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This work examines attitudes about ethics in American government during the turbulent time from the end of the past century to the beginning of the new. Using data from a national survey, the authors explore views toward ethics in society and integrity in public agencies, with an emphasis on the code of ethics of the American Society for Public Administration. The results not only reveal considerable continuity over the years but also suggest that individual managers are increasingly empowered, that agencies are affecting positive change, and that the ASPA code may be influencing management practices. The implications of the findings for ASPA ethics initiatives are considered.  相似文献   

Twelfth Night     

Existing explanations of human rights abuses emphasize a strategic logic of repression. Yet certain classes of abuses may arise absent the intent to repress because of the misaligned bureaucratic incentives of state agents. To separate accounts of strategic repression from bureaucratic incentives, we study the responses of state agents working within the Haitian criminal justice system to a randomized, free legal assistance intervention for detainees held in illegal pretrial detention. Legal assistance addresses moral hazard problems of the bureaucrats responsible for processing cases. We demonstrate that legal assistance accelerates case advancement and liberation, in line with the view that large‐scale human rights abuses in the justice system can result from poor governance and not repressive intent.  相似文献   

The Long Goodbye     
《The Political quarterly》2006,77(3):311-313

The funding of global public goods, such as climate mitigation, presents a complex strategic problem. Potential recipients demand side payments for implementing projects that furnish global public goods, and donors can cooperate to provide the funding. We offer a game‐theoretic analysis of this problem. In our model, a recipient demands project funding. Donors can form a multilateral program to jointly fund the project. If no program is formed, bilateral funding remains a possibility. We find that donors rely on multilateralism if their preferences are relatively symmetric and domestic political constraints on funding are lax. In this case, the recipient secures large rents from project implementation. Thus, even donors with strong interests in global public good provision have incentives to oppose institutional arrangements that promote multilateral funding. These incentives have played an important role in multilateral negotiations on climate finance, especially in Cancun (2010) and Durban (2011).  相似文献   

In this article I want to outline an argument for a New Critical Theory with a cosmopolitan intent. Its main purpose is to undermine one of the most powerful beliefs of our time concerning society and politics. This belief is the notion that “modern society” and “modern politics” are to be understood as society and politics organized around the nation‐state, equating society with the national imagination of society. There are two aspects to this body of beliefs: what I call the “national perspective” (or “national gaze”) of social actors, and the “methodological nationalism” of scientific observers. The distinction between these two perspectives is important because there is no logical co‐implication between them, only an interconnected genesis and history.  相似文献   

长征精神是老一辈的共产党人在革命奋斗中形成的宝贵精神财富和优良传统。它作为我们党和民族的巨大精神力量,被赋予了新的时代内涵。长征精神所体现的崇高理想、坚定信念,在我们实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的道路上不可或缺;艰苦奋斗和甘于奉献在传承长征精神的优秀共产党员身上得到了继承和发展;依靠群众和牢记宗旨在党的建设中仍然需要积极发扬;社会主义核心价值观是长征精神在新时代的具体体现。新时期,我们要继续坚持和发扬长征精神,为实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦而不断努力。  相似文献   

作为一个女性作家,阿加莎·克里斯蒂的作品打破了男性作家以侦探形象为中心的传统模式,呈现出一种朴素的女性意识。然而,处于男权话语包围下的她又难免受到男性话语的影响。本文以阿加莎晚年的作品《无尽长夜》为例,分析了阿加莎·克里斯蒂的矛盾的女性主义观。  相似文献   

Labour and New Labour alike have been the enemies of education. Consider the brutalism of Charles Clarke—‘history for display purposes only’; statistics of achievement based on the soft marking of soft subjects to achieve soviet pig‐iron statistics; fat inspection and thin curriculum; compulsory lesson plans and paper plagues; foreign languages as too difficult. Before all that, remember Anthony Crosland ‘destroying their schools if it's the last fucking thing I do’ and the consequent rise of the public schools as bought excellence. What to do : Follow Housman's dictum, ‘Knowledge is happiness’; rescue good minds in bad places with state places in boarding schools; utilise the quiz nationally the as a pop method to stimulate the study habit; get back to French and German; take the educationalism out of education especially in training colleges; thin inspection down from terror to weather‐eye mentoring.  相似文献   

文章提出了测量流动人口移民倾向的四个维度:行为、评价、动机和未来打算,并以此为根据构建了城市流动人口"移民度"指标体系.实证检验结果表明,该指标体系具有良好的因子结构效度,大多数测量指标及潜在因子具有较好的信度.个别测量指标及潜在因子的信度有待进一步改进.  相似文献   

This article argues that many of the shortcomings generally ascribed to policy analysis can be attributed to the intractable nature of the problems being addressed. That is, public policy issues are inherently difficult, resistant to resolution and fully loaded with significant costs. Those costs can easily render a potential policy solution helpless or perhaps even counterproductive, despite the best-conceived and best-intended plans of its proponents. A policy design perspective can help identify some of the downstream dilemmas and possible help alleviate them. However, like most policy approaches, policy design must be used with careful circumspection, else its pitfalls overwhelm its promises.  相似文献   

Crozier's Bureaucratic Phenomenon was a landmark in the development of both the sociology of organizations as a research approach and the study of French society in the 1960s. To understand its genesis requires an exercise in the history ofcontemporary thought, locating Crozier's magnum opus within the context of the influence of Gouldner, March and Simon. His initial intellectual preoccupation was with the role of trade unions in the US and France during the cold war. This led to his main cultural finding: the fear of face-to-face communication. requiring impersonal mediation to avoid confrontation with those in authority. France required a new style of authority and her intellectuals should provide it as a way of dealing with the problem of overcoming cultural lag and changing France into a modern industrial society.  相似文献   

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