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This article analyses divergent patterns of responses using survey data from rural households in three region of Russia. The purpose of this article is to explore how household responses to reform differ in geographically distinct regions. Second, the goal is to compare regional response patterns using a standardized set of reform dimensions: perceptions about winners and losers, responses to land reform opportunities, the structure of household income, and the use of economic assistance networks. The article concludes that factors other than geography and climate influence responses to reform.  相似文献   

Addressed here is the question of rewards associated with agricultural employment on privatised state and collective farms in Russia. Drawing on qualitative field research with agricultural employees in Krasnodar Territory, the article demonstrates multiple benefits to agricultural employment. These include the expectation of stable, waged, often white-collar employment, with access to benefits such as pensions and annual leave, as well as opportunities for career advancement. Employees also identified the amenity value of rural life, and the importance of the village as a place of refuge. It is argued that these features are important to understanding employee resistance to private farming, and are indicative of an evolving culture of employment on large agricultural enterprises.  相似文献   

《Child & Youth Services》2013,34(1-2):75-90
Major Developments in the history of fostering in Northern Ireland are described, major problems identified and suggestions made for the current and future development of specialist fostering arrangements.  相似文献   

The ability to control one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors is known as self-regulation. Family stress and low adolescent self-regulation have been linked with increased engagement in risky sexual behaviors, which peak in late adolescence and early adulthood. The purpose of this study was to assess whether adolescent self-regulation, measured by parent and adolescent self-report and respiratory sinus arrhythmia, mediates or moderates the relationship between family financial stress and risky sexual behaviors. We assessed these relationships in a 4-year longitudinal sample of 450 adolescents (52 % female; 70 % white) and their parents using structural equation modeling. Results indicated that high family financial stress predicts engagement in risky sexual behaviors as mediated, but not moderated, by adolescent self-regulation. The results suggest that adolescent self-regulatory capacities are a mechanism through which proximal external forces influence adolescent risk-taking. Promoting adolescent self-regulation, especially in the face of external stressors, may be an important method to reduce risk-taking behaviors as adolescents transition to adulthood.  相似文献   

随着改革开放和社会主义市场经济的建立 ,我国的所有制结构发生了深刻变化 ,在国企改制的现时代 ,正确认识工人阶级的主人翁地位 ,发扬工人阶级的主人翁作用 ,切实维护工人阶级享有的权利 ,在理论上和实践上都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

健全的社会组织包括农村社会组织是社会治理过程中必不可少的重要组成部分。在社会治理创新视域下,以广州市从化农村社会组织培育基地为例,对农村社会组织培育产生的背景、优势及存在的问题进行探讨和分析,有助于完善农村社会组织和构建农村社会治理新格局。  相似文献   

The Stolypin reforms in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century are usually understood as a revolutionary attempt to destroy the peasantry and peasant culture through legal coercion; in fact, they were a more moderate attempt to encourage change through voluntary procedures. In terms of both the numbers of peasants embracing them and their social impact, the reforms were also more successful than has traditionally been acknowledged. A key reason for their success was the synergistic relationship between the reform process and the deepening marketization of rural and urban economic environments in conjunction with the peasants' increasing willingness to adapt to and take advantage of the new opportunities these processes created. The reforms' positive outcomes contrast sharply with the results of current reforms in Russia and highlight the critical role of market supporting institutions in creating a supportive environment.  相似文献   

The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world, yet there is relatively little information on how the removal of these adults from households impacts the youth who are left behind. This study used a child-centered lens to examine the impact of incarceration on the school outcomes of youth who resided with a family member or family associate who was incarcerated prior to the youth’s 18th birthday. We used data from 11 waves of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth: Child and Young Adult (n?=?3,338, 53?% female). Initial analyses indicated that youth who experienced a household members’ incarceration evidenced more socioeconomic challenges, more frequent home adversities, and lower cognitive skills relative to youth who did not experience a household members’ incarceration. Results also revealed that youth who had experienced a household member’s incarceration were more likely to report extended absence from school and were less likely to graduate from high school relative to those youth who did not experience a household members’ incarceration. Counter to our hypotheses, results revealed the incarceration of an extended family member being in the household was the only relation significantly associated with worse school outcomes. Plausibly, families who allow non-immediate criminally involved individuals to reside in the household are experiencing a more pervasive chaotic home environment than those with a parent or sibling incarcerated. Our study suggests that efforts to address the needs of children with incarcerated parents need to be widened to those who experience the loss of any household member due to incarceration.  相似文献   

Tian  Lumei  Guo  Mingyu  Lu  Yafei  Liu  Lingling  Lu  Yuhan 《Journal of youth and adolescence》2022,51(11):2161-2172
Journal of Youth and Adolescence - A number of studies have focused on the same-sex peer effect on and the developmental difference in adolescent risk-taking in terms of the dual systems model....  相似文献   

Viewing marijuana use as a risk-taking behavior, we find that the perception of high risk related to regular use of marijuana has no simple direct effect on that risk-taking behavior. Rather, the effect of risk perception is contingent upon the extent of youth participation in activities such as going to parties, going to bars, attending concerts and visiting friends. The perception of risk suppresses marijuana use most effectively in the context of activities where such a risk-taking behavior is most prevalent. These findings are congruent with recent literature on actions of risk-taking that takes into account the subjective meaning orientation as a moderator between perception and action. These lead us to conclude that a behavioral-specific approach can augment the conventional approach to common factors underlying the youths' proneness to problem behaviors.  相似文献   

当事人基本情况: 申诉人:雷某,男 被诉人:某化工厂 案情简介: 申诉人雷某1995年8月技校毕业后,分配到被诉人化工厂工作.双方于1999年底签订了5年期劳动合同,期限自2000年1月1日至2004年12月31日,岗位为保安处消防员,工作时间实行8小时工作制.  相似文献   

2010年,加薪潮正式登陆绍兴,绍兴市总体工资水平出现了大幅度增长.影响绍兴市职工工资增长的因素,主要有劳动力市场供需状况、物价水平和地区之间的竞争.但是,在短期内,加薪潮对绍兴市的就业、吸引外资和企业经营没有太大的影响,而在长期,则会倒逼企业的转型升级.为了有效应对加薪潮,企业需要加大科研开发以及优化人力资源的结构;政府则需要控制工资增长幅度,并对转型升级中的企业予以一定的扶持.  相似文献   

社区建设或者社区发展,从理论上讲,根本的问题是要提升社区的自治能力.然而,中国的社区建设,从一开始就是在政府推动和主导下展开的,其直接目的是为了应对转型期基层社会面临的各种问题.社区建设中政府社会控制和社区自治目标的冲突,导致社区建设内部主体和参与动力的不足与滞后.杭州市社区建设突出的问题是政府强势带来的社区建设行政化倾向.这直接导致了社区居民在社区建设中的客体化,从而影响到其参与的动力和热情.  相似文献   

当代大学生就业力问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生就业力是直接决定和影响学生就业的综合职业能力。文章根据首都部分高校开展的“首都大学生就业力发展调研”的主要研究成果,就当前大学生就业过程中遇到的主要问题以及用人单位的实际需求进行了深入分析,并就建立新形势下高校大学生就业力开发体系问题进行了探讨,提出了具体的对策建议。  相似文献   

当代青年是一个特殊的消费群体,他们的消费观念预示着未来的消费趋向。在走向小康的过程中,当代青年群体的消费水平明显提高,消费环境更加丰足,当代青年日益注重自身消费质量和生活质量的总体改善。当代青年在消费生活中往往会发生一些消费偏误,这是多种因素综合作用的结果,其中既有社会因素、家庭因素,也有青年自身特点因素的影响。当代青年的自我矫治是养成良好的消费方式的重要方面。  相似文献   

当事人基本情况: 申诉人:李某,女,北京人 被诉人:某购物中心、某家电厂 案情简介: 李某于2003年6月被某购物中心招收为营业员,被安排在家电部,为某家电厂家代销家用电器,工资发放形式采用底薪加销售提成,双方未签订劳动合同.李某到单位上班后,购物中心、厂家、李某三方共同签订了一份用工协议书,协议内容中规定:1、购物中心同意厂家委派李某为厂家代表,销售家用电器;2、李某在购物中心为厂家代销产品期间,既要服从厂家的管理,又要服从购物中心的管理,厂家除按月发给李某底薪加销售提成外,不负担李某任何的费用;3、李某在工作期间,除遵守厂家的规章制度外,还要遵守和执行购物中心的一切规章制度,服从厂家和购物中心的安排,积极完成工作任务;4、李某如工作中有失误造成经济损失,购物中心有权通知厂家辞退李某,并要求李某赔偿造成的损失.  相似文献   

B y taking gender seriously, the ruling African National Congress (ANC) party in South Africa appeared to reverse the trend set by many liberation movements elsewhere: namely, women being mobilized as agents in struggles around class and race, yet denied the imperative of addressing gender subordination. Shortly after coming to power, the ANC adopted a national strategy for advancing gender equality. By doing so it demonstrated that it could rise above the limitations of its erstwhile 'woman question' position (Beall et al. 1989) and learn from the experience of other countries that had tried to institutionalize gender policies and structures. This in turn served to place South Africa at the cutting edge of experience in state-initiated gender policies and 'national machineries' for women. Nevertheless, South Africa's National Machinery for Advancing Gender Equality merits critical scrutiny, both in terms of its intrinsic aims and objectives and in relation to its potential for making an impact, given the development policy context of contemporary South Africa. Drawing on research conducted in South Africa over a number of years--during the 1980s (Beall et al. 1987) and, more recently, since 1997 (Beall 1997, 1998), it is possible to consider what lessons are to be learned from the institutionalization of gender-sensitive policy and practice in a complex institutional environment.  相似文献   

大学生村官农村社会化是大学生村官顺利开展农村工作的社会基础,是大学生村官工程有效实施的推动力量,大学生村官的角色认同是大学生村官农村社会化的关键环节。充分把握大学生村官角色认同的现状,厘清大学生村官角色认同的影响因素,对于大学生村官工程顺利开展具有重要的现实意义。目前,影响大学生村官角色认同的因素包括自身因素、村民因素、村干部因素、体制因素、法理因素和保障因素等6点,政府应该从夯实理论与实用技术的学习与实践等6个方面优化大学生村官角色认同,为大学生村官工程顺利实施提供保障。  相似文献   

The Swedish public system of elderly care is highly relevant for studying gender relations, specifically when male care workers are more frequently seen within this female-coded field of practice. In this article, qualitative interviews with male and female care workers, elderly women and men, and care managers are analysed to discover how they talk about care work and how gender is expressed, both implicitly and explicitly, in the materialization of care. By illuminating the dynamics of how gender is constructed and negotiated in the intersection of the different actors' perspectives, the paradoxes of gender appeared. The care workers' moral responsibility seemed to undermine equality between male and female care workers, and the elderly clients' gendered expectations and representations created inequality in care work. Furthermore, the gender-neutral assessments made by the care managers came to favour elderly men. Thus, the results suggest the importance of capturing the different perspectives in society's institutions, such as elderly care, in order to understand the complexities of gendered processes.  相似文献   

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