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韩国的弹劾制度及卢总统弹劾审判案的主要争议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一 序 言2 0 0 4年 5月 13日 ,大部分韩国国民怀着焦急的心情等待着宪法裁判所将在第二天宣告的国会对卢武铉总统提出的弹劾审判案 (以下简称“本弹劾审判案”)的最终决定 ,世界舆论也争先恐后地集中报道其动向。 2 0 0 4年 5月 14日上午 10点 ,宪法裁判所在韩国国民和世界舆论的瞩目下宣告驳回本弹劾审判的决定。由此 ,2 0 0 4年 3月 13日以来备受大部分国民瞩目的本弹劾审判案落下了帷幕 ,卢总统于 3月 13日被停止权限之日起两个月之后恢复了原职。本弹劾审判案作为韩国宪政史上前所未有的事件 ,受到了韩国国民乃至世界舆论的瞩目。在这…  相似文献   

<正>2013年底,运行23年之久的行政诉讼法修法草案首次启动修法之旅。"民告官"再次引起社会关注。近日,记者接到一起"民告官"案的投诉,该案当事人唐富莲反映其在祁东县粮市镇粮市村半边街有一套560多平米的房子,2002年衡阳市在修建近尾洲水电站时因房子被淹没,她与粮市镇签订了淹没补偿合同,但镇政府迟迟不付补偿款,原镇党委书记当面撕毁协议,她与她的代理人遭拘留,她将案件诉至法院,一审胜诉,一审重审时遭遇  相似文献   

神秘学、巫术、魔法背后,是异于理性启蒙的宇宙论、认识论。涩泽龙彦,堪称以暗黑异能见长的小说家。他冷僻博学,又是毫无愧色的博物学者。《黑魔法手帖》让我们对西方文明史有了参照审视。那就是从反向、暗影里去思考文明,从异教巫术、魔法、神秘学的角度反观传统。作家的谱系写作,也显示了一种历史意识。  相似文献   

在海外华人社会中,福州人是一个非常具有特色的次文化群体。在马来西亚砂拉越州的诗巫市,活跃着一群福州人,他们已经在这里生活了几代人,他们在这里生根、开花、结果。长期以来,福州人与当地族群和睦相处,与本地族群一起,为诗巫的发展与繁荣做出了重要贡献。诗巫的福州人堪称海外华人社会的模范。  相似文献   

张毅 《美国研究》2023,(1):35-57+5-6
美国最高法院1973年在“罗诉韦德”案中裁定妇女堕胎权受美国宪法保护,2022年在“多布斯”案中又宣布美国宪法根本没有规定妇女享有堕胎权。同一法院在两案中做出截然不同的判决,原因不是美国宪法相关条款被修订,而是最高法院大法官构成发生了变化。20世纪80年代以来,保守派人士逐渐替代了数位自由派大法官,至2020年则完全掌控了最高法院。这一变化直接导致了最高法院对诸多宪法条款做出了与前不同的解释,涉及领域包括竞选开支、公民投票权、宗教信仰和政教分离、枪支管制、政府监管以及堕胎权等,可以说是完成了一场相当全面的反自由主义的司法革命。根据美国宪法,非民选的司法部门应在一个总的民主框架的制衡下行使自己的权力,近些年来这种制衡力度有明显削弱趋势,出现了所谓“少数票法官”。一方面法院权力上升,另一方面对法院的制衡下降,这种情况已经而且将继续挑战美国现行的宪政制度。  相似文献   

巫统一党独大是马来西亚长期以来政党政治的一大特点 ,但是 1999年末马来西亚第 10次大选却表明这种局面正在发生明显的变化 ,这必将对马来西亚的政局产生深远的影响。本文试从马来西亚政党政治变化入手 ,分析变化的成因 ,并对今后一个时期马来西亚政党政治和政局的发展趋势作一展望。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代末至70年代初,美国欲将钓鱼岛群岛的"施政权"随同琉球群岛"归还"日本。台湾当局通过外交途径与美国交涉,否认琉球主权属日,强调钓鱼岛不属于琉球,应分案处理,然自身所处困境使其在对美交涉中进退两难。美国从自身利益及亚太战略考虑,在此案的处理上偏袒日本,表面采取"中立"立场,实则将钓鱼岛的"行政权"交予日本,为日本实际控制钓鱼岛提供了便利,造成之后中日之间的钓鱼岛纷争,为中日关系埋下隐患。  相似文献   

行政主导型治理的兴起,对现代法治模式影响深远。在其引发的诸多论争中,司法-行政关系的重构问题,颇有重新讨论的必要。过去百余年,在"行政国家"这一新兴治理模式的促动下,美国的司法-行政关系经历了重大变化,其结果之一是在美国行政法领域的司法审查中,法院越来越倾向于尊让行政机构。从1984年"谢弗林案"到2013年"阿灵顿案"的数十年间,司法尊让原则得到了非同以往的显著发展,其规则体系逐渐成形,适用范围不断扩大,以至于被视为一项基础性甚至是准宪法性的原则。而这一原则塑造的背后,是美国司法回应复杂的治理问题,于宪制变局之中探索切实可行的机构主义进路的一场"自我革命"。由此带来的结果是,美国司法审查从机构角色到机构能力都发生了显著变化,而司法权和行政权也在新的关系结构中开辟出一条合作治理之路。审思这一域外法治变革,对于全面辩证地理解现代治理文明转型,进而探讨国家治理现代化语境下中国司法与行政的关系建构问题,具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

武文扬 《美国研究》2020,34(4):115-130
美国总统特朗普自2017年起通过行政命令和宣言的形式颁布了一系列旅行禁令,2020年又在现行有效的三号禁令上新增六个国家,引发国内外争议。这些禁令因涉嫌针对穆斯林为主的国家而受到来自多个州的司法挑战。2018年,美国联邦最高法院在"特朗普诉夏威夷案"(Trump v.Hawaii)中对三号禁令的合法性做出判决,多数意见认为禁令符合《移民和国籍法》授予总统禁止外国公民入境的权力,也符合美国宪法第一条修正案,因其基于国家安全而非宗教敌意做出,满足合理性审查。但法院对审查标准的选择和适用受到质疑,多方批评其没能正视此项"穆斯林禁令"的真实动机。本案充分表明美国总统和行政机构在管理外国公民出入境方面享有极大权力空间,且可能涉及歧视问题。  相似文献   

随着"呼案"再审判决,呼格吉勒图被宣告无罪,舆论由此进入高潮。其实从2005年赵志红归案等重大疑点曝光以来,始终有媒体在跟踪报道,这使得"呼案"一直没有脱离公众的视野。舆论一直质疑着,经不起推敲的证据链是如何促成判决的;舆论一直争辩着,该案到底是不是冤案。呼格吉勒图昭雪,公众舆论从各方面审视"呼案"和法制的运行,随后千...  相似文献   

After a review and brief history of the Arab American community, a detailed overview of the research and writings done on Arabs in the United States is presented, which includes references to two early Arab arrivals to the United States: Estevanico and Hadj Ali (Hi Jolly). These two pioneers are mostly ignored by the Arab American community (as well as researchers on that community) but should be embraced and celebrated. An assessment of the writings on Arab Americans finds that few books and dissertations were written before the 1970s when a surge in interest in this topic became obvious. The concluding section includes sixteen observations and recommendations. Among these is the fact that there has been hardly any research done on the rich materials available in the early Arab American press, as both the Arab American community and researchers on this community have focussed on the present, almost completely ignoring the past and/or possible future planning. This has resulted in the undermining of the main goal of Arabs in the United States to feel and to be viewed as full members of American society and body politic.  相似文献   


“Leaf abscission” is a term used by American military men to designate their chemical war in Viet Nam. The term like its sister word “defoliation,” is meant to suggest that the dumping of herbicides and other chemicals over a tiny piece of land that has also been the victim of the most intense bombing in world history has helped to thin out a few troublesome trees and shrubs while causing no significant damage to anything else at all. On the contrary, the use of herbicides and other chemicals sprayed by the American military in Viet Nam has already caused untold misery to thousands of innocent civilians.  相似文献   


The War against Vietnam has done much to America. It has weakened the economy. It has aggravated social tensions. And it has opened the way for large numbers of Americans to see the racism, the imperialism and the genocide that is so pervasive and yet so deeply buried in American history. By fighting so successfully, the Vietnamese people have helped Americans make a space for revolutionary thought and revolutionary politics in America. While it is true that the American left has been largely unable to take advantage of the widespread discontent that the War has created, there has been a significant erosion in the effectiveness of many American institutions. Central among these institutions is the military. When the values and interests of a ruling class are seriously challenged, its political power does come out of the barrel of a gun; and so the fading effectiveness of the American military is of the deepest concern to America’s “leaders.”  相似文献   


For the American Asian scholar, the research and writing of Philippine history is still in its virginal stages. Both in the United States and in the Philippines itself the study of that history has progressed little deeper than the officially-expressed record, in which the viewpoint of dominant interests has prevailed. Neglected in particular have been the revolutionary forces and movements that have played such a central part in the Philippines for the past century.  相似文献   


Letters in Exile is a real breakthrough in the history of Filipinos in the United States. General Editor Jesse Quinsaat and a number of his colleagues at the UCLA Asian' American Studies Center deserve congratulations for completing an excellent introductory anthology of previously printed materials. There has been a tremendous need for literature on this topic and this first effort is remarkably well done.  相似文献   


The purpose of this brief survey is to clarify the political role of the Vietnamese minority in recent Thai history. The importance of this subject derives from the long-held but unexamined assumption on the part of the Thai ruling classes and, since World War II, U.S. academic ideologues of neo-colonialism, that social revolution is somehow extraneous to Thai history. If it does rear its ugly head—so the thinking goes—it must be the result of transborder subversion and not of factors indigenous to Thai social history. One villain in this piece of wishful thinking—and the principal one since the 1950s—has been the Vietnamese revolutionary movement. The immediate scapegoats have been those militant anti-imperialist Vietnamese who took temporary refuge in Thailand from the destructive effects of French and later American expansion into their homelands. They have long been viewed—and are still seen by the present regime in Bangkok—as virtual “saboteurs,” frontline agents of revolution that would otherwise be alien to “happy” Thailand.  相似文献   


In the December 1973 issue you printed an article by Ms. Luzviminda Francisco in which she attempted to sketch in the “nature of America's policy of aggression, the depth of popular mass resistance to the American forces and the duration of the struggle….” (p. 3) in order to move against “Filipino false consciousness” (p. 2) of the American connection in the history of the Philippines. It is a brief survey and rather well done, although one may quibble about the relationship of excesses (what a tame word compared to the record she presents!) of war and the nature of imperialism as well as implying that there was a “nation,” a “Philippine society,” or a “national struggle” (p. 3) before the late 19th century, at the earliest.  相似文献   

In this article, we argue that the economic and financial crisis that began in Mexico in 2008 has not been primarily caused by the US crisis that began in 2007, as many have argued. As we will show, years of misguided economic policies at the national level have been at the heart of the Mexican crisis. On the one hand, the dominance of foreign banks in the country's financial system and the minimal presence of the public banks have greatly limited the range of counter‐cyclical policy options available to authorities. On the other hand, in the face of the crisis, Mexico has continuously applied deflationary Washington Consensus policies that have deepened the economic contraction. This article will focus on Mexico's individual problems, which offer important lessons for other Latin American countries with a shared recent history of Washington Consensus policies.  相似文献   

罗磊 《东南亚研究》2005,2(1):86-89
家族企业对世界各国经济的贡献以及重要性已经获得了普遍的承认,家族企业的发展成为学术界日益关注的话题.保证企业所有权和控制权的代际平稳过渡是家族企业可持续发展的关键因素之一,对此,美国学术界进行了大量的理论研究.而华人家族企业已经发展到了第二代或第三代,但学术界对华人家族企业传承问题的研究却相对缺乏.本文结合美国家族企业传承问题的相关研究成果,分析了美国家族企业传承规划的实施现状,然后对比了华人家族企业在代际传承中出现的问题,最后对华人家族企业如何建立和完善传承机制提出了具体建议.  相似文献   

虽然美国国内对于大法官在最高法院的司法审查中用自然法和自然权利学说来释宪是否恰当长期存在着争议,但是在美国最高法院的宪法解释和裁决中,自然法作为一种解释方法和论据从未消失过。立国初期,在塑造联邦国家与维护财产权方面,最高法院大量使用了自然法解释;随着19世纪末20世纪初期实体性正当程序的兴起,最高法院利用自然法捍卫自由放任主义和契约自由;20世纪后半叶,随着权利革命的来临及人们对捍卫个人自主性的诉求日益增强,最高法院大法官在涉及个人生活方式的案件中不得不再次使用自然法解释。  相似文献   

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