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Self-reported depressive experiences are common among university students. However, most studies assessing depression in university students are cross-sectional, limiting our understanding of when in the academic year risk for depression is greatest and when interventions may be most needed. We examined within-person change in depressive symptoms from September to April. Study 1 (N?=?198; 57% female; 72% white; Mage?=?18.4): Depressive symptoms rose from September, peaked in December, and fell across the second semester. The rise in depressive symptoms was associated with higher perceived stress in December. Study 2 (N?=?267; 78.7% female; 67.87% white; Mage?=?21.25): Depressive symptoms peaked in December and covaried within persons with perceived stress and academic demands. The results have implications for understanding when and for whom there is increased risk for depressive experiences among university students.  相似文献   

This article is an attempt to bring together knowledge about the Norwegian prostitution market, public debates on prostitution and prostitution laws and regulation in order to explore the processes whereby the prostitution setting is constituted. Norway has been the site of changes in the ways female prostitution takes place, changes that are being experienced by the women involved due to a growth in indoor prostitution. These changes seem to have been produced by, and to take part in, the production of new images of prostitutes and new means of prostitution control.  相似文献   

The years after 1900 saw the emergence of the “neo‐populist” tradition as a leading tendency of economic thought in the study of the Russian peasantry. By the 1920s Aleksandr Vasil'evich Chayanov had become one of the most influential spokesmen of this tradition. His school was dispersed in 1930. But in the Western study of modern peasantries, his work is once more increasingly influential. The article considers Chayanov's place in the development of economic thought and of political controversy, and tries to locate this in the context of the history of the Russian peasantry itself. Problems and theories in the allocation of labour supplies are particularly examined. Finally, we raise the question of ideology in economic thought.  相似文献   

This essay explores the relationships between labour and community formation in order to think through how, where, and when diasporic solidarities are imagined or refused. I draw on ethnographic research among Jamaican women contracted for seasonal work in US hotels to situate diasporic calls and responses in relation to specific contexts and a changing global political economy. I show how global geopolitical shifts not only shape the processes of identity formation and social reproduction, but also condition the perpetuation of notions of nationalized racial hierarchies and ideologies of progress. I also show that hotel workers' notions of ‘America’ and their commitment to the ‘American Dream’ shapes their subjectivities as migrant workers/consumers and, in their assessment, differentiates them from African-Americans, particularly those most immediately affected by Hurricane Katrina. In doing so, I demonstrate that one of the ideological hegemonies of diaspora is the idea that an individual's capacity to affect their own social mobility and that of their social network always outstrips the ‘locals’ in diasporic elsewheres.  相似文献   

中国共产党诞生80年来,坚持把马克思主义建党理论与中国共产主义运动相结合,取得了举世瞩目的成就.以江泽民为核心的第三代中央领导集体,承前启后,继往开来,进一步丰富和发展了马克思主义建党理论,形成了比较完整的党建理论体系,为无产阶级政党走向新的胜利奠定了坚实的理论基础.  相似文献   

根据现阶段我国基层工会所做的"准职工社会工作"的特点,在我国总体性社会向非总体性社会转型过程中,以工会为依托,发展帮助职工解决其工作和生活中各种问题的职工社会工作是有必要及可能性的.  相似文献   

我国经济发展处于新旧动能交替期,一方面以大数据、信息技术和人工智能为动能的数字经济持续上行,另一方面以劳动力和资源要素为驱动的传统经济缓慢下行。而我国新增就业数量还依然有所上升。即使存在统计性问题,这一现象仍说明技术进步对就业的影响已经发生转变,这种转变可能来自数字经济发展缓冲了传统经济下行期的失业风险,也可能来自未来的工作内容与工作方式的转变。为此,本文沿着相关文献的路径,结合此次数字化特征对技术进步影响工作岗位的机制进行分析,探究数字经济与未来工作的可能,在此基础上提出未来劳动力市场可能面临的风险,并提出包容性治理的政策建议。  相似文献   

在中国学术界,关于过度劳动的研究大多关注当下。本文以历史发展的视角审视人类过度劳动问题,分析过度劳动的过去、现在与未来。为此,本文建立了过度劳动形成的理论模型,在此基础上解释人类社会自工业化以来,在最初阶段过度劳动普遍比较严重,之后随着消费品产出的不断增加,资本的积累和技术的不断进步,工作时间不断减少,过度劳动趋于缓和,这一观点得到数据的支持。可以预见在不久的将来,体力劳动将大幅被取代,工作时间也将进一步减少。由此,过度的体力劳动将成为历史。未来的产业竞争将更多地表现为设计和管理人工智能人才之间的竞争,过度劳动将主要成为这一群体的问题。  相似文献   

In Finland and Poland, a total of 352 (192 boys and 160 girls) 17-year-old general secondary and vocational school students participated in a study investigating their anticipated transition to adulthood. In times of large sociohistorical change in both countries, Finland (economic depression) and Poland (change from socialism to market economy), we investigated to what extent those changes were reflected in the students' probability estimations (for potential goal attainment in three future life domains; education, occupation and family life), generational comparison (attaining a life different from the life of parents), future time extension (for anticipated events in those life domains), and self-evaluations (self-esteem and control over future). The results showed that girls in both countries expressed a higher level of probability for success in education than boys did. As expected, vocational school students in both countries expressed a lower probability of success in future occupation than general secondary school students did. General secondary school students from both countries expressed higher levels of self-esteem and control over future than vocational school students did. Unexpectedly, no differences between boys' and girls' probability estimations for family life were found, in either country. However, girls from both countries anticipated an earlier and more rapid transition to adulthood than boys did, thus reflecting social time tables. The results suggested that the educational track remains a significant stratifying factor in times of societal change in both countries.  相似文献   

This article explores the transitional decade of the 1970s in the history of the southwestern state of Kerala, India, through the films and novels of M.T. Vasudevan Nair, arguably the most important litterateur in Kerala today. After the historic election of a Communist ministry to power in 1957, Kerala then stepped gingerly back from a radical politics and moved towards a restitution of an older masculine, agrarian order. By looking at the shifts in politics and the social order simultaneously with the progression of Vasudevan Nair's own filmic sensibility, the article raises the question of whether historical time and filmic time can be easily mapped on to each other.  相似文献   

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