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This article examines the potential of beekeeping, as an appropriate livelihood strategy for smallholder farm households using the sustainable livelihoods framework. A study undertaken over a six-year period (2004–9) with over 300 small-scale farmers in Kenya's Rift Valley Province found that despite excellent revenue earning potential, honey yields and returns remain comparatively low. Compared to maize, the staple crop of most Kenyan farmers, it was found that a typical ten-hive enterprise generated earnings equivalent to 0.86ha of maize. The article emphasises the need to build human capital for beekeeping rather than just promoting modern beehives.

L'amélioration des moyens d'existence pour les petits apiculteurs au Kenya

Cet article examine le potentiel de l'apiculture comme une stratégie adaptée à l'amélioration des sources de revenu pour les ménages de petits agriculteurs en se servant du cadre moyens d'existence renouvelable. Une étude d'une durée de six ans (2004-09) entrepris parmi plus de 300 petits agriculteurs dans le Rift Valley Province du Kenya a trouvé que, malgré le potentiel excellent pour faire des bénéfices, la récolte du miel et les revenus restent relativement faibles. Une comparaison avec le maïs, la culture de base de la plupart de fermiers kényans, a trouvé qu'une entreprise typique de dix ruches génère un revenu qui est l'équivalent de celui produit par 0.86ha de maïs. L'article souligne l'importance de développer le capital humain pour l'apiculture plutôt que de se limiter à la promotion de ruches modernes.

Mejoras en los medios de vida y los pequeños apicultores de Kenia: el potencial no realizado

El presente artículo analiza el potencial que tiene la apicultura como estrategia de sustento para los pequeños productores que utilizan el marco de medios de vida sustentables. Durante seis años, de 2004 a 2009, se llevó a cabo un estudio entre 300 pequeños productores de la provincia del Valle Rift en Kenia, el cual evidenció que, a pesar de su excelente potencial para generar ingresos, los rendimientos de miel y las ganancias se mantienen relativamente bajos. Asimismo, se halló que, en comparación con el maíz, cultivo básico de la mayoría de los campesinos kenianos, el conjunto típico de 10 colmenas generó ganancias equivalentes a 0.86 ha de maíz. El artículo concluye afirmando que, además de promover la apicultura moderna, es necesario construir el capital humano para la apicultura.

Melhoria dos meios de subsistência e pequenos produtores de abelhas no Quênia: o potencial não-percebido

Esse artigo examina o potencial da apicultura como estratégia adequada para meios de subsistência de famílias de pequenos produtores rurais utilizando a estrutura de meios de subsistência sustentáveis. Um estudo realizado durante um período de seis anos (2004–9) com mais de 300 pequenos produtores rurais da Província de Rift Valley, no Quênia, constatou que apesar do excelente potencial para gerar renda, a produtividade e rendimento da apicultura permanecem comparativamente baixos. Em comparação com o milho, plantação básica da maioria dos produtores rurais quenianos, constatou-se que um empreendimento típico com dez colméias gerou ganhos equivalentes a 0.86ha de milho. O artigo enfatiza a necessidade de se desenvolver capital humano para apicultura em vez de apenas promover instalações modernas para a produção de abelhas.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study that aimed to understand the effects for poverty reduction of the link between logistic services and cost of the watermelon value chain in Rufiji and Mkuranga districts in Tanzania. Structured questionnaires and FGDs were used to collect data from 251 respondents. Findings revealed that transport cost, storage cost, purchase cost, and logistics service have strong significant effect on the watermelon value chain cost. Based on the findings, the study recommended the use of affordable methods of storage, opening agro-input shops in villages, and the development of a favourable environment for watermelon businesses, to help reduce chain cost.  相似文献   

Farmer-to-farmer extension (FFE) is playing a complementary role to formal extension services in facilitating the spread of agricultural technologies and improving farmers’ capacities. The effectiveness and sustainability of such programmes depend on volunteer farmer trainers (VFTs) having technical skills and overcoming process-related challenges that hinder them from achieving the desired outcomes. This article uses quantitative and qualitative data collected from seven sites to explore the challenges experienced by VFTs as they share their knowledge on livestock feed innovations in a dairy development project in Kenya. Sustainable opportunities for enhancing VFTs’ performance are discussed.  相似文献   

As one element of agricultural service delivery, in Ethiopia crop protection service has generally only involved the private sector on a small scale. This article outlines a case study where private crop protection service (PCPS) was strengthened from 2006 to 2010 in Halaba Special District, southern Ethiopia. The study used questionnaires, analysis, service comparison, ranking, and indicator-based assessments. The study shows that PCPS in 2007/08 crop seasons served 1,104 households on 1,707?ha of land in 19 Kebeles, contributing US$327,752 in total. Assessment indicators values were better for PCPS than the informal crop protection service. Piloting PCPS strengthening is recommended to improve crop protection service and reduce crop loss in Ethiopia.  相似文献   

Understanding and accounting for the heterogeneity of small farmers is critical for informing development pathways to improve the performance of smallholder irrigation. Using multivariate analysis, this study sought to develop farmer typologies in and around irrigation schemes and used these to inform strategies for on-farm entrepreneurship development. The research uniquely integrates psychological capital in defining farmer typologies, to capture individual features of each farmer, otherwise missed by the generic sustainable livelihoods framework literature. The study affirms the need to focus on psychological capital and concludes that heterogeneity among small-scale irrigators should be accounted for in future agricultural and rural development programmes.  相似文献   

This article addresses the question of whether the production and use of biofuels could be appropriate to support productive inclusion. After an overview of the main drivers of biofuels development in the last decade, the article analyses the Brazilian experience, the most ambitious programme to promote inclusive development through biofuel policy. It focuses on the institutional settings and its distributional effects, as well as the organisational dynamics in a semi-arid region, and concludes that even in a country like Brazil, with a long and successful tradition in biofuel policies, the productive inclusion of small-scale family farmers faces severe difficulties.  相似文献   

Through an innovative public-private partnership, Demeter Agricultural Limited, along with the Malawi National Bean Programme and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, supplied 2,559 tons of certified bean seed between 2009 and 2012 through the government's Targeted Farm Input Programme. Farmers were satisfied with the variety supplied, timeliness of the operation, pack size, and information provided. Growing numbers also accessed new improved varieties, from 264,661 households in 2009 to 344,200 in 2012. These emerging farmers’ demands and the subsequent DAL responses suggest a base for building sustainable delivery systems. However, decentralised seed-based systems will be needed for promoting varieties suited to micro-ecological niches.  相似文献   

This article quantifies the level of women’s empowerment in western Honduran coffee-producing households through the construction of the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index, and highlights the determinants of each empowerment indicator and their interactions. Women in the study region suffer from a lack of control over use of income and access to productive resources. Since control and ownership of assets are positively correlated with input in productive decisions and control over the use of income in this study region, it is suggested that “low-hanging fruit” to improve empowerment would be to invest in interventions that strengthen asset control and distribution.  相似文献   

This paper examines mainstreaming environment and climate change into development policy, planning, and budgeting. It looks at why we should integrate environment and climate and outlines challenges and successes. One result is that governments’ progress pro-poor and equitable development. Governance gains are important too: co-benefits include more transparent decision making and better cross-government working. Ultimately, the impact of mainstreaming has increased awareness, changed perceptions, and improved the way inter-sectoral decisions are made, especially in climate adaptation. This supports countries to achieve their sustainable development ambitions – lessons which could be applied to a post-2015 development agenda.  相似文献   

This article examines contemporary challenges of formal seed sector participation for resource-poor farmers in Tharaka and engages in a wider discussion of national seed policy and formal seed sector development in Kenya. While many farmers reported utilising modern seed varieties developed by the formal seed sector, the majority of these were introduced through seed aid and maintained through seed saving, supporting seed system integration strategies. Building on these findings, the article discusses ways in which national seed policy in Kenya might be refined to better meet national and regional development goals focused on decreasing the incidence of hunger and poverty.  相似文献   

It has been widely believed that commercialisation is the solution to food insecurity in rural Africa. Project designs have attempted to set up agricultural cooperatives and encourage entrepreneurial farmers. Yet the problems revealed in the 1950s are still widespread. In a counter-perspective, some have argued for the relevance of subsistence and low-input agriculture. This article examines three NGO projects in South and South-eastern Africa which prioritise food security through household subsistence, using low-input technologies, along with an encouragement to produce a surplus for cash. We look at what these projects share and why their strategies work.  相似文献   

This article analyses factors determining farmers’ intentions to move from subsistence to advanced farming. Data were compiled from a survey of 222 randomly selected farmers in three districts of central Java, Indonesia. Intensive chili farming is considered commercial, and three technologies are considered advanced. The results show many significant factors determined farmers moving toward commercial farming and adopting advanced technologies. Better access to credit and market facilities encourages farmers to grow chili. The study suggests policy recommendations for strengthening chili farming and related high-value vegetables in Indonesia.  相似文献   

‘One-stop border posts’ (OSBP) are being developed on East African trade corridors to support growth in cross-border trade in the region. This article presents a household survey examining the impact of the OSBP at Busia on the Kenya–Uganda border on the livelihoods of informal traders and workers. It finds positive effects through enhanced access to cross-border trade. However, it also finds negative effects, including reduced work opportunities for unskilled manual workers. Further research is needed into the long-term effects on the price and foreign exchange differentials which currently incentivise the informal trade, before the effects can be fully assessed.  相似文献   

How do projects grow? How do they fail? What accounts for their changing fortunes? This paper uses the archives of a 1970s modernisation scheme to explore the life cycle of a long-running project, concerning the production of leaf protein in Nigeria. It argues that archives can be very useful for understanding success and failure, and encourages practitioners to take an interest in the story of past projects, even those that failed. Drawing on Actor-Network Theory, it argues that alliances are key to understanding project lifecycles, suggesting that practitioners focus on strengthening local relationships, rather than seeking answers in universal management templates.  相似文献   

Concerns about the decline of rural agricultural communities have recently refocused on new economic opportunities available in regional food production. This article analyses three on-the-ground case studies of rural development projects in Tasmania, Australia that aimed to develop new regional food opportunities. It analyses these projects to identify how local food producers can create viable economic alternatives in rural settings. The projects illustrate that the existence of regional food assets alone is not enough to guarantee economic development success: rural producers need connections into relevant knowledge networks if they are to identify and respond to new agro-food market opportunities.  相似文献   

This practical note demonstrates the role that haricot beans play in assisting women to become food and nutrition secure, to generate income, and to have sustainable livelihoods that are resilient to shocks. Based on qualitative research among female and male beneficiaries of a pulse innovation project implemented in southern Ethiopia, the note provides a summary of the critical voices of farmers, and the role that haricot beans play in empowering women. It also outlines some of the challenges that the project faced in achieving its empowerment objectives.  相似文献   

This article argues that the absence of a sense of place in rural Nigeria impedes development. It uses the case of Uturu to show that understanding the relationships people share with natural features and phenomena around them is important in their development. It proposes a framework constituted of rural mind, rural life, and rural character; and argues that strengthening one or the other pillar of this framework will likely lead to strengthening sense of place. Using in-depth interviews and historically informed observation, the authors show that a weak sense of place leads to poor development, and provide suggestions for improvement.

Encourager le sentiment d'appartenance en milieu rural : la pièce manquante à Uturu, au Nigéria

Cet article soutient que l'absence d'un sentiment d'appartenance dans le Nigéria rural entrave le développement. Il se sert du cas d'Uturu pour montrer que la compréhension des relations que les personnes ont avec les caractéristiques et phénomènes naturels les entourant est importante pour leur développement. Il propose un cadre constitué de l'esprit rural, de la vie en milieu rural et du caractère rural, et soutient que le renforcement d'un ou plusieurs piliers de ce cadre donnera lieu au renforcement du sentiment d'appartenance à un lieu. À l'aide d'entretiens approfondis et de l'observation à la lumière de l'histoire, les auteurs montrent qu'un sentiment faible d'appartenance donne lieu à un développement faible et proposent des suggestions pour améliorer la situation.

Fomentando un sentido de lugar en el ámbito rural: la pieza faltante en Uturu, Nigeria

El presente artículo sostiene que la falta del sentido de lugar en la Nigeria rural impide el desarrollo. A partir del caso de Uturu, se demuestra que un elemento importante para lograr el desarrollo de las personas es comprender las relaciones que establecen con los elementos naturales y con los fenómenos que las rodean. El artículo propone un marco analítico integrado por la mente rural, la vida rural y el carácter rural, sosteniendo que al fortalecer uno u otro de los pilares de este marco, probablemente se fortalezca también el sentido de lugar. Apoyados en entrevistas a profundidad y en observaciones respaldadas por la historiografía, los autores demuestran que un sentido de lugar débil conduce a un pobre desarrollo, formulando sugerencias para mejorar la situación.

Promovendo o senso de pertencimento rural: a peça que falta em Uturu, Nigéria

Este artigo argumenta que a ausência de um senso de pertencimento na zona rural da Nigéria impede o desenvolvimento. O autor utiliza o caso de Uturu para mostrar que compreender as relações que as pessoas compartilham com características e fenômenos naturais que as cercam é importante para o seu desenvolvimento. O artigo propõe uma estrutura constituída de mentalidade rural, vida rural e caráter rural e argumenta que fortalecer um ou outro pilar desta estrutura levará provavelmente ao fortalecimento do senso de pertencimento. Utilizando entrevistas aprofundadas e observações com bases históricas, os autores mostram que um senso de pertencimento fraco leva a um desenvolvimento ruim e oferecem sugestões para melhoria.  相似文献   

This article assesses the effects of microfinance on food security, using data from a group of Ugandan women from two rural villages: Bulike and Kaliro. Approximately 130 in-person questionnaires were completed over the summer of 2013. Statistical modelling techniques are used to shed light on the variability of access to food and additional income. Specifically, researchers identify latent effects of MFO participation-based literature and test these constructs using survey data collected from women who are about to begin participation in an MFO. Results provide evidence that a structural linkage exists between women’s social capital, empowerment, and collective action and access to additional income.  相似文献   

Rural Kenyan households have different aspirations and income portfolio strategies, including agricultural intensification and income diversification. This article reports on a study that interviewed 624 households to explore rural aspirations and derive lessons for agricultural technology development and transfer. Though few households specialised in farming, many households self-identified as farmers and aspired to increase their agricultural income. Despite the prevalence of agricultural aspirations, few aspired for their children to have a future in farming. Combining aspirations with potential to invest, the article provides suggestions for targeting agricultural interventions. We need to start listening better to those people we call “farmers” to develop and offer innovations that meet their realities.  相似文献   

Separating the commercialisation of agriculture from other programmes to improve access to formal credit for smallholder farmers is a source of dramatic failures of most programmes. Despite the popularity of value chain financing, livestock agriculture remains marginalised. This paper analyses the MAFISA-NERPO Livestock Credit Scheme, a scheme which provides value chain financial products in order to improve the cash incomes of smallholder farmers in South Africa. Evidence shows that more than 80% of participating farmers receive average annual incomes of US$30,000. This implies that this scheme has addressed those factors hindering effectiveness and efficiency of smallholder credit institutions, using value chain finance.  相似文献   

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