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2010年全国工会学研究会和中国工人历史与现状研究会理论研讨会集中研讨了四个主题,即工资集体协商、体面劳动、群体性事件及工会建设等;体现出四个鲜明特点,即积极的理论研究热情、实事求是的客观立场、宽阔的选题视野和勇于探索的创新精神。  相似文献   


Zmolek's condensed summary of the development of 'agrarian capitalism' is good as far as it goes, but it needs to be supplemented with how this development interacted with manufacturing, with the development of money, with the kinds and degrees of commodification of labour-power and land, with various kinds of commodity markets both internal and external, with the kinds and degrees of productivity increase in various sector, and finally with the unprecedented expansion of putting-out manufacturing in the eighteenth century. Methodologically his account suffers from anachronism, structuralism, teleology and undialectical or either-or thinking. Ironically, these are all things he says he wants to avoid. A key difference between us is the importance of putting-out manufacturing as the first historical manifestation of dynamic capital accumulation. Zmolek seems oblivious to the difficulties in referring to a period of transition to capitalism as already capitalist as in 'agrarian capitalism'.  相似文献   

中国推行集体协商制度10多年,但理论研究不够.集体谈判制度是西方经过长期的劳资冲突后形成的就劳动报酬和利润分享的协商谈判机制.中国集体协商概念强调劳动关系的协调性而非对抗性.学术界认为集体协商可以改善劳资关系、提高劳动者收入、提高员工满意度和促进企业效率.中国企业的集体协商正在从上到下推行,功能与效果还不明显.西方集体谈判受经济形势、国家法律、双方谈判力量等因素影响;中国集体协商主要受政府政策及地方工会的影响.集体协商实践极需要加强理论研究,包括界定概念与本质;证实集体协商的效率和影响因素,为探索中国集体协商道路奠定基础.  相似文献   

从权利到利益:我国劳动争议的新特点及其应对   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国劳动关系的发展变化,劳动争议出现了新特点,即劳动争议的性质由以权利争议为主发展到利益争议凸显。这标志着劳动者已不满足于劳动基准权利,而要求超越劳动基准权利的更好待遇。这对我国劳动争议处理机制和劳动关系的若干主体都提出了挑战。我国应调整现行以权利争议处理为中心的劳动争议处理机制,健全利益争议处理机制。劳动行政机关不能仅将自己定位于查处违反劳动法规行为的执法者角色,应确立自己在利益争议处理中的协调者角色。工会要摆正劳动者权益代表者和维护者的角色,努力提高集体谈判能力,积极维护劳动者利益。  相似文献   

The research concerning relative and independent influences of family and peers upon adolescent drug use is reviewed. Although conflict between family and adolescents is one of the oldest, most predictable, and—in Western society—probably least avoidable of developmental conflicts, the sharp focus upon this conflict in the context of adolescent drug use is a more recent development. As interest and concern regarding adolescent drug use has grown, so has the research seeking to explain this behavior. Much of this research has focused upon the role of family and peer influence. After a brief review of the theories which support either the greater impact of family or peer influence on adolescent behavior, a more specific review of the literature concerning the role of these influences on adolescent drug use is presented. The outline of this presentation is derived from Kandel's theory of stages of drug use. Finally, a summary of research findings and specific suggestions for future research are made.Earlier versions of this paper were presented at the National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Analysis and Utilization Review, Drug Abuse and the American Adolescent, September 1980, Rockville, Md.; and at the 88th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, September 1980, Montreal. Conclusions drawn are not necessarily those of the National Institute on Drug Abuse.Received an M.S. degree in communication research from the Boston University School of Public Communication, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in social and community psychology from Catholic University in Washington, D.C. Major current interests are the role of the family in the drug use of one or more of its members, drug abuse policy research, and social ecological research approaches to the study of drug use.  相似文献   

Inner City Youth and Drug Dealing: A Review of the Problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reviewed existing literature on drug dealing and inner city adolescents that underscores a serious and worsening problem. Around one in six urban adolescents have had some involvement in drug dealing, with rates even higher for African-American males over 16. For inner city teenagers, there are a range of problems associated with drug dealing, including juvenile arrest, involvement in violence (as victims and perpetrators), substance abuse, behavioral and emotional difficulties, academic failure and dropout. In terms of etiology, three influences have received the most attention: family dysfunction, economic factors, and perceptions of drug dealing that promote involvement in it. In general, there is limited recognition of the severity of the problem of drug dealing and inner city adolescents, corresponding to an almost total lack of efforts to prevent or address it. Efforts are needed at individual, family, group, school, community, and mass media levels to address this serious and escalating problem.  相似文献   

The Female Imagination, by Patricia Meyer Spacks. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1975, $10.

Feminine Consciousness in the Modern British Novel, by Sydney Janet Kaplan. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1975, $7.95.  相似文献   

伴随着生产方式的转变,政府管理方式也发生了相应的巨大变革。二战以后,西方社会一直沿用的传统公共行政模式不断遭受机构臃肿和效率低下的讥讽。撒切尔时代的"私有化"改革掀起了新公共管理运动的大幕,企业家精神注入公共管理领域成为各国政府行政改革的基本思路。20世纪末叶同样发端于英伦三岛的协同政府改革,掀起了后现代社会的政府改革浪潮,这一改革被称为整体政府改革。  相似文献   

This paper explores the political processes that activists engaged in contesting land grabbing have triggered to connect claims across borders and to international institutions, regimes and processes. Through a review of cases of land-grab resistance that have led to project cancelation or suspension, I argue that contextual elements of the land grab and shifting geopolitics highlight the need for adaptation and refinement of models of transnational advocacy, historically structured in North–South patterns. For example, while some elements of the boomerang pattern of transnational advocacy are still relevant, changing realities call for new empirically enriched models. To this end, I outline two typologies of political contention that can help us conceptualize multi-scalar interactions between activists to demonstrate the impact of local resistances at larger scales – ‘the catapult effect’ and the ‘minefield effect’. This paper contributes to calls for further theorization to understand how feedback processes between international discourses, meso-politics and conflicts and resistance at local sites of production impact the implementation of contested land deals.  相似文献   

构建社会主义和谐社会,不仅要准确把握市民社会各阶层的分布与发展状况,还要精确分析社会体系中各阶层之间的受力关系。熟知整个市民社会在经济、政治领域内的层状特征,把握其分布与运动规律,对于缓和层级矛盾、消除层级隔阂、减小层级差异并最终消灭层级结构都具有重要的意义。和谐社会的建设过程,也是在发展中不断深入认识市民社会的过程,在不断取得实践成效的同时,也在不断完善新型市民社会建设的理论体系。  相似文献   

近年来,许多研究者开始关注集体离职研究,出现了大量探讨其群体过程机制的实证研究并建 立了相关理论模型,这对于揭示集体离职的规律以及防范集体离职具有重要意义。本研究通过文献综述,把以 往集体离职过程研究的路径归纳为影响因素与影响过程路径、群体互动过程路径、决策机制路径,并对相关研 究进行了评述。未来研究应继续深入考察集体离职的过程机制,尤其是连带性离职中的过程机制以及引导和干 预集体离职意向的对策研究。  相似文献   

The historical nature of Southern slavery and of the social relations established after its abolition have for a long time been a source of heated debate among American historians. During the last decades, historians have tended to divide into two camps: neoclassical economic historians, who identify slavery and sharecropping with capitalism, and social historians, more or less influenced by Marxism, who define them correctly as pre‐capitalist social relations. Yet the contributions of the social historians have been marred by their empiricist approach and by their reluctance to avail themselves of the theoretical tools provided by classical and Marxist political economy. This work examines Southern slavery and sharecropping in the light of the studies of the European Marxists on ancient slavery and of the works of the classical political economists and Marx on French metayage. This comparison reveals the pre‐capitalist though combined character of plantation slavery, and at the same time shows that the social relations established in the South after the abolition of slavery were, due to the defeat of the Radical Republicans’ plans for agrarian reform, akin to the social relations established in Europe during the age of transition from feudalism to capitalism. The result of these backward relations of production was to retard for a long time the economic development of the South, where the transition to capitalism took place from above’ (that is, through a compromise between the bourgeoisie and a pre‐capitalist class of landowners) in the most painful possible way for the working masses, and at the same time to sustain a system of oppression and discrimination against the black population which reinforced the racist prejudices born of slavery among whites — thus further weakening a working class already divided between immigrants and native white Americans, and strengthening the conservatism of American political life.  相似文献   

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