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张宇 《理论探讨》2006,(5):146-148
在政策运行过程中,政策执行是将政策目标转化为政策现实的唯一途径。而政策执行者的行为偏差往往会导致政策执行的失败。从政策执行者的心理层面分析,认知缺陷、利益冲突、思维定式、沟通不畅等是产生执行行为偏差的重要原因。建立积极向上的执行组织文化、建立有效的信息沟通机制、提高政策执行者的政策认知和认同、增进政策执行者的归属感和自我实现感、强化政策执行者的激励机制等是防治这一偏差的有效途径。  相似文献   

影响公共政策执行主体的深层机制探究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文认为 ,公共政策执行主体是政策执行过程中的一个关键因素 ,公共政策执行者的态度、综合素质、利益需求和行为倾向等都对政策的有效执行产生影响 ,甚至决定政策执行的成败。公共政策执行主体本身又深受其背后的多种深层机制的影响 ,如政治社会化机制、成本—收益预期机制、责任追究机制。  相似文献   

组织分析视角强调组织内部要素、组织间互动及政策网络对政策执行偏差的关键作用。组织内部分析注重组织因素对政策执行影响的重要性,组织间互动分析强调政府和其他社会组织及个人的互动过程对政策执行的影响,政策网络分析注重政策执行过程的动态性和复杂性。  相似文献   

公共政策执行难的原因及对策分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
庄国波 《理论探讨》2005,(6):113-116
公共政策执行难问题对各级、各地政府而言都是屡见不鲜的,这种情况直接影响了政府的执政能力。政策执行难的四大类原因:一是政策“先天不足”,质量不高;二是执行政策时投入资源不足,配套措施跟不上;三是执行者无意或故意曲解政策;四是政策对象对政策的接受度不高。解决政策执行难的对策,一是坚持决策的科学化、民主化,提高政策质量,避免出台有“硬伤”的政策;二是制定配套政策措施,营造有利于政策执行的环境,避免单兵出击;三是合理兼顾政策调整所涉及的各方利益,保证大多数人特别是弱势群体长远利益不受侵害;四是提高政策执行者的能力素质和道德素质,避免“歪嘴和尚念歪了经”,使政策执行打折扣;五是做好政策宣传工作,使政策对象愿意接受政策,避免政策对象“不领情”。  相似文献   

我国公共政策执行中的失控表现、原因及对策分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
公共政策执行是政策管理中最关键的一环,它直接关系到公共政策目标的实现,由于多种因素的影响,公共政策在执行过程中,往往产生失控。分析公共政策执行中失控的具体表现,揭示其产生的主要原因,以找出相应的解决对策,可保证公共政策执行的有效性  相似文献   

政策执行是实现政策目标的重要一环,本文试从政策执行主体--领导的角度分析当前中国基层存在的一些执行偏差现象,并针对基层领导执行偏差分析了原因,提出相关解决对策.  相似文献   

论公共政策执行主体的优化问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
现阶段我国公共政策执行暴露出诸多弊端 ,已难以适应市场经济体制发展的需要 ,作为公共政策执行主体的人 ,其政治态度、职业技能、利益需要和行为习惯等都对政策的有效执行产生影响。为此 ,必须重视建立公共政策执行主体的优化机制 ,通过提升人的政治社会化水平来提高政策执行者的综合素质 ,建立公共政策执行主体责任制 ,扩大公共政策执行主体 ,促使公共政策的有效执行。  相似文献   

一 行为科学是研究人的行为以及行为规律的科学,并借助于这种规律性的认识来预测和控制人的行为,以提高工作绩效,达成相应的目标.在政策研究领域,行为作为-个中介变量,成为研究政策与绩效两者关系的重要内容.它以公共政策的执行作为研究对象,从公共政策执行的主体、公共政策执行的客体、公共政策执行环境、公共政策执行的制度机制等角度研究行为与环境、行为与绩效、行为与制度.  相似文献   

优化公共政策执行体制的设想   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
现阶段我国公共政策执行体制暴露出诸多弊端 ,已难以适应市场经济体制发展的需要。面对以市场为取向的国内改革和参与国际竞争的双重挑战 ,我国公共政策执行体制的构建 ,既要考虑国内多元利益主体的要求 ,又要考虑当今国际公共管理的发展趋势。优化公共政策执行体制的基本思路是 :扩大公共政策执行主体 ,促使公共政策执行的同体化与异体化同步发展。  相似文献   

我国政策执行过程中,在相当程度上还存在着诸如政策执行者、制度、环境等因素影响政策的有效执行,这些因素不仅影响政策目标的顺利实现,而且还可能导致政府权威流失,危及政策的合法性和政权的巩固。本文着重从影响我国现阶段政策有效执行的主要因素入手,进而探讨提高政策执行有效性的对策:塑造政策执行的能动主体,营造政策执行的有效环境,构建政策执行的制度结构,突破政策执行中无效路径的依赖,以期能够对我国现阶段政策执行效率的提高有所助益。  相似文献   

执行、行政执行、公共政策执行概念辨析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
高建华 《行政论坛》2006,26(5):9-11
执行、行政执行、公共政策执行是相互联系又相互区别的相关概念。其相同点都在于“执行”,即“做”或“行动”,但执行、行政执行和公共政策执行又是互不相同的概念,其区别不仅表现在其执行的内容不同,而且还表现在其执行的主体、客体和执行的方式不同。公共政策执行是公共政策主体、公共政策客体和公共政策“执行”三者的统一。  相似文献   

This article examines Navajo Indian representation on the governingboards of six county governments in Arizona, New Mexico, andUtah. External pressures, especially decisions by the federalgovernment, have encouraged increased Navajo representationand changes in county policies that benefit people on the reservation.Beyond this, the findings for individual counties are consistentwith previous research in suggesting that the size of the Navajopopulation as a percentage of the county population is an importantfactor affecting Navajo success in winning seats and the allocationof benefits to reservation residents. Yet, opposition to Navajorepresentation, the ability of Navajos to secure office, andthe policy significance of their representation are far morecomplex than usually suggested by the relevant literature basedlargely on black and Hispanic experiences.  相似文献   

我国非经营性国有资产规模庞大,约占全部国有资产的35%,但在管理上存在重大的缺陷与问题。其根本原因在于政府职能缺位、产权不清、法规建设滞后、只重财政投入等。近年来,各级政府都在积极探索适合于本地非经营性国有资产管理的新模式,取得了很多有益的经验和模式,但总的看来,仍然缺乏一种明晰高效的非经营性国有资产管理体系。为了建立和完善这一管理体系,笔者尝试从法规建设、机构设置、资源整合、管理制度、监督机制、市场竞争六个方面进行思考,并提出了具体的对策建议。  相似文献   

城市化的典型特征表现为工业化带动、市场主导和特定历史条件下的外部影响。特殊的国情使得中国城市化进程不同于其他国家,表现为开放性、经济转型和资源耗散三大特征。当前中国城市化的关键在于实现城市经济的集聚效应,培育城市的创新能力,引导城市和郊区统筹发展、加强城市成长管理。  相似文献   

Throughout the 20th century women have gradually gained access to sporting activities but it is only in recent decades that they have become widely represented in the decision-making bodies of sport. How can we account for this development and the weak position of women in sport? The perspective in this article is historical and three levels of explanation are considered. To what extent can the developments be explained as the result of public policy, the organization and policy of the voluntary associations and federations and by the action or predispositions of (groups of) women themselves. The article presents an overview of the state of the art in the research on women and sport in Scandinavia in the sense that new data have been collected and existing research and writings are being reviewed. By questioning central myths about sport and politics, and about the roles women play, it is shown that the role of women in sports is related bom to gaining access to the sporting activities per se and to the fora where decisions are being made, and that this access has been hampered as well as facilitated by government policies and policies of associations and interest organizations of the sports world. Government policies, however, cannot account for the remarkable changes in physical participation and democratic representation of women in sports which has taken place during the past century. The policies of the voluntary sports associations and federations are of greater importance. But the key to the understanding is found among the women themselves. So it is argued that physical performance and involvement in management and decision-making are dependent not only on formal structures and the policies of governments and interest organizations, but to a large extent upon the way in which women see themselves. This argumentation rests on the available data and a critical reading of the literature and research on women and sport in Scandinavia.  相似文献   

我国地方公共政策评估现状与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文就公共政策与评估,地方公共政策评估的现状和对策进行了深入探讨.公共政策评估的发展和完善将对我国行政工作具有深远的意义.  相似文献   

Policy studies tend to be divided between domestic matters and foreign affairs. Scholars seldom employ one another's literature, and they largely draw on different traditions within political science. This article explores the potential for cross‐fertilization and calls for greater integration of these related subfields. The argument considers the case for unity, parallelism, and overlap between domestic public policy studies and foreign policy studies. It examines the reasons for the divide and surveys a variety of attempts to find solutions for the problem of intersection at the boundary between national life and the international environment. It places the dichotomy in a broader context of political science as a whole and offers suggestions about potentially fruitful exchanges. It treats globalization and suggests that a theory of the state could be helpful to both tendencies in policy studies.  相似文献   

公共话语就是公众在公共领域里就公共事务自由公开的对话、讨论或意见表达,它与公共领域、公民文化密切相关.当代中国已经基本具备市民社会和公共领域的要件,这就为公共话语的形成提供了广阔的公共空间,也为社会各阶层的离散型公共话语培育了良好的生态语境.与西方发展不同,我国社会中的公共话语应该更多的是可协调的离散型公共话语,归宿是共识型公共话语.  相似文献   

This article makes the case that feedback processes in democratic politics—between crime rates, public opinion, and public policy—can account for the growth of penal populism in Britain. It argues that the public recognize and respond to rising (and falling) levels of crime, and that in turn public support for being tough on crime is translated into patterns of imprisonment. This contributes to debates over the crime–opinion–policy connection, unpacking the dynamic processes by which these relationships unfold at the aggregate level. This uses the most extensive data set ever assembled on aggregate opinion on crime in Britain to construct a new over‐time measure of punitive attitudes. The analysis first tests the thermostatic responsiveness of punitive attitudes to changes in recorded crime rates as well as self‐reported victimization, and then examines the degree to which changes in mass opinion impact on criminal justice policy.  相似文献   

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