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西方国家通过税收立宪,实现了国家征税权的宪法限制、私有财产权的宪法地位、纳税人权利的宪法保障,最终走上了宪政发展的道路。我国宪法税收条款缺失,没有规定税收法定原则,行政机关成为税收立法权和执行权的中心,使得征税权在我国成为几乎不受约束的权力。我国宪法对于私有财产权与公有财产权实行不平等保护,只规定了纳税人义务内容而没有规定权利内容,导致纳税人权益无从得到切实保障。税收立宪的价值就在于通过限制国家征税权来保障人权并实现宪政。  相似文献   

Given the dilemma facing legalization on environmental rights, it is necessary to re-examine the nature and function of environmental human rights under the theoretical system of basic rights. Its justification approach follows a logical chain from a rights-based approach to basic rights. The difficulty in legalizing environmental rights reflects the disputes over the basis for environmental law. Reconstructing the right-based approach in environmental law can justify the rights-oriented path to the environmental rule of law. The basic rights system with human rights as the core can explain the constitutional environmental human rights. As the basic rights not enumerated in the Constitution, the environmental human rights have such functions as the right of self-defense, the right to benefit, and institutional, organizational and procedural guarantees due to its dual nature of subjective right and objective law.  相似文献   

仪喜峰 《桂海论丛》2013,(6):116-119
海洋战略的根本性、重要性及长期性等特征决定了它属于一项基本国策。海洋战略涉及宪法调整的国家主权,凸显出国家统一和主权完整的宪法价值;涉及宪法对国家的整体调整,彰显出宪法的制度安排价值,并折射出宪法保护国防与经济安全的价值诉求。“海洋入宪”有其必要性,解决海岛海洋争端和提升我国海洋执法的正当性均需宪法提供明确的依据;十八大报告为海洋入宪创造了契机,我国的海洋主权神圣不可侵犯,修宪时可在宪法中增设涉海条款,明文规定海洋属于我国的疆域。  相似文献   

宪法平等权内涵刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
平等权是宪法赋予公民的基本权利。宪法平等权包括立法上的平等和法律实施平等 ,其实质在于禁止差别对待 ,追求形式平等 ,而结果平等只能是其例外。  相似文献   

The word "personality" has various connotations,which essentially reflect people's thoughts on personality in different periods.The transformation of personality in a civil aspect to the personality on the constitution aspect has negative effect on the personality system of the civil,which is of great value to develop the civil personality rights system in order to facilitate the connection between the civil law,the constitution and the public law.The capacity for rights not only separates the relative independent personality rights of civil law from the personality system of Roman law,but also promotes the emergence of the constitutional personality rights and its return in the field of civil law.The nature and orientation of personality rights in civil law has an important influence on civil legislation.There are three ways to realize the constitutional rights of personality in our civil law:civil legislation,constitutional interpretation and general personality rights.  相似文献   

宪法诉讼制度是近代宪政理念及其制度建构发展到一定阶段的产物,并且自其产生以来就在整个宪法监督体系中发挥了不可取代的作用。宪法诉讼的价值是多元的,在宪法诉讼的价值体系中,宪政价值无疑具有最为重要的地位。宪法诉讼作为宪法的免疫器和宪政的守护神,对一国的宪政建设无疑具有首要的意义,即"无诉讼则无宪政"。  相似文献   

本文从比较法视角通过对中国宪法文本有关权利的规定的考察,分析了中国宪法权利思想的一系列缺失及其产生的深层原因、造成的影响,并提出了相应的改革完善的建议.作者希望以本文为中国宪法诉讼制度的建立提供一点理论基础.  相似文献   

谈保护临终病患这一弱势群体的权益,则安乐死不可回避,而谈安乐死,宪法学当首先明确态度。可以说,任何研究安乐死的法学学者都无法回避安乐死的合法性论证问题。而欲论证安乐死的合法性,则合宪性分析毋庸置疑应居其首,宪法不可能对安乐死采取熟视无睹或简单否定的鸵鸟政策。因此,将安乐死置于宪法环境下,以宪法角度切入,以宪法学基本权利有关理论为剖析工具,导衍出现行宪政秩序下如何定位安乐死争议问题在规范解决上的腹地,或能为我们提供思考指引,见另一番天地。  相似文献   

保障公民权利,需要公共权力,但公共权力又构成对公民权利的威胁。孙志刚悲剧的发生在很大程度上是权力滥用的结果。权力制约最根本的制度保障是宪政。宪政是法治的政治前提,又构成法治的最基本内容。制定了宪法,不一定就有宪政。宪政需要靠一系列可实际操作的具体制度作保障。就宪政领域而言,程序正义的重要性绝不亚于实体正义,或许具有比实体正义更重要的价值。因为宪政在很大程度上就是国家权力如何产生以及如何运行的程序问题。有效地制约权力,不会危及社会秩序。相反,只有对权力实现有效制约的法治社会,才能形成良好而合理的社会秩序,才能长治久安。而通过强化警察权力维持社会秩序不仅会有损秩序的价值,最终还会从根本上动摇社会秩序。  相似文献   

违宪审查制度是对宪法本身乃至于宪政秩序进行维护的制度性保障机制,该制度已经在世界上大多数国家生根落户,并在维护宪政秩序方面发挥着不可替代的作用。通过对世界各国违宪审查制度进行审视和考察,可以从审查机构到审查程序两个方面,对分散式违宪审查和集中式违宪审查这两种审查模式的产生原因及实际效果进行探究分析,以期对我国违宪审查制度的建构起到参考作用。  相似文献   

人权的宪法保障是现代宪政的出发点和归宿。宪法对人权的充分保障首先体现为公民基本权利立宪的健全和完善。对我国公民基本权利立宪作历史考察,并在对现行宪法公民基本权利立宪进行检讨和反思的基础上,提出了完善现行宪法第二章的若干建议。  相似文献   

The right to development and the right to the environment are both third generation rights, closely related to human development and world peace. For developing countries, there is a de facto conflict between the right to development and the right to the environment, which leads to serious consequences. To coordinate development and the environment, developing countries should shift their pattern of development, take the path of sustainable development and realize environmental protection and ecological balance while promoting economic growth.  相似文献   

警察使用武力是一项重大而特殊的国家公共权力,影响公民生命权等基本权利,理应受到宪法的规制,但警察使用武力的宪法规制问题却被普遍忽视,极少得到关注和研究。警察使用武力的宪法规制是警察使用武力法律制度的顶层设计,具有制约警察武力使用权和保障公民生命权的双重作用。警察使用武力的核心内容应当作为宪法保留事项,由宪法加以规制。世界上多个国家的宪法对于执法人员使用武力作出了直接、明确的规定,对我国具有借鉴意义。我国宪法规制警察使用武力的理想模式是:宪法在确认公民生命权并规定保障生命权的同时,将警察使用武力作为保障公民生命权的一项例外情形,并且明确设定使用武力的原则和情形。  相似文献   

由于行政机关和行政首长的角色特点,行政机关及行政首长在行使职权的过程中不履行或不当履行义务,可能承担行政责任也可能承担宪法责任;先行存在的宪法义务是行政机关及行政首长承担宪法责任的前提;违宪行为、过错、因果关系、损害事实是行政机关及行政首长宪法责任构成的要件;宪法责任具有政治性,但宪法责任不等同于政治责任;规范性文件被撤销、职务的被罢免或被撤销是行政机关及行政首长宪法责任的主要形式。  相似文献   

农民工身处城市,却没有城市居民的身份,他们是城市的"边缘人".他们的基本宪法权利--平等权、劳动权、休息权、社会保障权以及子女的受教育权没有得到很好的保障.这既有立法层面的原因,也有适用法律层面的原因.在立法上应使每一农村全国人大代表代表的人口数和城市代表代表的人口数一样,赋予公民迁徙的自由;在法律适用上,政府部门、司法部门应当切实保障农民工的各项宪法权利得以平等地享有,使"农民工"这一群体早日实现"从身份到契约"的跨越.  相似文献   

任剑涛 《思想战线》2006,32(5):13-20
施米特、阿伦特对于革命与制宪关系的论述,实际上都受限于他们的政治认知、生活经历、政治期盼和价值取向。他(她)们的不同论说都是想借助于政治革命来讨论制宪问题,将政治、道德与法律的三元复杂关系,做了政治与道德的二元处理,落入了将法律政治化或道德化的陷阱。  相似文献   

宪法是传统意义上的公法,民法是传统意义上的私法。传统的观念认为:宪法对权利的保障通常只是约束国家和国家机关。而宪法对私人领域是否具有效力一直是一个值得讨论的话题。文章从宪法和民法关系入手,讨论宪法权利和民事权利的关系。  相似文献   

The advent of the internet era breeds a new concept, namely, the right to internet access. Many countries and international organizations, as well as individuals, are advocating or have already embodied it as a basic human right, thus enhancing the issues of whether it should be incorporated into the macro system of international human rights. By analyzing the facts, this article points out that the international concept of the right to internet access should be distinguished from its domestic concept, for there are no legal sources about the right to internet access for guidance as with some treaties in the current international law, despite its close relationship with some existing rights such as the freedom of speech, press and assembly, or the right of equality, or the right to development. And there is still a long time before the legal value and related responsibilities as well as the boundaries about the right to internet access becomes a consensus in the international society. Even though there is quite a possibility, this right hasn't been embodied as part of international human rights, and thus hasn't made a legal concept in international human right law.  相似文献   

平等原则实现的是男女平等权形式上的平等,差别原则实现的是男女平等权实质上的平等。我国应当在宪法中明确禁止歧视原则,确立合理差别原则,并对女性平等权提供宪法救济。  相似文献   

Counterterrorism, de-radicalization and anti-violence are the major tasks of the international community.As the arch enemy of human rights, terrorism destroys the constitutional order and endangers people's lives, freedom and safety.It is the obligation of modern countries and the core value of legal states to safeguard human rights.Human rights should be effectively safeguarded under the premise of building a sound constitutional order and national security.public order and social stability foster a sound environment for the protection of human rights.In the face of terrorism's severe threat to human rights, all countries are re-examining the order of human rights values and seeking mechanisms and procedures to balance National Security and Human Rights through their constitutions.The concepts of human rights and social order and the ways to explain the two are different due to different constitutional systems and cultural and religious traditions.However, they do have something in common, that is, counterterrorism and de-radicalization do not conflict with human rights protection.Efforts should be made to foster a view of human rights based on security and a view of security based on human rights, and a dynamic principle of proportionality established for counterterrorism and human rights protection, so endowing the traditional principle of proportionality with flexible, rich value connotation.  相似文献   

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