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Book reviews     
He Bochuan, China on the Edge: The Crisis of Ecology and Development, Berkeley: Pacific View Press, 1991.

Hu Ping, Zai lixiangyu xianshi zhijian (Between Ideal and Reality). Hong Kong: Tianyuan shuwu, 1990.

Hu Ping, Gei wo yige zhidian (Give me a Fulcrum). Taiwan: Lianjing chuban Gongshi, 1988.

Shi Bo, Waimenggu duli neimu (The inside story of Outer Mongolia's independence) (Beijing: Renmin Zhonguo chubanshe, 1993), 479pp, illustrations, maps.

Michael David Kwan, Broken portraits: Personal encounters with Chinese Students, San Francisco: China Books & Periodicals, 1990.

Liang An Guanxi yu Zhongguo Qiantu: Xueshu Yantaohui Lunwenchi (The Taiwan‐Mainland Relationship and the Future of China: Proceedings of a Scholarly Conference), Taipei, Taiwan: Minchu Jijinhui (Democracy foundation), 1992. 390 pages.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Bo Yibo, Ruogan Zhongda Juece yu Shijian de Huigu (Reminiscences on Several Important Decisions and Events), Volume One. Zhonggong Zhongyang Dangxiao Chubanshe, 1991. 566 pp.

Xi Shu‐Guang, Shijie Xinjiegou (The New Structure of the World). Cheng Du: Sichuan People's Publishing House, 1992. 490 pp.

Pei Jianzhang, ed., Yanjiu Zhou Enlai‐Waijiao Sixiang he Shijian (Studies on Zhou Enlai: Diplomatic Thought and Practice), Beijing: Shijie Zhishi Press, 1989, 363pp.

>Ma Hong and Sun Shangqing ed., Zhongguo Jingji xinshi yu zhan wang: jingji baipi shu 1991–1992 (Economic Situation and Prospect of China: White Paper on the National Economy: 1991–1992), Beijing: Zhongguo fazhan chubanshe, 1992. 438+iv pp.

Yan Jia‐qi, Lianbang Zhongguo Gouxiang, (The Conception of a Federal China), Minbao Chuban She, Hong Kong, 1992, 153 pp.

Qi Mo (Xiu Haitao), ed., Xinquanwei zhuyi: duizhongguo weilai minyun de zhenlun (The Neo‐authoritarianism: Debates on China's Future) Taipei: Tangshan, 1991. 333+iv pp.

Li Jiaquan et al, Taiwan Zonglan (General Survey of Taiwan) Beijing: Zhongguo Youyi Publishing Co., 1991.

Zhu Yida, ed., Zhongguo renmin jiefangjun junguan shouche‐haijun fence (Officers’ Handbook of the People's Liberation Army‐Navy) Qingdao: Qingdao chubanshe, 1991 792+vi pp.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Bo Yibo, Ruogan Zhongda Juece yu Shijian de Huigu (Reminiscences on Several Important Decisions and Events), Volume Two. Zhonggong Zhongyang Dangxiao Chubanshe, 1993. 567–1298 pp.

Li Honglin, Mingyun ‐ Li Honglin zizhuan (Fate ‐ the autobiography of Li Honglin) Taibei: Wentong tushu, 1993.

Jing Sheng, Yi Feng and Xin Ping, Haiwai Huaren Shiuejia Fajia Mijue (The Success Secrects of the Overseas Chinese Businessman) Shenyang: Liaoning People's Publishing House, 1992, 266 pages.

Li Bulou, ed. Chongji yu sikao: Xifang sichao zai Zhongguo (Impact and Reflections: Western Ideologies in China). Wuhan: Hubei renmin chubanshe, 1991. 290 + 16 pp.

Jia Pingwa, Feidu [Ruined Capital]. Beijing, Beijing chuban she. 1993, p.518.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Chen Kuide, ed., Zhongguo dalu dangdai wenhua bianqian (197801989) (Cultural change in Contemporary Mainland China, 1978–1989) Taibei: Guiguan, 1991. 278 + iv pp.

Yizi Chen. China: the Ten Years Reform and Democratic Movement in 1989. Pp. ix, 209, Taipei, Taiwan, Lianjing Press, 1990.

Wu Xiaomei et al., Zhongguo xiandai zuojia yu dongxifang wenhua [Modern Chinese Writers and Eastern and Western Cultures]. Lanzhou: Lanzhou daxue chubanshe, 1990. 272 pp. 2.12 Yuan.

Zhao Xueyong, Shen Congwen yu dongxifang wenhua [Shen Congwen and Eastern and Western Cultures]. Lanzhou daxue chubanshe, 1990. 226 pp. 1.75 yuan.

Zhongguo Waijiaoguan Huiylilu: Xin Zhongguo Waijiao Fengyun (Memoirs by China's Diplomats: Diplomatic Winds of New China). Edited by Waijiaobu Waijiaoshi Bianjishi (Editorial Office of Diplomatic History of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Beijing: Shijie Zhishi chubanshe, 1990. 196 pp. 3.20 yuan

Zhao Wei, Zhao Ziyang zhuan (Biography of Zhao Ziyang)

Ruan Ming: Lishi Zhuanzedian Shangde Hu Yaobang (Hu Yaobang At the Turning Point of History), New Jersey: Global Cultural Publishing House, 1991  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Tsou Tang, Ershi shiji Zhongguo Zhengzhi: Cong hongguan lishi yu weiguan xingdong jiaodu kan [Twentieth Century Chinese Politics: Viewed from the Perspective of Macro History and Micro Actions] (Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1994).

Eric Harwit, China's Automobile Industry: Policies, Problems, and Prospects (Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1995).  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Ye Qing and Lei Fang, Deng Xiaoping zai yijiuqiliu: Tiananmen shijian [Deng Xiaoping in 1976: Tiananmen Incident] (Shenyang: Chunfeng Wenyi Press, 1993), vol. 1, pp. 238.

Alain Peyrefitte, L'Empire Immobile ou Le Choc Des Mondes [The Immobile Empire or the Clash of the Worlds]. Translated by Wang Guoqing, ect. [Tingzhi de diguo‐liangge shijie de zhuangji] (Beijing: Sanliang Press, 1993), pp. 649.  相似文献   

《天体奥运:你所不知道的古代奥林匹克故事》作者:[美]托尼·佩罗蒂提译:消雪出版杜:北京燕山出版社国内出版的第一本关于古代奥林匹克运动会的通俗知识读物。作者以新颖的观点、渊博的学识、睿智的幽默和感性的语言对古代奥运会进行了精彩回放。  相似文献   

Book Information     
Complete Collection of Avanti Tales
Avanti popular in Xinjiang and internationally. It counts as the world's top Avanti publication in terms of the number of tales, breadth of action, and completeness of content. Most of the tales will be fresh to Chinese readers, being translations from Uygur, Uzbek, Turkish, Persian and Arabic texts.  相似文献   

Book Information     
The publication, in April this year, of The Landscape Here, a novel gestated in Xinjiang, revealed historical memories buried in the dust of time for some 40 years. These buried memories are not just those of the author Wang Meng, but are shared by all Chinese society.  相似文献   

Book Information     
正Tangka By:Ye Xingsheng Publisher:China Federation of Literature Publishing House Publication date:January 2012I believe my deep involvement with Tangka to be ordained by fate.Three unforgettable encounters with this art are engraved on my heart.In 1961,when I was 11 years old,I had my first trip to Tibet to join my parents there.I was riding on a food truck,but it truck broke down just as it reached the foot of the Tanggula Mountains,so we had T B P P w o  相似文献   

Book information     

Book Information     
In order to redeem their pledge, several generations of Mongolian wrestlers start an expedition to the west in company with a beautiful woman--Alatajin, who will never grow old. They win their contests all their way, but it seems they will never reach the end of the world. The expedition explores for several centuries when one day they look ahead and see their homeland before them they have traveled right around the earth only to come back to their starting point. But their beautiful prairie has become a battlefield and the nation is in turmoil...  相似文献   

Book Information     
A Parchment: History and Culture of the Qiang People in China
By Jiao Husan
Publisher: Guangxi Normal University Press
Publication date: May 2013
Prior to the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, historians and anthropologists knew very little about the Qiang people. Post earthquake and serving as a breakthrough study into the Qiang culture and history, this book documents the lives of the Qiang people. Rather than obtaining facts from a library, the author lived amongst the Qiang in their villages and gathered real life facts.  相似文献   

Book review     
Wu Leng‐xi, Yi Maozhuxi: Wo Xinzi Jingli De Ruogan Zhongda Lishi Shijian Pianduan (Memoir of Chairman Mao: Some Significant Episodes I Experienced) Beijing: Xinhua Press, 1995. pp.167.

Pu Xingxu and Zhu Ganwei, ed., Dangdai zhongguo xingzheng [Contemporary Chinese Public Administration]. Shanghai: Fudan University Publishers, October 1993. pp. 418.  相似文献   

Book review     
Luo yi ning ge er, Disanzhi yanjing kan Zhongguo [Looking at China through a third eye]. Translated by Wang Shan (Taiyuan: shanxi publishing house, 1994).  相似文献   

Book review     
Bian Zheng‐xia, The Allied POWs during the Korean War. Beijing: People's Liberation Army Literature Press, 1994. Pp. 276.

Li Zhisui, The Private Life of Chairman Mao: The Memoirs of Mao's Personal Physician (translated by Tai Hung‐chao with the editorial assistance of Anne F. Thurston; forward by Andrew J. Nathan) (New York: Random House, 1994), 720 pp.  相似文献   

<钱学森的情感世界>是一本结构新颖、内涵丰厚、感人至深的传记性著作.这本书从骨肉亲情、崇高的民族感情、高尚真诚的师生战友情三个方面展现了著名科学家钱学森院士的感情世界,以丰富、翔实的资料和具体生动的记叙,再现了这位科学家90年生涯中的辉煌业绩和崇高的精神品格.这是一本值得向广大读者,特别是青年读者推荐的好书.  相似文献   

The Book Doctors     
Du Weisheng, 65, is an expert on repairing ancient books at the National Library of China in Beijing. Before starting work at the library in 1974, Du had been on service in the army's construction and engineering corps in south China's Hunan Province for fi ve years. He was a complete novice in ancient book re-pair when he ended the service in the army and joined the library.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

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