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由于历史传统、自然条件和国家政策等原因,我国东中西部地区发展差距进一步拉大,呈现出明显的非均衡发展的特征.这导致我国农村许多地区出现了"弱治理"的治理形态,严重影响了乡村治理的效率和绩效.因此,在乡村治理进程中,应该正视农村区域发展非均衡的现实状况,转变长期以来的全国"一盘棋"的思维定势,针对不同地方经济和社会发展水平的差异,在坚持国家统一领导的前提下,因地制宜,分类指导,引导乡村治理朝着民主治理、自主治理的方向发展.逐步把现行的"乡政村治"治理结构变革为"乡村自治".  相似文献   

行政学中如何评价公平与效率成为一个至关重要的问题。如何实现二者在现代政府管理中的完美结合 ,提升政府竞争力 ,为我国政府行政体制改革提供理论支持具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Akira Okada 《Public Choice》2008,135(3-4):165-182
The second-order dilemma arises from each individual’s incentive to free ride on a mechanism to solve the public goods provision problem (the first-order dilemma). We show by a voluntary participation game that if the depreciation rate is low, public goods can be accumulated through voluntary groups for provision, and that the accumulation is effective in solving the second-order dilemma. This analysis also shows that population growth increases the accumulation of public goods in the long run.  相似文献   

Current efforts at administrative reform in both developed and developing countries have invariably focused on the critical issue of provision of public goods and services. The accumulated experience and attendant innovations are therefore vast. Few attempts have been made to pull this experience together and draw salient features which might be of use to newcomers to the task of improving provision of public goods and services. This article draws on a panel of experts and government officials convened by the author who have reflected and/or experimented with innovative approaches to public good and service provision. After discussing the role of the state, market and civil society relative to public goods and services, the article lays out a set of basic institutional options for innovations in provision. The article concludes with some strategic considerations on the sequencing of steps to achieve successful market-based innovations in the provision of public goods and services in the context of the minimalist and the strong but restrained state. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

宪政视角下的中国公共行政发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于现代国家制度建设尚有待完善,我国公共行政学界在追踪西方学术前沿,致力于进行管理主义和政策主义公共行政研究的同时,有必要继续重视并阐发宪政主义公共行政理论。如果我们立足于从宪政视角完善有限政府的制度框架,公共行政发展将会收到事半功倍的效果;如果一味地依赖于管理主义或政策主义公共行政理论,则会事倍功半、欲速则不达。就宪政视角的公共行政规范看,中国有必要加速推进有限政府、法治政府、分权政府、诚信政府和透明政府的制度建设。  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore how the ability of bureaucrats to extract resources from their community may be limited by competition in the local market for public goods. Specifically, we examine intergovernmental aid as a resource bureaucrats seek to control. Intergovernmental aid has been found to be more stimulative of local government expenditures than predicted by neo-classical economic theory. In this research, the ‘flypaper effect’ is used as an indicator of the ability of bureaucrats to control local resources in excess of local demand and preferences. We empirically relate variation in the flypaper effect to the extent of competition in the local market for public goods. Competition does not consistently limit the flypaper effect. The implications of this finding for theories of competition in the local market for public goods are then discussed.  相似文献   

农村社会组织治理结构失衡主要表现为:治理机构不完备,或者虽然表面比较完整,但名实不符;能人治理比较普遍,内部人控制现象突出;部分农村社会组织"行政气息"浓厚,治理机构严重"异化".造成问题的根源是多方面的,既有历史根源,也有现实根源,与农村社会组织整体发展水平,与组织的产权结构,与政府的监督管理水平等密切相关.矫正治理结构失衡,必须深究根源,采取有针对性措施,促进农村社会组织健康发展.  相似文献   

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