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The first part of this paper defines a central problem for professional ethics: whether agents in professional roles are to act on their own moral perceptions or rather defer to those with special authority to make decisions within particular institutional settings. Specifically, should the psychologist decide for himself whether and how to testify as an expert witness, or should he allow the judge and lawyer to settle these questions for him? I argue that he must decide for himself and attempt to control the nature of his testimony. Given this preliminary conclusion, the second part of the paper argues on direct moral grounds first for a general presumption in favor of psychologists' testimony on the accuracy of eyewitnesses. Such testimony fits the legal criterion of reasonable doubt, if the psychologists' information is more accurate than that of the average juror and lawyer. Second, it is argued that the expert witness must resist intense adversarial pressures and present his testimony as impartially and objectively as possible.  相似文献   

体认语言学是近年兴起的本土语言学理论,已取得较多研究成果,其注重西方哲学承继的倾向未免不利于该理论的本土化努力。本研究基于体认语言学的本体和方法,尝试挖掘体认语言学的中国认知哲学向度。体认语言学的本体包含现实、认知和语言,能够追溯到传统哲学的名实、言意和知行观;三者的右向决定关系溯源于五官、心征、说表的认识论;三者的左向影响关系在毕同毕异和白马非马的讨论中发端。体认语言和形式语言的破立关系在程朱理学和阳明心学的抵牾和会通中找到最初形态。体认语言学未来的发展,可以秉持知行合一的传统,进一步在现实、认知和语言的融合中探求语言的规律。  相似文献   

作为认知科学的一个新取向,具身认知科学对传统认知科学有很大的突破。其中在元理论上,突破第一代认知科学作为思想基础的身心二元论,取而代之的是身心一体论和身心辨证统一论;突破人是机器的基本论断,提出人是人,与动物和机器不同,具有机器和动物所不具有的意向性和具身性,能够提问,能够沉思他们存在的意义,能够批判地反省其生命的意义,以使其行为方式发生变革;突破语言学哲学尤其是其重要理论形态逻辑实证主义,以心智哲学为指导思想。正是元理论突破,使得具身认知科学建构了与传统认知科学不同的体系,在理论、方法论、研究领域和研究方法等诸多方面都有新的突破。  相似文献   

过去40年间,认知心理学对人类信息加工过程进行精细的实验研究,概括出许多心理过程的基本特性,提供了理解心理过程个体差异的科学基础.从当初的认知科学到现如今的认知神经科学,它大体经历了三个主要研究范式:符号范式、联结主义范式和具身认知范式.以库恩范式论来观照,从认知科学到认知神经科学每一种范式的转变,实际上都内在地蕴含了其自身研究理念、研究方式与研究技术的深刻变革.对每一种范式演变历程予以深度反思,一方面可以启发范式检讨,这是加深对其理解与应用,使之走向文化自觉的重要步骤,同时也是引领心理学从认知革命到认知神经科学演变进程更趋合理化、语境化与文化化,从而使人能够获得更为立体、全面的解读.  相似文献   

Frequent tensions continue to plague the operations of multinational corporations (MNCs) in less-developed countries (LDCs). Accusations of insensitivity and heed-lessness toward the needs and aspirations of LDCs are commonplace. In this writer's opinion, negative perceptions of the MNCs' operations result in part from differing “world views” between the two groups that are frequently overlooked in strategy formulation. This paper is an attempt to demonstrate that productive, culturally sensitive strategies can be formulated if MNCs use a multiple-perspective approach in their relationships with LDCs. To illustrate this, cognitive mapping is used to analyze the MNCs' decisionmaking behavior. Use of this process should provide MNCs with an opportunity to evaluate the consequences of their actions, the prospect of more effective strategies emerges.  相似文献   

从认知角度分析英语名词化现象   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
名词化现象在英语中无处不在。名词化是语法隐喻的主要来源。名词化过程主要是把表达“过程”的动词或说明某一事件的小句加以“物化”,从而浓缩成动词性名词。在这一过程中作为动作过程的参与者或发出者丢失了,这样所得到的名词化词组就会损失部分原有的信息,语义上可能产生歧义或模糊。但是,名词化词组却孕包和浓缩了许多信息,它可能是多个命题的组合体。名词化词组由于失去了动作的参与者或发出者,在描述事件或说明事物时它显得更为客观;因此,名词化是科技英语最重要的特征之一。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with predictions of future events, such as technological achievements and changes in the human condition that they will bring about. Cognitive barriers arise when human agents are either asked or forced to make judgments and decisions with respect to unknown singular events. This article argues that barriers such as an aversion to not knowing and the impossibility to believe trump expert and ordinary human reasoning. These barriers apply to nanotechnology. To avoid undesired societal effects arising from them, this essay proposes a set of steps designed to foster responsible public dialogue.  相似文献   

论现代认知心理学的知识测量与评价观   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代认知心理学的测量与评价观以不同类型的知识为基础,依据知识建构过程和知识结构的特点设计测验来测量与评价知识的获得。这一现代认知心理学的观点将有助于改变学习、教学与测量和评价相分离的现象,使我们认识到教学与测量和评价是相互促进的关系  相似文献   

目前绝大多数的认知诊断方法都是基于概率统计方法的,需要在大样本的基础上进行复杂的参数估计。本研究采用模糊模式识别的方法对被试进行分类,模拟结果表明,基于格贴近度的被试分类可以得到很高的诊断准确率。实证研究表明,该方法可以对初中二年级学生掌握数学的认知模式进行很好的诊断。该方法原理清楚、计算简便,无需进行复杂的参数估计,在较小样本条件下也可以使用。  相似文献   

一个全新的社会,需要一门新的法律科学.法律知识化巳成为知识社会背景下中国法学转型的时代要求.尽管法律知识化的主张是多元的,但从其整体看,它承袭了后现代法学的衣钵,坚持以下核心观点:即将法律知识化概括为法律哲学化、法律科学化和法律平民化三个实体逻辑贯通的维度.其中,哲学化的使命是将法学从一个纯粹的科学问题还原为一个价值问题;科学化增强了法学理想图景的科学性与可行性;平民化则打破了法学的神秘性,扩大了公民的法律参与.经由此三个维度,法律知识化之科学含义方能得以丰满和立体化凸现.  相似文献   

As part of a larger ecological analysis of woman battering in Israel, this study examined the combined ability of selected cognitive and interpersonal measures to differentiate among couples in which women were battered and those in which they were not. The ability of these variables to predict men's physical violence and verbal abuse and women's verbal abuse was also executed. Results indicate that a combination of low marital adjustment, high levels of conflict over children, and more perceived self-control over one's life characterized violent men; low marital adjustment and high conflict over child rearing characterized battered women. Both men's and women's verbal abuse was moderately predicted by lower marital adjustment while men's physical violence was predicted by increased levels of conflicts with his partner over child rearing. These findings suggest the importance of marital relationship factors in domestic violence and highlight the need for further study of the interaction between perceived control and marital relationship problems in relationships where men physically abuse women.  相似文献   

认知—行为治疗理论的新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,对于认知-行为治疗的认识、术语使用以及实际操作上都还很混乱。本在对这一理论派别进行简要回顾的基础上,借助对各种与环境相关的障碍和一般化障碍的讨论,以及对调整意识信念和潜意识记忆内容的讨论,简要地阐述了认知-行为治疗理论的新进展。本认为,指向意识可触及信念的治疗是与有关情绪和动机的认知理论相关的;而指向潜意识表达的治疗则与学习理论和认知心理学中的有着实验研究相联系。  相似文献   

侦查认识原理既包括侦查认识活动最基本的客观规律,也包括根据最基本的规律而制定的侦查认识的基本方法和基本原则。研究侦查认识原理的意义是多方面的,而这一主题在中外侦查学著作中都只简单地提到,而尚未进行充分地挖掘。探索侦查认识原理应当从侦查认识的基本假设入手,根据侦查认识活动的本质提出侦查认识的三大原理,继而根据侦查认识的三大原理设立评价侦查认识结果的标准,最后根据三大原理和标准设计克服侦查认识错误的对策。  相似文献   

Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals (1993) held that trial judges should permit expert scientific testimony only when the reasoning or methodology underlying the testimony is scientifically valid, and ... properly can be applied to the facts in issue. Vallabhajosula and van Gorp (V&vG, 2001) have suggested that when the Daubert standard is applied to tests for malingered cognitive deficits, courts should deem admissible only results that meet this mathematical standard: assuming a pretest probability of .3, a positive score on the malingering test should yield a posttest probability of at least .8. This paper shows that V&vG's criterion may lead to misunderstandings about the kind of information malingering measures provide. After reviewing cases that have discussed both the Daubert decision and malingered cognitive deficits, this paper uses data from the Test of Memory Malingering (T. N. Tombaugh, 1996) to provide a general characterization of the mathematical properties of malingering measures. The paper then describes how pretest knowledge about malingering is combined with knowledge about a test's performance to generate a posttest probability of malingering. The results can help mental health experts respond to Daubert-inspired challenges to conclusions based on malingering measures.  相似文献   

半球认知风格模型认为存在一个普遍的认知风格维度,这个维度的一极是语词-分析认知风格,与大脑左半球的活动相关,另一极是图像-整体风格,与大脑右半球的活动相联系.半球认知风格建立在半球认知功能不对称的基础之上,同时又受到认知神经科学的挑战.认知心理学家对左右半球认知功能差异及其半球认知风格提出不同的理论假设.  相似文献   

Physical and mental fatigue are common factors affecting function and recovery in litigated injuries and illnesses. Despite the high prevalence of fatigue-related symptoms and anticipated impact on cognitive functioning, forensic neuropsychological assessments are often challenged by the following approaches to the evaluation of fatigue: (1) confusing physical and mental fatigue; (2) referencing fatigue as a factor in existence but disregarding its specific cognitive impact; (3) over-attribution of all identified problems to fatigue; and (4) neglecting the impact of fatigue on effort in testing. In the context of a wide range of idiosyncratic approaches applied by neuropsychologists with respect to the significance of fatigue factors and the role of the assessor in accounting for them, there is a risk of confusion. Yet, impairments caused by fatigue can be disabling and resistant to treatment, and even more so when the treatment is based on incorrect diagnostic, causality, and prognostic assumptions. The current review will focus on integrating the available empirical evidence from neuroscience and neuropsychology regarding our current understanding of the cognitive impact of fatigue. Our critical review will emphasize the implications of the accumulating new evidence for forensic assessment determinations regarding causality, diagnosis, and impact on function, as well as prognosis and treatment. To this end, electronic search engines including PubMed, PsycINFO, and Google Scholar (up to January 2018) have been screened and reviewed both for the neuroscience and neuropsychological literature related to mental fatigue.  相似文献   

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