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The New Jersey Offshore Wind Economic Development Act (“Act”) sets precedent by establishing offshore wind renewable energy certificates (“ORECs”). To launch the OREC program and assist supply chain development, the Act incentivizes construction of in-state offshore wind manufacturing facilities by offering companies fund awards and new tax credits. The Act, nevertheless, may be subject to challenges because (a) only qualified wind energy facilities located in one area of the state are eligible for certain tax credits and (b) due to vague statutory language, disputes could arise regarding who, exactly, bears the financial risk for underwater and onshore transmission construction.  相似文献   

现代羁押制度的特征:目的、功能及实施要件   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
现代意义上的羁押是对尚未经过审判确定有罪的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人关押在指定场所以限制其人身自由的一种强制措施,亦即所谓未判决前的拘禁。在确保诉讼程序的措施中,羁押是对个人自由影响最严重、最深远的侵害;另一方面,羁押对有效的刑事司法而言,在许多情形下确是不可缺少的措  相似文献   

In this work 127 unrelated individuals living in the North of Portugal were typed for 8 Y-miniSTRs (DYS504, DYS508, DYS522, DYS540, DYS556, DYS570, DYS576 and DYS632). One hundred and one different haplotypes were detected and 88 of them were found to be unique. Haplotype diversity (0.9936) and discrimination capacity (69.29%) were calculated.  相似文献   

政治、经济、文化、社会和学术研究的需求与发展推动着社会排斥内涵的产生与演进。从最初狭义的指代贫困到广义的多维排斥,由状态到过程,由单向排斥到循环累积,社会排斥在排斥者与被排斥者的互动中产生。通过对文献的梳理发现,社会排斥的内涵更关注其是一种社会现象,而忽略了社会排斥也是被排斥者心理层面的主观建构。研究在社会排斥是动态过程化内涵的基础上,使用压力反应从刺激源经中介系统到临床相的研究范式,构建新的发生路径。从初始的排斥状态,到施动者施加社会排斥,被感知的社会排斥经过被排斥者的自身能力、社会支持和认知等中介系统的调节,进行增益或消减,与未被感知的社会排斥共同累积作用于排斥的最初状态,如此不断循环发生的过程。  相似文献   

罪刑法定的实质侧面,渊源于美国宪法中正当程序条款由程序内涵到实体内涵的宪政实践,成形发展于二战后深受美国宪法影响的日本,在我国也经受了一个由知之甚少到广为接受的过程。罪刑法定原则发展出实质侧面的内涵,乃历史的形成而非人为的割裂;罪刑法定实质侧面要求禁止处罚不当罚的行为,实质解释论与形式解释论虽都能实现罪刑法定实质侧面内容适正性的要求,但实质解释论的出罪过程更能充分发挥构成要件的界限功能,符合该当性判断与违法性判断的功能与本质,因而更能实质地保障人权。  相似文献   

A body of an unknown adult female was found within a shallow burial ground in Malaysia whereas the skull was exposed and visible on the ground. During autopsy examination, nine insect larvae were recovered from the interior of the human skull and subsequently preserved in 70% ethanol. The larvae were greyish in appearance, each with a posterior elongated breathing tube. A week after the autopsy, more larvae were collected at the burial site, and some of them were reared into adults. Adult specimens and larvae from the skull and from the burial site were sequenced to obtain DNA barcodes. Results showed all adult flies reared from the burial site, as well as the larvae collected from the skull were identified as Eristalinus arvorum (Fabricius, 1787) (Diptera: Syrphidae). Here, we report the colonization of E. arvorum larvae on a human corpse for the first time.  相似文献   

权利泛化现象对权利观念的可能危害,要求必须尽快构建科学的新兴(型)权利证成标准。根据权利义务统一性命题,新兴(型)权利必然对应有相应义务。以此为基础的“对应义务验证说”认为,一项权利是否成立可能存在不休争论,但若转化为“该权利所对应义务是否应当成立”,就有可能引导论者超越价值情感纠葛对新兴(型)权利主张是否成立形成较为清晰的内心确证。这更有利于论者进一步认识权利的必然义务成本,从而更为理性和审慎地对待新兴(型)权利主张。  相似文献   

The diagnostic criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were substantially revised for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders—5th edition (DSM-5). This in turn necessitated revision of DSM-correspondent assessment measures of PTSD. We describe the various changes to the PTSD diagnostic criteria and the corresponding changes to National Center for PTSD measures. We also discuss the implications of the new criteria for assessment of trauma exposure and PTSD. Although the DSM-5 version of PTSD departs significantly in some respects from previous versions, we conclude that there is fundamental continuity with the original DSM-III conceptualization of PTSD as a chronic, debilitating mental disorder that develops in response to catastrophic life events.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1999,64(35):9042-9048
Under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (42 U.S.C. 300aa-26), the CDC must develop vaccine information materials that all health care providers, whether public or private, are required to distribute to patients/parents prior to administration of each dose of specific vaccines. On September 3, 1998, CDC published a notice in the Federal Register (63 FR 47026) seeking public comment on proposed vaccine information materials for the newly covered vaccines hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae type b, and varicella vaccines, and also seeking comment on proposed revised vaccine information materials for measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccines. The 60 day comment period ended on November 2, 1998. Following review of the comments submitted and consultation as required under the law, CDC has finalized these vaccine information materials. The final materials are contained in this notice.  相似文献   

In British and continental constitutional theory, the sovereign provides a mouthpiece for the law, helping present a unified body politic. For Hegel too the sovereign is a function for the unity of the people. But it is the subject’s desire, which brings the sovereign into existence as guarantor of the law’s coherence and closure. The spontaneous insurrection of December 2008 in Greece weakened the hold of the sovereign on the subject. The post-political condition was challenged by the unplanned actions of resistance and performance by people who have been excluded from political visibility.  相似文献   

Uropepsinogen (PGA) was isolated and purified from human urine using a column chromatography series. The purified PGA was injected into a rabbit and a PGA-specific antibody was obtained. PGA isozymogen in human urine could be detected reproducibly by immunoblotting using this antibody after isoelectric focusing electrophoresis (IEF) on polyacrylamide gels. This technique may prove to be useful in the genetic study of PGA polymorphism.  相似文献   

This paper describes and evaluates some fundamental facts about the contemporary crime drop, summarizes the major explanations that have been offered for it, and assesses the validity of these explanations in light of observed trends. In contrast with much of the recent literature, we argue that the locus of the crime drop in the 1990s is not wholly consistent with the available data and that while New York City experienced substantial crime decreases, its uniqueness has been exaggerated. We suggest that it is important to partition the crime drop observed in New York City and elsewhere into global and more localized shifts, and we offer some observations about the factors that appear most germane to driving these different dimensions of recent crime drops. We conclude with some suggestions for future inquiry.  相似文献   

伟大的城市梦想家和文明的设计者霍华德,留给后人的绝不仅仅是城市规划的无限想象力,也留给后人丰富而宝贵的教育遗产。在他的城市理论中,包含了对人类文明和伦理生活的理解和选择。他希望,通过城市乡村的构想孕育一个新的希望、新的生活和新的文明。霍氏的城市理论具有强烈的乌托邦信仰和公社情结,在这个信仰和情结中,包含着对共同体教育和自治伦理的教育精神。霍氏的城市理论是一个乡镇梦想,作为一种有限城市的典范,乡镇世界是霍华德城市梦的归宿——和谐、自由、舒适。在这里,可以实现古典希腊式的共同体政治及其教育计划。霍氏的城市规划对乡镇社会的伦理建构和转移农民的道德教育具有极其宝贵启示意义。  相似文献   

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