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笔者受腹腔注射给药的启示,进行了腹腔输液方法(简称腹输法)的尝试。经临床应用腹输法治疗重危病猪几十例,效果很好。其具有操作方便,节省时间,奏效快,效果确实等优点。 注射部位 大猪在两侧肷窝,行平卧保定;小猪在腹下第2~3对乳头两侧,行后肢提起保定。 注射方法 先消毒进针部位,然后一手按定腹肌,一手执注射器(用5~7厘米长的兽用针头和100或200毫升的玻璃注射器)垂直扎入腹壁,扎透腹膜时有轻微的膨声,先少推一点药液,如无阻力即是进入腹  相似文献   

水牛自然感染巨盘腹袋吸虫(Gastrothylaxmagnadiscussp.nov)成虫在扫描电子显微镜下,可见虫体体表具有环行横纹、凹窝和大小不等、形状不一的泡状结构及息肉样圆突,没有小棘。横纹在腹袋口与腹吸盘之间较致密,排列规则,在虫体前端发生不规则的间断,形成息肉样结节。泡状结构多分布在口吸盘周围,为单生,以柄与体壁相连,似水泡状,其表面无纤毛;分布在其它部位的泡状结构多为簇生;体后1/3没有泡状结构。腹袋口周围的体壁如海绵状,无泡状结构,周围布满息肉样结节。  相似文献   

在毛主席无产阶级革命路线指引下,我们参考了有关单位组织培养转瓶机的实物和图纸,设计和试制成功了容量为2,500毫升×250瓶传动带传动的组织培养转瓶机。投入生产后,运转良好。它较蜗轮蜗杆传动的组织培养转瓶机具有结构简单、制造容易和造价低廉等优点。 传动带式转瓶机高190厘米,长260厘米,宽46厘米,培养瓶容量为2,500毫升×250瓶。由两组传动带把全机分为两个完全独立的运转部分,两部分既可同时作8转/小时和10转/小时的运转,也可彼此交叉作8转/小时或10转/小时的运转,这就便于进行连续分批制苗工作。两部分的运转是由同一个减速器和电动机带动的。  相似文献   

我们研制了一具母猪照明阉割器。应用这具器械,可以把看不见的手术变为看得见的手术,把徒手体内操作,变为体外器械操作。经阉割母猪33头、母狗3只、母羊1只都取得了成功。 (一)器械介绍 阉割器分大号、小号两种。大号适用于60斤以上母猪,小号适用于30~50斤母猪。 阉割器由管道、喇叭口管、圆把、电珠、取卵钳、吸水管组成.管道长15厘米,粗20厘米,管内径18厘米,前端呈斜口,管内腹面有取卵巢和吸水管的定向装置,管后端与喇叭口管兜部相连。喇叭管长8厘米,喇叭口径5厘米,腹侧有宽0.5厘米,长5厘米开槽,在开槽后方,喇叭管和圆把相接,喇叭管内安有2.5V聚光灯泡。在圆把上安有电源开关,在圆把内可装2号电池.取卵钳和吸水管装在管道内,钳拉手和吸水管喷头从喇叭管开槽处伸在外边,另外在吸水管喷头处安有吸水球。  相似文献   

澜涛 《新青年》2002,(5):35
祖父的柜橱中一直珍藏着一件青花玲珑瓷盘,直径只有15厘米,高能有3厘米,底径8厘米左右,底面有“大清乾隆年制”6个篆体民窑款识。瓷盘胎体细腻,釉色洁白,通体绘着清朝早期流行的冰梅纹。盘中央绘有5朵梅花,中间一朵,边沿4朵,整齐划一,排列有序。底盘没有透雕,内壁和外壁各绘有6朵梅花,内外对称,每一组有一朵完整的梅花和两朵上下对立的三瓣叶片梅花组成。一虚一实,一高一低,给人既抽象又具体,既对称又随意的感觉,每一朵梅花的叶瓣都透雕施釉墁平。迎光透视,由几何体连缀成的花纹,如冰似玉,晶莹剔透。  相似文献   

近年来,试用改进的方法治疗马属动物混睛虫病9例(马5、骡3、驴1),均一次治愈,简便易行,安全可靠,疗效确实。 药械 1毫升玻璃注射器、人用8号注射针头、小缝合针各1个,20厘米长7号缝合线2段,10毫升兽用金属注射器、6厘米长12号注射针头各1个,严格消毒。0.5%精制敌百虫生理盐水溶液1毫升;2%盐酸普鲁卡因注射液5毫升;醋酸可的松眼药水2瓶;青霉素200万单位;注射用水20毫升;酒精棉球适量。 治疗方法 将患畜横卧保定,使病眼在上,确实固定头部。患眼周围皮肤用酒精棉球小心消毒后,切  相似文献   

笔者用解放军兽医大学药厂生产的左旋咪唑擦剂对5头患有混睛虫病的牛进行试治,全部治愈。 操作方法 先准备0.85%氯化钠溶液,左旋咪唑擦剂2瓶,脱脂棉10g,镊子1把,20ml玻璃注射器1个,80万单位青霉素2瓶。用玻璃注射器抽取20ml 0.85%氯化钠溶液冲洗患牛眼睛及结膜。然后用蒸溜水  相似文献   

牛恶性黑色素巨瘤为少见疾病,国内很少报道。1981年10月我站遇到一例,瘤体重达4.8公斤,经手术摘除,一周后痊愈。据同年12月4日和1982年4月10日专程随访观察,近期效果满意,未见转移和复发。现报告如下: (一)病例摘要 患畜系达旗解放滩公社天义长大队社员户养的一岁母牛,购于包头市黄河牛奶厂。据畜主诉:患畜出生后就见右上额部有一似核桃大的黑色瘤状物,以后随着牛的生长该瘤状物亦显著增大,逐渐呈球状,并下垂覆盖右眼全部,严重影响视力及活动(图1,见封三,下同)。1981年10月18日来我站就诊。经临床检查,患畜发育中等,精神尚好,食欲正常,瘤体长于右眼眶上,大如小盆,形似馒头,遮盖于右侧面部。瘤体附着部较平整,底面4×50厘米~2,瘤底椭圆形,其横径21厘米,纵径22.5厘米,瘤体高16厘米,表面呈黑色,被包皮肤完整无破溃,顶端皮肤明显角化,质地坚硬,穿刺瘤体后流出棕黑色粘液。临床诊断为恶性黑色素瘤。  相似文献   

眉针疗法 眉针疗法是用眉针撬刺猪胸腹侧静脉支进行放血,以治疗猪病和促进生猪的生长。这种针术对猪中暑,饲料中毒,僵猪等疗效 较好。 (一)针具 眉针全长10~12厘米,由针尖、针刃、针背和针柄所组成,针尖、针刃宜锋利,针柄成圆形(图1)。  相似文献   

波斯帝国是世界历史上第一个横跨亚、非、欧三大洲的帝国,在古代伊朗和古代世界扮演着重要的角色。然而人们对其了解并不多,从文明交往角度撰写介绍波斯帝国的书籍则更少。于卫青先生的《波斯帝国)一书(三秦出版社2001年10……  相似文献   

The Islamic Republic of Iran finds itself in an unusual paradox. It is a regime that is growing stronger in the region while weaker at home. The mullahs will stand as Persia’s most dedicated and ardent imperialists, who have implanted their influence throughout the Middle East. Iran has prolonged regional civil wars, harassed Arab potentates, and reduced the once proud Arab nation of Iraq into a vassal state. Yet, it is at home that the regime faces its most significant challenges. Ebrahim Raisi, Iran’s new dogmatic and unimaginative president, is facing a depleted economy, popular protests, and massive corruption. The clerical oligarchs have no answer to Iran’s mounting problems. It remains unclear whether the regime can survive the many predicaments of its own making.  相似文献   

Diplomacy as we understand it to the present day — a sophisticated system for handling affairs of state and negotiating treaties, based on accredited envoys working within a framework of international law and protocol - emerged in the third millennium BCE in the ancient Near East at the same time as the development of writing and urban culture. Transmitted by the great cuneiform civilizations of Babylon and Assyria to Achaemenid Persia and classical Greece and Rome, the heritage of diplomacy continued to flourish in Byzantium, Rome, and Venice. The Renaissance provided the conditions for the spread of a tradition that had existed in many essential aspects for millennia.  相似文献   

This analysis shows how Japanese legations, first established in Europe during the 1870s, were not just symbolic gestures but played a key role in the Meiji government’s quest for international recognition. The concept of resident ambassador was unfamiliar beyond the European world, so the transition from sending visiting envoys to establishing permanent missions was a pivotal stage. Here a comparative framework gauges the importance of Japan’s new strategy within the context of similar experiments by states such as the Ottoman Empire, Persia, and subsequently China and Siam. The case of Sameshima Naonobu, Japan’s first resident minister in Europe, highlights the cultural barriers the Japanese faced. Assisted by Frederick Marshall, an Englishman at the Japanese Legation in Paris, Sameshima’s research on the mysteries encoded in this particular social universe offers some insight on the nature of the diplomatic corps in Europe.  相似文献   

The Progressive Era, from the late 1890s to the entry of the United States into World War One, was marked by a professional commitment to global trade expansion on the part of the State Department and the McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson administrations. Philosophically, the United States embraced the belief that a liberal, democratic, free-enterprise political and economic system would advance human progress on every continent, and that global free trade would remove many causes of war and conflict. Such a policy position attracted young and talented foreign service officers to serve in the American diplomatic corps. One young man was Lloyd C. Griscom, heir to one of the great American shipping fortunes. Griscom's career as a diplomat in Turkey, Persia, Japan, Brazil, and Italy between 1899 and 1909 revealed much about American political and economic interests during a period when the United States emerged as a major power.  相似文献   

《Diplomacy & Statecraft》2007,18(3):539-549
The Progressive Era, from the late 1890s to the entry of the United States into World War One, was marked by a professional commitment to global trade expansion on the part of the State Department and the McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson administrations. Philosophically, the United States embraced the belief that a liberal, democratic, free-enterprise political and economic system would advance human progress on every continent, and that global free trade would remove many causes of war and conflict. Such a policy position attracted young and talented foreign service officers to serve in the American diplomatic corps. One young man was Lloyd C. Griscom, heir to one of the great American shipping fortunes. Griscom's career as a diplomat in Turkey, Persia, Japan, Brazil, and Italy between 1899 and 1909 revealed much about American political and economic interests during a period when the United States emerged as a major power.  相似文献   

论构建云南沿边开放经济区的制度创新问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李东云 《东南亚》2011,(1):64-68
当前,我国经济区建设成效显著,在硬件设施已初具规模的情况下,如何通过制度创新来为经济区建设提供软环境支撑和核心动力,是经济区建设亟待突破的“瓶颈”问题。云南省“桥头堡”建设所需构建的“云南沿边开放经济区”应该及早进行制度系统的构建,这一制度系统至少应包括开放型合作机制、经济运行便利机制和制度运行监管机制三种制度设计。  相似文献   

充分发挥图们江开发区作用 加快实现东北经济区现代化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图们江地区是我国东北经济区具有突出特点的经济开发区,目前应加快其开发以尽快实现东北经济区现代化的进程。这是由于图们江地区在全国对外开放格局中占有重要地位,是拉动东北经济发展的重要增长点,并将成为东北经济区缓解进出口运输紧张局面和发展国际运输的重要据点等决定的。但目前图们江地区正处于起步阶段,面临着许多制约性问题,因此,必须认真解决图们江地区开发中的瓶颈性、先决性、牵动性的问题。  相似文献   

This article will provide an overview of one specific non‐military threat that is beginning to assume greater prominence on south‐east Asia's broadened security agenda: political terrorism.1 Although by no means new to the south‐east Asian environment, for much of the twentieth century its importance was sidelined and, in a sense ‘contained’, by the more pressing concern over US‐Soviet nuclear rivalry. With the end of the Cold War, however, the ‘bottle has been uncorked’ on a variety of lower‐level threats, with issues such as terrorism now taking on greater prominence and relevance in their own right as significant regional and national security concerns.2  相似文献   

Following the establishment of UN Women in 2010 and the appointment of Christine Lagarde to the position of International Monetary Fund Managing Director in 2011, it appears that today the United Nations (UN) takes gender equality seriously, even within its own leadership ranks. Yet, while research on Women in Politics has paid little attention to women in international organisations, research on leadership in international organisations ignores the question of gender. This is despite an inherent connection between women's political careers domestically and internationally. Evidence suggests that although women have broken through the glass ceiling in international organisations and thus gained access to what has been termed the “world's largest men's club”, women continue to be systematically constrained in a way that enables them to gain access to leadership positions only in specific ways and under specific circumstances. Analysing the role of quotas and the nature of organisations in enabling access through the “glass ceiling”, the limitations of “glass walls” that channel women into gender-specific portfolios, situational dimensions such organisational crisis and instability, and the role of kinship in facilitating access, this paper shows that despite its potential to model and incentivise gender equality, the UN merely replicates domestic patterns of gender inequality.  相似文献   

The indiscriminate promotion of infant formula in 3rd world countries frequently increases women's fertility as well as resulting in a direct risk to infants. The fertility effect of the decline of breastfeeding in the 3rd world over the last 30 years has only recently been examined. Preliminary study results show that it is not simply the presence or absence of breastfeeding which counts but the amount of suckling which takes place. Mothers who nurse often, on demand, return to fertility much later than those who do not feed at night, or who stick to regular, separate feeding intervals. The contraceptive effect of breastfeeding comes from the release of a hormone (prolactin) directly after stimulation of the nipples, which in 5-15 minutes increases almost 20 times its normal level in the bloodstream. Prolactin is short lived in the blood so that half of this quantity will have vanished 10-30 minutes after suckling stops; regular feeding is needed to keep the level sufficiently high to inhibit fertility. If a woman does ovulate, it may be what is termed and "inadequate ovulation" where the corpus luteum does not function normally and even if the egg is fertilized will not permit the pregnancy to continue. A study on this theme was conducted among the Kung people of northwestern Botswana where there was an unusually low natural fertility--about 4.7 live births/woman, well spaced out. The children were normally weaned at 3-years old, and daytime suckling followed an unusual pattern. It was very brief, a few seconds or minutes, and very frequent. Breastfeeding began to decline during the child's 2nd year and fertility shortly returned. The World Fertility Survey concludes that "on average, breastfeeding for 1 months adds 1 week to the birth interval." In countries like Colombia and Panama, which are heavily Westernized in the urban areas and where traditional cultures are largely eroded, aggressive Western provision and marketing of artificial contraceptives may just offset the aggressive Western marketing of breastmilk substitutes, as far as fertility is concerned. In other developing countries bottle feeding may have increased unwanted pregnancies.  相似文献   

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