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Most democratic states tolerate, to various extents, conscientious objection. The same states tend not to tolerate acts of civil disobedience and what they perceive as selective conscientious objection. In this paper it is claimed that the dichotomy between civil disobedience and conscientious objection is often misguided; that the existence of a “civic conscience” makes it impossible to differentiate between conscientious objection and civil disobedience; and that there is no such thing as “selective” conscientious objection—or that classifying an objection as “selective” has no significant moral or practical implications. These claims are supported by a preliminary, more general argument according to which conscientious objection is and should be tolerated because the objector lacks the ability to choose his conscience and to decide whether to act upon it. The lack‐of‐choice argument, it is claimed, applies equally to all types of conscientious objection, including those that are mistakenly called “selective” objection. It also applies to one type of civil disobedience. As a result, if a state is willing to tolerate non‐selective conscientious objection, it may and at times must also tolerate selective conscientious objection and (one type of) civil disobedience and to a similar degree (all other things being equal).  相似文献   

HADAR AVIRAM 《Law & policy》2008,30(3):277-305
The study transcends the dichotomy "law in the books"/"law in action" by taking law's knowledge-production mechanisms seriously. It examines how the Israeli military justice system perceives and addresses disobedience toward the mandatory military service duty by deserters and conscientious objectors. Both groups resist the military service ethos but differ in the offenders' demographics and motivations. The findings show how law co-opts the socio-political problems, assimilates them, and transforms them to narrow its framework. The legal system can be cognitively open to external frameworks introduced by powerful and resourceful defendants; it remains, however, normatively closed to alternative rules and perspectives.  相似文献   

异议是当事人权利救济的重要方式之一。目前,当事人异议存在覆盖面窄、裁决方式不统一、与其他救济方式协调不足等弊端,有必要对其功能和价值目标重新定位,按照权利拓展和救济加强、过程救济和结果救济并重的思路,重视与其他救济方式有机分流、功能耦合,同时扩大其适用空间、完善其操作程序,以达到制约诉讼进行过程中的法院职权行为、保障当事人诉讼权利的目的。  相似文献   

全球化对传统法理学体系结构的封闭、研究对象的狭隘和理论视角的片面提出了挑战。特瓦宁教授提出要复兴一般法理学,为描绘世界的总体法律图景提供适当的概念工具,为在更广阔的背景中审视法律现象选取有效的观察视角,为提炼和概括超越特殊法律文化的元语言(meta-language)探求实际可行的道路。尽管他的理论设计是完美的,却难以付诸法理学研究的实践。  相似文献   

法律商谈就是以论辩的方式而实施的论证过程,它把司法判决的合理可接受性不仅同论据的质量相连接,而且同论辩过程的结构相连接。法律商谈的有效性取决于法律主体间法律言语行为交往的有效性。法律的合法性以及司法的合理性透过法律商谈之交往理性而实现,因此哈贝马斯的法律商谈理论,对于解决中国司法的有效性有可借鉴性意义与实践价值。  相似文献   

Abstract. The author discusses a number of issues in the theory of legal sources. The first topic is whether sources should be conceived of as acts or texts. The alternatives are connected with two competing theories of legal interpretation (viz., the cognitive theory and the sceptical theory), which entail different concepts of legal rules and law-making. The second topic is whether a "formal" or a "material" criterion of recognition of sources should be preferred. The third section is devoted to the analysis of rules of change. Four theories of rules of change are discussed, and five kinds of such rules are distinguished. The fourth section concerns judicial law-making, with special reference to the creation of new legal rules by constitutional courts.  相似文献   

Current legal theory is concerned with the presence of principles in law partly because they are at the core of Dworkin's criticisms of Hart's rule of recognition. Hart's theory is threatened by the possibility that the identification of some principles follows an extremely relaxed rule of recognition, or even no rule at all. Unfortunately, there is no conclusive test to ascertain what is the case in actual practice. On the other hand, the evaluative arguments which support Dworkin's proposal of principled adjudication are forceful but not conclusive. Moreover, since ultimate controversy over values is plausible, judicial discretion may sometimes be inevitable.  相似文献   

There is a widespread view that one does either theory or empirical work, and that theory and empiricism represent distant concerns, opposing worldviews, and perhaps distinct mentalities or personalities. This prevalent view has deep roots and is also the result of pragmatic and understandable tendencies toward division of intellectual labor. Against this view, this essay suggests that the relations between theory and empirical study ought to be understood as more intimate and that making legal theory an explicit focus can improve empirical scholarship. We pursue this claim by articulating a basis for legal theory and by showing how that basis illuminates both the application and design of empirical research on law. Legal theory, we argue, follows jurisprudence in interrogating the law as a set of coercive normative institutions. The upshot of this approach is a recognition that an interdisciplinary analysis of law must rely on both a theory (explicit or implicit) of the way law's power and its normativity align and an account of the way in which this discursive cohabitation manifests itself institutionally. We thus argue that legal theory is necessary in order to draw fruitfully on empirical research and further claim that legal theory provides guidance both for setting up an empirical research agenda on law and for designing research into specific topics.  相似文献   

International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique - The article presents so-called “derivational” theory of legal interpretation and...  相似文献   

我国民间美术种类丰富,由于自身具有的群体性等特点极易受到侵害。对民间美术保护有利于传承我国的文化遗产,但需要多种法律手段的兼行并蓄。在现有法律制度下可以运用著作权、商标权和专利权等法律方法予以保护,但现有法律也具有局限性,国家应加快对民间艺术的专门立法。  相似文献   

刑事法律援助在使公民获得平等的司法保护、保障当事人依法享有诉讼权利、实现司法公正等方面有着不可或缺的作用.但是,现行的刑事法律援助工作无论是在理论上还是实践上都存在不少问题,直接影响到刑事法律援助基本功能的发挥.本文提出要加强刑事法律援助之法,扩大强制刑事法律援助的范围,提高刑事法律援助之对策.  相似文献   

Atria  Fernando 《Law and Philosophy》1999,18(5):537-577
This article deals with the relation between a theory of law and a theory of legal reasoning. Starting from a close reading of Chapter VII of H. L. A. Hart's The Concept of Law, it claims that a theory of law like Hart's requires a particular theory of legal reasoning, or at least a theory of legal reasoning with some particular characteristics. It then goes on to say that any theory of legal reasoning that satisfies those requirements is highly implausible, and tries to show that this is the reason why not only Hart, but also writers like Neil MacCormick and Joseph Raz have failed to offer a theory of legal reasoning that is compatible with legal positivism as a theory of law. They have faced a choice between an explanation of legal reasoning that is incompatible with the core of legal positivism or else strangely sceptical, insofar as it severs the link between general rules and particular decisions that purport to apply them.  相似文献   

儒家法律特点的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法史学者对儒家法律特点的问题已有许多论说.本文拟从以下几个角度对此问题进一步说明.在前人旧说的基础之上略有阐发,希望能为相关问题研究的深化和拓展有所助益.  相似文献   

亚历山大·佩策尼克一生的研究重点在于法律论证理论和认识论,特别是法律与正义上的融贯理论,在《作为合理性的理性:论法律证成》一书中提出了一套独特的法律转化与法律证成理论。在他看来,法学结论、司法裁决等既可以在法律语境之中充分证成,也可以在它之外加以证成。前者为法律语境内充分证成,其建立在既有的法律传统之上;后者为深度证成,它们作为商谈之最佳化条件下尽可能根本的证成而被法律人视为正当的前提提供某种支持或者批判。他成功地将法律解释的分析与我们这个时代最为核心的哲学、道德和文化问题结合起来。  相似文献   

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