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构建新国家与良政政府   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
构建新国家实际正在成为新时期中国现代化政治领导集团以及中国政府的历史使命.其意涵在于重塑公共政策的价值基点,修正国家的发展战略,健全社会的制度基础,在协同民智、民愿、民力的基础上实现民族复兴.与此相联系,有必要建构与新国家相一致的良政政府,为此,又有必要首先确立新时期良政政府的基本典则规范:有限政府和开明政府.  相似文献   

After more than a quarter-century of service at the Bureau of the Budget, Dr. Elmer Staats accepted a 15-year appointment as head of the General Accounting Office. Prior to his retirement in 1981, Staats oversaw an expansion and modernization of the GAO. He introduced sophisticated data processing, program evaluation beyond mere efficiency, as well as a more diverse workforce. Improving relationships with Congress and agency clients significantly advanced public accountability throughout government. His remarkable career achievements contain invaluable lessons for today's administrators involved with initiating organizational reforms.  相似文献   

Significant reform of local government in Victoria has led the way nationally and arguably gone beyond the comparative New Zealand and English experiences. Since the reforms were introduced and elected councillors were returned during 1996 and 1997, there has been an adjustment of roles and responsibilities with varying degrees of acceptance. Reviewing the Victorian experience leads to exploration of the potential within local government to define a strong strategic development role based on larger units of economic influence. This will require continuing cultural change within organisations and a wider focus of responsibility for elected members to rise above the 'pot hole' mentality. Regional Australia will be especially poorly served if this challenge is not taken up. This article reviews the progress of compulsory competitive tendering in Victoria by using a case study of the experience in Ballarat.  相似文献   

现世中国之崛起,决定了构建现代化的“新国家”,已然成为新时期中国政府的历史使命。为此,必须构建良政政府。新时期良政政府的基本的公共管理选择,除“构建新国家与良政政府”所述有限政府、开明政府外,还包括有效政府、法制(法治)政府、理性政府。  相似文献   

Local government in Sweden is usually classified as the northwest European type of local government, together with the local government systems of the other Nordic countries and Britain. In the 1990s and the early years of the new millennium, Swedish local government has been especially susceptible to the ideas of 'new public management' (NPM). At the same time there has been a long-ongoing trend of increasing party-politicisation of local councils. In this paper a selection of five local authorities are examined in order to see how party politics and party-politicisation are confronted by the new organisational doctrines. It is concluded that in this respect the doctrines guiding local government organisation can be characterised by three common traits: the legitimacy of particular interests is denied in favour of the common good of the locality; it is denied that conflict and competition between political parties perform any democratic function; finally, when it comes to the relation between politics and administration there is a common confession of the management-by-objectives doctrine. Somewhat surprisingly, these three principles guide organisation and politics not only in those authorities most enthusiastically adopting NPM but also in the authorities implementing organisational reforms based on more communitarian principles and even organisationally conservative municipalities not even considering any organisational change. One interpretation of this contradictory observation may be that NPM concepts and ideas have also found their way into local doctrines that are based on quite different principles. Another interpretation is that there is a consensus tradition in Swedish political culture that can also account for similar results in municipalities not explicitly introducing an apolitical organisation doctrine.  相似文献   

MATT ANDREWS 《管理》2010,23(1):7-35
Work on good governance implies a one‐best‐way model of effective government. This has isomorphic influences on development, whereby governments are influenced to adopt a one‐size‐fits‐all approach to get things done. This article challenges whether such an approach exists, proposing that models actually do not hold even for the so‐called effective governments. Governments look different, even if they are similarly called models of good government. This proposition is examined through a study of public financial management practices in a set of Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD) and non‐OECD countries. The study shows that effective governments are not more likely to exhibit better practice characteristics implied in one‐best‐way models. Good public financial management means different things in different countries. The article concludes by suggesting that good governance models give way to menus and the development community invest more time in examining why different countries select different menu items.  相似文献   

周琳 《理论导刊》2001,(10):26-27
多年来,一谈到政府投资,人们往往更多关注的是政府投资的力度、规模、范围及投资管理体制等方面的内容,而政府投资方式这一关系到政府投资运作机制的方面却一直被人们所忽视。思想认识上的忽视导致政府投资方式过于单一化,以致于一提到政府投资人们马上想到单一的政府无偿投入方式。改革开放以来,政府投资方式虽然尝试着进行了一系列的改革,但效果并不显著,政府投资资金严重不足,政府投资效益低下的状况并没有得到根本改变。在政府投资范围越来越明朗的今天,政府投资方式如何改变,还没有达成共识。政府应如何运用有效的投资方式将…  相似文献   

Amitai Etzioni 《政治学》2009,29(2):100-110
This essay focuses on the question of how to curb the tension between the rights of members of minorities and the particularistic values of the national community. The essay first examines a radical multicultural treatment of this issue and shows it to be unattainable and inadvisable. The essay then proposes an alternative treatment, Diversity Within Unity, a societal design that combines the nurturing communities of minorities and of the majority and is more conducive to human flourishing. Diversity Within Unity assumes that all citizens will embrace a core of values while being welcomed to follow their own subcultures on other matters.  相似文献   

Although there has been considerable enthusiasm for public service motivation (PSM) research in recent years, two of PSM's fundamental assumptions have been relatively untested: its impacts on job choice and on job performance. Using panel data from two different studies, we offer stronger observational tests of these core assumptions. The findings provide mixed evidence. When testing PSM's effect on employment choice, we find that PSM measured during a law student's first year predicts the sector in which they are employed after graduation three years later. In a separate study investigating PSM's effect on job performance, we find that government employee PSM does not predict employee absenteeism or supervisor assessments of their in-role and extra-role performance. Our findings support recent calls for a more nuanced theory and analyses of PSM to help better understand its implications for recruiting, retaining, and motivating the workforce used to provide public goods and services.  相似文献   

在服务型政府问题的研究中,对“服务型政府的核心功能理念到底是什么”这样一个似乎不言而喻的核心问题,人们在认识上却还比较模糊。根据政治行政同一性的方法,有必要去关注和分析服务型政府这个主题,服务型政府核心功能理念本身是服务,对政府服务主体、服务客体、服务主体和客体关系、服务方式等进行系统的反思,有利于我国服务型政府的建设。  相似文献   

善治依赖于公民社会的发展.公民社会的良性运行有利于转变政府职能,加强与社会互动,并推动公益事业发展.传统政治文化排斥公民社会的发育,传统政府治理模式阻碍了公民社会的发展,它们使得公民社会组织协调性不足.为构建善治政府,应加强对公民社会的培育和完善并强化对公民社会的扶持和规制.  相似文献   

诚信是现代政府得以立足的合法性与合理性基础。现代民主政府必须按照“真”、“善”、“和”三个维度来加强自身建设,打造诚信政府形象,以“真”立足,以“善”立根,以“和”持久。这三个方面的完整统一,就是诚信政府得以持久确立的根本条件。  相似文献   

WTO的约束对象主要是政府,中国加入WTO以后,政府必须遵守其原则和规则,并适时调整自己的行为。统一实施原则要求政府行为三具统一性;公开竞争原则要求政府行为更具科学性;透明度原则和改革发展原则要求政府行为分别具有公开性和创新性。  相似文献   

自20世纪末以来,善治已成为诸多国家一种新的政治理念和政府运作方式.其核心思想是要增强非政府组织能力与力量,要求它们在国内与国际上同政府合作,解决公共问题、处理公共事务,使公共利益最大化,从而替代或补充原有的政府功能.  相似文献   

WTO规则约束的对象主要是政府,中国加入WTO,就必须遵守其规则。由于我国目前的行政体制与WTO规则存在着较多的差异,因此作为政府部门应树立“服务行政”理念,转变政府角色。  相似文献   

政府雇员作为一个新概念,一个新群体进入了人们的视野,而政府雇员制作为一种制度创新也被纳入我们的行政实践中,它在推动我国公共人力资源合理配置中的作用值得期待,但也面临现实的挑战,需要在实践中不断探索和完善。  相似文献   

我国电子政务发展的困境及其对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
我国电子政务在具体的实施过程中 ,由于自身的特征、行政体制以及信息环境等方面的缺陷造成了发展的困境 ,对政务信息化的妥善规划、协调发展已经成为推进我国电子政务发展的当务之急。  相似文献   

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