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Individuals with schizophrenia are at risk of developing HIV and are known to experience barriers to optimal medical care. Our goal was to determine, among a cohort of HIV clinicians, whether or not the diagnosis of schizophrenia affected the clinical decision to offer highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) to AIDS patients.

This is a cross-sectional study of a random, national sample of HIV experts drawn from the membership of the American Academy of HIV Medicine. Participants were mailed a self-administered questionnaire with a case vignette of a new onset AIDS patient and were specifically asked whether or not they would recommend HAART treatment. Vignettes were randomly assigned to include a diagnosis of schizophrenia or not. We located 649 clinicians (93%); 347 responded (53.4%). Responders and non-responders did not differ in demographics or work characteristics. Recommendation of antiretroviral treatment did not differ between those who received a case vignette with schizophrenia versus those who did not (95.8% vs. 96.6%, p = 0.69). Compared to those who received a case vignette without schizophrenia, those who received vignettes with schizophrenia were more likely to avoid prescribing efavirenz, a medication with known neuropsychiatric side effects (17.7% vs. 45.5%, p < 0.01), more likely to agree to be helped by a specialist (34.5% vs. 12.9%, p < 0.01), and more likely to recommend directly observed therapy (20% vs.10%, p = 0.01). HIV clinicians recognize the importance of recommending HAART treatment to individuals with schizophrenia and AIDS and avoid using antiretroviral medication with known neuropsychiatric side effects.  相似文献   

China's HIV/AIDS epidemic today is seen by policy-makers primarily as a biomedical problem. Yet according to many researchers this conceptualization of what causes HIV/AIDS epidemics is restricted, focussing on individual behaviour to the exclusion of the broader economic and social determinants. This paper, therefore, illustrates how considering such determinants, including income and gender inequalities, may complement our understanding of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in China. It does so by using two different examples: the development of commercial sex work and long-distance migration patterns.  相似文献   

艾滋病蔓延已成为中国大陆的一大社会问题。为此,政府采取了一系列的措施,努力进行预防和控制,并取得了显著的成效。但从社会性别视角看,艾滋病的预防和控制中也存在着种种性别歧视,尤其在异性性交往传播的防控方面更为突出。因此,应从性别公正和性别平等出发改善有关艾滋病预防和控制的法律、政策和国家行动,进一步提高艾滋病预防和控制工作的成效。  相似文献   

HIV screening can be used to detect,control and prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS.The attitude towards HIV screening relates to the general trend of human rights protection of AIDS sufferers and infectors.HIV exceptionalism has been adopted in traditional international practice.That means the specific notified,voluntary consent shall be obtained from examinees before they are screened.However,there is move to abandon HIV exceptionalism in order to detect more infectors and treat AIDS the same as another infectious disease.This has resulted in "compulsory screening" and "consent after notification".In China, "voluntary" screening, "real-name detection" and "compulsory screening" exist in different regions.Thus,it is crucial to identify the legal regulation principle of HIV screening from the perspective of human rights.  相似文献   

A national labor market has emerged as one of the most fundamental institutional changes in the PRC. Foreign direct investment has played a direct role. The Chinese national labor market, albeit with noticeable distortions, has provided a stable and abundant supply of cheap unskilled or low‐skilled labor and subsidized skilled labor and professionals, and enhanced labor mobility and autonomy in general. The national labor market has been strongly blessed by Beijing, as it feels it can effectively rely on the hukou (household registration) system to stabilize the massive underemployment at a time of comprehensive dislocations caused by the advancing market economy. The sociopolitical impact of the national labor market, however, is mounting as urban unemployment rises, the numbers of floating laborers grow and become increasingly restless, and the PRC government has become more apparently pro‐employer at the expense of labor.  相似文献   

2010年6月,中共重庆市委三届七次全委会出台了<关于做好当前民生工作的决定>,提出本届市委任期内,用两年半的时间,在解决全市群众最关心的10大民生问题上取得重大突破.<决定>把创建国家环境保护模范城市(简称"创模")作为10大民生问题的重要内容,体现了市委、市政府对环保工作的高度重视.  相似文献   

创建国家环保模范城市 提升城市品质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹光辉 《重庆行政》2011,13(1):19-22
2010年6月,中共重庆市委三届七次全委会出台了《关于做好当前民生工作的决定》,提出本届市委任期内,用两年半的时间,在解决全市群众最关心的10大民生问题上取得重大突破。《决定》把创建国家环境保护模范城市(简称"创模")作为10大民生问题的重要内容,体现了市委、市政府对环保工作的高度重视.  相似文献   

Little is known about the transition to adulthood for adolescent females and young women who are impoverished and homeless. Co-occurrence of drug use and abuse, HIV risk, and victimization is notable among homeless women, highlighting the need for comprehensive interventions. Unfortunately, evidence-based prevention approaches addressing these inter-related problems among impoverished women transitioning into adulthood are lacking. To address this gap, we designed an innovative prevention program by utilizing open- and closed-ended interview data from impoverished women (n = 20), focus groups with community experts and providers (2 groups; n = 9), and a theoretical framework to direct the research. Information provided by our focus groups and interviews with women supported our theoretical framework and highlighted the importance of addressing normative information, providing skills training, and utilizing a non-confrontational approach when discussing these sensitive issues.  相似文献   

思想政治教育决策,是指对实现思想政治教育目标而提出的若干个可行性方案进行比较并作出最优选择的过程。思维方式和决策方式的正确与否,直接关系到决策的得失成败。因此,要正确认识和把握客观规律及其发展,进行科学决策,就必须运用唯物辩证法的观点来观察和思考问题。  相似文献   

本文从族际互动、国家行为、利益变动,对外开放等几个方面论述了西部开发给民族关系带来的影响,提出在开发中要注意处理宣传导向、预警机制、民族政策、文化冲突等几个方面的问题。  相似文献   

艾滋病的问题,早已超越医学范畴,成为全球关注的社会问题。在我国,医学、人类学、社会学、心理学等方面都在对艾滋病问题开展研究,然而在法律学术研究及其司法实践上,却还十分薄弱与落后。面对来势凶猛的艾滋病及艾滋病患者和病毒感染者违法犯罪活动的态势,针对法律上的“空档”、认识上的“错档”、打击处理上的“软档”,以及政府相关部门协调上的“断档”等问题,必须用端正认识、完善法律、加强协作和增强打击力度等刚柔相济的对策性措施来迎接艾滋病患者和病毒感染者违法犯罪活动的挑战。  相似文献   

Alexander Liss 《当代中国》2003,12(35):299-318
American society's images and perceptions of China have had several recurring themes over the years. In the past, some of these have included the perception of China as a potential market for American goods and as a potential supply of converts for American missionaries. These images changed during the years of diplomatic isolation of the Cold War, turning the Chinese into a vast horde of 'reds', a faceless, invincible mass that threatened all of Asia. In the post-Cold War world, Sino-US relations face an uncertain future. The time is not far off when there will again be two superpowers, and there is the potential for conflict between them. In this new era, it is interesting to examine what images of China have emerged in contemporary American society. The goal of this paper is to do just that. By examining articles about China in four major American daily newspapers, over a three-year period, a rough sketch emerges of how China is perceived to the 'average' reader of these four publications. These images, while interesting in their own right, also provide a valuable benchmark for the direction of Sino-US relations. Overall, it seems that, just as in past periods of rivalry, negative images of China overwhelm the positive. But, before we can conclude that the current relationship is also one of competition, there are also some significant images of a country whose future lies entwined with the US in a partnership, not a battle. If we can take the articles of this study as a representative slice of American society at large, the general trend seems to be one in which, although China is sometimes viewed in a harsh and critical light, there is still hope for the two countries to come together--or even for China to become more like the United States.  相似文献   

本文通过分析二十年来在青年研究类杂志上发表的实地研究报告,从基本过程、研究类型、理论基础、选点分布、研究主题、资料收集、研究结论等方面展现出实地研究方法在青少年研究中的应用现状。  相似文献   

Yuan Feng 《当代中国》1995,4(8):28-56
This paper examines the relationships between political centralism and the Imperial Examination in imperial China and the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) in the People's Republic of China. A brief history of the two systems is given. The purposes, characteristics, strengths and limits of the two systems are discussed. The relationships between the two systems and Chinese education, the relationships between the two systems and Chinese political systems, and the relationships between the two systems and the common people in different historical periods are also discussed. These discussions lead to the understanding that the two systems have served the political needs of both the ruling classes and the commoners (although it has been limited for the latter), and contributed to the continuity of political centralism. The NCEE is still indispensable but it needs reform.  相似文献   

The Lhasa riots in 2008 re-captured the world's attention on the Tibet problem. As China continues to grow as a rising power, it raises a concern over whether the perception of a rising China will affect how American people think about the Tibet problem. In this article, the authors apply public opinion data to evaluate this question. The results show that the perception of China's hard power or soft power has little influence on Americans' view of the Tibet problem, while factors of political values and China's policy stance matter greatly. Our findings suggest that the huge difference in political values between the PRC and the US makes it tough for both sides to agree on a resolution to the Tibet problem. In the long term, China needs to improve its human rights record and present itself as a responsible great power to win over the hearts of foreign publics rather than conduct a public relations campaign according to its own imagination.  相似文献   

近年来,"夜郎自大"所体现的对于夜郎君主的误解开始引起学者们的广泛关注。然而,误解并非是偶然的,司马迁的历史记载以及成语贬义的形成,凝聚着深厚的传统的文化偏见,反映了在古代民族中心主义语境下,少数民族历史书写所遭受的一种普遍命运。  相似文献   

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