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On the basis of empirical evidence from the princely states of Rajasthan, it is argued here that Subaltern Studies discourse about peasants and peasant movements in colonial India is seriously flawed, mainly due to its symptomatic underestimation of the significance of land relations. A close scrutiny of its epistemological assumptions reveals that Subaltern Studies is elite (Brahmanical-bourgeois) ideology and revisionist historiography (anticipated by contemporary conservative historians of the French Revolution). Its claim to reconcile epistemologically irreconciliable positions is intellectually unsustainable.  相似文献   

新生代务工人员最基本特征是"追求个人发展"。而"追求个人发展"与现行"限制个人发展"的体制发生剧烈冲突。"限制个人发展"体制的转型是必然的。  相似文献   

Marxist theories of peasant revolt have identified different strata within the peasantry that adopt widely varying roles in rural conflict. However, a complex interplay of class and primordial factors has been identified in studies of Pakistani Punjab, where in a unique revolt beginning in 2000, peasants cultivating not private but public land have engaged in a widespread civil disobedience campaign against the state. This group of tenant farmers is sociologically distinct from the poor peasantry of most Marxist studies, and it is argued here that the revolt can be better understood as a grassroots mobilisation that was an effect of tenure relations combined with notions of community.  相似文献   

Like peasant populations in many areas of the world, the Aymara of southern Peru have been subjected to a variety of social, political and economic pressures that have radically altered relations of production and exchange. However, in spite of being altered, precapitalist social relations persist in juxtaposition with increased participation in the expanding capitalist economy. By comparing the average return to labour power in subsistence production with the return associated with participation in the capitalist economy, this article highlights some of the relationships that exist between capitalist and pre‐capitalist production, and seeks to offer a partial explanation for an arrested transition to capitalism.  相似文献   

网络环境下数字化出版势不可挡,高职成高学报要想实现数字化出版首先要解决好技术性问题、标准化问题和版权问题.转变传统出版业的固有观念,培养一支具有网络意识、创新思维,同时熟悉数字出版相关法律法规的编辑团队是实现这一目标的首要途径.  相似文献   

农民合同工、劳务工的大量出现,是我国城市化、现代化的一个必然趋势.由于各工业企业经营绩效、文化背景、用工政策和管理方式等方面的差异,因而在农民合同工、劳务工的劳动用工、福利待遇、参加工会等方面存在的问题也参差不齐.要推进工业化和现代化,就必须在政治上、经济上和精神文化利益上对农民工、劳务工采取有效的维权措施,以维护工人阶级队伍的团结统一.  相似文献   

北京市总工会为充分发挥工会"大学校"作用,切实维护农民工各项权益,促进农民工就业,在依托首都职工素质教育工程平台开展"农民工援助行动"专项培训的同时,联合北京市商务委员会、北京市财政局组织开展"家政服务工程"培训。从建立统筹协调的组织结构,构建完备严谨的管理体系,推行科学规范的运作流程,确立"五统一"的教学模式,实施跟踪督导的检查机制等各方面进行积极探索,逐步形成了"工会组织,培训站点实施,企业配合,政府监管"的运行方式。  相似文献   

The Stolypin reforms in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century are usually understood as a revolutionary attempt to destroy the peasantry and peasant culture through legal coercion; in fact, they were a more moderate attempt to encourage change through voluntary procedures. In terms of both the numbers of peasants embracing them and their social impact, the reforms were also more successful than has traditionally been acknowledged. A key reason for their success was the synergistic relationship between the reform process and the deepening marketization of rural and urban economic environments in conjunction with the peasants' increasing willingness to adapt to and take advantage of the new opportunities these processes created. The reforms' positive outcomes contrast sharply with the results of current reforms in Russia and highlight the critical role of market supporting institutions in creating a supportive environment.  相似文献   

贯彻胡锦涛总书记关于农民工的重要批示精神,辽宁省总工会对农民工权益问题进行了专题调研。工会组织要承担起维护农民工合法权益这一职责,就要把握农民工的规律性特点,科学界定农民工的阶级属性,客观评价农民工的历史性贡献,掌握农民工权益维护中存在的问题和原因,采取切实可行的维权举措,从建设和谐社会的高度重视农民工权益维护问题。  相似文献   

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