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工会治理是国家治理的重要组成部分,工会治理现代化也是国家治理现代化的必然要求。本研 究以党的十八届三中全会、十九届四中全会和党的二十大报告提出的国家治理现代化理论为依据,结合工会实际, 对新时代工会治理的若干重要问题进行了探讨和分析。研究认为,工会被治理与工会治理是辩证统一的,工会 治理包括参与治理和工会自身运行治理,工会自身运行治理又包括工会自身组织建设和工会组织的运行。为实 现工会治理体系和治理能力的现代化,应夯实工会治理体系的制度基础,着力提升工会治理能力,强化工会社 会团体法人治理,以发挥我国工会制度的优势与效能,推动中国工运事业的现代化。  相似文献   

Global production network (GPN) analysts argue that workers actively contribute to the shaping of GPNs through different forms of agency. In this contribution I extend this argument to the tactical agency of small producers. By focusing on the phenomenon of side-selling among Filipino banana contract farmers, I show that these tactics have contributed to the emergence of alternative trade networks that undermined traditional lead firm behaviour and inspired new struggles over chain governance. However, as a diverse and ambiguous group of growers engages in this tactical agency, predominantly as small capital, they also contribute to the continuation of broader dynamics of capital accumulation and labour exploitation.  相似文献   

During the last few years there has been a resurgence of women's groups in India. Whereas, in previous years, women's struggles took place within a framework of the broader independence movement, women now are addressing issues of rape, dowry and marriage and property laws directly. This paper argues that women's organizations in India have received considerable support over these issues because they affect an urban middle-class elite and leave the status quo relatively untouched. Women's organizations should turn their attention to more fundamental issues of women's oppression within the context of hunger, poverty and work-issues which, hitherto, have been neglected.  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(3):246-269
The ascendency of neoliberalism, anti-state ideologies, and increased corporate power has taken its toll on labor movements around the globe. Today, the proportion of unionized workers in Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development countries is half what it was in the 1970s. I argue that unions are dealing with the crises presented by neoliberal economic integration by entering new political coalitions and nontraditional advocacy areas – particularly relating to immigration, environment, and trade – in an effort to increase their relevance, influence, and allies. I examine how the North American Free Trade Agreement helped politicize unions to move beyond traditional workplace-centered struggles and engage in broader and more diverse political struggles linked at the domestic and the transnational level. Union positions vis-à-vis immigrants have shifted dramatically from supporting draconian legislation to leading a broad-based movement for immigrants' rights. Key unions joined with environmental organizations to advocate for environmental and worker protections through a green economy and green jobs; unions continue their fair trade advocacy, fighting the Tran-Pacific Partnership and the Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreements and investor–state enforcement mechanisms. In an interesting and important twist, unions' foray into these new arenas in part results directly from the privatization of governance practices, which has undermined democratic processes across the continent.  相似文献   

党的十九大提出打造共建共治共享的社会治理格局。深圳盐田区和谐劳动关系促进会为社会组 织参与劳动关系治理提供了较好的范例,实现了劳动关系治理的关口前移,营造了浓厚的和谐劳动关系文化, 有效降低了劳动争议仲裁案件。该促进会体现了社会性、专业性、服务性的特点和优势。同时,在治理主体、 治理对象、治理手段和方式等方面实现了创新,推动劳动关系治理逐步走向现代化。  相似文献   

社会对话是我国政治学领域亟待研究的课题。社会对话的产生,有赖于市场经济和民主政治的充分发展,也有赖于社会心理的成熟。在社会对话中,政府如何定位,直接关系到社会对话能否顺利进行及其效果如何。不同的国家有不同的社会对话模式。成功的社会对话,既是改善治理的关键,又是经济和社会改革的推动力量。  相似文献   

In 2005, Guatemalan community forest concessionaires achieved a remarkable legislative victory that reversed a green land grab in the Maya Biosphere. The fight over this space, the Mirador Basin, provides valuable contributions to analyses of global land grabs, grassroots politics and power relations underpinning environmental governance. First, the fight for the Mirador Basin illustrates how green land grabs create new natures, rather than simply enclosing existing green spaces. Second, it contributes to recent scholarship detailing land-grabbing practices of resistance, acquiescence and incorporation ‘from below’ by describing how Maya Biosphere community forest concessionaires were able to reverse a green grab. Lastly, I argue this successful reversal largely rests on the articulation and mobilization of a new rights-bearing subject – the forest concessionaire. Struggles for land in the Maya Biosphere illustrate that practices and relations of green governance do not always create disciplined, neo-liberal, green subjects. Rather, community forestry has provided a political platform turning reserve residents into influential actors participating in the re-territorialization of power in contemporary Guatemala.  相似文献   

如果说“枫桥经验”源自20世纪60年代的农村社会基层治理,那么21世纪以来浙江构建民营企业和谐劳动关系的成功实践,则是“枫桥经验”在工业化时代的创新与发展,可称为“企业劳动关系版枫桥经验”。浙江的基本做法包括:“大调解”挺在前,就近就地预防和调解劳动人事争议,抓早抓小抓苗头;“综治进民企”,强化“基层治理、源头预防”;“非公党建”,以“双强”(党建强、发展强)促“六好”;工会力促劳动者权益保护与企业发展相协调;以对民营企业家综合评价为载体,引领和促进“两个健康”。“五指攥成一个治理拳头”,形塑了浙江构建民营企业和谐劳动关系的“枫桥经验”。在当前复杂多变的经济形势下,强化企业和谐劳动关系,对于预防化解可能出现的社会风险、夯实基层社会治理、促进社会稳定和发展,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

德国五金工会(IGM)明确指出在过去20年间,由于放任自由、不受管制的金融市场恣意发展,潜伏的危机和风险不断增加,导致了金融市场的完全失控.全球性金融危机的爆发,进一步表明危机治理不可能通过市场自身得以实现,恢复经济正常良好运转离不开政府的调控和社会综合治理.为就业岗位提供安全保障、推行民主参与、完善资本和金融市场的政策管理规定、减少投机行为和防止利润流失、税收失控等措施,都是积极应对金融危机的有力举措.  相似文献   

公共疫情危机处置是公共卫生事件应急管理的重要组成部分,需要加强专业化管理.研究认为,公共卫生危机中的现代化治理需要加强治理能力和治理体系的专业化建设.在治理能力方面,需要加强敏感危情处置能力、舆情舆论引导能力、组织动员协调能力、榜样带动引领能力等的建设.在体系建设方面,需要以人为本构建强大公共卫生体系、加强危机应对的体...  相似文献   

新生代农民工城市社区融入问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社区建设应指向社区发展,而主体性的社区发展是"善治"和现代化程度的指标之一,同时直接影响到城市居民的生活水平和生活质量。城市治理的目标之一就是包容性。包容性城市要避免对某些弱势群体如农民、农民工的排斥。有效的社区融入,不仅体现了城市对新生代农民工的包容,而且能够有效促进城市发展,提升城市治理的内涵。社区通过均等化服务、利益关注和倾斜以及组织化参与等方式,推动新生代农民工融入城市社区。  相似文献   

Swidden has historically been one of the most widespread land uses in upland Southeast Asia. In recent decades, swidden systems across the region have undergone rapid transformation. While most analyses focus on swidden as a livelihood practice, we direct attention to the political nature of swidden. Drawing on qualitative fieldwork and household surveys from two villages in East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia, we examine the politics of swidden along two key dimensions. First, at the household level, we describe swidden as a land control strategy. We identify territorialization and speculation as drivers of ‘contentious land change’ in swidden systems under pressure from expanding plantations and mines. Second, at the village and district levels, we examine the politics of swidden within new forest governance arrangements. Control of swidden has provided a focus for multi-stakeholder forest governance, but with ambivalent effects, developing village land management and livelihoods at a cost of temporary increases in swidden clearing and with minimal impact on deforestation for industrial land uses. Our analysis suggests forest governance efforts will be ineffective in eliminating contentious land change or reducing district-level deforestation until they address plantation and mining expansion as the dominant direct and indirect drivers of forest conversion.  相似文献   

国内"参与式治理"研究综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
参与式治理是与政策有利害关系的公民个人、组织和政府、志愿组织一起参与公共决策、分配资源、合作治理的过程。国内相关研究才刚刚起步,还没有得到应有的重视。其相关研究文献还只简单停留在描述阶段,不仅缺乏对参与式治理的理论探讨和建构,而且缺乏对相关案例的深入考察和分析。  相似文献   

在国家治理体系和治理能力现代化进程中,工会在社会治理方面扮演着政府无法替代的角色。 新时代“枫桥经验”与工会参与社会治理在价值理念、目标要求、基层基础、基本方法方面,有着共同的内在机理。 本研究以新时代“枫桥经验”视角下工会参与社会治理的绍兴实践为基础,分析了调解式治理、化解式治理、 协商式治理、渗透式治理4种治理模式。研究发现,新时代工会参与社会治理在制度层面、社会层面、工会层 面还存在一定问题。研究建议,借鉴“枫桥经验”,工会应在政治能力方面加强党对工会工作的领导,在法治 能力方面打造“工会参与法院劳动争议案件调解”升级版,在组织能力方面扩大工会组织覆盖面,在工会专业 能力方面提升工会干部队伍水平,以增强工会参与社会治理的能力  相似文献   

归纳百年来中国共产党通过领导劳动关系治理促进经济崛起和社会稳定的"中国实践",提炼百年来中国共产党建立中国特色劳动关系系统的"中国智慧",总结百年来中国共产党领导下的中国特色劳动关系治理的"中国道路",能够更好地验证中国共产党为中国人民谋幸福的初心和使命.本研究基于复杂系统视角,回顾了中国共产党领导下的百年劳动关系系统...  相似文献   

从党的十八届三中全会到十九届四中全会,国家治理体系和治理能力现代化从理论内涵到实践路径不断得以明确,为高校治理体系和治理能力现代化指明了方向、提出了要求。民主治理是新时期高校治理现代化的重要方面之一,因此,教代会工作的改革创新也就成为了这一目标下的必然要求。本研究在论证教代会改革创新的理论逻辑必然性的基础上,通过重新审视高校教代会的工作现状和改革创新面临的困境,探讨了加强党对教代会工作的全面领导、完善教代会改革创新的运行和保障机制,以及夯实教代会民主治校工作中源头参与的实效举措这三方面的治理实践指向。  相似文献   

城镇职工基本医疗保险参保与工会参与是农民工实现与城镇本地职工同等权利的重要内容,关系到农民工市民化进程的推进。基于2017年CMDS数据,研究探讨了工会参与对农民工城镇职工基本医疗保险参保率的影响。研究发现:农民工参与工会活动会显著提高其城镇职工基本医疗保险的参保率,在经过倾向得分匹配等稳健性检验后结论依旧成立;工会参与对参加城镇职工基本医疗保险的促进作用在农民工的代际之间均有显著作用,但对老一代农民工的影响更大。研究建议,为更好地加强农民工劳动权益保护,应当重视工会建设,以推动城镇职工基本医疗保险对农民工更广的覆盖。  相似文献   

劳动关系是构成社会运行基础的重要社会经济关系,实现对它的良好治理是一个重大而迫切的 现实问题。作为一种社会中介机制,无论政治逻辑赋予的应然角色,抑或过往事实蕴含的实然经验,皆表明媒 体需要成为治理参与的行动者。通过观察具体经验现实,在与源自域外的建设性新闻理念对话的基础上,研究 发现:当前语境下劳动关系治理中媒体的建设性,其核心内涵应理解为一种以“寻求实践方案为重心”的理念。 贯彻媒体的建设性,意味着观念上应秉持“积极的专业参与”立场,行动上则重在寻求“实践导向的方案”。其间, 如何妥善处理结构与能动性的关系是媒体面临的普遍挑战。  相似文献   

The political geography of environmental governance can overlap and converge with uneven agrarian change in forest frontiers subject to violent enclosures. When the governance of conservation territories converges with and reinforces enclosures, spaces can be controlled with authority and violence that places livelihoods at greater risk in the context of uneven agrarian political economies – the outcomes of which reflect ‘violent enclosures’. This paper examines how indigenous resource users negotiate the discursive and material impact of environmental governance converging with militarized-insurgent spaces as overlapping enclosures in a protected area on Palawan Island, the Philippines. Drawing on local experiences, we examine how the livelihood vulnerability arising in the local political economy is exacerbated by access and use constraints from the overlapping enclosures of environmental and military governance in the buffer zone of Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park. We argue that the seemingly less governable forest frontiers of protected areas are often the poorest, highly politicized and contested spaces of political and ecological refuge. Here, scarce forest resources are managed closely, and recalcitrant groups seek refuge as military powers frame, conflate and manage local behaviour as criminal and dangerous, merging conservation and military interventions as coercive governance. We conclude that only by critically engaging how governance processes and enclosures converge to yield structural and discursive violence – and by making this apparent to policy makers – will indigenous peoples successfully negotiate the double bind of violent enclosures in frontiers.  相似文献   

工会组织在加强党的执政能力建设中,根据工会组织的性质和职能,发挥党联系工人群众的桥梁和纽带作用,使党的科学执政、民主执政、依法执政在工会工作中得到体现,维护职工利益,调动一切积极因素,把广大工人群众团结在党的周围,进一步扩大党的群众基础。  相似文献   

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