法官如何决策,处理结果都不能取得良好的法律效果和社会效果。该案反映出这是一个法律世界观缺乏整体性和融贯性的时代。民意、司法与政治之间复杂的互动,以及社会对刑事司法系统的不信任,虽非中国特有的问题,但暴露出部分中国司法人员和学者对司法公信力、合法性、稳定性的理解是单维、偏颇的,缺乏健全的司法理念。经由对该案的讨论,本文强调,司法应该弥合而不是加大法律与社会的差距,如果司法要参与社会变革,它必须满足民众对公正的基本心理需求。另一方面,新媒体的兴起,使人们得以在事件流中辨识法律的社会意义,多元的法律世界观有可能获得融贯。  相似文献   

以陈思和的<中国当代文学史教程>、洪子诚的<中国当代文学史>和黄修己的<20世纪中国文学史>(下卷)等具代表性的文学史叙述为视点,考察并反思其对于"新写实小说"的产生背景,以及内涵、特征、意义和代表性文本个案等诸方面问题的阐释与表达,从中获得对于"新写实小说"的不同维度、不同观念和不同方法的多样启示.尽管这些阐释与表达尚有其局限性,但并不妨碍我们确证新写实小说经典化解读的由此开始,以及通过此来进一步把握当代文学批评和当代思想文化基本流向的企图.  相似文献   

This article examines the instrumental and constitutive effects of California Assembly Bill 540. The law grants undocumented immigrant students an exemption from out-of-state tuition, thereby making some forms of higher education more accessible. Despite the narrow actionable aspects of the law, it unintentionally legitimizes this disenfranchised group. This longitudinal study of undocumented immigrant youth consists of in-depth interviews before, shortly after, and four years after the passage of the law. The findings demonstrate that AB 540 immediately relieved stigma and later provided a socially acceptable identity that, within a legal consciousness informed by meritocracy, empowered these students to mobilize the law in a number of unforeseen ways. The case strongly suggests that it is possible for unintended constitutive functions to have more transformative effects on the daily lives of targeted beneficiaries than the intended instrumental objectives of law.  相似文献   

何锦前 《北方法学》2013,(2):143-152
在现代化转型的大背景下,农民就业成为涉及全局的大问题,也是相关立法必须解决的难题。如果立法中的规定强调政府主导而不注重权利保护,就可能导致法律父爱主义的倾向。《就业促进法》浓厚的法律父爱主义色彩埋下了政府裁量权过大、农民就业权受侵蚀等隐患。为此,应彰显农民的就业权利和自由,以理性、确定和比例三原则来规制政府行为,淡化甚至褪去立法的父爱主义色彩,走出价值悖论的迷宫,使该法善始善终,最终实现其促进就业的目的。  相似文献   

A communitarian approach is applied to DNA testing and databases. It concerns itself both with individual rights and the common good. It finds that DNA testing, although it is highly intrusive, often advances both individual rights (for instance, helps exonerate suspects) and the common good (for example, acts as a deterrent). However given its high level of intrusiveness and the insufficient level of oversight provided by existing checks and balances, the author argues for a national civil review board to provide still more accountability.  相似文献   

Liverpool Law Review - Does it matter to a member of the military whether the military campaign in which he is taking part is lawful or not? Despite the observation that the crime of aggression...  相似文献   

We hope to stimulate more systematic research on all areas of legal integration by making available for free and open use a comprehensive data base on preliminary references in EC law. The Data Set, which has been under construction since 1996, is now online at various websites. The data are not publicly accessible elsewhere. In this article, we provide a brief summary of the data base and its potential uses. We begin by introducing the main features of the Data Set. We then discuss some of the dynamics of legal integration in light of our analyses of the data.  相似文献   

This study is an extension and cross-national test of the Stream Analogy of Lethal Violence (SALV). The SALV is an integrated theory of homicide and suicide that hypothesizes a relationship between “socially patterned” sources of frustration and lethal violence. By drawing on the insights of General Strain Theory and Institutional Anomie Theory, this study extends the SALV by assessing the impact of “decommodification” on the lethal violence rate. Partial support is found for this modified version of the SALV, as lagged measures of social expenditures are negatively associated with total lethal violence. The findings of this study suggest that social welfare expenditures in OECD nations protect citizens from lethal violence while austerity measures may contribute to greater rates of violent death.  相似文献   

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