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Efficacy of gel chromatography for purification of extracts from cadaveric material containing beta-adrenoblockers was shown in model tests. Distribution curves and chromatographic features of beta-adrenoblockers obtained on hydrophilic and lipophilic-hydrophilic Sephadex were studied.  相似文献   

The developed gas-liquid chromatographic procedure for forensic chemical detection and measurement of phoxim in cadaveric material permits the detection in 25 g of an organ of 44 to 52% of added phoxim. The threshold of phoxim measurement in 100 g of the liver is 0.04 mg, the least volume of phoxim detectable being 0.02 g. The developed gas-liquid chromatographic technique should be used as an additional method together with thin-layer chromatography, for a more objective evaluation of the results of forensic chemical analysis of cadaveric material for phoxim.  相似文献   

The preservation of alkyl dinitrophenol compounds in corpse liver tissue was under study. The content of these compounds was assessed after various periods of the corpse storage.  相似文献   

Acetylene traces were detected by gas chromatography in the cadaveric right crural muscle of a 30-year-old man dead from an explosion of an acetylene reservoir at a plant. Acetylene was identified using the absolute calibration method on 3 standard gas chromatographic columns, reaction gas chromatography, and acetylene "deduction" by silver sulfate on silicagel.  相似文献   

Method of gas-chromatographic detection of anti-parkinsonism substances (amedine, amysile, dinesine, midantane, tropazine and cyclodole) isolated from the cadaveric material is suggested. Conditions for separation of anti-parkinsonism substances when they are all present in the cadaveric material are developed.  相似文献   

To optimize conditions of tiapride isolation from cadaveric organs, we compared the results of conventional methods by Stas-Otto, A.A. Vasilyeva and V.F. Kramarenko which provide tiapride isolation up to 50% and a new precise and reproducible method providing 60 +/- 2% tiapride isolation. Identification of tiapride isolated from cadaveric material was made with thin-layer chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography. The latter assay employed the method of external standard. The original techniques proposed identify and measure tiapride in hepatic samples in the presence of unidentified endogenic compounds. The techniques are rapid, selective, sensitive and reproducible.  相似文献   

Alkylphenylcyclohexylcarboxylic acid was found to be an efficient extractant to extract molybdenum from the cadaveric material. Method suggested is simple enough for use and doesn't require considerable amounts of chemical reagents.  相似文献   

The authors consider that the list of drugs and narcotics which can be reliably identified in a general forensic chemical analysis of cadaveric material (not a purposeful screening) should be changed. Isolation by acidified water, hydrochloric acid hydrolysis, and by acetonitrile should be used for isolation of drugs and narcotic compounds in forensic chemical analysis of cadaveric material.  相似文献   

The authors developed a method of malathion insecticide determination in the cadaveric material (blood and wall of the stomach) including extraction of 5 ml of blood (5 g of fragmented tissue of stomach wall) by hexan; preparative chromatographic purification of extract on silicagel layer L 5/40 mkm in hexan-diethyl ether system 10:2; Gas-liquid chromatographic investigation on column with 5% SE-30 and 5% XE-60 (Chromatograph "Colour-106" with thermionic detector). This method makes it possible to detect 72-76% of malathion added.  相似文献   

Duration of preservation of methanol in cadaveric material at 20 +/- 3 degrees C during 4-13 months was studied on 19 model and expert objects of cadaveric material (muscle tissue, kidney, blood, urine). Exponential relationship between methanol concentration and duration of storage of the object was detected. Methanol concentration decreased by 30-70% during the first weeks, after which the process decelerated to 5-10% a month. Toxicologically significant concentrations of endogenous methanol were not revealed in any case.  相似文献   

Methods of trasodone isolation from cadaveric material by water and acetonitrile at pH-2.0, which may be used in expert practice, were developed. Acetonitrile method is recommended for everyday practice as it allows one to isolate about 60% of trasodone and to obtain extracts with lower content of extractive substances. Detection limit in case of trasodone isolation by acidified water is 50 micrograms in 25 g of the liver and by acetonitrile--25 micrograms in 25 g of the liver and kidney.  相似文献   

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