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问:联想集团并购IBM公司全球PC业务后,曾在2004年12月13日的<21世纪经济报道>第15版上刊登过整版形象广告,细心的人会发现,在广告上,"IBM"的下方有一个(R),而且报纸底端还有一行小字:"IBM logo及Thinkpad为IBM在美国和其他国家的注册商标",而联想当时却没有这样的标注和文字表述.为什么像IBM、Intel以及Microsoft等公司,这么注重使用(R)或"注册商标"等标示来表达自己的商标信息呢?我国企业应当如何借鉴这些公司的经验?  相似文献   

Given that the Rome Statute does not provide jurisdiction totry corporations for breaches of international criminal law,it has been suggested that national jurisdictions might be usedto fill this impunity gap. The author presents several arguments.First, the international criminal law system, including theRome Statute — and particularly the principles of universaljurisdiction and complementarity — provides the theoreticalgrounding for states to assert jurisdiction over internationalcrimes wider than the International Criminal Court (ICC). Second,Canada, owing to interactions between its domestic legislationimplementing the ICC Statute and existing national criminallaw, is now able to prosecute corporations for breaches of internationalcriminal law. Finally, this increased jurisdiction of Canadiancourts is consistent with the current status of corporationsunder international criminal law. What is really interestingabout Canada's approach, however, is not so much that it hascreated a new legal principle, but rather that it is one ofthe first countries to establish jurisdiction over internationalcrimes committed by corporate entities which were previouslycommitted with impunity.
By stating that I could not guaranteethat the army is not using forced labour, I certainly implythat they might, (and they might) but I am saying that we donot have to monitor the army's behaviour: we have our responsibilities;they have their responsibilities; and we refuse to be pushedin to assuming more than what we can really guarantee. Aboutforced labour used by troops assigned to provide security onour pipeline project, let us admit between Unocal and Totalthat we might be in a grey zone.1

单位犯罪理念与实践的冲突   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
单位犯罪的理念与司法实践之间是存在冲突的,如理论上认为单位犯罪比自然人犯罪危害性严重,而实际上单位犯罪的性质认定往往成为从轻辩护的理由;理论上认为单位犯罪的主体是单位,而实践中单位犯罪的被告常空缺;理论上认为单位主体的特征是合法性、独立性、组织性,而实践中往往很少关注其组织性;理论上认为单位犯罪实行法定处罚原则,而实践中将单位实施的只能由自然人构成的犯罪以犯罪论处了。作者不仅提出单位犯罪的理念与司法实践之间存在冲突问题,还提出了相应的分析和个人见解。  相似文献   

康纪田 《行政与法》2013,(9):115-121
在一些资源丰富的地方。因矿山企业滥用环境权使矿产在被开采的同时环境也被破坏贻尽。对此。相关部门因找不到刑事惩治的法律依据而无力遏制。本文以实证法、经济分析法推导出设置“破坏矿业环境罪”的必要性。根据矿业环境犯罪的特点得出破坏矿业环境罪的基本构成要素,设置该罪还必须配套危险犯罪、严格责任、资格刑以及非刑罚措施等整体制度创新。在设置破坏矿业环境罪的这一路径分析中,“公民环境权”是犯罪客体。以此区别于类罪;违法开采并严重破坏环境是犯罪的客观方面。以此区别于做为个罪。由这两个区别进一步说明:必须设置破坏矿l业环境罪。  相似文献   

陶朗逍 《财经法学》2020,(2):137-150
美国针对企业犯罪建立了特殊的审前转处程序,办案检察官可以与涉罪企业签署暂缓起诉协议和不起诉协议,如果企业能够在考察期限内完成协议下的义务,则不会被审判和定罪。在美国经济危机时期,该制度较好地为企业的生存和社会公共利益的维护提供了保障。该制度以美国司法部内部的政策性文件为依据,赋予了办案检察官较大的自由裁量权,法院基本无权干预。美国理论界的争论主要围绕三对冲突关系:社会公共利益维护与企业“大到不用判刑”特权的冲突、检察官的转处裁量权与程序正义的冲突、司法部内部行为与立法/司法管辖权的冲突。在我国面临企业犯罪处理困境的当下,该制度及其相关理论能够为我国“司法行政部门帮扶企业”政策的践行提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

赵星 《法学论坛》2012,(5):50-55
近年来,环境犯罪作为一种相对独立的、新晋的犯罪类型正日益引起社会公众的高度关注。环境犯罪由于其自身的特点,对自然生态环境和人类生存安全具有极大的威胁,国家必须动用全新、特殊的手段强化对此类犯罪的防控和打击。特殊侦查以区别于传统侦查的隐密、高效、强制的特性使其成为遏制环境犯罪的重要之选,特殊侦查制度的构建也是促进刑事司法,进一步深化改革、推进社会主义法治国家又好又快发展的重要举措。  相似文献   

Shipping remains the only sector in the world not currently subject to any legally binding greenhouse gas emission (“GHG”) reduction measures. If left unregulated, ships may represent over 20% of GHG emissions by 2050. This article examines the possibility of compelling the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to regulate GHGs from ships under the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships (the “APPS”), 33?U.S.C. § 1901, et seq. Unfortunately, until there is an international agreement to reduce GHG emissions from ships, as well as amendments to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships and the APPS, a citizen suit under the APPS will not be effective.  相似文献   

The article takes a pluralistic view of the 'trade-environment' conflict by exploring one of the settings of this conflict: the lex constructionis – international construction law. It seeks to unravel the way in which the unique structural-cultural attributes of this legal domain have affected its environmental (in)sensitivity. The article's main argument in that context is that the contractual tradition of the lex constructionis (as manifested in the standard contracts that dominate this field) and its unique institutional structure, have created a culture of ecological indifference. This culture has important practical consequences because of the deep ecological problematic of international construction projects. The article develops an alternative contractual model, which depicts the construction contract as a semi-political mechanism, rather than a private tool. This conceptual change seeks to break the public/private separation that characterizes the contractual discourse in the international construction market. The article explores, further, whether this alternative contractual vision could be realized in practice, and proposes several implementing modules which could further this goal. While the article explores a particular international regime, its methodology and conclusions – in particular, the political-constitutional interpretation of the contract and the critique of the public/private dichotomy (see sections III.3 and III.4) – should be relevant to the regulation of many other (national or international) environmental dilemmas.  相似文献   

环境犯罪罪名体系之科学构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对环境犯罪之罪名类型和罪名体系进行系统梳理,是环境刑法之首要任务。系统的环境犯罪罪名体系,可分为损害私权利的环境犯罪和不当使用公权力的环境犯罪两类。前者可进一步细分为污染生态环境的犯罪和破坏自然资源的犯罪;后者可细分为玩忽职守类型、滥用职权类型以及徇私舞弊类型。对环境犯罪罪名体系中各类型犯罪予以深度研究,可以识别环境犯罪的自然犯属性,并有助于环境犯罪罪名体系的进一步完善。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the role that public and private claims play in spurring, supporting, supplementing, and, at times, impeding, climate change initiatives. Sections 1 and 2 describe the essential features of greenhouse gases and briefly detail the history of federal initiatives and the collapse of will that precipitated many of the claims filed by states, municipalities, and environmental groups. Section 3 discusses plaintiffs' early challenges and efforts to compel regulatory action; nuisance actions that have been filed by states, public interest groups, and individuals; and the possible trajectory of future claims. Section 4 discusses the role of climate change claims in enforcing compliance, improving corporate responsibility, and promoting interorganizational benchmarking in governmental and market-based standards programs. Section 5 concludes with a discussion of the precautionary principle and ways in which companies can protect themselves against future climate change-related claims.  相似文献   

组织体罪责理念下单位故意的认定:以污染环境罪为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国理论通说和司法实践在认定单位犯罪时习惯以自然人的行为和意志为关联和前提,这种个体主义的思路存在诸多缺陷。单位既不能被还原为单个的自然人,也不是自然人的简单集合,组织结构、管理制度、经营方式等客观因素是单位的重要组成部分。单位具有独立的意志和刑事责任。需以整体主义的视角判断组织体罪责,单位犯意仍需区分故意与过失。单位故意是个体在单位内的决策机制或默认规则之作用下最终形成的意志,既有自然人意志的主观色彩,也深受单位客观因素的影响。从整体上把握单位的决策机制、管理制度的政策倾向、管理运营的惯常模式可以帮助认定单位故意。  相似文献   

在环境损害赔偿案中司法鉴定的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
环境污染鉴定在环境污染损害赔偿中起着重要的举证作用,环境污染损害赔偿是解决企业违法成本低,守法成本高问题的最佳途径,是公众参与环境执法,解决环境不公平问题的有效方式。本文就污染损害赔偿中举证倒置、环境污染损害赔偿的检测报告重性及环境污染赔偿鉴定规范化进行探讨。  相似文献   

随着经济和工业化的强势发展,我国的环境犯罪已成为一种潜伏的、巨大的社会威胁。环境犯罪的特殊性对传统刑事责任实现方式提出了新的要求,单一适用刑罚措施已难以适应环境保护的需要。为了及时打击环境犯罪,并保证司法的严肃性、统一性,对环境犯罪实行非刑罚措施是合理的、必要的。  相似文献   

从1979年第一部《刑法》出台到1997年新《刑法》修订,再到2011年《刑法修正案(八)》)颁布,中国环境犯罪刑法立法不断补充修正,形成了中国环境刑法的基本规范与格局。目前,中国环境犯罪刑法立法在立法体例、罪名体系和刑罚处罚等方面都存在一些不足,亟待立法的进一步完善。首先,要确立科学的环境犯罪刑法立法体例,将刑法典分则第六章第六节规定的环境犯罪罪名从该章中独立出来,单独成立一章,并将分散在刑法典各章节中有关环境犯罪的规定纳入其中;其次,中国环境犯罪急需增设以下5个罪名,以完善环境犯罪的罪名体系,即破坏草原罪、破坏湿地罪、虐待动物罪、破坏自然保护区罪和抗拒环保行政监督管理罪;再次,应完善环境犯罪罪名的构成要件要素,扩张环境犯罪对象的范围、扩展危害行为的类型。最后,应完善环境犯罪的刑罚适用原则和刑罚适用种类。  相似文献   

邓可祝 《行政与法》2010,(2):105-108
公司的环境责任在不同的语境下意义不同。一般包括公司的环境道德责任、公司的环境义务责任和公司的环境后果责任几个方面,不同的责任形式对公司的要求是不同的。我国目前在公司的环境责任的实现上还存在着一定的问题,应该从加强公司环境义务体系建设、加强行政执法和环境司法、促进环境道德责任建设等方面加以完善.  相似文献   

丁英华 《北方法学》2009,3(4):45-53
公司犯罪的治理既要有法律的对策,还应探索法律视域外的路径。在市场导向上。可采取规制市场无序竞争、完善信息合理流动机制、营建公司信用评价体系与合理分配公司社会责任的路径;在伦理规制上,可针对公司的自身伦理、经济行为伦理与环境伦理采取相应的对策。  相似文献   

This article discusses aspects of the origin and development of jurisprudence relating to the prosecution of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in the context of international criminal law. It examines a selection of archival material from the United Nations War Crimes Commission (UNWCC) and other bodies connected to it, noting that the UNWCC was the first multinational criminal law organization to explicitly endorse SGBV crimes as international crimes. UNWCC-supported trials in both Europe and Asia suggest that rape committed in the context of armed conflict or situations of mass violence was punishable as a serious crime nearly 70 years ago. Moreover, many of the theories of liability used by contemporary tribunals today were used in the UNWCC-supported cases. The authors maintain that the UNWCC archives are not only valuable for tribunals prosecuting conflict-related SGBV cases today, but the jurisprudence emerging from UNWCC-supported cases may also be quite relevant to contemporary policy debates.  相似文献   

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