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群体性事件的刑法立场与处置对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡一军 《行政与法》2012,(1):110-114
在中国社会转型过程中,群体性事件呈现多发、频发态势,极大地冲击了政府管理的基本秩序,同时对于经济发展的整体环境也造成了多维的负面影响,群体性事件的妥善处置已经成为法学理论所面临的新课题。从当下转型期群体性事件的基本发展趋势与特点来看,群体性事件的处置立场应当是在保护具有合理诉求的民众利益的同时,积极体现与发挥"刑罚刚性",有力惩治群体性事件中的恶性犯罪行为。此外,我们还应当反思与完善现有的经济政策、分配制度与法律保障措施,重塑政府公信力,进而催生一个和谐稳定的法治环境,以从根本上消弭群体性事件所隐含的社会风险。  相似文献   

齐霞 《犯罪研究》2007,(5):45-48,57
我国是一个突发公共事件多发的国家,受其突发性、公众性、复合性、阶段性等特点的影响,社会治安呈现了许多不同于常态的特点。公安机关在处置突发公共事件中发挥着重要作用,为了对突发公共事件进行全过程、全方位的应急处置应该重视和加强以下工作:将危机管理教育和训练纳入日常活动之中,发挥指挥中心在应急管理的龙头和枢纽作用,建立高效的应急协调机制,建立畅通的信息网络。  相似文献   

This study compared the perceptions of a group of experienced British police officers with those of a group of young British police officers and of a group of British civilians. Subjects were shown a videotape of an urban street corner scene which contained a number of staged incidents including criminal offenses, suspicious circumstances, and traffic offenses. They were asked to note down all the incidents which they perceived during the viewing of the videotape, No significant differences were found between the three groups in the total number of incidents identified. There was, however, a significant subject group by offense type interaction, with inexperienced police officers showing the highest reporting of traffic offenses and experienced police officers the lowest. In each group there was also an inverse relationship between the number of traffic offenses and criminal offenses/suspicious circumstances noted. This was particularly high in the inexperienced police officer group.  相似文献   

芯片厂的应急反应组织属于一个非常设性组织,故在应急反应组织架构与应急反应计划的设计上容易与芯片厂实际的日常运作组织产生矛盾,不易产生有机结合,导致在意外事故处理过程中,无法达成应急反应的最佳预期效果。本文在研究分析美国的事故应急反应指挥系统组织与架构、应急反应逻辑与操作法则的基础上,参考芯片制造厂的日常工作组织与职能,为芯片制造厂规划设计符合芯片制造厂的应急反应组织与流程,分析其间的异同点,并为芯片制造厂建制应急反应体系过程提供参考资料,以有效降低意外事故对芯片制造厂的营运冲击。  相似文献   

对于合格疫苗导致的损害,有必要从公法上的国家责任的角度进行分析。预防接种行为本身的特殊性,是理解国家在此行为中所应承担的责任的前提因素。国家在预防接种行为中应承担多项注意义务,包括整体监管和具体实施两个方面。注意义务的违反可能导致国家赔偿责任;此外,即使国家不存在违反注意义务的情况,根据结果责任,个人也可以获得国家补偿。日本预防接种的国家责任体系对于我国具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

On 15 May 2013 the OTP announced that it was conducting a preliminary examination of the events surrounding Israel’s enforcement of its naval blockade against the Mavi Marmara on 31 May 2010 in order to determine whether a formal investigation into the incident should be opened. According to Article 53 of the Rome Statute, the OTP shall open a formal investigation where there is a reasonable basis to believe that (a) the ICC possesses temporal, territorial and subject-matter jurisdiction in relation to the situation, (b) it is admissible before the ICC and (c) that a formal investigation would not be contrary to the interests of justice. The application of this framework to the events that occurred on 31 May 2010 is difficult and complex, especially in regard as to whether the situation can be considered of sufficient gravity to warrant the ICC’s attention and whether any of the crimes enumerated in Article 5 of the Rome Statute have been committed. This notwithstanding, I argue that there is a reasonable basis to believe that these criteria are satisfied and therefore conclude by encouraging the OTP to open a formal investigation into the situation.  相似文献   

In my response to the reviews of my book by Marianne Constable, Shai Lavi, and Renisa Mawani, I situate the argument of Common Law, History, and Democracy in America, 1790–1900: Legal Thought Before Modernism within a concern with contemporary forms of historical knowledge. Where contemporary historical knowledge practices subsume their objects of investigation, I adopt the temporality of the object of investigation—namely, the common law—as the structure my book. In different registers, Constable, Lavi, and Mawani urge me to take up more explicitly the foundational questioning about which they care. I welcome their readings. However, given the distinct problematic from which I start, I argue, the book is not in the first instance an argument about the ontology of history or law.  相似文献   

群体性侵害事件的处理是当代社会的重要课题,中国三鹿奶粉事件的行政主导处理和日本C型肝炎诉讼案的立法与司法结合、合并和解各有千秋,都提供了重要的启示和经验。本文通过对两案的比较,在分析其利弊的同时,指出其共同特点:在处理大规模群体性侵害事件时,积极开拓多元化处理机制,寻求善治;以对受害人的救济为核心,选择最有利于受害人获致救济的处理方式;政府责任的扩大及积极处理;基于特定体制、社会环境与条件的灵活处理。  相似文献   

During my career as a Family Court Judge over the past 12 years, I was faced daily with the difficult task of deciding whether or not to remove a newborn infant from the care of her mother and place the child in foster care upon discharge from the hospital. In the huge majority of cases, removal was ordered based upon the mother's history of substance abuse and the subsequent positive toxicology of the infant at birth. I could not risk the health and safety of this often premature and vulnerable infant to a mother with such an addiction to drugs that she would expose her child in utero to these toxic substances. Such a mother was incapable of caring for the basic needs of this vulnerable infant, and therefore removal was ordered. This decision saddened me because, as a mother myself, I knew of the critical bond existing between infant and mother during those critical first days and weeks of a child's life. That bond must be nurtured and strengthened and is crucial to a child's development.  相似文献   

国际航运组织自2002年起统一在我国大幅收取THC的事件,反映了我国国际海运业严重的垄断问题。是否给予国际海运业反垄断豁免,事关我国经济发展大局。从宏观经济学的角度分析,我国应当以保护货方利益为原则,不应对国际海运业适用反垄断豁免制度。运用法经济学分析方法对班轮公会、协议联盟和海运经营者集中等垄断形式进行研究,也得出我国不应当给予国际海运业反垄断豁免的结论。我国应当坚定货主大国立场,加强对国际海运业垄断结构和行为的规制。  相似文献   

应对突发性群体事件的政府治理创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
积极预防和妥善处置人民内部矛盾引发的突发性群体事件,维护群众利益和社会稳定是社会转型期政府治理的必然要求。各级政府作为治理突发性群体事件的主体,首先必须树立现代治理理念,通过搭建制度沟通平台和建立预警评估体系,防止突发性群体事件的爆发,并以社会自组织为中介尽量减少突发性群体事件,最终建立高效完整的治理模式,提高社会管理和公共服务水平。  相似文献   

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