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There is a new maturity about the health and human rights movement as it endeavours to integrate human rights into health policies at the national and international levels. In addition to the traditional human rights techniques, such as "naming and shaming", the movement is also using new approaches such as indicators, benchmarks and impact assessments. However, it is confronted with a range of major obstacles and this article focuses on two of them: the inadequate engagement within the health and human rights movement of (i) established human rights non-governmental organisations and (ii) health professionals. This article argues that established human rights non-governmental organisations should work on health and human rights issues, such as maternal mortality, just as vigorously as they already campaign on disappearances, torture and prisoners of conscience. Also, it emphasises that health and human rights complement and reinforce each other. Nevertheless, many health professionals have never heard of the right to the highest attainable standard of health. The article argues that there is no chance of operationalising the right to health without the active engagement of many more health professionals, and it makes some preliminary observations about steps that might be taken to deepen health professionals' engagement in the health and human rights movement.  相似文献   

This article reviews legislation of six Southern African countries to determine what progress has been made after the UNGASS Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS, particularly with regard to paragraph 58 on human rights and paragraph 69 on rights in the workplace. The article notes the complexities introduced by the coexistence of customary laws and practices and codified law. It describes certain features of specific codified and customized laws. It concludes that, with the possible exception of South Africa, the countries under review have not responded to the challenges the HIV/AIDS epidemic have confronted their legal systems with. They have resorted in the first instance to criminal law, and have allowed discriminatory customary laws and practices, which propel the epidemic, to continue to operate.  相似文献   

This article is one of a series commissioned to mark the tenth anniversary of the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network. It offers a critical assessment of the impact of the UNGASS Declaration of Commitment on national HIV/AIDS strategies and programs in relation to human rights one year after its adoption. The article reviews the process leading up to the Declaration and describes the limitations of the Declaration's explicit and implicit recognition of human rights. It summarizes information provided by countries one year later to the Secretary-General and to UNAIDS on their progress in meeting the goals and targets of the Declaration, particularly with regard to human rights. It comments on what we can learn from this about countries' recognition of the centrality of promoting and protecting human rights. Finally, it suggests ways to monitor more effectively and comprehensively the implementation of a human rights-based response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.  相似文献   

In this paper, Lord Phillips reflects on the present state of the law relating to mental health; he considers the place of the common law doctrine of necessity as the basis for the detention of patients; he reviews a number of issues arising from the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and a number of recent decisions of the Court of Appeal. Finally, he considers the prospects for change in the law foreshadowed in the Government's White Paper on the Reform of Mental Health Law (2000).  相似文献   

Rendel M 《The New law journal》1991,141(6520):1270-1271

Mandatory seat belt legislation has been passed in 15 states. Accompanying this action has been a deluge of information concerning the lives saved and the injuries prevented by the wearing of seat belts by the front seat passengers in automobiles. This study presents data relating to the injuries and deaths attributable to their usage. There is virtually no major area of the adult body that has escaped such involvement. Mechanisms by which seat belt injury is effected are described in relation to the restraint systems currently available in the United States and abroad.  相似文献   

活跃的暴力,灰暗的城市身为弗雷迪的生前好友,惠特尼回忆道:弗雷迪人很好,在他被警察带走前10分钟,我们还在聊天.被追问到当天的细节,惠特尼声明:弗雷迪什么也没有做,只是在街上逛游,他没有工作,我也没有工作,我们住在同一个社区,这里就业率本来就低,我们迫切需要工作,我们随身带了弹簧刀,但那是合法的,不过警察显然对我们有偏见,十分粗鲁,不分青红皂白,就对他实施暴力,他们对弗雷迪受伤的事实置之不理.如果没有媒体的介入,说不定这些警察还不会受到起诉.  相似文献   

Biometrics contributes a new dimension to authentication and identification process of persons. Besides knowledge (passwords) and possession (smart cards), biometrics provides new means of personal identification. Biometrics procedures are used to recognize or verify behavioral or physical characteristics of a person. Also biometry provides us with a user-friendly method for automatically identification and becoming a competitor for current identification systems, especially for electronic transactions. Cause of biometric increasing position in electronic transaction and security identification system we must to assure perfect information security tools to purpose stability such a systems. But before deploying any security tools or system, one should carefully examine the sensibility and added value of it, as we do in our daily work. However, there are ways to compromise a system based on biometric identification. This article focuses on the future and draw-after of biometric identification, specifically implication on tomorrow's network society.  相似文献   

In 2001, the United Nations Security Council established an Expert Panel to study the issue of whether the UN should institute HIV testing of peacekeeping personnel. This article, based on a 9 July 2002 presentation to the XIV International AIDS Conference (abstract TuOrG1173), reports on the findings of a paper prepared for the Expert Panel by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network. The paper examined whether it is permissible for the UN to implement mandatory HIV testing of its peacekeeping personnel, and whether HIV-positive UN peacekeeping personnel should be excluded or restricted from service on the basis of their HIV status or HIV disease progression. The article describes some of the court cases in which these issues have been considered; discusses the importance of analyzing such issues in the context of a human rights-based approach to the pandemic; and formulates a series of key principles for guiding UN decision-making. The article concludes that a policy of mandatory HIV testing for all UN peacekeeping personnel cannot be justified on the basis that it is required in order to assess their physical and mental capacity for service; that HIV-positive peacekeeping personnel cannot be excluded from service based on their HIV status alone, but only on their ability to perform their duties; and that the UN cannot resort to mandatory HIV testing for all UN peacekeeping personnel to protect the health and safety of HIV-negative personnel unless it can demonstrate that alternatives to such a policy would not reduce the risk sufficiently. In the end, the Expert Panel unanimously rejected mandatory testing and instead endorsed voluntary HIV counselling and testing for UN peacekeeping personnel.  相似文献   

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