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晓凡 《当代世界》2009,(2):21-22
岁末年初的以巴烽火,给本就动荡和沉重的2008年画上了不完美的句号,也使2009年的中东和平进程前景更加黯淡。加沙,这块仅有着360多平方公里面积,可能是世界上居住人口密度最大、自然条件最恶劣的土地,再次无奈地承受和见证着无休止的离别、泪水和杀戮。和平与安宁对加沙居民而言,就像咫尺之遥被封锁的地中海域一样,依然那么遥不可及。  相似文献   

This article examines the particular methods of war finance that were used by Russia during World War One in relation to the total cost of the war, and evaluates them against a theoretical ideal that was outlined by the Cambridge economist J. M. Keynes. It then asks whether there were any consequences of two particular chosen means of financing the war—the issue of large amounts of paper currency and short-term treasury bills—for maintaining Russian economic stability. The evaluations of a number of Russian and British economists are used as gauges of Keynes's advice, and also as more general comparison in relation to the equivalent policies pursued by other Allied countries.  相似文献   

A substantial body of literature argues that government funding motivated by the Cold War shaped (or distorted) the content of the American academic disciplines. This article tests the impact of such funding on the academic study of the Soviet economy, a small field created to help fight the Cold War. It documents the amount of attention given by researchers to the military sector of the Soviet economy, the topic of central importance for the Cold War, and finds that their publications largely ignored it. Considerations other than the interests of the sponsors determined the choice of topics in the discipline.  相似文献   

Fifth generation warfare has arrived and is irreversibly changing the character and nature of human conflict. It confronts the United States with the evolving strategic dilemma of not only dealing with the War on Terror, but of simultaneously crafting strategies that look beyond military preparedness for past wars and embrace the perspective of national preparedness for the spectrum of future conflicts. This article uses four essential elements of war—the new domains of conflict, the changing nature of adversaries, the changing nature of objectives, and the changing nature of force—to build a generational typology of war and conflict that informs the characteristics of fifth generation warfare. The resultant model produces two outcomes: First, it demonstrates how recent events such as the rise of computer hackers, the 2001 anthrax and the 2003–2004 ricin attacks, the 2004 Madrid bombings, and the emergence of Al Qaeda demonstrate characteristics of fifth generation warfare. Second, it illustrates the way in which these events are unique indicators of a future in which non-state entities are increasingly able to wage war on equal footing with nation-states. The article concludes that the United States must embrace fifth generation warfare if it is to successfully confront these threats that have taken on new and heretofore unimagined forms in the postmodern era of war.  相似文献   

Is Osama bin Laden just an evil person or is he a thoughtful, determined adversary with a well-planned strategy? This article outlines how bin Laden, as a mujahideen fighter in the Soviet Afghanistan War, became familiar with Mao's protracted guerrilla concept, and how he later proclaimed its significance in developing his Jihad warfare strategy.  相似文献   


In an exploratory study of loss and recuperation in six Bosnian refugees, loss of place, home, and a way of life appeared to be overwhelming. In spite of such major losses, respondents used numerous coping mechanisms to deal with the loss. Cognitive coping appeared to be more appropriate, given the limited avenues for active coping. Making meaning out of their experience appeared to be an important avenue of healing. Some used limited active and emotional coping that when combined with cognitive methods helped give them a sense of control over their situation, however minor. Thus they could maintain a part of themselves unaffected by the onslaught of trauma and loss.  相似文献   

伊拉克战争与美国的霸权战略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国不经联合国授权,不顾世界多数国家的反对和规模空前的反战浪潮,发动了伊拉克战争,显示出美国“倒萨”的真实意图并不是为了世界的和平与安全,而是为了一己私利。伊拉克战争是美国推行霸权战略的必然结果,因此战争必然会对美国的霸权战略带来深远的影响。  相似文献   

(Gendered) War     
Kurzman (2004) Kurzman, C. 2004. “Conclusion: Social movement theory and Islamic studies”. In Islamic activism: A social movement theory approach, Edited by: Wiktorowicz, Q. 289303. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.  [Google Scholar] argued that social movements research and Islamic studies “followed parallel trajectories, with few glances across the chasm that have separated them.” This article will illuminate one influential process that has relevance to both these areas, the use of small groups for the purpose or radical mobilization. Specifically, it examines the impact of the use of small Islamic study groups (usroh and halaqa) for fundamental and radical Islamic movements. Although small-group mobilization is not unique to Islam, the strategic use of these study groups empowered by the Islamic belief system has yielded significant returns in capacity building for high-risk activism.  相似文献   

It is often asserted that pressures for North African migration to Europe would be reduced if the European Union encouraged economic development on the southern shores of the Mediterranean. Such arguments prompt questions about the efficacy of past and present endeavours by Europe to support economic development in North Africa. This article argues that the European Union's efforts have ironically encouraged a form of economic development in its southern neighbours that abets, rather than discourages, migration. Deeper economic reform is necessary by the European Union itself-within the economic space that Europe dominates-if genuine progress is to be made on North African migration pressures.  相似文献   

Much of the Cold War took place in the Third World. The three works authored by Gregg A. Brazinsky, Winning the Third World: Sino-American Rivalry During the Cold War; Jeffry James Byrne, Mecca of Revolution: Algeria, Decolonization, and the Third World Order; and Jeremy Friedman, Shadow Cold War: The Sino-Soviet Competition for the Third World, are reviewed here and they provide historical details. A consistent theme that emerges is the importance of ideological factors in driving the events are discussed. It is also clear that the Third World states were not passive objects of pressure from great powers but had agendas of their own. These books provide useful material for theorists of international relations and policy makers.  相似文献   

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