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最近,浙江省宁波市以慈溪市为试点,制定了“十百千”培育计划,以大力推进“创二代”培育工程。  相似文献   

Wan Zhengwen was born in 1951 in Fanpai Village of Taijiang County in Guizhou Province. Having learned the Wooden Drum Dance from a young age, he set ut) the Fanpai Village Wooden Drum Dance troupe at the beginning of the 1980s. He has led the ensemble ever since, putting on shows around China and abroad, and winning much praise from audiences. The "dancing king" of the Miao ethnic group has been named a national inheritor of the Wooden Drum Dance, which is now recognized as part of China's intangible cultural heritage.  相似文献   

新修订的《宁波市献血条例》经浙江省十一届人大常委会第三十六次会议批准,于近日实施。《条例》在全国率先立法为无偿献血者提供意外保险,率先将自体输血纳入医保,并建立了献血宣传、献血者关爱激励和血液应急保障等一系列有效机制。  相似文献   

随着云南省代表团到老挝的友好访问,代表团所到之处,掀起了一股"云南热".中国驻老挝大使潘广学对云南与老挝的友好交往与互利共赢的合作给予了很高的评价:  相似文献   

进化 《今日浙江》2008,(4):52-52
进化镇是萧山区的区域大镇、人口大镇、资源大镇,是浙江省历史文化名镇,有“青梅之乡”之美誉,蕴藏着巨大的发展潜力和活力。近年来,该镇党委政府依托其独特的生态优势,努力打造进化生态文明的金名片,在立足生态、做美环境上动足了脑子、下足了功夫。  相似文献   

萧荣  万吉良  陈勇 《今日浙江》2006,(23):32-34
1999年底宁海县被列为宁波市第一个全国生态示范区,2006年一、二、三产资源共享混合型循环经济模式被国务院定为全国县域循环经济五大模式之一  相似文献   

388 Billion KWH The State Electricity Regulatory Commission disclosed that in the rst half of this year China consumed 388 billion KWH of electricity generated from clean energy, accounting for 16.9 percent of power in the state grid,  相似文献   

张正逸 《中国保安》2012,(21):44-47
浙江宁波安邦护卫有限公司组建于2006年底,2007年7月20日正式运行。多年来,在宁波市公安局党委、浙江省安邙护卫有限公司的有力领导和全市银行业金融机构的支持帮助下,根据省公安厅、市公安局关于金融守押社会化工作“起步晚、起点高、发展快”的总体部署,以服务金融体制改革,维护金融治安秩序安全稳定为己任,明确“促稳定、保安全、求发展、刨品牌”工作思路,艰苦奋斗、锐意进取,  相似文献   

2月6日,2009年全国救灾减灾工作会议在浙江省宁波市召开.会议的主要任务是贯彻落实全国民政工作会议和全国救灾救助工作会议精神,研究落实两次会议精神的措施,部署2009年救灾减灾工作.民政部副部长罗平飞、浙江省副省长陈加元等出席了会议. 在回顾2008年的救灾减灾工作时,罗平飞概括为"三大突破"和"六个提升": 一是救灾政策取得重大突破.在应对两场巨灾过程中,首次将铁路、公路滞留人员和城市被困人员纳入救灾工作范畴,累计救助655.5万人次:首次实施汶川地震遇难人员家庭抚慰项目,按照每遇难一人5000元的标准向家属发放抚慰金:首  相似文献   

上海世博会将于2010年5月1日至10月31日在中国东部城市上海举行。距离开幕日期只有不到一年的时间,已经有238个国家和国际组织确认参会,世博会的各项筹备工作正在按计划有条不紊地进行。  相似文献   

Saving a Species     
正Efforts to rescue endangered species in Yunnan have paid off Acer yangbiense,a critically endangered maple tree unique to Yangbi County in Yunnan Province,has grown from four when it was first discovered in 2002 to tens of thousands through years of conservation efforts.  相似文献   

<正>A painting by Qi Baishi sets a new world auction record for modern and contemporary painting and calligraphy On May 22,the China Guardian Spring Auction witnessed a new auction record of modern and contemporary painting and calligraphy.During this auction themed Grand View:Chinese Paintings Highlight,a painting by China’s prestigious painter Qi Baishi(1864-1957)was auctioned off at 425.5 million yuan($65.46 million).  相似文献   

<正>Uninhabited islands are up for development in China Adream of owning an island can become a reality in today’s China. On April 12, the country’s State Oceanic Administration (SOA)  相似文献   

社区警务作为一种全新的公安民警服务理念,它要求公安机关为社区提供优质、高效的服务。为此,面向社区的基层公安机关不得不思考警务活动的成本问题。文章正是通过对一项社区警务活动的成本分析入手,为警务管理工作提供选择的方案,从而为提高警务工作的效率提出有益的建言。  相似文献   

When Charles Kuen Kao, former president of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and pioneer of fiber optic telecommunications, was bestowed with a Nobel Prize in physics at the age of 76 in 2009,he could scarcely recall the details of the fiber optics technology he had helped develop.  相似文献   

January 1,2019 marked the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.Looking back,former U.S.President Jimmy Carter once told Li Qiangmin,Chinese Consul General in Houston,that the most correct thing he had done during his presidential tenure from 1977 to 1981 .was normalizing U.S.China relations.The decision changed China,the United States,and the world,Carter said.  相似文献   

China takes actions to cut species losses in the International Year of Biodiversity  相似文献   

Saving Food     
正International conference calls for global efforts to reduce food loss Cui Chengxin, head of a rural cooperative in east China, estimated his cooperative had managed to reduce its grain loss rate from 4 to 1.5 percent by using machineries to harvest the crops.  相似文献   

Saving Face     
正Facial recognition is omnipresent in China’s everyday life, used for purposes from mobile payments to compound entrance. With the broader application of the technology, related disputes, too, are on the rise.  相似文献   

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