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道路交通事故中骨盆骨折与致伤方式的相关性初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨道路交通事故中骨盆骨折的致伤方式 ,从而有助于交通事故的重建分析。方法 对 112例交通事故中已知致伤方式 ,即被撞击、摔跌以及被碾压的伤 (亡 )者骨盆骨折的X线片 ,按照骨盆骨折的分类学进行研究 ,并对有关资料进行统计分析和X2 检验。结果 机动车碾压伤所致骨盆重型损伤发生率明显大于撞击伤 ;机动车撞击伤所致骨盆骨折中 ,耻骨骨折的损伤特征可以反映外力的作用方向。结论 根据骨盆骨折的损伤特征推断致伤方式有助于推断交通事故当事人的交通状态 ,报道如下。  相似文献   

骨盆损伤鉴定的影像学检查方法选择探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Dai LY  Hong X  Bao CS 《法医学杂志》2006,22(4):311-312,314
目的通过研究骨盆结构和常用影像学检查方法,对骨盆损伤的影像学检查方法的选择提出建议。方法研究数例法医学鉴定中骨盆损伤的案例,结合骨盆环的生物力学和骨盆损伤分型,并对X线透视、X线摄片检查、CT等检查方法进行比较。结果四个骨盆损伤案例都是多发损伤,通过X线和CT检查均能满意地确认。结论结合骨盆致伤方式和生物力学,注意被鉴定人是否存在多发伤,来选择适合的影像学检查方法以正确评价骨盆损伤。  相似文献   

目的分析道路交通事故死亡案例中骨盆骨折的特点及成伤机制。方法收集65例发生骨盆骨折的道路交通事故死亡案例,对骨盆骨折的部位、特点、成伤机制等情况进行统计学分析。结果 65例骨盆骨折案例中,骶髂关节脱位38例,且多合并耻骨联合分离或耻骨骨折;耻骨、坐骨、髋臼骨折主要以线性骨折为主,骶尾骨骨折以粉碎性骨折多见;合并盆腔软组织损伤54例,盆腔器官损伤8例,腹腔器官损伤44例。骨盆环损伤类型中,分离型32例,占49.23%;其次是压缩型,占26.15%;垂直型最少,仅1例,占1.54%。结论细致、全面地检验尸体,确定骨盆骨折类型,有助于分析成伤机制。  相似文献   

目的利用肩关节正位数字化X线片(DR片)上诸骨发育特点建立男性青少年骨龄评测数学模型。方法对广东东莞市310名15~22岁男性青少年拍摄肩关节正位DR片,根据锁骨肩峰端(X1)、肩胛骨肩峰端(X2)、喙突(X3)、肱骨近端(X4)及锁骨胸骨端(X5)骨骺发育分级评分,利用SPSS统计进行各骨骼发育评分与年龄间的相关分析、Fisher's线性两类判别分析及多元逐步回归分析。结果 X1~X5与生活年龄间的Pearson相关系数分别为0.496、0.571、0.559、0.702、0.807(P〈0.01);16、17、18周岁判别分析综合判别率为87.2%~91.4%,年龄推断多元逐步回归方程准确率(±1岁)约79.8%。结论本研究建立的年龄判别分析方程及多元逐步回归方程,可为法医活体年龄鉴定提供了新的地区性标准和方法。  相似文献   

脊柱损伤是一种常见的、临床后果严重的损伤。对脊柱损伤的正确判断,不仅是临床及时准确治疗的关键,亦是法医学损伤鉴定的重要依据。X线摄片和CT检查脊柱损伤各有所长,两者结合可提高法医学鉴定的准确性。本文收集了1994年至2006年我中心鉴定、复核的46例外伤性脊柱损伤者的影像资料。损伤累及胸2—腰3节段34例、累及颈椎6例、下腰段6例。53个椎体骨折,单个椎体骨折41例、多个5例。根据外伤形成机制以及X线平片和CT表现,结合文献资料[1]将其分为5型:(1)单纯屈曲压缩型14例,主要为屈曲压缩外力,前柱承受压力、后柱承受张力。X线平片表现椎…  相似文献   

道路交通事故中膝关节损伤较常见,损伤导致的膝关节功能障碍是伤残评定的重要内容.本文对350例道路交通事故致膝关节损伤人员的相关资料进行回顾性分析,并探讨膝关节损伤后功能评定及相应的伤残等级. 1 案例资料 1.1一般资料 350例被鉴定人资料来自新乡医学院司法鉴定中心(2004年1月至2010年12月)受理的道路交通事故鉴定案例.其中男性219人(62.6%),女性131人(37.4%),年龄10 ~78岁,平均40岁.纳入标准:①道路交通事故致膝关节创伤,治疗终结;②伤前无膝关节疾病或损伤史;③病历、手术及影像学资料(X线、CT、MRI)明确损伤类型及治疗方法;④各种检查及辅助检查资料完备;⑤伤残评定时机为受伤后3~6个月以上.  相似文献   

在法医临床学鉴定中,因车祸、高坠及伤害等导致的肢体骨折日渐增多,都涉及到对骨折时间的法医学鉴定。本研究选择不同年龄人体长骨线性骨折的X线片进行观察和分析,得到不同年龄人体长骨愈合的影像数据并进行统计学处理,为根据长骨线性骨折X片表现推断骨折时间的法医学鉴定提供数据支持,初步探讨根据骨折X片表现推断骨折时间的方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨道路交通事故二次损伤致死的法医学鉴定思路和要点。方法收集17例道路交通事故二次损伤致死的案例,通过事故现场勘验和尸体检验收集交通事故发生的基本信息以及损伤分布、性质等资料。根据收集的信息,重建事故发生过程,明确死者的致伤过程,分析损伤的致伤方式和机制、损伤的严重程度,判断属生前伤抑或死后伤,明确死者的死亡原因。结果道路交通事故二次损伤致死案例存在损伤严重,多发伤与复合伤常见,生前伤、濒死伤与死后伤并存,致伤方式多样,致伤机制复杂,甚至多次损伤相互掩盖等特点。结论道路交通事故二次损伤致死的法医学鉴定需结合事故现场勘验、尸体检验等综合分析和判断。  相似文献   

男性耻骨结构软X线影像与年龄关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据118付10~60岁男性耻骨样本的软X线片形态,设计了新的数量化赋值指标标准。用数量化理论Ⅰ和逐步回归数学模型对所得数据进行统计分析,借用电子计算机技术,建立两个推断男性耻骨年龄方程。其方程检验:复相关系数(R)分别为对0.9843和0.9818;标准差(S)分别为:2.52和2.54;两个方程均F>F0.001;P>0.01。按新的指标标准赋值,经4个省市提供的58例(其中3例为实际应用案例)未用过的男性耻骨拍摄的软X线影像照片测试;±S8296%,±2S96.56%,其结果达到设计要求。该方程可用来推断男性耻骨年龄。  相似文献   

患者罗某,男.42岁。于2006年6月24日上午8时,从6米高处坠落,左胸背部着地,诉胸痛、胸闷、腰臀部疼痛不适,无昏迷,无大、小便失禁,送医院治疗。当即行胸部、上腹部、骨盆X线摄片示:(1)左胸部多发性肋骨骨折伴少量血气胸;(2)腰椎横突骨折;(3)骨盆多处骨折。CT示:(1)脾脏CT改变请临床追踪观察,外伤性脾损伤改变;(2)左侧第7至第12肋后段骨折,左侧胸腔少量积液(血);(3)第1、2、3、4腰椎左侧横突骨折;(4)骶骨骨折;(5)左髂骨、耻骨及左髋臼骨折。  相似文献   

Analysis of the incidence of pelvic trauma in fatal automobile accidents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pelvic fractures are frequent complications of motor vehicle accidents, and motor vehicle accidents are the most common cause of pelvic fracture. Although pelvic fractures are associated with considerable morbidity and mortality, there has traditionally been no attempt to grade or classify pelvic fractures during postmortem examination. The authors performed a retrospective study of cases examined at the Jefferson County Coroner/Medical Examiner Office from 1994 to 1996, reviewing investigative reports and autopsy findings. Radiographs were examined for the presence and Tile type of pelvic fracture. Pelvic fractures were identified in 88 of 392 cases (23%). In most (89%), the pelvic fracture was readily classified according to Tile type on the basis of radiographs and the inferred mechanism of injury. This study indicates that current estimates of the mortality of pelvic fractures are low because of the exclusion of individuals who do not survive to hospitalization. Furthermore, pelvic fractures in rapidly fatal motor vehicle accidents tend to be more severe than fractures in individuals who have a significant interval of survival. The presence and classification of pelvic fractures may be readily determined by radiographs in most cases. The Tile classification scheme is easy to apply and has important implications in the comparison of study groups.  相似文献   

Pelvic ring fractures are associated with high rates of mortality and thus can provide key information about circumstances surrounding death. These injuries can be particularly informative in skeletonized remains, yet difficult to diagnose and interpret. This study adapted a clinical system of classifying pelvic ring fractures according to their resultant degree of pelvic stability for application to gross human skeletal remains. The modified Tile criteria were applied to the skeletal remains of 22 individuals from the Cleveland Museum of Natural History and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México that displayed evidence of pelvic injury. Because these categories are tied directly to clinical assessments concerning the severity and treatment of injuries, this approach can aid in the identification of manner and cause of death, as well as interpretations of possible mechanisms of injury, such as those typical in car-to-pedestrian and motor vehicle accidents.  相似文献   

实验大鼠轻中型闭合性脑损伤昏迷指标与分级标准   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Yu JY  Li JX  Guo ZY  Zhao XL  Zhao XD 《法医学杂志》2008,24(1):8-11
目的为使实验室间的研究数据可比,特建立大鼠轻型和中型闭合性脑损伤分级的昏迷量化标准。方法利用自制金属单摆装置复制大鼠脑损伤动物模型,按照大鼠脑损伤后昏迷反应程度进行呼吸暂停时间,角膜反射、外耳道刺激反应、翻正反射及针刺疼痛反应消失后恢复时间的实际测量与评分,结合肉眼颅脑解剖检查进行验证,对前述指标的实测值和评分赋值数据进行多元判别回归分析,建立判别方程。结果应用实测值和评分值进行轻型脑损伤判别的概率分别是88.9%和91.9%。结论该标准是一个较理想实用的大鼠轻、中型脑损伤分级标准。  相似文献   

Jet‐propelled personal watercraft (PWC) or jet‐skis have become increasingly popular. The means of propulsion of PWC, which is a jet of water forced out of small nozzle at the rear of the craft, combined with a high risk of falling off of the seat and into close proximity with the water jet stream, raise the potential for a unique type of injury mechanism. The most serious injuries associated with PWC falls are those that occur when the perineum passes in close proximity to the jet nozzle and the high‐pressure water stream enters the vaginal or rectal orifice. We describe the forensic investigation into a case of an anovaginal “blowout” injury in a passenger who was ejected from the rear seat position of a PWC and subsequently suffered life‐threatening injuries to the pelvic organs. The investigation included a biomechanical analysis of the injury mechanism, a summary of prior published reports of internal pelvic injuries resulting from PWC falls as well as other water sports and activities, and a comparison of the severity of the injuries resulting from differing mechanisms using the New Injury Severity Score (NISS). The mean (±standard deviation [SD]) NISS values for reported PWC injuries [not including the NISS of 38 in this case study] were 11.2 (±9.5), while the mean value for reported water‐skiing falls was half that of the PWC group at 5.6 (±5.2). It was concluded that the analyzed injuries were unique to a PWC ejection versus other previously described non‐PWC‐associated water sport injuries. It is recommended that PWC manufacturers help consumers understand the potential risks to passengers with highly visible warnings and reduce injury risk with revised seat design, and/or passenger seat “deadman” switches.  相似文献   

Liu JX  Yu JY  Xu BY  Guo LP  Lan GM  Zhao XD  Feng ZT 《法医学杂志》2006,22(5):338-341
目的研究不同损伤程度脑震荡(CC)大鼠逆行性遗忘(RA)之变化情况。方法用金属单摆打击装置复制大鼠不同损伤程度脑震荡模型,用Morris水迷宫检测脑震荡后大鼠逆行性遗忘变化情况。结果单纯性脑震荡(PCC)大鼠打击后72h内出现逆行性遗忘,伤后4d出现认知受损,随后恢复。复杂性脑震荡(CCC)大鼠打击后5d内既有逆行性遗忘的存在,又有认知功能受损,5d后恢复。结论大鼠不同损伤程度脑震荡后均出现逆行性遗忘,且脑震荡损伤程度不同,逆行性遗忘持续时间亦不同,脑震荡程度越重,RA持续时间越长。  相似文献   

Qualitative characters of sexual dimorphism were studied visually using pelvic bones of 115 men and 99 women. The drawn-up programme on sex diagnosis according to 20 osteoscopic characters of pelvic bones makes it possible to determine individual sex in 89.87% of men and 86.87% of women (reliability level exceeds 95%).  相似文献   

We report a case of failure of thumbtacks used in achieving last-resort hemostasis in a gunshot injury to the presacral venous plexus/sacrum. Four of five thumbtacks used detached. The exact mechanism of failure is not known. To our knowledge, there are no reports of failure of these hemostatic devices in the literature. This finding suggests to us that thumbtack hemostasis is not without complication. It is not known whether injury to internal viscera and organs occurred secondary to the loose thumbtacks. We suggest that surgeons as well as pathologists use caution when exploring pelvic or abdominal cavities following pelvic vascular trauma due to the considerable danger posed by these sharp objects.  相似文献   

41例外伤性脑干出血特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报告41例外伤性脑干出血。根据发生出血的机制分为3种类型。对不同类型的脑干出血的部位、程度和型态特点进行了分析。笔者讨论了脑干出血的程度和部位与损伤至死亡时间的关系。为不同机制引起的脑干出血的诊断和鉴别诊断提供了参考资料。  相似文献   

创伤的AIS评分与损伤程度评定的对比分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的 探讨损伤程度评定的分级方法。方法 收集546例损伤程度评定的案例资料,给予AIS评分,然后比较损伤程度评定和AIS评分结果。结果 两组一致性比较,经x2检验,P<0.001;两组相关性比较,经Spear-man等级相关检验,rs’=0.940,P<0.001,均有高度显著性。结论 两组比较结果,反映损伤程度变化与.AIS分级变化有密切关系,“轻伤”、“重伤”可参照AIS严重度进行分级、编码。  相似文献   

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