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通过对7省34村的质性访谈而获得的1980-2009年间604例农民自杀死亡案例的数据分析,本文认为当前农村自杀率仍呈显著上升态势。青年人自杀率的显著下降与老年人自杀率的急速上升并行不悖地运行于当下农村,青年女性自杀率的显著下降拉低了青年人整体自杀率并使之向下运行,然而,老年人自杀率的急速上升则拉升了农村的整体自杀率并使之向上运行。分析指出,决定这种复杂形貌的因素并非农村女性的迁移所导致,而是由于代际关系变动与离婚加速兴起所造成。其背后更为深刻的机制则表明,当前农村自杀率的复杂变化是现代性持续地侵蚀农村的产物。  相似文献   

论农民土地权利及其救济   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农民拥有事实上的土地权利始于家庭承包制,但直到2002年颁布《土地承包法》,农民的土地权利才得到法律确认。实际中,农民享有土地权利的现状不容乐观,现行农地制度安排不利于对农民土地权利的保护,农民寻求权利救济相当艰难。农村承包地不仅是农民基本的生产资料,更是农民基本的生存保障,只有真正落实农民的土地权利,才能为广大农村社会奠定稳定的基石,其核心要求是在农村土地国有制的基础上,赋予农民土地永佃权,同时加强和完善权利救济机制。  相似文献   

李川 《理论探索》2023,(2):16-25
为他人强行防卫等正当防卫适用中的认定争议,体现出探究正当防卫法哲学理据的必要价值。就正当防卫权利保护理据的两种论理路径而言,主张权利义务平衡关系的主观权利论比主张自然状态自助的例外私力救济论更具合理性,但仍然无法说明为国家与公共利益防卫等防卫形式的正当性。法秩序维护理据虽然在超个体的秩序法益基础上说明了为公法益防卫的正当性,但其抽象论证法秩序的逻辑导致内涵空洞化、个体手段化、效果附随化的适用困境。而综合权利保护与法秩序维护的二元论虽然说明力更强,但隐含着将权利与秩序对等并立的立场预设,从而错置二者层级关系,造成论证逻辑同义反复或内在矛盾的问题。正当防卫的实质根据应在权利保护理据前提下,补充社会连带作为正当防卫的全面理据,并在此基础上通过法容许规范衍生防卫权作为正当防卫的直接依据。  相似文献   

戚如强 《理论导刊》2007,3(10):81-83
建设社会主义新农村的关键是新农民,新农民不仅要"有文化、懂技术、会经营",更重要的是新农民应该是一个"权利"公民,有权利意识并被赋予权利。在多维的权利构成中,平等的政治参与权、保障人格独立的产权和社会生活的自由选择权是农民权利的基本方面。作为权利的制度供给者,政府应该提高权利认识,做好农民权利的界定和保护。  相似文献   

城市化于外在看是一种经济现象,究其质里则是政治在城市的空间投射,隐藏着权力与权利的张力逻辑。如何正确看待城市化进程中的异化问题与实现城市治理的社会回归,呼吁城市政治学的理论阐释。遵循权力与权利的博弈逻辑,西方城市政治研究经历了精英论与多元论、增长机器论与城市机制论、公共选择论与新区域主义论等流派,成为解构西方城市政治现象的理论工具。在借鉴国外有益研究成果的基础上,我国城市政治研究开始了本土化创新,当前聚焦于城市空间政治、城市权力与权利、城市政治结构、城市抗争运动等多维论域,初步回应了城市化进程的理论诉求,也提出了中国城市政治学的建构愿景。  相似文献   

刘宇 《学理论》2012,(3):32-33
近代西方自然法的自然权利转向并非历史的基因突变,它是人类生存方式重大变革在观念上的反映。前现代社会是一种"群体本位"的社会形态,自然法从总体上表现为自然义务,现代社会实现了"个体本位"的转变,实践语境的量变反映在理论语境中就是自然权利胚胎的孕育,自然权利最终分娩而出。  相似文献   

在公务员制度中,公务员的权利与义务是对等的。但是,在现实生活中,公务员权利与义务的享有、履行却不对等。通过对中外公务员的义务进行比较,提出“公务员义务本位”理念及其法制化的途径在于:在公务员法的立法中体现公务员义务本位理念;通过制定各级各类公务员的行为准则和工作规程体现公务员义务本位理念;建立公务员义务本位的监督体系;通过公务员录用、上岗、培训、晋升、奖惩、退休待遇等各个环节体现公务员义务本位。  相似文献   

近年来,我国自杀人口数的总体情况正在下降,但是老年人的自杀率却居高不下,尤其农村老年人的自杀率一直是自杀人口中比例最大的。而京山县的老年人自杀也是同类自杀情况中较为严重的,这与当地的伦理规范、代际关系等有着密切的联系,道德的衰败是导致老年人自杀的重要原因,现代性的入侵与老年人伦理观的矛盾,导致老年人与年轻子女之间的交流沟通产生了巨大的冲突,这种关系一旦超出了老年人心理承受的极限就极易引起老年人的自杀行为,本文站在伦理学的视角,对京山县老年人自杀的情况从道德伦理方面角度着重分析。  相似文献   

感恩教育是一种基于伦理本位之上,以义务论为优先的社会教育模式,它的本质在某种程度上来说是德性论。而以西方资本主义社会为代表的现代社会建构是基于权利本位,以契约论为建构基础的。尤其是在现代语境下,资本主义精神中的理性成分已经升至顶峰,并带来了现代性危机。本文认为感恩教育的实施有助于消除理性危机,平衡因律法主义带来的公德对私德的挤压,更有助于社会主义和谐社会建设。  相似文献   

中华法系是以义务承担为核心组织起来的,是义务本位的典型范式。权利本位和义务本位这两种法律思想和范式,对当代人类所遭遇和面临的问题所产生的影响是不同的。某些法律部门,如环境法应该是义务本位的,而非权利本位。环境法的义务本位之回归,对于达成人与自然的和谐,贯彻科学发展观具有深远意义。人权法的义务本位,意味着国家要承担保障人权的义务,这正是今天作为人权保护主要法律渊源的国际公约强调的重点。以上正是中华法系义务本位、和谐理念的当代价值之所在的二例。  相似文献   

This article argues for the importance of attention to intergenerational relations in understanding the conditions for access to citizenship rights and recognition for non-heterosexual people. The case of Italy, where individual entitlements and responsibilities are largely structured around intergenerational dependence, underlines the salience of intergenerational relations in relation to sexual citizenship. Drawing on a study of the families of origin of self-identified young gay men and lesbians carried out in Italy, this article explores how access to citizenship rights and the construction of the identities that can claim recognition are mediated by processes of mutual disclosure and negotiation within families. Beyond a shared notion of family ties as defined by unconditional love, a diversity of narratives are detected, linked to differences in gender, class and family cultures. It is especially when family narratives are informed by the middle-class ideology of the democratic family as a space for the development of authentic selves that access to rights becomes conditional upon compliance with the obligations of a ‘good child’, and the conditions for the reproduction of heteronormative citizenship are set.  相似文献   

“三权分置”是中央农村土地制度改革的重大决策部署。《民法典(草案)》近日公开征求意见,将于2020年3月提交全国人大审议通过。其在“物权编”简单移植了《农村土地承包法》土地经营权的个别条文,解决了土地经营权定性不明的问题,但使《农村土地承包法》的逻辑紊乱、利益失衡、无法放活经营权等问题进一步固化、显化,亟待作出实质性修改。其进一步修改应以实现“放活经营权”改革目标为基本遵循,坚守“物债二分”基本理论,充分尊重中国实际,切实维护农民利益。  相似文献   

农民收入增长缓慢是上世纪九十年代以来我国经济快速发展过程中出现的现象。本文通过一个案例来解读农民收入增长缓慢的原因,农民收入增长缓慢问题与工业化和市场化密切相关,"三农问题"可以被解读为工业化和市场化进程中的一种过渡现象,是工业化和市场化双重挤压的结果,这一问题的解决也依赖于工业化的完成和市场化的充分展开。无论是劳动力结构方面的原因,还是工农比较利益变化的原因",民工荒"要求我们反思目前的政府支农政策。  相似文献   

Ideally, governing institutions would be designed so that they would produce and implement with certainty ‘human rights-compatible budgets’, i.e. budgets that adequately reflect the obligations enshrined in human rights. However, there are various reasons why a government may ultimately fail to produce such budgets. This article focuses on under-examined challenges for budgeting for human rights: epistemically oriented challenges. More specifically, the article engages in ‘horizon scanning’, and it maps key underlying factors that can be conducive to epistemically oriented challenges to produce and implement human rights-compatible budgets. In addition, the article considers the road ahead from the perspective of institutional design.  相似文献   

在社会发展的过程中,民生保障始终是重要的社会任务。近年来,民生权作为一项新型权利被提出后,在理论界和实务界都受到了一定关注。然而,由于民生权保护的利益并不同于具体的法律权利和宪法权利,因此当民生权作为一项具体权利在适用过程中,就会面临权利定性、权利行使范围以及义务责任主体等方面的具体问题。对于民生权的性质并不应当片面理解为一种宪法权利,更不是一项部门法上的单独权利,它的运行和落实需要通过与部门法规则的衔接来实现,对民生权的适用需要加以相应限制条件,并应明确国家是民生权当然的义务主体,法人、其他组织在有规定的情况下也会承担相应的民生权义务,而个人决不能被认定为民生权义务主体,否则就会造成民生权滥用和法律规则适用的混乱。  相似文献   

Environmental human rights and intergenerational justice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
What do the living owe those who come after them? It is a question nonsensical to some and unanswerable to others, yet tantalizing in its persistence especially among environmentalists. This article makes a new start on the topic of intergenerational justice by bringing together human rights and environmental justice arguments in a novel way that lays the groundwork for a theory of intergenerational environmental justice based in the human rights to clean air, water, and soil. Three issues foundational to such a theory are explored here. First is the broad question of whether justice is applicable to future (or past) generations in any real sense, or do such issues fall under the rubric of superogation. Second, can environmental goods properly be contained in a theory of distributive justice at all, since, superficially at least, they seem different in kind than the usual objects of justice? I will discuss them as “emergent” goods in fact central to contemporary justice distributions. Third, what is the relationship of justice to rights, and how can environmental human rights be included in justice distributions?  相似文献   

关于家庭代际关系的研究有两种不同的路径:文化的路径将观念的变化作为家庭代际关系变化的首要因素;结构的路径则将诸多关于家庭代际关系的思想作为一种衍生物,将结构安排的变化作为家庭代际关系变化的首要因素。本文通过对辽宁省F村征地与搬迁后的家庭代际关系进行考察,在个案研究中检验了上述两种研究路径的解释力。本文认为,结构因素的改变在农村家庭代际关系的改变中是首要因素,但是结构因素通过文化因素发挥作用。  相似文献   

This article considers the problem of extraterritorial human rights violations committed by transnational corporations (TNCs), and draws on Crouch's framework in Post‐democracy to illustrate why the issue has proved so difficult for states to regulate. I begin by examining the problem of corporate regulation more generally, and set out Crouch's analysis to show why and how corporations have become so influential. The second section considers the area of business and human rights, and explains why there is ‘a governance gap’ in relation to extraterritorial human rights violations committed by corporations. The third section describes efforts at the international and domestic levels to regulate corporations in relation to this issue. It concludes that while new international principles and innovative hybrid schemes are playing a valuable role in norm creation and standard‐setting, the enforcement of these principles remains limited. Corporations have largely succeeded to date in their lobbying efforts to remain free of any direct obligations under international law.  相似文献   

Liberal citizenship has been seen as posing a dilemma for feminists. Either women are taken to be equal to men, in which case their specific capacities as women are unrecognised and their citizenship is substantively unequal; or else women are taken to be different, with the consequent risk that the rights citizenship allows and the obligations it imposes will again be substantively unequal. On this view, women cannot simply be included in liberal citizenship because the meaning of the liberal public sphere is constructed in opposition to the private sphere of natural feminine care and women's subordination to male heads of household. Using Derridean deconstruction to examine three significant moments in liberalism, this paper argues that the term 'women' is more productively seen as 'undecidable' in this tradition, working both to construct the binary opposition between public and private on which it depends but also to disrupt it. While the feminist critique of liberalism is important to analysing the logic by which women have been positioned outside full citizenship rights, in practice feminists have made some gains by reconfiguring the terms of liberalism around this undecidability. The aim of the paper is to carry out something like a genealogy of contemporary liberalism in order to discern its multiple origins and contingent development; we will then be in a better position to understand the practical possibilities for women's citizenship in Britain today.  相似文献   

本文将集中讨论两大问题:其一涉及到法国社会学大师埃米尔·迪尔凯姆的自杀学说。笔者认为,迪尔凯姆的自杀学说在论及性别问题时带有浓厚的男权主义偏见,他的分析偏移了他所大力提倡的社会事实研究法;其二民国时期京沪两地的青年女性自杀格局。根据笔者的分析,京沪女性的自杀问题在当时非常严重,两性自杀死亡率相近;两地不同年龄段的女性的自杀已遂和未遂事件中女青年所占的比例最高;诱因多是家庭矛盾或情感纠纷。本文意在厘清古典社会学自杀理论的局限,也在将中国近现代的自杀问题纳入到社会性别分析框架中探讨。  相似文献   

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